New Story from Pregur
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(December 21, 2015, 12:18 pm)Bagabula I like your writing style, even though it's a bit unrealistic. Although I'm not a fan of exaggerated pregnancies to each his own.
Keep going.

Thanks man! And once this is done if you'd like to suggest other plot lines that more suit your taste I'd be up for it! I decided to walk the line of fantasy (the pill, the multiples, that whole thing) and reality (her schooling, work, personality-ish) for my first crack at this. Again I've never done any writing like this so suggestions welcome!
(December 21, 2015, 7:10 pm)SoulCinder Love your style of layered suspense and setting up belly potential pregur. The whole medical trial setup for a huge pregnancy, and the past/future setup which allows the reader to see how she started, how pregnant she is now, and what's possible further down the road.

Just keep on doing what you're doing Smile
Thanks man! Like I told Bagabula, this is my first shot at anything like this so I'm glad it isn't a bore and the style is working!
This is some fantastic stuff!
love it keep it up.Big Grin
Thanks to all who have given feedback, I'm glad you guys like it! Working toward bringing it up to speed, let me know what you all think. Thanks!!
“Holy shit, Chloe, your metabolism shut off on you?” Kim asked when she saw her roommate’s burgeoning middle.
“Sure, we’ll go with that. I have some stuff to explain so whenever you’re done – “
Chloe was interrupted by Kim scattering her belongings across the room and promptly plopping down on her own bed.
“Shoot. Trouble with the boyfriend? Family? Appetite?”
“Well, we’ll go with all three. Kim, I’m pregnant”
“SHUT UP. What asshole did this to you – damn, was it Greg because if so-“
Chloe waved off her rage. “Yes, it was Greg. But I wanted it. Just listen to me.”
“Okay,” said Kim, cooling off.
“Alright, so here goes. Greg wanted me to help him with an experiment where I get pregnant and stay pregnant. Apparently it’s worked, this tummy I’ve grown isn’t fat. I’ve been running for three miles a day trying to work it off and while my legs and ass have gotten toned, the tummy doesn’t go away.”
“Okay, I may be a political science major and not a premed major, but like pregnancy doesn’t work like that. Or at least not that fast unless –“
“Yeah, Greg said there was a side effect of rapid growth.”
“Unless you got more than one in there…”
“Okay, that’s another thing. Greg kinda tricked me, and said we needed to have a lot of sex for it to take. It didn’t, and every time, well, there are multiple in there.”
“Get it, so what you’re telling me is that your boyfriend got you really pregnant on some insane pills and now you’re kinda stuck. What are you gonna do?”
“Well, as of right now Greg’s out of the picture. Far as I can tell I should be fine, I’m just growing a bit more than I figured I would.”
“I’d say…”
“Yeah. I know at some point I’m going to stop growing, but I’m also pretty sure I don’t even halfway done with one, and my clothes are getting a bit tight, so I know I’m going to need two things: a job so I can afford my appetite because no doubt I will be hella hungry feeding several kids taking residence in me, and I’m going to need some new clothes. Granted, for now I’m probably fine on both fronts…”
“Um, Chloe, that second one is something I’d say you need to work on in the next week.”
“You don’t think….”
“Yeah, I kinda do. Now let’s go to the dining hall, I’m starving.”
“You don’t have to ask me twice!”
The two roommates left their room on the way to the dining hall. Campus was still mildly desolate as several students were still out with their families. As they walked, the two talked in bursts about their breaks, while Kim kept stealing looks at Chloe’s middle. She was fascinated- and concerned- of the bulge in her shirt. She wondered how many were in there, and cringed at the thought of having to possibly help deliver because all the standard rules of pregnancy had apparently disappeared. That aside, she couldn’t help but marvel at the growth in her roommate.
They arrived at the nearly desolate dining hall, and got their food from the buffet line. Kim kept to some salad and chicken, while Chloe filled her plate high with food. The two made their way to their usual booth.
“What, Chloe?”
“Well, when I went to sit down my belly scraped the table”
“Everything alright in there”
“Of course, I just didn’t figure it’d be this tight this early.”
“Mhkay. Good?”
The two ate in near silence. Not because they didn’t want to talk, but because Chloe nearly inhaled her food. After she had cleaned her plate, she sat satisfied with herself.
“So, Chloe, if you don’t mind me asking – how many babies are in you?”
“Well, I’m not sure, honestly.”
“Doesn’t that concern you?”
“A little, but frankly I can’t change that much. In a few weeks I’ll rent out some lab equipment and use an ultrasound to look around. Until then I’ll just let it ride.”
“Oh, okay. No offense, but you seemed to eat quite a bit there. You sure that tummy isn’t just, well –“
Chloe rolled her eyes, “alright, when I get out of this booth you’re going to feel it. It isn’t squishy. “
Unbeknownst to Kim, during their meal Chloe felt the warmth again, yet another growth spurt. It wasn’t uncommon for Chloe to feel these up to three times a day, this was her third. Once they had finished, they got up to leave. Chloe, learning from earlier, slid sideways first and then out as to not risk bumping her little bump into the booth.
“Alright, go for it”
“Go for what?”
“Feel it, I’m telling you it doesn’t have near the give you’d expect.”
Kim hesitated, but eventually went to feel her roommate’s stomach. Chloe was wearing a tight tank top with an open sweater over top. That tank had ridden up during the meal, and honestly couldn’t reach down to the yoga pants below anyway but Chloe hadn’t bothered yet to check. Kim was feeling Chloe’s bare belly and sure enough, it didn’t have near as much give as she was expecting. It felt like a water balloon, a small one with some give, but a water balloon nonetheless. It was at this point that she also felt it slosh a bit.
“Um, Chloe, did your food just hit your stomach or…”
“Nah, pretty sure that was them.”
“I know. Cool, isn’t it?”
“So why did you include that last bit of the story?” Jim asked Chloe.
“Two reasons. First, that’s how my roommate found out. And second, well, to describe what it felt like”
“Yeah, it’s changed a bit since then and now. Several growth spurts, and they move for sure.”
“Oh, okay. Can I get you anything? Anything to eat or drink?”
“Yeah, actually. Give me your biggest glass of water, and you know what I could really go for?”
“No, I’ve known you for a night…”
“Oh trust me, we’ll get to know each other. I could really go for some grilled cheese. I know I haven’t told you how many are in here yet, and I’m getting there, but if you could make like four that’d be great.”
“Alright” Jim said as he prepped what she asked. His dining room, living room, and kitchen were all the same room, so he didn’t have to leave his new greatly gravid friend, which was perfect.
“So you were getting to how many kids were in you, right?”
She laughed, causing everything to jiggle. Slightly and gently, as her demeanor, but with the force of her gravity, and again the couch creaked in protest.
“Yeah, I was getting there.”
Three weeks passed uneventfully. That is, as uneventfully as it could nearing finals week. Chloe found no trouble sleeping, as she has always slept on her side. That being said, one night Kim was awoken by a strange sound.
“What was that?”
“Sounded like a creaking or something. Is the building coming down?”
“No, just my bed. Growth spurt.”
Chloe snored to end that conversation.
The next day, the two roommates went to the dining hall for dinner. Kim ate her usual chicken salad and Chloe – whose appetite increased a little less than proportionally with her waistline – balanced three plates across her hands and her stomach, which had become a bit of a shelf. Not fully, so she braced with her arm, but full enough.
They went to their usual booth. Chloe had learned with time that she wasn’t going to be able to fit straight into the booth. So started a new ritual. She put her plates down, then lowered herself sideways onto the booth seat. She then turned herself to the left 90 degrees, widening her legs in the process and sliding her legs – and burgeoning belly – underneath the table. Kim wondered if there would be a day that she wouldn’t be able to fit in the booth. She had offered a table several times, but Chloe was stubborn.
They ate their food as always. Kim noticed as of late that with the shelf maneuver, Chloe’s boobs – which had grown a bit lately – laid on the table a bit as her roommate moved forward to eat her food.
Kim broke the silence. “So, Chloe. It’s getting toward finals. Are you headed home for the holiday?”
“No, I’ve gotten a job at a bar, and that’s my cover to my parents. They nearly had a cow when I said I wouldn’t be home for Christmas, but I couldn’t risk them having a cow about me having a litter. Further, not sure I’d be able to fly. They’d probably think I’m a risk or something.”
“Yeah? Just tell them you’ve got – how many do you have again?”
“Oh, that’s right, we were going to check out an ultrasound. Hmm. Want to help me pick that up then?”
“What does it involve?”
“There’s a monitor, the ultrasound unit, and the magic wand and gel.”
“I’d need help getting the unit and monitor cart up to our room.”
“Fine by me.”
“So what’s your guess?”
“As to what?”
“How many babies are in you?”
“I’m going to say three. Shoot low, eh?”
“I don’t even want to know but, how many do you think are in there?”
“I’m going to say six.”
“Holy shit, I’m not that big am I?”
As she exclaimed this, she shifted in her seat. Enough so that her belly lifted the table by about three inches and as everything settled back down, her breasts bounced on the table.
“Point taken,” Chloe said, slightly defeated at how she lifted the table with her uterus alone.
“Dayum girl” Kim said with wide eyes.
“Well, when you played Preg Kong there, everything came back down, right? And I noticed, well, how well-endowed you’ve become”
Chloe looked down at herself
“I guess that’s true. I’m not going to complain. Granted, I should probably go looking for some new bras soon…”
“Shopping spree this weekend?”
“Kay. But first, let’s get the unit.”
When they finished their meal, they got up to leave. For Chloe, again this was a slightly elaborate event. All of her slid out of the booth, and she turned sideways to get up. Lately she had noticed it wasn’t as easy for her to stand up as it had once been. Further, after each meal she felt downright heavy overall, and that didn’t help her condition much. Kim helped Chloe lift herself up from the booth and the two made their way towards the elevators. From there, they walked to the medical building where the rental units were.
“What will it be?” said the work study student at the desk.
“As you can see, my friend here is really pregnant and wanted to take out an ultrasound” Kim said.
“Alright, due next week,” the student said as Chloe signed out the cart.
He wheeled it out. “I’ll give you leeway if you give birth in that time, just have someone text me, okay?”
“Oh no, I’m fairly sure I’ll be fine” Chloe said.
“Oh, twins?”
“We’ll go with that…” she said as she and her roommate wheeled out the cart.
Liked by ilcarpw (Oct 4, 2017), jin1976 (Jan 5, 2016), nalim.kerut (Jan 5, 2016), RiddleAugust (Dec 26, 2015)
The latest installment. Felt it was time to tie up a loose end. Let me know what you guys think, and I'm open to suggestions as to where it goes next. Thanks! Feedback welcome!

“Alright, let’s get this all set up. Thanks for helping me lug it up, Kim!”
“Anytime Chloe. Not gonna lie, I’m a bit curious what’s going on in that there belly of yours.”
Chloe laughed as she finished plugging in the machine. “Well, I’m not sure what all we will be able to see, but at the very least we’ll hopefully know how many are in here,” she said, jiggling her stomach for emphasis.
She stepped back suddenly “Woah.”
“What’s up?”
“They started moving. Definitely more than one, let’s take a peek shall we?”
Chloe checked the connections one last time and fired up the machine, and explained what all was going on to her roommate.
“Alright, so it all should be working now. The monitor up above is where the image will go. I’m going to use this wand to look around, but first,” she said heaving herself onto her bed. “We have to get the gel on.”
Chloe pulled her strained tank top up to her boobs, exposing her whole stomach to her roommate. Then she applied the gel – it was cooler than she had expected, but it felt good – to her belly. Kim pulled her chair closer to her roommate’s bed as Chloe prepared herself for what was to come.
“Alright, I’ll be honest I’m a little nervous, but it’s just a look. Here goes nothing. Alright, so I’ll start up top and see what there is to see. Nice!”
“See this little gummy bear looking guy? That’s a baby. He’s kinda big for two months”
“Wait, you’re only two months?!”
She laughed “Yeah, he’s measuring about four at this point. And he has company in there. Alright, enough fooling around, let’s start counting.”
The monitor lit up with the shapes of several babies. Kim was wide-eyed, and her gravid roommate was near giddy inspecting her new litter of womb-mates. She sighed.
“What’s up Chloe?”
“Well, my count is five. But I’m not the best at this and they’re moving so there could be six or seven, but at least five.”
“I honestly don’t know how you can tell. It’s cool, how does it feel to have a passenger van full of kids in your gut?”
“It’s pretty cool, but I’m worried because they’re all measuring about double what they should. While I expected this, I’m coming to the realization of just how big I’m going to get.”
“Oh. Well what are you thinking?”
“I’m not exactly sure what to think at this point. I don’t have much choice but to let them grow big and strong, even if it makes me huge. If I have this right, I’m going to get huge really quick and then just stop. So the next little bit it may be a little uncomfortable, but it’s going to be pretty cool.”
“And so I grew for a few more weeks and here I am.” Chloe said, finishing her fourth grilled cheese. She had been balancing them all on her belly, which was easy considering a full laptop fit comfortably on her gravid stomach.
“So what you’re telling me is that you’re stuck like this – really pregnant with multiples?” Jim asked as he took her plate.
“Well, yeah.” Chloe said.
Jim sat down next to his gravid guest gingerly. Perhaps it’s guests – no one could be alone with Chloe at this point. Nonetheless, Jim sat down next to Chloe carefully, not wanting to test the strength of his couch. While Chloe was a small girl, she had a small waterbed attached to her – and water was heavy, and the couch was old and he didn’t want to embarrass her.
“So you never got a number?”
“I checked again, Kim nailed it: six. I think. So yes and no.”
“Now I know with multiples they generally deliver early so…”
“No, the way suspended pregnancies work from what I understand is the growth halts right at the point where they’d break the water. In other words, the day before I’d go into labor. And I’ll just stay there. It’s probably a fragile existence and I’m not too sure how long it’ll be suspended, but I know I’m still growing so it hasn’t halted yet. I just worry I’ll get used to it and sneeze one day and knock myself right into labor. So how do you know they deliver early?”
“My mom had my twin sisters when I was fourteen and they were delivered two weeks early, and the doctor said it was normal.”
“Oh okay, cool.”
“So where are you staying now?”
“Right now I’m on your couch and if you don’t mind I think I’ll stay the night here.”
“And after that?”
“Not sure. Campus doesn’t open until the beginning of February and so I’ve been more or less sleeping in the apartment below the bar. I don’t exactly pick up guys with a litter in me, which is perfectly fine honestly. I have all the company I need here,” Chloe said, gesturing to her strained uterus.
“I see your point.”
“You’re a little far away, mind coming closer? You’re halfway off your own couch and while I know I’m big I’m not that big…”
Jim scooched over toward his gravid guest. Again he did so gingerly, not wanting to upset the babies within Chloe, and to not test too much the tensile strength of his couch. She quickly wrapped her arm around him. After a tense minute or so, Jim finally relaxed.
“There. If I’ve gone too far let me know.”
“Nah, you’re fine,” Jim said to Chloe.
After a moment of silence Chloe muttered “And there they go again”
“The babies. Every time I shift they seem to go crazy. I mean, I guess I would too if I was cooped up in a house that kept moving with five brothers and sisters, but that thought doesn’t help too much when you’re the house.”
“You wanna feel it? It’s kinda cool.” Chloe said, turning her upper torso toward him. The rest of her stayed decisively forward.
“Sure, why not. You tell me where.”
“You’ll get movement anywhere – they’re sextuplets – but especially” she grabbed his hands and directed them toward the top of her belly “right here. Not sure what it is about there, but they all seem to like moving there.”
“I see,” Jim said, slightly startled. Her belly, as massive and bulbous as it was, was quite firm. It felt exactly like a giant water balloon with a hundred goldfish inside. “Um Chloe?”
“Yes Jim?”
“You sure those aren’t kicks?”
“To tell you the truth, I’m not too sure what anything is. I just know it bothers me a little bit and it’s definitely the kids.”
Again, Feedback Welcome!
Liked by rczas (Jan 7, 2016), jin1976 (Jan 5, 2016), nalim.kerut (Jan 5, 2016)
Absolutely loving this story!
Love it, can't wait for the next part

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