Michelle's Story
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Guess he didn't get enough feedback.
What a fantastic story this is/was/could be. A shame it appears to have died
Actually, this story is far from dead. In fact, I have already completed up to chapter 13, and chapter 14 is in fact underway. However, between some writer's block, stress from work and a new girlfriend, I haven't written anything new in 2 months. Previously I tried to space out the posts every day or two to allow people to read and catch up instead of posting a massive wall of text, but sadly life has gotten in the way and I have been nowhere near as reliable in posting these as I intended. Given that and the fact that I know I won't get back to this site for nearly a week, I thought it was time to post what I have completed for people to enjoy, and that will be posted momentarily.

Also, as for the feedback junglebob mentioned, I have had enough interest in the story that I plan to continue it, but I do relish the feedback from my readers. I also have some other stories on here I would love for folks to read and comment on, as those stories, as much as I like them, have gotten little love, and I would love some feedback to give mee the motivation to continue. If you have questions or comments, or just want to say hi, please PM me, and I'll reply back as soon as I can.
Liked by junglebob (Sep 19, 2013)
So here it is, the long awaited chapter 7. I'll be posting each of the chapters over the next 10 minutes or so, up to chapter 13, so there will be no more commentary from me until I am done posting. As always, I love to hear from my readers, so please comment away.


It had been almost three weeks since Michelle had been introduced to Dave's unusual little family, and so far, she was happier than she could ever remember being. That didn't mean it had been three weeks of perfect bliss, however; she had moments of regret and depression, such as when she learned it had taken nearly a week for her family to notice her absence, as evidenced by the police report Dave had shown her. And it had taken a lot to get used to the very different lifestyle she now found herself living. Everything from the food they ate to the time they woke up was different, although once she had gotten accustomed to the changes, she found it a much more relaxing and fulfilling lifestyle.

She also found that she had become good friends with Dave's other girlfriends (she had also learned that was the term they used to describe their relationship together as none of them were officially married, although they all had unofficial weddings and wore wedding rings); she had especially bonded with Rachel. She had the most youthful, energetic and innocent nature of the women, and had practically dragged Michelle to the theater when Rachel learned the young Asian woman was a fan of anime and Japanese culture in general and had yet to see Sailor Moon, her favorite anime. So they had spent a number of hours giggling over various girly animes and mangas, and Michelle came to quite enjoy the time they spent together.

Michelle had also spent quite a bit of time talking with Keya when she learned they were both studying psychology, and shared an interest in early childhood development and psychology. Keya was actually taking a correspondence course, and was finishing work on her doctorate in early childhood psychology. She inspired Michelle to work harder, and she decided that she would begin taking classes as well, and get at least a Master's degree herself.

Michelle was also learning to drive, somewhat ironically in the same Camry she had been terrified in the very first night she was there. Yet despite what she knew it could do, when learning to drive in it she was shocked to find it was among the most docile vehicle in Dave's fleet when it was in normal mode. Dave explained he had spent many hours and even more money making sure it looked, sounded and drove as stock as possible, creating what he described as the ultimate sleeper.

And she was also learning several new languages, although slowly. Being of Chinese descent, her parents had insisted she learn both Mandarin and Cantonese; here in Dave's house, she was mainly learning Italian, since that was what they spoke if they went to either Panza or the mainland, although German and French were also used pretty frequently. Dave also knew Spanish and Japanese, Rachel knew Japanese, and Eshe knew Swahili and Japanese, while both Alice and Keya knew Hindi. Amazingly, there were nine different languages spoken with varying degrees of fluency, and sometimes it seemed they were all spoken at once. She had broken up one argument between two of the kids where one was shouting and conversing in German and the other in Italian. With everything that was going on, adding new languages to the mix at times seemed to add insult to injury. At least English was still the primary language at home... Still, she was trying her best, and at least the kids were accepting her as a parental figure.

The kids were energetic, as all kids are, but today they were especially so; today Jimmy, Alice's oldest, turned five, and to celebrate, Dave had booked a party at an Italian version of Chuck E. Cheese's, which they were due to leave for in half an hour. Dave was loading the cars they would take onto the boat, which left Michelle, Rachel, Alice and Eshe to get the kids ready, since Keya, being a full 36 weeks along with twins, was in no shape to be chasing hyper kindergartners around the house. Fortunately, the kids knew what they were getting ready for, and were on the whole cooperative, so the four of them had the kids ready to go in less than 20 minutes.

Once they were all ready, Rachel, Eshe and Michelle walked down to the enclosed marina at the north end of the island while Alice drove ahead with Keya. Michelle hadn't been down to the marina yet, so she was quite looking forward to seeing what kind of collection of watercraft Dave had on hand. And she wasn't disappointed.

The first thing she noticed was the row of speedboats, painted in various eye-catching paint schemes, lined up on the near side of the marina. They all looked expensive and fast, and were emblazoned with various words that appeared to be names, such as "Cigarette", "Skater", and "DCB". Michelle would love to take a ride in one of those.

The boat that Dave was using tonight was too big to really be called a boat; it was actually more of a small ship. It was about 80 feet long and maybe 20 feet wide, and had a cargo deck that could be quickly covered or uncovered, and currently had a minivan and two SUVs loaded on board. But as impressive as those rides looked, they were still overshadowed by what was lurking behind them.

On the other side of the marina was very large grey shape, that seemed to absorb the light that fell on it rather than reflect it, which gave the vessel a very serious, even martial demeanor. It was very long and very low, with some of the details being lost in the satiny paint, and made it look like a destroyer a navy might use to run down pirates or something. It dominated the landscape of the marina in a way that the other monster of Dave's collection, the 747, simply didn't.

"What is that?" Michelle asked, pointing across the water.

"That's Daddy's speeding yacht!" Elise, Dave and Eshe's middle daughter, exclaimed as she jumped up and down and pointed at the vessel.

"Yes it is, isn't it?" Dave said, smiling and patting the excited girl on the head as the other adults laughed at her enthusiasm.

"It's huge," Michelle exclaimed, amazed at the size. "Can I get see inside it?"

"Sure, I'll give you a quick tour when we get back," Dave promised her. And with that he helped Michelle onto the boat and fired up the engines, and steered it out to sea. It wasn’t the fastest ship ever built, but it was still able to make the crossing in less than an hour. While they sailed, the adults relaxed in the lounge area in the bridge as the kids played among them.

While they sailed, Michelle found herself sitting next to Eshe, and they started talking about childbirth, which, for Keya, now at 36 weeks, was going to happen anytime. In fact, since she had flown back with Michelle, this trip was the only time Keya had been off the island. Dave and the others had stuck close as well, with at least one adult staying with her at all times for when her labor started.

For Eshe, who was only a week away from her third trimester, it was something of a concern; her last birth had been difficult and a bit painful, and she had decided that she hadn’t wanted to have anymore kids. She’d figured that it was due to her age despite the assurances of their doctor, and had gone on birth control to prevent a pregnancy that she feared might be lost. She’d gotten an infection a little over six months ago, which, unknown to her and Dave, had effectively reduced the effectiveness of her birth control and led to her current pregnancy.

After she’d realised she was pregnant, she’d almost had an abortion because she was afraid of complications, but she had talked with Dave, who had pointed out that they had flown to Kenya when Eshe was 36 weeks pregnant, and she had given birth just days later when they had returned. In fact, she had gone into labor while they were still flying. They had traveled to Kenya because they had received news that her parents had been killed in a political riot; fortunately, they hadn’t, but neither Eshe nor Dave knew that until they had reached Nairobi and found both her parents in serious but stable condition. They had stayed there for a week, looking after her parents, and had returned because they wanted to be at home for their son Arthur’s birth.

So while Eshe was happy to be pregnant again, she was concerned about complications due to her age. Her doctor agreed with Dave’s suspicion that the stress of traveling and almost losing her parents had caused her difficulties during birth, and Dave had already cleared everyone’s schedule for two weeks ahead of the due date so Eshe could rest at home, and be comfortable and relaxed for her delivery.

Michelle and Eshe ended up talking for the whole trip to the mainland. As they pulled into the harbor, Michelle could see a man and a woman standing on the dock next to a silver sedan; the two of them waved as Dave maneuvered the ship alongside the dock, so clearly they knew Dave and were expecting them. As the dock workers got busy unloading the SUVs and minivan, Dave and his girlfriends got busy unloading the kids before introducing the couple on the dock to Michelle.


When they had all boarded the ship that would ferry them back to Palmarola, Michelle suddenly touched the collar she had nearly forgotten about when she realized they had been in public (well, semi-public) and she had never once even considered trying to escape or draw attention to herself, not even when a police officer had ridden by on his bike. The collar was no longer necessary, she realized; she had become a willing participant. She wondered if she should ask Dave to remove the collar, with the promise she would remain where she was. After all, it was an island; where would she go? But it seemed a bit thin; he'd probably think it was an escape attempt. Besides, she kind of liked the way the collar looked on her. She’d see about bringing that up with Dave later.

After they returned from Jimmy’s party, the kids were definitely ready for bed. Once all the kids were safely tucked into bed, the adults headed for bed as well, since both Dave and Alice had meetings fairly early the next morning. They weren’t going far, having scheduled the meetings for nine in the morning in coastal Latina, being concerned about how far advanced Key's pregnancy was. This way they could have their meetings and be back before lunch.

Eshe was spending the night with Dave; as her pregnancy progressed, she got increasingly horny, and she spent more time with Dave. Michelle could relate to that somewhat, as just the thought of her being pregnant turned her on. Tonight, however, spending the trip to the mainland talking with Eshe about pregnancy and childbirth had really made her horny, and although Eshe had suggested that Michelle join her and Dave in bed, Michelle wasn't sure she wanted to have sex with another woman, even though she knew that the others did, from time to time.

Instead Michelle decided to join Keya and chat before going to bed; Keya's back was bothering her anyway, and Michelle would be happy to massage her back and belly for her. Once they had both changed into their sleeping clothes, they got into bed and Keya leaned back against Michelle as she massaged Keya's lower back.

Keya simply sat there, practically purring as Michelle's hands worked their magic. She'd gotten quite good at massages in the short time she had been there, and she'd become very much in demand, particularly by Eshe and Keya. Michelle certainly didn't mind, because it meant she could spend more time rubbing their growing bellies.

As she enjoyed the massage, Keya could feel her arousal growing. She'd become quite fond of the tiny Asian woman, as well as the massages she gave, and when that combined with a libido that grew along with her belly, these intimate moments left her quite horny. So far, at least, Michelle didn’t appear to be having the same feelings. But she was happy anyway, so she put the thoughts out of her mind.

As Michelle continued her massage, she slipped her hands under Keya’s overfilled nightshirt and started moving higher, exposing Keya’s enormous belly, and began sliding her hands around Keya’s sides, beginning to massage the edges of her swollen belly and engorged breasts. She had never thought of her self as either a lesbian or bisexual, but was surprised to feel herself starting to get horny. She had of course been turned on by the thought of pregnancy, but until now it had always been thoughts of herself pregnant; all of a sudden, Michelle realized it was the hugely gravid Indian woman in front of her that was turning her on.

Michelle was feeling confused now, and didn’t know what to do. But while her mind was conflicted, her body was on autopilot, and wanting more. Before she realized what had happened, she had started rubbing and cupping Keya’s ample breasts, causing her to lean her head back against Michelle’s shoulder and moan, loving the feelings that Michelle was creating in her body. When Michelle heard Keya moan in her ear, she froze, a little afraid of what Keya’s reaction might be; but if she was honest to herself, she was more afraid of the fact that she was enjoying it as well. Her parents had always been critical of anything other than a vanilla heterosexual relationship, so this surprising new side to herself scared Michelle. But then Keya moaned a lustful “More...” into her ear, so Michelle ignored her internal naysayer, and went back to kneading Keya’s breasts.

Unconsciously, Michelle started a milking motion as she massaged Keya's breasts, and after a few minutes of this, Keya began to feel her milk flow from her engorged breasts. She wasn't producing as much milk as she would be after the birth ("Any day now", she thought expectantly) so her breasts weren't as full as they soon would be, but she had begun pumping recently to help induce the lactating early, so she was definitely fuller and more tender than she normally was as she felt little drops of milk bead and roll down the underside of her breasts. The movements that were stimulating the lactation felt delicious and she didn't want them to stop, but she feared that Michelle, still a bit skittish and unsure of her new-found sexuality, would be spooked by her lactation and stop her wonderful massage, so she hoped she wouldn't notice.

As it turned out, Michelle did notice; she felt the droplets of milk roll down Keya's breast and onto her fingers. She wasn't thinking entirely straight due to her level of arousal, so she didn't immediately realize what the liquid was. She removed her hand from Keya's breast and looked at it, and quickly realized that the thick slightly off-white liquid was milk. She paused for a second, looking at it as she realized what it was, and found she had a strong urge to taste it. In an almost dream-like state, she brought her fingers up to her mouth and licked them clean; the milk wasn't as creamy as store bought milk, but to her it tasted heavenly, and she had to have more of it.

Keya felt Michelle stop massaging her breasts, and sighed inwardly, disappointed at not being treated to any more of Michelle's wonderful massage. She had her eyes closed in pleasure, and didn't see her taste her milk; all she felt was Michelle shifting her position on the bed, so she lay back to start going to sleep. But halfway through laying down she gasped, and her eyes flew open when she felt a jolt of pleasure from her nipple. Looking down, she was both surprised and delighted to see Michelle had latched on to her breast and had begun nursing enthusiastically.

Having never in her adult life breastfed or even seen a baby breastfeed, Michelle didn't quite get it right at first, causing Keya some discomfort, but her enthusiasm was very appreciated by the gravid woman, whose hands found their way to Michelle's head, cradling it as she would a baby's, and before long Michelle was nursing strongly, draining Keya's breast quickly. For Keya, the experience was a lot like when she had breastfed her older children, but with the added stimulation of Michelle kneading the portion of the breast she wasn't suckling from the whole experience was incredibly arousing, and, for some reason, more intimate than when Dave had breastfed from her. She could scarcely believe that the one she was nursing was the same timid girl who until then had seemed so unsure of her blossoming sexuality earlier that day.

After what seemed like ages yet no time at all, Michelle had completely drained Keya's breast and immediately switched to the other side, continuing to arouse herself and Keya in ways that neither had experienced before. In the back of her mind was that voice, still ingrained from years of indoctrination from her parents, that what she was doing was wrong, unnatural, even evil; but how could something that felt so right be that bad? What little doubt she had was shoved aside, as she decided she no longer cared about the consequences.

Soon, both of Keya's breasts had been completely drained, leaving Keya buzzing with arousal and Michelle hungry for more. Releasing the breast she had been nursing on, Michelle turned her attention to Keya's belly, beginning to kiss and caress every expansive inch as she worked her way lower on Keya’s body. Keya started moaning in pleasure and caressed the younger girl’s head as she felt Michelle work her magic, and her body started squirming involuntarily; amazingly, she felt the first orgasm begin washing over her body very quickly. It wasn’t an intense orgasm, more a gentle crescendo of pleasure that ran the length of her body.

Michelle just kept going, moving lower, until Keya could no longer reach around her huge belly to Michelle’s head, so she just let go and began caressing her own breasts and tweaking her nipples. She never really came all the way down from her first small orgasm, so all of Michelle’s teasing just kept her near her peak. Not long after, as Michelle got lower and started nuzzling her mons, Keya had another mild orgasm, and wondered just how far Michelle would go.

She didn’t have long to wait; just as she came down from the previous orgasm, Michelle sucked Keya’s erect clit into her mouth, sending intense bolts of pleasure shooting throughout her body, causing her to arch her back as much as her swollen belly would allow and clamp her strong thighs around Michelle’s head. Michelle never let up, continuing to suck on the pregnant woman’s clit and licking around and in her dripping pussy, sending Keya into a series of spasmodic orgasms. Michelle was getting quite turned on herself, and had started playing with her own hard clit and damp pussy, and found herself reaching her orgasm along with Keya. Hers was much less intense, and she was able to keep stimulating Keya while she enjoyed the waves of pleasure.

Keya, on the other hand, was writhing on the bed as her sensitive and overcharged clit and pussy were assaulted by Michelle’s warm, moist and eager mouth, sending her into convulsions of pleasure. She was naturally submissive and a bit masochistic, and Dave had many times spent hours torturing her to levels of arousal where she would begin begging Dave to stop, but they had stopped doing that a few months prior when the doctor had recommended bed-rest for Keya and warned them to avoid any play that would cause intense uterine contractions. Michelle was definitely causing some intense contractions in her overstuffed uterus, causing the babies inside her to roll around and kick, creating distortions in her drum-tight skin, and making all the muscles in her body tense up, almost painfully so. Normally she would relish this kind of torture, but in her current state she feared some sort of permanent damage might occur to either her or her unborn children, but she was unable to muster enough control over her vocal cords to make any kind of sound other than unintelligible grunts and moans, and she was far too large to roll over, so all she could do was thrash helplessly under the seemingly endless assault from Michelle.

Finally, Keya felt some of Michelle’s hair fall against her hand, and she reacted without thinking, grabbing the long black hair and pulling as hard as she could, making Michelle screech in surprise and pain, as it felt like her hair was being pulled out by the roots. Keya dragged the smaller girl beside her so they were facing each other and wrapped her arms around Michelle’s body, holding her as close as possible and preventing her from resuming the attack on her body. They just lay there, Keya trembling as she came down from the incredible stimulation she had just gone through, and Michelle wondering why the hell Keya had pulled her hair like that. Fortunately, the rooms on either side of them were empty, so no one came to investigate the scream, and they were allowed to recuperate from their play time in peace.

When she felt she had enough control over her body to speak again, Keya gasped out, “God, that was fucking intense!” before resuming her labored panting.

“Why the hell did you pull my hair like that?” Michelle demanded, noticing that the normally demure Indian woman was definitely worked up, but still annoyed with her action. It had hurt, a lot.

Keya lay there gasping for a moment, before she began explaining over her heavy breathing, “It was way too much... Started to hurt... Couldn’t speak, just pulled...”

Michelle watched as Keya caught her breath, watching as she fought to catch her breath against her heavily burdened body, suddenly feeling bad and worried that she had hurt either her or her babies. She held the pregnant woman close, the way one might for an injured child. “Oh God, I’m so sorry, I didn’t know... Will you be alright?” she asked, starting to tear up.

“I’m feeling better now,” Keya gasped, then groaned as one of her babies gave her a sharp kick in the diaphragm. “Oof! The kids seem to be fine too, if really excited.”

“Thank God,” sighed a relieved Michelle, glad she hadn’t hurt any of them, and feeling the dread that had been rising in the pit of her stomach start to recede.

“For now,” Keya began with a huge yawn, “I need to sleep, I’m exhausted.”

And almost immediately, she was asleep, oblivious to the churning in her belly. Michelle wasn’t quite as tired as Keya was, but the long day and the intense, if brief, emotional turmoil at the end had drained her energy, and she felt herself falling asleep as well. As she drifted off, she was lulled to sleep by the roiling in Keya’s belly pushing against her own, and wondered when it would be her turn.
Chapter 8.


Michelle woke the next morning to the same sensation she had fallen asleep too; the feeling of Keya's unborn babies pressing through their mother's belly and into hers. Like she felt the night before, she couldn't wait to experience it herself, and again wondered when it would be her turn. But there was only so much she could do about it right now, so she decided to at least get the day started.

Keya was still sound asleep, which was no surprise considering both the strain her body was under and the incredible orgasms she had gone through the night before, but it did present a small problem for Michelle; during the night, Keya had rolled partly on top of her, as if she were some living body pillow, and had woven the fingers of one hand into Michelle's long hair. There really wasn't much she could do about it, so she simply got up as carefully as possible, first slipping a pillow under Keya's enormous belly, then slowly disentangled her hair from the sleeping woman's hand. That done after a while (mostly due to the immense weight of Keya's body and belly compared to Michelle's modest upper body strength), she quietly got off the bed and left Keya's room, heading to her own room for a warm shower to wash off the stickiness left by last night's fun.

After the shower, Michelle went to the patio on the rooftop to think. She was a bit confused over her actions the night before; she knew she wasn't a lesbian, or she wouldn't feel the attraction towards Dave that she did. She figured she must be bisexual, but she had never felt any real attraction towards another girl before, and certainly not like she had felt with Keya. So why did she suddenly feel so attracted to Keya? What's more, she knew exactly where her parents stood on that issue, but she didn't know what Dave's opinion was; he had definitely proven to be a dominant, assertive man, so what would he think if he thought he had to compete with another woman for her attention? She didn't want to lose what she had so suddenly found as quickly as she had found it. So should she keep it a secret and hope Dave never found out, or should she be honest but risk his rejection? She didn't have an answer for that, and it worried her.

She had been on the patio for about an hour when she heard the door leading into the house open and close, and looked towards the source of the sound to see Rachel walking towards her. The tiny woman was wearing a form fitting sundress, and had her mousy brown hair pulled back in a ponytail. She looked good, but Michelle didn't feel the same attraction that she felt the night before. She was almost wondering if Dave had somehow slipped her something to make her act that way. But why would he do that? How could it possibly benefit him? She was so preoccupied with her thoughts it took her a second to realize Rachel was talking to her.

"I'm sorry, what?"

Rachel just smiled. "I was just asking what brought you up here without breakfast. Alice and I got up early to make a big breakfast, and everyone is down there but you."

"Oh, I was just up here thinking," she replied, "I didn't mean to be rude. I'm not really hungry anyway."

Right as she said that, however, her stomach gave a loud growl, causing Rachel to laugh. "Don't sit up here hungry, come get some food!" she said brightly, as she pulled Michelle to her feet and pulled her towards the door. And she did have to admit, the sound of Alice and Rachel's cooking sounded great. She'd been pretty hungry recently.

"So what were you thinking about so intensely anyway? Was it about last night?"

Michelle stopped dead in her tracks when she heard this, a knot of dread forming in the pit of her stomach. "What do you mean, last night?" she asked, afraid of what the answer would be.

"Oh, Keya told us about it this morning while we were cooking," Rachel replied, not realizing what Michelle's reaction had been. But she noticed when she reached the end of the hall they were in and looked back at Michelle, surprised to see her standing motionless in the middle of the hall. "Something wrong?" she asked, not getting the connection right away.

"Does Dave hate me?" Michelle asked nervously.

"What? No, of course not," Rachel replied, now realizing what was wrong as she reached out and pulled Michelle into a hug. "Dave has his own little heaven here," she reassured Michelle, "so he doesn't mind at all if we play with each other a little bit. In fact, it's sometimes good for him, because he can't always please all of us exactly when we need it."

"Oh," Michelle sighed, very relieved to hear that. Then she blushed, realizing that the hug had pressed hers and Rachel's breasts together, revealing the fact that neither of them had worn a bra that morning, the stimulation from the contact through their clothing causing her nipples to begin hardening. She hoped the other woman wouldn't notice as she blushed even redder.

Rachel did, of course, and this time immediately realizing the source of Michelle's embarrassment. She also suspected that Michelle wasn't quite comfortable with the level of openness in their home; they weren't nudists, but they were much more liberal than most families about what was acceptable clothing, and also definitely more open with each other and the kids about matters of the bedroom. She smiled, hoping to put Michelle more at ease.

"I'm so sorry," she apologized, not noticing Rachel's nipples had gotten a little harder from the hug as well, "I've been sensitive lately."

"Oh, don't worry about it," Rachel said, once again pulling Michelle in the direction of the dining room, "let's eat then you and I can talk later."

Michelle was still a little nervous, but she allowed the energetic sprite in front of her to guide her to the table, where everyone else was waiting.

She needn't have worried, she realized later. Aside from some appreciative looks from Keya and some good-natured but suggestive ribbing from the other adults, breakfast was pretty routine. Dave did comment on her appetite, however, which made her worry about gaining weight, and she vowed to eat less and get to the home gym more often in the future.

After breakfast, Michelle and Rachel took care of the dishes, Eshe and Alice to the kids to the library to do some studying, and Dave and Keya went to his office to call the doctor. Keya and Dave were a little worried about the strain her body had gone through the night before, and though she felt fine and had no unusual or worrying symptoms, aside from being very sore that morning, they decided it was better to be safe than sorry. It was what they paid the doctor for, anyway.

While they finished cleaning, the two of them started to talk. Michelle was especially curious how Dave had picked each of them, how the family dynamic worked, and especially how everyone seemed to avoid being jealous of each other. One of the things she had hated about junior high and high school was how jealous people would get, and the superficiality of it all.

"So... how did this whole thing get started?" Michelle asked, wondering how to say it delicately.

Rachel laughed. "The polyamory? Don't worry, a lot of people can be weirded out by it. I kind of was at first, too. But I've come to realize that Dave made some good decisions about who he picked, and that has made things easier."

"But, umm, what about, uh, you know... sex...?" Michelle stammered, blushing beet red as she said it, still not completely comfortable talking about their more adult activities.

This made Rachel giggle a bit. "It's funny, Dave and Eshe were talking about that last night. Until now we've just kinda winged it, but they were thinking that with five of us demanding his attention, Eshe thought it was time to make a schedule for us."

"Oh. I hope I didn't take time away from you guys," Michelle said, concerned she would drive a wedge between Dave and his other girlfriends, and become a source of jealousy.

"Don't worry about that," Rachel replied with a calm smile. "Dave has been known to wear two of us out in the same night. His stamina is actually pretty amazing. Of course, it helps that he's both big and good with what he has."

"Oh, I guess I hadn't thought about that," Michelle replied, once again blushing as she recalled exactly what Rachel was talking about. By then they had finished what little there was to clean in the kitchen, and Rachel dragged Michelle to the patio so they could talk. She was again amazed at how much energy Rachel always seemed to have, almost like a kid on a sugar rush. Once they were out on the patio, they resumed their conversation.

It wasn't long before their conversation was interrupted, however; Dave and Eshe were taking Keya to Latina to visit the doctor, and also to visit a couple of stores. They would be gone most of the day, so it fell to Rachel, Alice and Michelle to keep an eye on the kids for the day. And Michelle really enjoyed her self. There was a dual use tennis and basketball court next to the house, and Michelle and Rachel spent most of the morning there playing games with the kids.

After a simple lunch prepared by Alice, every one moved to the expansive pool for some fun in the sun. Since she hadn't spent much time with the kids near the pool due to the cooler weather earlier, Michelle was at first very nervous with the kids playing near the pool, which dipped to almost twenty feet at the deepest point. Her fears were soon calmed however, both by Alice and Rachel explaining that all the kids, except for the very youngest, had already learned to swim, and by seeing just how comfortable the kids were as they played in the pool. Before long, Michelle found herself splashing around in the pool with the others and not worrying so much about hovering over the kids' shoulders.

This is where Dave found them a couple of hours later. Michelle, Alice and Rachel were sunning themselves on the loungers around the pool, having been worn out by the endless energy only found in young kids, while the kids were still playing in the pool. He quickly got all of the kids out of the pool by announcing he had picked up a new video game while in town, and telling them he would only allow them to play it once they had showered and put on clean clothes. Michelle, Eshe and Rachel helped them with this, while Alice went with Keya and Dave to plan for Keya's eminent birth.

After dinner that evening, everyone made their way to the theater for a special screening that everyone seemed really excited about, but nobody seemed to be telling Michelle why it was so special. The disc they put into the Blu-Ray player seemed ordinary enough; in fact, it looked more like a home movie than a studio move, being a burned disc with a handwritten label saying "Neo-Gen, final cut". She'd never heard of any movie by that title before, and was also curious why someone as wealthy as Dave would have what appeared to be a bootleg movie.

As it turned out, there was a very good reason she had never heard of the movie, and why it looked like a bootleg as well; as it turned out, the movie hadn't hit theaters yet, and in fact the first trailers had only started hitting the Internet over the last month and a half. As for the reason it looked like a bootleg, that question was answered during the credits, when Michelle realized the movie had been written and directed by Dave. Furthermore, Rachel was credited as a co-writer with Dave, Eshe had done the set design, and Alice had done the costume design. What's more, they had done a fantastic job; what they watched was the final cut for Dave and Rachel to give the ok to, and to Michelle at least, it was a fascinating movie. Normally, she wasn't much of a sci-fi fan, but Neo-Gen was different from the sci-fi movies she had seen up to that point, being more about the characters and how their choices shaped their world than most of the spaceships and blasters sci-fi she had seen so far.

Suddenly, Michelle blushed as she realized everyone was looking at her, and Dave had asked her how she liked the movie. "I, um, loved it!" she replied, getting her thoughts in order. "It was very different, and the characters seemed so real!"

For the next half hour or so Dave, Rachel and Eshe talked about what Michelle had liked and disliked about the movie, to get a feel for how somebody who had never been involved with the movie might see it for the first time, while Keya and Alice took the kids to get ready for bed. Michelle realized that Dave and his girlfriends genuinely wanted her feedback to improve the movie.

Their discussion was interrupted by a loud growl from Michelle's stomach, which got a laugh from Dave, Rachel and Eshe, and caused Michelle to blush. She'd had dinner just a few hours before, so she wondered why she was so hungry already.

Eshe could see the young Asian woman's embarrassment, so she smiled at Michelle and gently offered, "Would anyone like some dessert tonight?"

Dave and Rachel both saw how Eshe was trying deflect the embarrassment Michelle was clearly feeling, and so they quickly decided to accept Eshe’s offer of dessert so Michelle wouldn't feel embarrassed for being hungry. On the way to the kitchen, however, they were interrupted by a loud crash from upstairs, which Dave and Rachel went to investigate, leaving just Eshe and Michelle to go to the kitchen to sate their hunger. In the kitchen, Eshe got some ice cream and cookies for both of them, while Michelle started to talk, getting what was bugging her off her chest.

"I don't know why, but I've been really hungry for the last few days. Am I getting fat? Do I look fat to you?" Michelle said, feeling she could trust the older African woman.

"No, you're not fat," Eshe replied. "If anything, you look underweight. Why are you worried about it?"

"I don't know, I've just never been all that pretty, and I'm too short, and now I'm doing nothing but eating all the time...

“You’re beautiful, and you’re not fat,” Eshe replied, “Isn’t it clear that Dave is attracted to you? Why do you think he picked you?”

“Really? Then why am I eating so damn much?”

“If you’re not overweight, then what’s the problem?” Eshe said to her. “The body generally knows what it needs, so if you’re eating more there’s probably a reason, and you’ll figure it out in time. Until there’s a problem, don’t worry about it. For now just go with it.”

Michelle just ate her ice cream in silence for a minute, thinking about what Eshe had said to her. Growing up with her parents, who had always been perfectionists and had been especially hard on her as the oldest, her self esteem had never really been allowed to grow. But Eshe had a point, Michelle thought; maybe she wasn’t as ugly as she thought, and Dave had picked her after all.

At that point Dave returned; as it turned out, a couple of the older kids had gotten into a fight, and knocked over a table in the game room. No real damage had been done other than a few bruises, but he had chewed the kids out for getting too rough with each other and not working their differences out. Worse, in his eyes, was that it had started because John, the younger of the two, had gotten jealous of his older brother, Mason’s, video game that he’d gotten for his birthday recently. With everything they had, why fight over something so trivial?

With that settled, Dave had returned while Rachel had started getting the kids ready for bed. They were getting up early again, with Dave taking Michelle to meet a university representative to see about enrolling her in classes. So it was early to bed for them so they could meet the representative in Rome the next morning. And as she fell asleep, cuddled up in Dave’s arms, she had a realization; she wasn’t her parents, and in the end they weren’t the ones she needed to please. After all, it was her life, not theirs. And with that, she fell asleep, looking forward to the challenges to come with an eagerness she had never felt before.
Chapter 9.


Michelle was jolted awake by someone shaking her roughly. She shot up and looked around for whoever woke her, and saw Rachel standing next to her bed; Rachel looked excited, and breathlessly said, “Come quick, Keya is in labor!” before rushing back out of Michelle’s room.

This got Michelle's attention, and she hurried out of bed and threw on a pair of sweats and a T-shirt before rushing to the room used as the in-house clinic and birthing room. All the adults were there save Dave; when she asked Eshe where he was, she was told he had left to get the doctor, and was probably going to be back in less than fifteen minutes.

In the meantime, the other women were focused on Keya; Eshe, being the strongest, was helping Keya climb into what appeared to be a semi-in-ground spa while Alice and Rachel were busy getting towels warmed and other supplies readied. Michelle wanted to help, but with everyone focused on helping Keya, there wasn't really anything she could do without getting in the way, so she found a chair at the edge of the room and sat down to watch.

Almost exactly fifteen minutes later, Dave rushed into the room, followed a minute later by the slightly out of breath doctor. Dave immediately took Eshe's place in helping support Keya, while the doctor, a kind looking woman with salt and pepper hair, started taking Keya's vital signs and used a portable ultrasound machine to check on the babies. Everything was fine she said, it was just going to be harder for Keya than normal since she was very petite and was going to be giving birth to a pair of healthy, fairly big babies.

The pace slowed down for a little while after this; although Keya was definitely in active labor, she wasn't fully dilated and there was no need to rush. Dave and the doctor were keeping an eye on Keya, helping her move as she wanted to or walk around the room, and Rachel helped by running errands, getting things that were needed or wanted, and Eshe went to check on the kids, a couple of whom had been woken up by the commotion. This left Alice and Michelle to sit together and talk a bit.

This was fine with Michelle; she had wanted to take some time to get to know her a little better, because of the four women, she had seemed the most distant, or perhaps aloof. But as they talked, it became clear she was quite nice, if a little brash. Surprisingly, she was the only one of the five who was actually married, which confused Michelle until it was explained that Alice's husband had been killed while overseas on business.

"How did he die?" Michelle asked, before suddenly feeling rude for asking, "I mean, if you're ok talking about it..." she hastily added.

Alice laughed at this, understanding Michelle's discomfort. "It's ok, I don't mind. The way he died actually makes it easier to talk about; he was in India and was in a crash. He wasn't wearing a seat belt, which made a survivable crash deadly. I'd asked him to wear a seatbelt, but since he was Indian, it was not something he did."

"Why would being Indian make a difference?" Michelle asked, not seeing the connection.

"It's cultural difference," Alice explained. "The prevailing belief in India is that if the gods decide it's your day to die, there's nothing you can do about it so why bother with something like a seat belt? It makes the Indian roads chaotic, and very dangerous. Over 100,000 people die in car crashes each year there; have Dave show you the Top Gear India special sometime, and it will make more sense."

"Oh, ok..." Michelle replied. "I'm sorry to hear about that."

"Well, truth be told, it could have been prevented," Alice told her, "which is why I'm glad safety is so important to Dave."

"Wait, what about all those planes and fast cars he has?" Michelle asked. "That doesn't seem very safe to me, and that Camry he has scared me half to death."

Alice laughed. “It’s not just about the speed, it’s about the mindset; Dave enjoys going fast, but he is careful about how he does that. He points out how safe auto racing is compared to just driving down the street even though it's much faster."

The two women were interrupted by a groan from Keya. There was a brief flurry of activity as Keya shifted position, and the doctor declared Keya was now fully dilated, but the babies hadn't yet entered the birth canal. Keya rested for a moment, and Michelle and Alice went back to talking during the lull in activity.

"But how can it be safer if they go much faster?" Michelle asked.

"Because the safety equipment is much better," Alice replied. "The cars are designed with high speed in mind, and they are tested methodically, so any problems can be fixed before it becomes dangerous. Plus the drivers have the experience and training to handle the speed. Flight testing is a little more dangerous, but it is also done carefully to prevent problems."

"Flight testing? You mean Dave designs airplanes too?"

"Yeah, his company is currently working something called a hypersonic wave-rider," Alice told her.

"A what?" Michelle asked, entirely confused about how a plane could ride waves.

"I have no idea," Alice said, laughing. "All I know is it looks more like a doorstop than a plane, but it is apparently fucking fast."

"Oh," Michelle said, thinking it over. "So who does he do the flight testing for?"

"It's a program for NASA and several other space agencies, and the US Air Force is interested as well," Alice told her.

"Wow, he even has military contracts?"

"A few. He's selective about it," Alice said, "He believes..."

The two women were interrupted at this point by a loud groan from Keya. The doctor was by her side in a flash, and said Keya had begun to actively push. This got Michelle's heart beating faster; she was going to see new life brought into the world, something she had always wanted to see, and now it was happening before her eyes.

Dave and Eshe helped Keya climb into the pool, and Dave quickly changed into some swim trunks and climbed in after her. The doctor also left the room briefly, and came in a swimsuit of her own, and got in as well. Dave supported Keya while she pushed, and Michelle saw a tinge of red in the water between Keya's legs. Alice stepped up at this point with what looked like a vacuum cleaner hose, and positioned it about a foot from the small cloud of blood.

As she watched, Michelle saw the bloody water move towards the hose, and Michelle realized they must have some sort of pump and filter setup; clearly they took this seriously, and she already knew well the resources that were available for something Dave took seriously.

By now Eshe and Rachel were back, and the sun was just beginning to rise, lighting the room and causing the automatic lights to begin to dim. As before, Michelle didn't really have a role to play, so she stood off to the side next to Rachel, who was standing ready for anything that might be needed, and Eshe had joined Dave, Keya and the doctor in the pool as a coach. It was very organized, and seemed almost routine.

For the next twenty minutes Keya pushed, and it seemed to Michelle that not much was happening. But then the doctor announced that the head of the first baby was in the birth canal and on it's way.

Things started happening faster now; Keya was working visibly harder now, and after a few minutes Michelle could see her vaginal lips starting to stretch around the mocha colored head that was beginning to appear for the first time. Keya was squatting now, letting gravity help her push.

Michelle was glued to the spot, and could feel her excitement rising fast as the head was birthed completely, then paused a few moments to catch her breath before resuming pushing. Just a few pushes later, and the rest of the baby slid out into the waiting arms of the doctor.

"It's a girl!" the doctor announced, wiping the newborn off and handing her to Dave, who had let Keya slump back at the edge of the pool to gather her strength for a few minutes.

After Dave held his new daughter for a minute, admiring her, he handed her to Keya, who propped her on top of her now smaller belly and admired her as well. Keya looked tired, but her smile showed how happy she was as she cuddled her newborn daughter.

“What is her name?” the doctor asked, getting out the first of the two birth certificates they would need this morning.

“Ura,” she replied, not looking up as the doctor filled everything out.

Keya fussed over her for a little while she relaxed, then gave a gasp as little Ura found one of her engorged nipples and began to nurse. Keya and Ura settled down and relaxed, while Dave clamped the cord as it’s beating slowed, then cut it a few minutes later and secured the excess to Keya’s thigh with some medical wrap.

“What happened?” Michelle asked Alice, who had returned to stand by her. “I thought she was having twins?”

“She is,” Alice explained, “but there’s a gap between the two babies, usually about 15 or 20 minutes.”

“Oh, that’s...” Michelle stopped herself from finishing with the word good, not wanting to let on exactly how excited she was with the scene playing out before her. She couldn’t wait for the birth to begin again, choosing to wait and watch with bated breath rather than chat with Alice.

And she didn’t have to wait long; barely more than ten minutes later Keya gasped, and doubled over slightly as the contractions began anew. After the contraction had passed, Keya handed Ura to Rachel, who held her while the others went back to the job at hand and Alice returned to man the water pump.

Keya went back to squatting in the pool with Eshe and Dave supporting her, and Michelle could tell she had begun pushing in earnest. Once again the pool was tinged with pink before being drawn into the pump and filtered out. This birth was faster, and just ten minutes after it started, Keya pushed out the other baby into the hands of the doctor. Again the doctor wiped the baby off, and held her up, announcing once again, “It’s a girl!”

As before, she handed her to Dave, who again passed her to Keya, again cuddling her close on her now much smaller belly. As she rested, Rachel handed Ura to Keya, and she held both newborns as she rested at the edge of the pool, her job nearly done. Dave again clamped the cord before cutting it while the others began cleaning up.

“And what’s the name of this one?” the doctor asked, pen once again poised over the second birth certificate.

“She’s named Madison,” Dave replied, sitting next to her as she slid over to sit on his lap. She leaned back against him, grimacing slightly as Dave began firmly massaging her belly. As Michelle watched, Keya’s belly began to tighten a bit, and Michelle saw what looked like red jam began to emerge from Keya’s vaginal lips.

“What is that?” Michelle asked, moving closer to take a better look, the water becoming tinged pink yet again.

“It’s the placenta, better known as the afterbirth,” Dave explained, as he kept rubbing Keya’s belly. “Since you’re here, why don’t you use the hose and help keep things clean?” he said, indicating the hose Alice held in her hand.

Michelle gladly took it, happy to finally be of some use. She kept the hose close to Keya, vacuuming up the tainted water and keeping the pool clean. It just took a minute or two, before the placenta slid all the way out and ever so slowly sank to the bottom of the pool. Michelle just looked at it for a few moments before Eshe came back and scooped the placenta out into a jar.

“What are you going to do with that?” Michelle asked her.

“We freeze it and turn it into a pill she will take over the next few months. It seems to help new mothers with mood swings,” Eshe told her, carrying it over to a small freezer nearby. She returned with a large towel for Keya, and two smaller towels for the babies. Together with Dave, she helped Keya out and got her dressed in a bathrobe. Together, they left the room and headed upstairs to rest.

Alice left with the doctor, heading back to the mainland in the morning sun, leaving just Rachel, Michelle and Dave to clean up. Michelle was slow in her work, wondering for what was probably the hundredth time when it would be her turn.

Dave and Rachel were busy draining the tub when they saw Michelle suddenly drop the soiled towels she was carrying and rush out of the room. Dave and Rachel watched her leave, and looked at each other, puzzled, before returning to work. Whatever she had left to take care of, they figured she’d tell them soon enough.
Chapter 10.


Dave found Michelle in her bedroom a little over an hour later after he and Rachel had finished cleaning up the birthing room. She was sitting on her bed, looking at something in her hands, but as soon as she saw Dave she quickly hid it in her pocket. She looked at him as he sat down next to her, then looked back down at the floor.

“How are you doing?” Dave asked her. “You left in an awful hurry earlier.”

“I know,” she replied, “I just realized something, that’s all.”

Dave sat silent waiting for her to tell him just what she realized. After a few minutes he realized she wasn’t about to tell him just yet. “Well, when you’re ready to tell me, I’ll listen.”

As he closed the door behind him, Michelle pulled the item she had been hiding in her pocket and looked at it. She had found it in the cabinet with the toiletries; it was just a simple piece of plastic with a piece of paper set in a window with two lines on it. Such a simple thing, yet it meant her life was changed forever, and even though she wanted it, it was still just a bit scary.

A little while later, the kids had all finished breakfast and gone to study with Eshe and Rachel, and Dave was helping Alice clear the table after the meal when Michelle came downstairs and pulled Dave outside onto the patio, saying she wanted to talk.

A bit nervous, Michelle had trouble saying what was on her mind. “Is this about what you realised earlier?”

“Yes,” Michelle said, still trying to form the words. After standing there for a moment, she finally blurted out, “I’m pregnant,” and held the pregnancy test out to Dave.

Dave just accepted the test, surprised at what he was being told. “How long has it been since your last period?”

“Almost two months. I never noticed because of everything that was going on, but the last one was just before you took me.”

Dave hadn’t really expected this. He’d been bluffing the night he took Michelle; what he had said about her ovulating while she had been passed out had been a lie to get inside her head. In truth he had no idea when she had ovulated, and given the stress she had been under in her old life he hadn’t expected her to get pregnant that quickly. But the timing was about right, and for all he knew maybe she did ovulate and get pregnant that very night.

“I don’t know what’s going to happen...” Michelle said, feeling like she was going to cry out of uncertainty.

As ever, Dave seemed almost psychic, as he sat down on a bench running around the edge of the patio, pulling Michelle onto his lap and embracing her as he did so. “Do we ever know exactly what is going to happen?”

Michelle didn’t say anything, and just sat on Dave’s lap, listening. When she didn’t speak, Dave continued, “When Rachel and I started having a relationship, I was so worried, scared even, at what effect it might have on my relationship with Eshe. In the end it worked out fine, but for several weeks I would literally stay up at night wondering what would happen.”

Michelle was surprised to hear this; Dave always seemed so in control, she couldn’t imagine him worrying to the point of losing sleep. “But I thought you were so careful about things. Why were you unsure?”

Dave kissed her on the cheek before answering. “I’m not psychic; no one is. All we can do is plan the best we can give the information available, then roll with the changes as they come. Nothing is ever certain.”

Michelle was a little confused by this, considering the planning he put into her abduction. “But you said that you and your girlfriends were sure I would be a good fit before you took me. I thought you were certain it would work.”

Dave smiled at that. “We were as sure as we could be, but we still weren’t completely sure what your reaction would be. After all, people aren’t machines. And we can’t even completely predict what a collection of inorganic parts will do the first time.”

“So then what do I do?”, Michelle asked, still unsure of what to do.

“The only one who can answer that is you,” Dave told her as they lay down on the bench together. Michelle was unsure what she was going to do still, and just lay still, enjoying the feel of Dave’s body beneath her. She was happier than she’d been in a long time, but she didn’t know if she was just fooling herself into feeling happy. After a little while Michelle decided she didn’t care right then, and moved up to kiss Dave.

Michelle could feel Dave getting hard as they kissed, and she could feel a wave of arousal run through her own body as it reacted to Dave’s ministrations. She felt his hand slip under her skirt to grab her hip and pull her closer to his body. She reached around his neck, and rubbed her hand through his hair as they kissed passionately.

After a few minutes of making out, Michelle wanted more, and slipped Dave’s pants down enough to expose his now fully erect penis. She could feel how wet she was as she slide down and felt the head of his penis nestle against her lower lips. She pushed harder, and sighed in pleasure as she felt his hardness slip inside. She slowly slid lower, until with a satisfied groan she felt her sensitive clit get squeezed between their pelvises. She stopped moving for a minute, still not quite used to the size of Dave’s invader.

Michelle was in no hurry, just enjoying the feeling of her vagina stretching as she played with Dave’s hair. Dave just laid still below her, rubbing her back and ass. After a couple minutes of this, Michelle decided she wanted more, and started rubbing her clit against Dave, feeling his cock move ever so slightly inside her. She could feel his rock hard cock stroking all the sensitive spots inside her. She pushed down harder against him, loving the feelings of pleasure she was getting.

Wanting to try something new, Michelle sat up a bit, still sitting astride Dave’s hips and using her weight to grind her erect clit against Dave, feeling waves of pleasure roll over her. With her on top, Dave slid his hands under her shirt and tweeted Michelle’s nipples, causing her to gasp as he rubbed the swollen nubs between his fingers. The bolts of pleasure Michelle was feeling from her nipples seemed to merge with those originating from her clit.

Neither partner was rushing, and Michelle felt the first spasms of an orgasm was slowly over her body. It was a fluid, almost lazy orgasm that seemed to slosh between her toes and the top of her head. Dave’s teasing hands roamed further over her breasts, causing Michelle’s orgasm to keep rolling around her body.

After about a minute of this continuous, lazy orgasm, Michelle started to come down from her high. She was still horny, and Dave hadn’t cum yet, so after a moment to rest, Dave began to thrust inside her. Michelle got on her knees and leaned forward on Dave’s chest, allowing him more freedom of motion below her. Dave began thrusting harder, causing jolts of pleasure each time he bottomed out in her, bringing her back up to the brink of an orgasm.

Michelle began to pant as Dave pleasured her, and began massaging her breasts as Dave grabbed her hips for more leverage. He wasn’t slamming into her like other times, it was more of a strong, steady rhythm, stroking almost his whole eight inches in and out with each thrust. Despite how wet she was, Michelle could feel the wonderful friction and pressure as he pistoned in and out. She was getting close to cumming again, and it seemed Dave wasn’t far behind.

It only took a couple more minutes before Michelle could feel herself beginning to cum again. She wasn’t ready for this ride to end, so she sat down on Dave’s cock as hard as she could to prevent herself from cumming, trying to draw out this feeling as long as she could. Unfortunately, Michelle’s actions caused her to unconsciously squeeze the muscles of her pussy against the fleshy organ inside her; this pushed Dave over the edge, and Michelle could feel his cock pulse inside her, and felt the sticky ropes of semen splash in her deepest passage.

This feeling caused Michelle to reach her orgasm as well, and she could feel the juices seem out of her and onto Dave’s lap. The twitching of Michelle’s internal muscles just fueled Dave’s orgasm even more, until finally Michelle lay down on Dave, both of them thoroughly satisfied.

Dave laid there, stroking Michelle’s hair lazily; inside Michelle’s mind, however, she kept thinking about what Dave had said earlier. She was starting to understand what he meant about not knowing for sure what would happen, but it still scared her, and she still didn’t know what to do. Finally, she couldn’t stand the uncertainty any longer, and asked, “If I stay here, what then?”

“As I said earlier, only you can decide what you do,” Dave answered. “All I can promise is that you’ll have a family here for as long as you want.”

It seemed strange to Michelle, but it would have to do for now. Although that did lead to another question...

“If I have a family here, do I still need the collar?”

Michelle imagined several answers, some good, some bad, but yet again Dave surprised her as he smiled and reached behind her neck. Michelle felt a slight tug at the back of her neck, then suddenly felt one side of the collar slide down her neck. All she could do is blink in surprise as Dave handed her the collar.

She turned it over in her hand, and saw that although the front was the same, the back was different, with no lump indicating the electronics that she knew would have made up the shocker, and could even see a latch, clearly without a lock. In fact, it just felt like a leather collar. She looked up at Dave in confusion, waiting to hear his explanation.

Dave just smiled as he began to explain. “I switched your collar when we got on the plane. It’s just been a collar for the last six weeks. No shocker, nothing to keep you from trying to escape. In fact, we arranged for one of my employees to ride by us in a police uniform when we went to Jimmy’s birthday. You could have run then; it was the perfect setting, with a cop riding by in full public view. Yet you did nothing. That was all the answer I needed to know that you wouldn’t run. The collar is now just an accessory to wear if you feel like it.”

Michelle just listened, stunned. Once again he was a step ahead of her, and she had already proven she was happy where she was without her knowing it. Tears began to well up in her eyes as she realized the only one who thought of her as a prisoner was herself; she was now free to live her own life.

Her hands trembled as she reached up and fastened the collar around her neck, then she slid up to kiss Dave passionately. She felt his now soft penis slip out of her, spilling their combined juices onto his pants, but she didn’t care. She had chosen the life she wanted without even realizing it.

Their moment of intimacy was ruined as Alice came out onto the patio. “Putting on a show, I see.”

Michelle blushed, not thinking of the fact that the entire living room wall was glass, and looked right out onto the patio they were now on.

“Oh, don’t worry, the kids are studying,” Alice told her with a smile. “It wouldn’t be the first time one of them wandered in on one or the other of us having some fun with Dave, though.”


“Anyway, it’s time to get dinner ready,” Alice told Dave.

“No, you stay here,” Michelle said to Dave, putting her hand on his chest as she felt him start to get up. “You go get cleaned up,” she finished, kissing him once again.

Dave said nothing, just smiling as Michelle got off of his lap.

Michelle followed Alice inside, a thrill running through her, partly because she could feel the overflow from hers and Dave’s lovemaking start to run down her thigh, but mostly because she knew she was now finally in complete charge of her life.
Chapter 11.


Michelle was busy packing when Elise bounced into the room, full of questions. After she had come to the realization that she was, in fact, in control of her life, the first thing Michelle decided to do was to see her parents. Before, all Michelle had wanted was to get away from home, where she felt no one cared for her or appreciated her. Now, she felt like she could finally face her family without breaking down.

When she had asked Dave that morning if they could go and see her parents together, it had just so happened that Dave had a pair of meetings in LA that very conveniently fell a week and a half apart just a couple weeks later, so Dave decided to make a family vacation out of what would otherwise have been two separate trips. He had suggested they take his yacht, and stop for a couple days in Japan and India on the way. Michelle hadn’t yet seen the yacht, but she wasn’t looking forward to several weeks cooped up in what would basically amount to a floating apartment. A nice apartment surely, but an apartment nonetheless.

She had protested, saying she would rather just fly there rather than spending weeks on the water, but Dave had just irritatingly smiled and said sailing would be more fun, and sent everyone off to begin readying for the trip; he had decided they’d leave the following day to fit everything in the schedule. Grumpy, Michelle silently left to pack. She had been about halfway done when she was interrupted by the curious seven year old.

Apparently she was now something of a household celebrity since Dave had announced they would be going on the trip and meeting Michelle’s family. Elise was asking all about her family, what her parents were like, where they lived, if she had any siblings. Michelle good naturedly answered her questions as the young girl barraged her with any number of questions, but as soon as Michelle started to make some headway with the questions, the girl was joined by her older brother Jamil and their half-siblings Jimmy and Rachna, Dave and Keya’s oldest daughter.

Their questions quickly got out of hand, with all four kids asking questions before Michelle had a chance to answer. Getting a bit irritated by the questions, Michelle cut off their questions and ushered them out the door while making an offhanded comment about spending a month in a floating box. The three younger kids left without paying any mind to Michelle’s comment, but Jamil looked back at Michelle, curious about what she had said. Repeating her comment at his request, he asked why she was worried about the duration of the trip.

“No matter how nice a ship it might be, I don’t want to spend a month each way on it,” she explained. “Besides, that would make Dave late for both meetings.”

“Have you seen it?” Jamil asked her.

“Only the outside when we went to Jimmy’s party,” she explained.

“It’s faster than a normal boat,” he told her. “It flies over the water.”

Michelle knew from talking with Jamil that he was a smart kid, and seemed to have inherited his father’s mechanical aptitude; still, Michelle didn’t understand how a boat fly as Jamil described. “And how fast is it?” she asked, curious.

“Over a hundred,” he answered, confident.

“Oh, I guess that is pretty fast,” she replied, less worried now about the trip but curious how a large boat could go that fast. As with all the surprises she’d come across so far, she knew she’d get her answer soon enough.

After she had closed the door, Michelle returned to packing with more enthusiasm. She still wasn’t sold on the idea of sailing from the Mediterranean to California across the Pacific, but maybe it wouldn’t be as bad as she feared given what Jamil said.

That evening over dinner all the talk was about the coming trip. Michelle was at first worried about Keya and the only 36 hour old twins, and whether such a trip would be a hardship for them. But Dave quickly put her mind at ease, pointing out that they would be traveling at sea level, in smaller quarters than they were in now but no less comfortable, and all the comforts of home would be carried with them. It would also be easier to adjust to the time differences sailing rather than flying, which was better for the babies and young children.

Eventually, however, the topic changed to the planning for the trip. Dave had already made arrangements for the trip, and laid out the plans. The first leg, he explained, was from the island to Alappuzha, near the tip of India, via the Suez Canal. That would take about two days, with a couple days sightseeing in Alappuzha, followed by another couple days trip to Tokyo, another couple days sightseeing there, followed by another two days to California.

What caught Michelle’s attention, however, was the mention of the Suez Canal. For one of her classes before Dave found, she had done some research on the issue of piracy in the Gulf of Aden, which fed into the southern end of the Suez Canal. For someone who seemed as careful as Dave, it seemed like an unnecessary risk. “What about pirates?” she asked him.

“That’s not much of a problem,” Eshe told her. “We’ve been through the Suez Canal, and we’ve never had a problem. We’re faster than pretty much anything the pirates have,” she finished with a smile.

“Pirates give us plenty of room,” Dave continued, “considering the speed, shape and color gives it the look of a warship. Besides, if they do bother us, they won’t be the only ones shooting,” Dave finished with an enigmatic grin.

That got Michelle wondering yet again; she knew that she hadn’t heard all of Dave’s business dealings, but she was still learning more about him. It seemed that the multifaceted person that was Dave was still unfolding before her.

After dinner everyone finished their preparations for the trip and went to bed early. Michelle slept alone that night, but wished she could be with Dave; with all that had happened she wanted someone to hold her, but Dave had spent the last few nights with Keya before she gave birth, and her and the young twins that night and the night before. She thought about joining one of the other girls, but the idea didn't have the same appeal at that time. She fell asleep wondering how she’d be able to get some time alone with Dave on their trip.
Chapter 12.


The next morning Michelle and the rest of the family were up early. Since they had all packed the night before there wasn't much to get ready; after breakfast they simply began loading their stuff. Dave and one of the deckhands brought a couple of mini-pickups to load the baggage, and Eshe and Alice brought a couple of large golf carts to drive the people.

Once all the baggage and people were loaded up they started back on the road towards the hanger, but took the tunnel for the marina instead. She had been down the tunnel before for Jimmy's birthday, but every time she had left the island since it was on one of the smaller, faster boats, and she would get on and off the boats at the smaller dock nearer the house, so it was almost like she was seeing the yacht for the first time.

Add to that the fact that the marina doors were open and they came out into the other side of the marina where it was moored led to an even greater sense of awe for Michelle. The forward end (or bow, as Michelle later learned it was called) was flooded with light, emphasizing the slender, needle like bow and angled, almost car-like superstructure. As Michelle walked on, she was greeted by a large expanse of martial grey, seeming almost like a wing to Michelle, that tapered to a point like the bow.

Towards the back (or stern) the vessel seemed to disappear in the shadows of the marina that had been carved into the island, with little detail visible. With the marina deep inside the island, there was little sound, save the gentle lapping of the waves against the hull. As the baggage was quickly loaded, however, a low rumble emerged, echoing off the cavern walls and seeming to come from all around her. It was a deep sound, suggestive of power.

Michelle left the sound behind as she stepped through a door in the side and left any pretense of martial intent behind. Inside she was greeted by an interior that seemed to match the interior of the house she had been living in for the last month and a half. It was composed of pale woods with brushed metal and large expanses of tinted glass overlooking the decks. Much like the house, there was an open, spacious feel; the living room she was in was wider than it was long, running across the full width of the ship, with a mirror image set of sofas and loveseats on either side of the center line, with the effect of creating two distinct areas to congregate. Towards the back, peeking out from a divider with a large TV flanked by DVD and Blu-Ray movies, she could see a table and chairs, presumably the dining room.

As she and the rest of the family carried their stuff to their suites on the next deck up, Michelle saw the shadow from the mouth of the marina sweep over the ship as they slipped out into daylight. Michelle stood by a window and watched the house recede into the distance. Under other circumstances she would have felt sad leaving the place that had come to symbolize the life she had come to love; here and now, however, it instead became an adventure into the unknown, a new facet of her new life.

After a minute of watching her new home slowly shrink in the distance, Michelle went to her suite and unpacked. Like her room at home it was simple but spacious and comfortable, a place to relax. A walk-in closet and bathroom were included like at home, and it immediately felt like home. A second nameplate was even hung on the door, identical to the one on her room at home. She quickly unpacked and settled in, eager to explore the rest of the ship.

After just more than ten minutes, Michelle rushed back down to the living room. No one was there when she arrived, so she simply walked to the window and looked out. To her surprise, there was no land in sight anywhere, and the ocean was sweeping by at a surprisingly rapid pace; so rapid, in fact, that the small waves on the surface were a blur. Yet the ride was silky smooth, with only the faintest rumble from the engines, barely audible, and she could feel almost a fizz being transmitted through the walls and floor. At this speed, and in this ship, it didn’t feel unlike flying.

No one was in the living room when Michelle first came down to the living room, so instead she wandered around the main deck. Behind the panel she saw earlier, was, in fact, a dining room. It was definitely an elegant room, with the same pale wood and walls as the living room, but it was contrasted by dark stained wood tables and chairs; they were more ornate and formal than those at the house they always ate at, but they were far from the stuffy, busy Victorian style furniture that seemed to be in vogue in the houses of the rich. Simple gold and silver leaf accents took the furniture beyond a mere block of black wood to something that would be right at home at any 5 star restaurant. The nearly 270 degrees of sea view towards the rear of the ship was definitely unlike any restaurant she had seen before.

Walking back through the living room towards the front of the ship, past the central staircase that wrapped around a glass encased elevator shaft, Michelle found a relaxed, very informal lounge to one side of the ship. It had a number of sofas and loungers to lay around in, a wet bar and a small dais with a grand piano sitting on it. As with all the rooms so far, it had large windows affording an ocean view, and Michelle could imagine sitting here with someone, either a business partner or a friend, listening to the piano and sipping classy drinks. Her hand went to her still flat belly, though, and she realized drinking would be out of the question for the next 7 months or so...

“Something on your mind?”

Michelle jumped and spun around at the sound of the voice behind her. There was just enough noise onboard the yacht to cover the sound of Eshe’s footsteps as she approached. “Oh, you surprised me!” she said, her heart racing a bit. “Not really, just exploring.”

"Would you like a tour?" Eshe asked with a smile.

"Please," Michelle replied eagerly. " There's a lot to see, I wouldn't know where to start."

"There's actually not as much as you'd think," Eshe told her. "Unlike most yachts, Dave kept unnecessary rooms and things out of the design."

"It certainly doesn't seem to be lacking in amenities," Michelle observed as Eshe led her deeper into the ship.

"It's not that it lacks amenities," Eshe began to explain as she started the tour. "There just aren't things included that aren't needed. For example, there is a yacht that is about the same length that has seven different dining rooms. There's only one dining room on this yacht."

"Makes sense."

"That mindset allowed the weight to be kept low, and that in turn allows it to be fast and efficient."

"How fast is it?"

"Very fast," Eshe told her. "We're cruising at almost 100 miles an hour."


In a way, Michelle wasn't really sure how to react. Of course a yacht that is longer than most naval ships yet was faster than most speedboats was an amazing feat of engineering, yet with Dave, it seemed the amazing was an almost everyday occurrence. After all, he lived on his own private island, and had a mechanical toy box that would make 007 green with envy. And she hadn't even seen all that he had his hands in...

In the end, she was left with a sort of muted wonder, both at the amazing machine she was in, and also at the thought of what she might yet see spring forth from the wellspring of creativity in Dave's mind. As Eshe continued the tour, Michelle found herself not wondering what room she would be shown next, but what new idea Dave might come up with in the future.

After lunch, Michelle found herself on a sofa in the bridge, and allowed herself to wonder what it might be like to see her family again after disappearing for nearly three months. She knew they would be there because Dave had already set up a meeting with them, albeit under an alias and with no mention of Michelle since her parents, her father especially, had a tendency to overreact, and she didn't want them showing up with a SWAT team looking for her. But she was still a little nervous; not the kind of nervousness one feels before a major, life altering event, but more the low level nervousness that she might end up disappointing her parents in the end.

She felt her belly as she wondered what they would think of the changes she had gone through; at about eight weeks pregnant she wasn't really showing yet, but she could feel the hard lump of her uterus when she rubbed it, and her slight build meant that there was already a bit of a swell to her lower abdomen. For now it looked more like bloating, but she knew it would only be a few weeks until she would look undeniably pregnant, and she couldn't wait. She had been giddy almost nonstop since she found out she was pregnant, and with no morning sickness or any other symptoms yet other than elevated hormone levels, she was loving it.

She just hoped her family would feel the same way. Her younger siblings would probably be pretty excited, especially her sister, who shared some of Michelle's maternal drive, though she also shared their mother's career aspirations. But it seemed that her career oriented mother might be the hardest to convince; after all, she had at times acted more like a traditional father than a traditional mother, with her strong career focus and almost zero tolerance for domestic activities. It had been her father that had prepared most dinners when he got back from work, and even that had stopped when Michelle was in her early teens after her parents had hired a full time housekeeper and cook.

Weirdly, her new family, despite having way more than the usual two parents and being one of the wealthiest households in the world, seemed to function more like she had imagined when she was younger than her own family when she was younger. It seemed to be part of the paradox that was Dave; he took the key aspects of what it meant to be a family and pursued that, and ignored what he was "expected" to do simply because it was "traditional".

With that thought, Michelle looked back inside, away from the waves and distant shoreline she had been staring at while deep in thought, and looked at the object of her recent musings. Dave was sitting in one of the ship's three helm stations, controlling the vessel while the captain, sitting in the helm station next to him, was talking over the radio, apparently trying to work out some problem with their passage through the Suez canal.

Unlike most yacht owners, Michelle knew from talking with Eshe earlier that Dave, in addition to being intimately involved with the design and engineering of the vessel, was fully qualified to captain it, and in fact he, along with the captain and first mate, would rotate the duties of captain on long ocean crossings, allowing them to continue sailing at speed throughout the night, further shortening trips by not stopping for the night. This is why their journey from their home to India would take less than 48 hours, not the week and a half it might take a normal ship to travel that same distance.

While she was thinking, the captain had apparently resolved whatever the issue had been, and Dave left the helm station and sat down next to Michelle, having been replaced by another crewman at the helm. Michelle leaned against him as she rubbed her belly, feeling relaxed, and hoping they could just stay like that for a while. With the recent birth of the twins, Keya had been Dave's primary focus, much to the frustration of Michelle and the others.

But it seemed that Dave had other plans. He stood up after a few minutes, and Michelle looked up, disappointed. But her mood lightened when she saw him beckon her to follow him. Holding his hand, she allowed herself to be lead away from the bridge and to a small room nearby that served as an office for Dave while aboard the vessel, and had a large, comfortable sofa under the window. He sat down on the sofa and pulled Michelle close to him. "What have you been thinking about?" he asked her.

"I've been wondering what it will be like to see my family again," she told him. "I've been gone for so long, and we weren't super close to begin with. Sometimes I almost wonder if they even remember me."

Unlike earlier times when discussing her family, this time Dave could tell she was sad, but it had changed. Before she would seem to be ready to break into tears, but now, it seemed she was more resigned to the reality of the situation than truly depressed. Still...

"You don't know that," he told her, trying to raise her spirits some. "As they say, absence makes the heart grow fonder."

"Or forgetful," Michelle replied. "We weren't exactly a tight knit family to begin with. If Jimmy or Elise went missing, I know you wouldn't forget them, you'd look until you found them. With my parents, I'm not so sure."

"Well, if nothing else, give them the benefit of the doubt. Losing a child is a traumatic experience, and you don't know how it will affect them."

"Did I do the right thing by staying with you?" Michelle asked, suddenly wondering for the first time how it might have affected them. She knew she was unhappy before, but she wondered now if she was just being selfish in leaving without telling them. "What if I broke their hearts, or drove them to depression or something?"

"First of all, if you want to blame anyone for your disappearance, blame me," Dave told her sternly, getting her undivided attention. "Let's not forget how you came to be in this situation."

"Yeah, I guess," she replied. "But I still could have called them, or sent them an e-mail or something. Just to let them know I'm ok."

"And would you have done that if you had run away as you originally intended?" Dave challenged her. Michelle looked at him in surprise; there'd been no mention of her plans to run away from home, and she had no idea he knew. "Yes, I knew," he told her, seeing the surprise on her face. "Do you think it was a coincidence that I took you when I did?"

The sudden realization hit Michelle even as Dave spoke; she had decided to run away from home not long before Dave had taken her, and had in fact called her friend to let her know she was coming to stay for the night before heading to another city. At least that had been the plan. She had dismissed the timing of her kidnapping as coincidental until now, but now she had realised she had actually played right into Dave's plans.

"Or another schemer, who would probably have been far worse," she realized with a shudder. "God, you could have been anyone... I could have ended up dead..."

"Unlikely, but possible."

"Did my parents think I had been kidnapped?" Michelle wondered. "That would have been terrible..."

"Actually, I took the liberty of sending an email to your friend, explaining that you had bought a car and driven to Texas," Dave explained with a sly grin, "and very carefully left your computer on and unlocked. The police found that when they searched your room."

"Oh, I guess that's a relief," Michelle said, glad that her parents had not thought she was in immediate danger, even if it was a deliberate misdirection.

"I'm a very neat monster," Dave told her, grinning.

"Whatever you say, Dexter," she replied with a giggle.

Dave laughed, happy she'd caught the reference. "So, I heard Eshe was showing you around the yacht," he said, changing the topic. "What do you think?"

"I think it's amazing," she said. "But I'm also learning your tricks; you never do things the normal way, do you?"

"What can I say," he replied with a grin, "I'm a rebel."

"I've noticed," Michelle replied, somewhat deadpan but with a smirk on her face. "Considering all the surprises I've seen since I've met you, I'm kind of getting used to it. But I'm curious; I've seen a lot of your cars, I've seen the yacht and some of your planes. But I know there's other things you're doing too; Alice mentioned a "wave rider" when Keya was in labor, and I've been wondering what that is."

Dave laughed. "That, my dear, is actually a project my company is working on with several government agencies. It's a bit hush-hush because they're still trying to figure out what to do with it."

"So I won't be able to see it?" Michelle asked, a bit disappointed.

"I might be able to get you in to take a look," Dave replied, much to her pleasure. "It's secret, but not so secret that you would get arrested if I take you to take a peek at it."

"Ooh, I'd like that," she said, smiling. A real, live top secret program, and she was going to see it in person; she was looking forward to that. "What else are you working on?" she asked, excited by what she might hear.

Dave laughed at that. "I own the company, I don't necessarily get involved in all the projects."

Michelle slipped into her psychoanalyst mode at that comment, and sat up to straddle his lap to watch his reaction. "You help cook your own meals, you fly your planes, you drive your boats. You like being involved, so I doubt that you don't know what's going on in your company, especially if it's technical."

"Yeah, you're right about that," he replied, with a bit of a sheepish grin. "But in my defense, many of the projects just show up as progress reports on my desk."

"I'm not interested in the little ones," she told him, "I want to know about the big ones. Are you doing anything like the privateer space flight companies?"

"Not really. Why do you ask?"

"Oh, space has always interested me," she explained. "I went to space camp when I was younger, and I've always wanted to travel in space. Considering all of the things you're involved in, I was hoping space flight was one of them."

"Is that so...?" he replied, clearly thinking.


"Oh, nothing..."

Michelle sat straight up. She knew him well enough by now that she knew space was an interest of his as well, and could tell from the look in his eye that he knew of something he hadn't told her. "What is it? I can tell you're hiding something. You're working on a space plane, aren't you?" she asked him, surprisingly forcefully considering her normally reserved nature.

Dave was taken aback the the sudden force in her voice. He threw up his hands in mock defense. "I don't have a space plane, I swear!" he told her with a little laugh.

"Oh," Michelle said, feeling a bit let down.


Hearing that, she looked back up expectantly, her hopes back up.

"I do have a project I'm working on that I think would be of great interest to you.”

“Really?! What is it?!”

Michelle couldn’t wait to hear what he was working on. Whatever it was, she knew he wouldn’t disappoint her.

“Well, it’s still a work in progress, and I don’t really want to say much right now,” he told her, much to her disappointment. “But, the team working on it is getting close to the first test, and I promise to take you to see it when it’s ready.”

Michelle looked at him for a second, then dropped her head on his chest. “You suck...” she said, pouting a bit.

“Oh, and why is that?” Dave asked with a chuckle.

Michelle didn’t say anything for a minute, then leaned up and kissed Dave. “You promise you’ll take me?”

“I promise,” he said, returning the kiss.

Michelle sat there on Dave’s lap, just enjoying being there with him. She’d been feeling a bit neglected the last week or so, primarily because he had been spending most of his time with Keya and the twins, but also because her hormones had started to fluctuate with her pregnancy. Aside from the time she’d spent with him on the patio when she’d told him of her pregnancy, she’d spent pretty much no private time with him.

After just a couple of minutes, she started feeling the warmth building deep in her belly, and almost subconsciously started shifting her weight side to side, pressing her swelling clit against his lap. She immediately felt her body react, her clit growing more sensitive as it grew harder, and her nipples quickly followed suit.

Dave noticed the change in her behavior, and reached down to cup her buttocks, kneading them gently as he lifted her higher to kiss her. He took over where she left off, rocking her from side to side. He could hear her breathing change, becoming hot and heavy as she rapidly got more turned on. This continued for a few minutes, when Michelle suddenly couldn’t stand it anymore, and jumped up, practically ripping her clothes off in her rush to keep the sensations going.

Michelle gasped out loud when she got back on Dave’s lap, her whole body sensitive to every touch, her clit and nipples especially so. She moaned as she began grinding her hips against Dave’s, the somewhat rough denim of the jeans he wore rasping against her clit, causing lights to begin to flash before her eyes. Then, as she leaned forward, her rock hard nipples started sliding over the smooth cotton of his T-shirt, and she felt his hands return to massaging her ass, pulling her harder against his body.

After mere minutes of this, Michelle felt the start of her orgasm. It didn’t really matter that Dave was there at that moment, as she used his body like a warm, living sex toy. She wrapped her arms around his body and squeezed, trying to create as much friction as possible between her overcharged body and his. She was moaning and panting loudly into his chest as her hips jerked back and forth spasmodically. Time didn’t matter to her anymore as she rode her orgasm hard, keeping it going as long as possible, until she collapsed in a heap on top of Dave, gasping for breath.

She just laid there for a while catching her breath, before finally looking up to see an amused looking Dave. She didn’t say anything to him as he lifted her and laid her on her back on the sofa. She saw a big wet patch on his pants, and blushed, turning redder than she already was, flushed as she was from her exertions, as she realized he looked like a child that had wet his pants, only it had all come from her. She reached down between her legs, and carefully felt the wetness of her over-sensitized sex organ.

“You needed that, didn’t you?” Dave asked, breaking the near silence.

Michelle just nodded as she laid her head back against the sofa and closed her eyes. “I’m sorry, I couldn’t help it...”

Dave just chuckled. “Don’t apologize. You’re not the first pregnant girl to dry hump me like that.”

“Not that,” she said, realizing with a bit of surprise that she didn’t feel at all self-conscious about the wanton display of sex she had just put on. “I’m sorry for ignoring you...”

“Oh, I know how to work with that,” he told her.

Michelle had barely taken another breath when she suddenly felt something firm and wet run the length of her pussy, spreading her lips suddenly before just as quickly clamping down on her still tingling clit. She felt her hips flinch violently upwards at the sensation as she yelled out in surprise and almost agonizing pleasure, and her legs clamped shut, only to be blocked from closing all the way.

She reached down and grabbed the object between her legs, feeling a short mass of hair. She realised it was Dave, enthusiastically alternating between licking and sucking on her outer lips and flicking the hard nub of her clit. Almost immediately she was pushed back into an orgasm, more intense than before and with virtually no build up.

Within seconds she was writhing under his ministrations, and she moaned and bucked wildly as she came hard. She grabbed his hair and pulled, half intending to pull him off, but he was much larger and stronger than she was, and he didn’t even pause as he felt her tugging on his hair. Instead, she was forced to ride it out for as long as he chose to keep it up, any conscious control over her voice lost in her orgasm as she felt fluids practically gush from deep inside her pussy.

Instead, the office was filled with a cacophony of pants, moans and screams that sounded like they belonged in a porn flick, not the office of a multi-billionaire; but that mattered little to Dave, as he continued to work her into a frenzy, and it mattered even less to Michelle, who was past caring about anything other than the continuing orgasm that was wracking her body.

It seemed to Michelle that it had gone on for hours, but in reality, it was just a few minutes later when he finally relented. He backed away from her, and Michelle felt an emptiness between her spread legs as she again gasped for breath. But, like last time, the reprieve was short lived, as she felt Dave position himself between her legs. She looked up at Dave, who had a small smile on his face.

She closed her eyes again as she felt the hard head of his cock slip inside her. She was soaking wet, but she could still feel herself stretch wide around him. She groaned from the pressure as he slowly slid deeper. With as worked up as she still was, no sooner had he entered her all the way that she felt herself start to orgasm again. Dave just held himself where he was, allowing Michelle to come down from her current orgasm, but she didn’t get far from a new peak as they paused for a moment.

Michelle groaned as she felt Dave pull out and push back in. She began to orgasm almost immediately as Dave began to pump into her, feeling herself stretched wide around his cock. She soon felt her wetness squirting out of her pussy and run down her ass, pooling on the sofa beneath her. She wrapped her legs around Dave to pull him in tighter, moaning. Time again lost meaning for Michelle as she lost herself in the pleasure, her whole body trembling from the sensations she was feeling.

It could have been a minute later or it could have been an hour for all Michelle knew when she felt Dave’s cock pulse inside her, and she saw her vision start to go grey. After a few minutes, she slowly regained full consciousness. She felt Dave laying beside her, and her whole body was twitching from the experience. Not long after, exhaustion took over, and she fell asleep where she was.
Chapter 13


When she woke up the next morning, the scenery had definitely changed. At dinner the night previously, they were in the Mediterranean, with Africa to the south and Europe to the north. Now, they seemed to be traveling almost due south, though Michelle could no longer see land. She figured they had passed through the Suez Canal during the night, and were in the Red Sea headed toward the Gulf of Aden.

It was the reputation of the Gulf of Aden for being a hive of pirate activity that had first concerned Michelle when she heard about their plans to travel by sea. Less than six months previously, a hijacking of a cargo ship grabbed international headlines when an attempted rescue lead to the deaths of several crewmen as well as two US Navy SEALs that were part of the rescue team. In the aftermath, the US government had vowed to increase the size of its naval forces in the area, but had nonetheless warned against any travel in the area, particularly by private yacht.

Now, however, traveling at speeds that would result in a speeding ticket on virtually any highway in the world in a vessel that looked more like a warship than some ships in the world’s navies, Michelle felt considerable more secure. Much like virtually every experience she had been through with Dave, the reality of the situation was different from what she first imagined.

With that thought in mind, she undressed to take a shower in her room’s ensuite bathroom. She could feel herself waking up as the warm water washed over her body. About 20 minutes later, she was done with her shower and once again dressed, ignoring the fact that her hair was still damp in order to address the growling of her stomach.

She found the kitchen table had been commandeered by Eshe and Rachel, who were playing board games with the kids. Greeting everyone, she was directed to the oven, where her breakfast was waiting, still freshly warm. As she sat down to eat and watch the kids playing, Rachel told her that they had just finished breakfast themselves just a few minutes prior. The smell of bacon, eggs and hash browns filled Michelle’s nostrils, though she found the smell of the bacon to be strangely nauseating, which was odd since she normally loved bacon.

Finishing her breakfast, but leaving the bacon less than half eaten, she left to see Dave on the bridge. Unsurprisingly, she found him at the helm, which looked more like the cockpit of an aircraft than the bridge of a ship. Dave and the ship’s captain sat at the two of the three abreast helm chairs, which each had a retractable steering wheel and faced a wrap around monitor. They faced the steeply raked windshield, which offered views above them as well as in front, and were supported by thick windshield pillars.

She gave Dave a hug and a peck on the cheek, bringing him out of his discussion with the captain as he kissed her back and gave her a squeeze of her rump, eliciting a soft squeak from Michelle.

“Glad to see you up, sleepy head,” he said with a smile. “Xzavier, the engineer, is getting breakfast; as soon as he’s back I’ll be all yours.”

Michelle smiled at this, feeling a bit possessive over Dave at the moment. She stretched out on the raised sofa that afforded a nice view to the front, and she could see a pair of landmasses to either side of their ship now, which the GPS display in from of her identified as the Bab-el-Mandeb Strait between Yemen and Djibouti. They slipped through the strait into the Gulf of Aden without any fanfare, with only Michelle seeming to take any notice of this as Dave and the captain discussed plans for their stop in Alappuzha.

About 15 minutes later Xzavier appeared, and Michelle happily jumped up and grabbed Dave, leading him out of the bridge, much to the amusement of him, Xzavier and the captain. She eagerly lead him down to her room, where he flopped down on her bed, pulling her with him. She found herself laying on top of him, kissing him deeply.

“So what’s in Alappuzha?” Michelle asked, breaking of the kiss, torn between satisfying her curiosity and satisfying the tingling she felt deep in her belly.

“Aren’t you the inquisitive one today,” Dave replied with a grin. “Keya’s family lives nearby, for one. I promised them I’d bring her and the twins over after they were born, though I hadn’t really intended it to be this soon after they were born.”

“Ooh, what are they like?”

“They’re a good family, though they are somewhat caught between old world tradition and new world innovation,” Dave explained. “Her dad is a developer, and I’ve actually been working with him to develop sustainable solutions to India’s infrastructure problems. They’re also strongly religious, although that seems to have waned a little in recent years. I seem to recall her brother calling me a godless heathen when we first meet,” he finished with a smile.

“And what else will we be doing there?” she asked.

“Refueling, for one,” Dave explained. “There’s plenty of range left, and we could make it to Thailand or the Philippines without a problem, but India is a nice place to stop, especially since Keya’s family is there. We’ll arrive tomorrow morning, and leave the evening after that. That gives us a good couple of days to have fun while we’re there.”

“And where to after that?”

“Hawai’i. We’ll be stopping at the island of Kaua’i for a couple days, again to refuel and have some fun.”

“Kaua’i?” she asked, a little unsure of where that was. “Why aren’t we stopping at Maui or Honolulu?”

“Those are big tourist stops,” Dave explained. “Kauai is the smallest of the islands, and the least commercialized, the most natural. Honolulu is a big city while Maui is full of resorts. We’ve been to those islands before, and we prefer Kauai.”

“How far is it from India to Kauai?”

“Almost 8000 miles,” he replied. “It’s the longest leg. We’ll leave India in the evening and arrive at Kauai in the morning of the fourth day. It’s just about the limit of the range of this ship.”

“8000 miles on a tank of fuel?” Michelle asked, a bit amazed. “How much does it cost to fill up?”

“Don’t ask...” he replied with a slightly exaggerated cringe. “It’s the cost of a small house...”


They lay there in silence for a moment before Michelle broke the pause. “So what will we do on the way to Kauai?”

“Well, I’ve got a couple of meetings during that time I’ll be video conferenced on,” he told her, “plus I’ve got business affairs to take care of most of those days. I know the kids want to teach you some of the games we have, and Keya wanted to talk to you about your desire to restart your schooling. She has a couple of recommendations for schools, and there are a couple videos chats with admissions staffs scheduled.”

“Sounds like a couple busy days planned,” Michelle said. “I thought yachts were supposed to be for relaxing,” she said, a bit of a tease in her voice.

“Oh they are,” Dave replied with a chuckle. “This happens to be somewhat of an unplanned trip, so day to day business still needs to be taken care of. Eshe in particular wanted an on-board salon, though, and she wants to drag you there for some pampering,” he told her with a grin.

“Sounds tedious,” she teased back, kissing him.

“Very,” he replied, slipping his hand under her shirt and rubbing the small of her back. He had found that to be a particularly sensitive spot on her body, and sure enough she immediately responded by spreading her legs so she was straddling him and arching her back. She was just wearing a pair of thin sweatpants, which quickly showed a wet spot as she rubbed her crotch against Dave’s growing erection. “Besides, it will give us time to be alone together as well, and I’m sure you’ll find that enjoyable,” he told her with a smile.

“Mmm, I’m sure I can learn to love it,” Michelle replied with a far-off look on her face. She’d been especially horny the couple of weeks, and the thought of her and Dave on a boat with nowhere else to go sounded very appealing. She felt his hands move up her sides before cupping her breasts, and she leaned forward, pressing her breasts into his hands as she felt him start to massage them.

This had the effect of sending tingles of pleasure throughout her body, and she felt herself start to cum as she ground her clit against the bulge in his pants, causing the wet spot in her pants to grow. Once she came down from her orgasm, she stood up to remove her shirt and pants as she told Dave, “Well, don’t just lay there, I’m not done with you yet. Hurry up and get undressed.”

Dave simply chuckled, and undid the button and the zipper on his pants. “That’s all I’m doing, the rest is up to you,” he challenged her.

Michelle dropped back down on top of Dave, this time facing away from him as she pulled his heavy cock out of his pants. She’d only given a blow job to Dave a few times, so she wasn’t very experienced, but if he wasn’t going to cooperate, she’d have to make sure he had the incentive to do so. She quickly leaned down, straddling his chest while her breasts came to rest on his stomach. She gripped his large cock with both hands, starting by just licking the tip with her tongue like a lollipop, before moving on a minute later to take his swollen head into her mouth. She could taste his somewhat salty pre-cum on her tongue as she swallowed, and this just spurred her on as she could taste how excited he was.

It wasn’t her intention, but the position she was in had pointed her pussy right at Dave’s face, who simply watched for a minute as Michelle worked on his cock. He could see how wet she was, and just watched as her pussy drooled some of it’s juices onto his shirt. After watching her pussy continue to drool, causing the wet spot to grow, he decided to make the next move.

Michelle had been working on licking the entire head of Dave’s cock while she sucked on it, and had been rewarded with a couple more spurts of pre-cum. Suddenly she felt his hands grip her hips and drag her upwards. Being as short as she was, this caused the head of his cock to pop out of her mouth, and she was about to turn around and complain when she felt his mouth clamp over her clit without warning, and began to flick his tongue violently against the tip of her clit.

The surprise of feeling her clit being suddenly treated so roughly caused Michelle to freeze for a second, before she was overtaken by an intense orgasm that left her breathless and trembling like a leaf. When her orgasm finally ended she took a deep breath, but she still had trouble breathing as Dave had not stopped his assault on her clit.

The sensation of her clit, which was still so highly charged from the orgasm she had just gone through, being still thrashed by Dave’s tongue, was an almost painful experience, and she struggled against him, trying to get away from him and his maddening tongue. “Ooh, fuck, stop, that’s too much...” she groaned as she struggled.

Dave just ignored her and her struggles, and given how much bigger and stronger he was, simply tightened his hold on her while she fought to get away. Very quickly, however, another orgasm wracked her body.

Michelle was helpless to do anything as she felt him tighten his grip on her hips, pulling her closer. Suddenly she was hit by her second orgasm, this one hitting her like a ton of bricks. All the muscles in her body tensed, and stars filled her vision as the waves of pleasure and near pain combined to drive her well over the edge.

Suddenly Michelle realised she was on her back, panting like she’d just finished a marathon at a sprint, and her entire body twitching. She briefly wondered what happened before she felt a now nude Dave crawl on top over her. She was still trembling as she felt him position the head of his cock at the opening of her still spasming pussy. She opened her mouth to tell him to wait, but instead the only noise she made was a strained groan as he pushed his cock in to the hilt in one motion.

Instinctively, her legs opened as wide as possible, trying to accommodate the sudden fullness she felt as her vaginal walls strained against the invader. Dave paused there, giving her time to adjust to him, but not long after and certainly not as long as Michelle wanted, he pulled almost all the way out before burying himself deep inside her once again.

Michelle grunted as Dave started fucking her hard, starting to feel a bit lightheaded as each inward thrust forced out some of the air in her lungs. Dave wrapped his arms around her, pinning her arms to her sides as his chest pushed her shoulders against the mattress, while her legs wrapped around his waist involuntarily as she did her best to pull that wonderful cock even deeper inside her.

Dave was pounding her hard, harder than he’d done since she’d been taken, and she also hadn’t felt quite so vulnerable since then either, considering how aggressively he was treating her, but then Michelle started cumming yet again, and with the last bit of her functioning higher reasoning faculties, she realized she also had never felt so sexy or alive. This wasn’t the lovemaking portrayed in Hollywood, this was fucking at it’s most primal.

Then she saw lights flashing before her as Dave bent down without slowing his pace and clamped his jaw over the side of her throat, marking her as his. Michelle’s eyes rolled into the back of her head as her orgasm intensified and she found herself floating on a sea of pleasure and sensation.

It was a few minutes later that Michelle’s orgasm finally ebbed, and she realized that Dave was lying beside her, cuddling her while her lower body shook from the force of her orgasms. “Fuck, that was amazing...” she gasped, having never felt anything quite like that before. She tugged on his arms, wanting to be as close to him as possible. Dave didn’t say anything, and just let Michelle relax in the afterglow.

"We need to do that more often," Michelle said a few minutes later, once she had caught her breath. She was sticky and sweaty, but she had never felt so womanly before.

"You and Keya really are a lot alike," Dave said, a hint of amusement in his voice.

"I do hope that's not an inconvenience for you, sir," Michelle replied, playfully sarcastic, as she rolled over to face him.

"Au contrair," he replied, "I was hoping for exactly that when I first read your posts online."

Michelle was quiet, thinking about those posts that had first attracted Dave without her knowledge. It seemed so long ago, a lifetime even, considering how much had changed for her in just two months.

Their reverie was broken by the sound of the door opening as Rachel suddenly walked in. She stopped in her tracks, surprised to see Dave there, and beat a hasty retreat with a loud “Eeep!” as Dave and Michelle threw a barrage of pillows at the once again closed door.

“Well, it seems one of us is wanted,” Dave said with a wry smile. “Let’s rinse off and see what’s up.”

Michelle had a problem standing, her legs feeling like jello stilts as she tried to get up. Dave got up and came around to her side of the bed, helping her to the shower before to the door to see what Rachel had come to see them about. Since she had showered just a couple hours before, Michelle didn’t spend much time washing, instead just rinsing the sweat and her’s and Dave’s combined juices off her body while fighting to keep her legs beneath her. A minute later Dave entered the shower behind her, wrapping his arms around her.

“Seems Keya wanted to see you,” he explained. “She’s resting with the twins in my bedroom.”

“What does she want?” Michelle asked, curious.

“Don’t know, Rachel didn’t say.”

“Hmm, maybe I should get going then,” Michelle purred, feeling Dave’s hands caressing her belly.

“Maybe you should,” he replied, turning off the water.

Getting out, they both got dressed before parting with a kiss, Michelle off to see Keya and Dave to spend some time with the kids. Her legs now more stable if still a little shaky, she found her way to Dave’s room, which was just a little ways forward of her own. She was initially confronted with a painting hung on a wall, but walking around it lead to a room larger than her own and on the centerline of the ship, facing forward. Keya was laying on the bed with a book, while the twins slept on the bed next to her.

“Hey,” Michelle said softly, sitting carefully on the bed so as to not disturb the twins.

“Hi,” Keya replied, putting down her book.

“Rachel said you wanted to talk to me,” Michelle said.

“Yes,” Keya replied. “How are you feeling?”

“I’m feeling good,” Michelle said. “It’s exciting going to India, and I can’t wait to meet your family.”

“I mean how are you feeling about yourself,” Keya said. “How are you feeling about what’s going on in your life?”

“Oh,” Michelle replied, thinking for a moment. “I’m a little scared,” she admitted. “I don’t know what will happen in my life, and even though I’ve wanted to be a mom for a long time, I’m a little scared now that it’s actually happening.”

Keya stayed silent for a moment, giving Michelle the chance to say more if she wanted. “It’s natural to feel nervous the first time. Alice, Eshe and I all felt nervous the first time we found out we were pregnant. It’s a big change in your life. But we’ve all gone through it, and we all like it. I think you’ll feel the same,” she finished with a smile.

“Yeah, but I’m still nervous,” Michelle replied. “What if something happens to the baby while I’m pregnant, or during the birth?”

“Dave has made sure we all have the best medical care we can get, and by staying healthy we’ve gone through many pregnancies without issues. All the kids are healthy, and so are we.”

“But Eshe told me she had trouble with her last pregnancy. What if that happens to me?” Michelle asked.

“She had a difficult labor, that is true,” Keya explained, “but it seems that was down to the stress she was under at the time combined with the fact that she is an older mother. She and Dave discussed the possibility of this happening again with the doctor, but she believes that there should be no problem as long as she is not under that same kind of stress prior to giving birth. The doctor has already recommended bed rest for her beginning at about 32 weeks, and has also suggested against any travel beginning at the same time. We’re not expecting any difficulties this time, and really the only reason she isn’t planning on having more kids is due to her age.”

Michelle sat in silence for a minute, absorbing what Keya was saying. “So everything will be fine?”

Keya shrugged. “There are no guarantees in life, but you’re young and healthy, so there’s no reason to expect otherwise. Women younger than you have been giving birth without any kind of real medical assistance for thousands of years. It’s what the female body was made to do.”

“You make me sound like some kind of machine,” Michelle said with a giggle.

“Well, it’s true,” Keya said with a smile. “Biologically the purpose of the female body is to incubate and nurse babies to ensure the survival of our species.”

“That sounds like something Dave would say.”

This time it was Keya’s turn to giggle. “He’s the one who explained it to me like that.”

“I guess that makes sense,” Michelle replied, laying down and looking at the ceiling. She thought for a while before asking Keya, “How old were you when you decided you wanted to be a mom?”

“I was very young,” Keya replied, “I think it was something I always wanted even as a young girl, but it wasn’t until I was about 13 or so that I really understood what I wanted.”

“I guess Dave was right when he said you and I are a lot alike,” Michelle commented absentmindedly.

“That hickey you have is testament to that,” Keya said with a giggle.

Michelle felt her whole head and upper torso burn with embarrassment as she clapped a hand over the mark Dave left when he bit her. She hadn’t even thought about it when she left the bedroom. “Oh god, I forgot about that!”

“Oh, don’t worry,” Keya told her, still giggling a bit, “It isn’t the first time one of us has gotten one, and I’m sure it won’t be the last. And don’t worry about the kids either; we tell them it’s from our playtime, but they’re not yet old enough to know what it means yet.”

Michelle didn’t respond to that; she was thinking about what the kids might actually know, despite what Keya said. But her thoughts were interrupted by the cry of one of the twins, likely hungry and cranky after their nap.

“I’ll let you take care of her,” she said, getting up to leave as Keya picked the infant up to breastfeed.

“Oh, you don’t need to leave on my account,” Keya said, “I don’t mind.”

“I’ve taken up enough of your time,” Michelle explained, “and I wanted to see what Dave and the kids are up to anyway. But thanks for talking to me, it really helped a lot,” she finished with a smile.

As she left the room, Michelle knew she couldn’t wait to be a mom, just like Keya was. But she smiled as she felt her belly, her womb already present as a hard lump just below her skin, as she knew her turn was not too far off.

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