Adventures in the PI - Baby Bomb
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Another great installement, looking forward to reading more, that's for sure.
Liked by Aranyosy (Mar 15, 2015)
epic story so far, please keep them coming
Liked by Aranyosy (Mar 15, 2015)
This is absolutely amazing
Liked by Aranyosy (Mar 15, 2015)
The story gets better and better, more please.
Liked by Aranyosy (Mar 15, 2015)
I want to thank all that have commented. When you comment, you literally give me the energy to write as I refer back to your comments. I only hope that my short updates of my story are worthy of your attention.

Maria waddled and I walked out of the hotel bar to grab a jeepney. We went to the local mall to go see a movie. As she waddled to the movie theater, even though I did not impregnate her, we got the looks of disgust and amazement. I got more looks of disgust from the older women and the “heck ya” from the guys. I believe if the guys thought if she was dressing like that while pregnant, I must be getting some getting great some sex and blow jobs.

When we got to the movie, I did not think I was going to enjoy it. We sat in the very back corner of the theater. As the movie went out, Maria took my hand and put her on belly. I smiled and then she moved my hand down to her pussy. I was shocked on how wet and engorged it was. As the movie was going on, I was fingering her until she came. It was hilarious because even though she was containing her pleasure, she was squirming around and I thought we would be kicked out. Once she came, I thought that was going to be the end of it. She put her finger to her mouth, gestured the “Shhh” sign, licked her lips, and blew me a kiss. She then stood up quietly and squatted next to me. Next thing, I knew I was a getting a blow job in the theater. This was a new one for me – a heavily pregnant woman giving me a blow job in a foreign movie theater. I did not last very long and she swallowed every last drop. She quietly stood up and sat back down in her seat. For the rest of the movie, she wanted my hand on her belly massaging it.

Needless to say, I felt very relaxed after the movie. Near the end of the movie, I could hear her stomach growling and she patted her belly. The babies needed to be fed. We went to her favorite Chinese buffet at the mall, but there was a small problem. The owner wanted to charge us for 3 people – me, her, and her “baby’ because the owner knew she could put away some food. She got sad, but I was not going to let this ruin our night out. I paid the entrance fee and she went to town. She must have made five trips to the buffet that night and did not even break a sweat. As we ate, she wanted me to sit next to her and massage her belly. I could the feel babies move as she ate and they eventually slowed down when she was becoming full. Once she was done, she let out a small long burp and patted her belly. I swear that her dress was looking tighter than I when I saw her earlier that night. As we were about to leave, she nibbled on my ear and told me she wanted to go dancing. I looked at her as if she was crazy, but she winked and told she me she knew of a place that we could go.

We arrived at the dance club and they waved us in. I guess they knew her. Here is where the amazing part was. As we walked up to the bar to order a drink, Maria put her hand on a girl’s ass that was ordering a drink. I am thinking to myself “WTF?” I saw her turn around and try to give Maria a hug. This girl was pregnant just like Maria was. I guess that this girl had worked at the same club as Maria and she ended up taking the fertility pills. Maria introduced me to Merly. Now Merly was not exactly my type, but she was still got my attention. While Maria was wearing a green stretchy dress, Merly was wearing a stretchy pink dress and had a prominent bump. Before I could even say anything, we all took a shot and it all seemed to be okay.

I don’t remember much of the evening, but all I remember is taking shots and dancing with two pregnant women. I know as I write this, no one will ever believe me and call bull shit. Well, waking up the next the morning with a hangover and two pregnant woman cuddled next to you can cure your hangover real quick. Having sex with a woman is one thing and having sex with a pregnant woman is another experience. Having sex with two pregnant women is something that really is hard to put into words.

Merly left soon after and that is when I decided to have a heart to heart with Maria. We went down to breakfast and we talked. I told her that I really appreciated last night, but she did not have to do that. She smiled and said she was “killig”. I told her that this was not going to last and that even though we had two weeks left, I could not be there for her in the future. She grabbed my hand, looked into my eyes, and told me I had a kind heart and even though she was “simple” she loved me for who I was. She wanted to please me and this was the only way she knew how. I told her you definitely pleased me, but I could not be her knight in shining armor. I was a flawed man. She pulled my hand to her face and told me that I had been best thing to happen to her. She did not want to fight nor have this conversation. She just wanted to live the moment and be with me.

Over the next week, we continue our normal routine and had a great time. It was becoming very apparent that the buffets at the hotel were taking a toll on her. Her eating had contributed to a growth spurt and she was making up for lost meals. The original blue stretchy pants that she wore was now underneath her belly and the shirt that covered it exposed some flesh. I was definitely drinking from the milk cartoon – the sex was constant and incredible. After breakfast, she would take a shower and would have to pin two towels together to cover her belly. I really could not believe this was happening, but I knew in another week this would have to end.

Liked by Aranyosy (Mar 15, 2015)
great segment, I look forward to the next part....Maybe even make it a series
Liked by Aranyosy (Mar 15, 2015)
Something to wet your appetite as I work on my next installment.

This is how I envisioned her when I first met Maria.
Liked by Aranyosy (Mar 15, 2015)
I don't think this installment was as good as the other ones. I don't know when I will be able to write again, but I hope you all have enjoyed my little story. I left it open in case someone wants to continue on or I can pick it up again one day. Thanks.

Maria was nearing 33 weeks and she was making up for lost time in the weight department. Her belly and breasts had become very distended and the babies had definitely grown. Maria was becoming more “clingy” as my vacation was coming to its conclusion in about 7 days. In the mornings, instead of sex right of way, she just wanted to cuddle with me. I felt guilty because even though I could be a dick, I was having feelings for her. She knew this and the sex that we had was more intense than I had ever experienced before.

While I was waiting for her to get ready for breakfast, I heard a loud rip from the bathroom. I went in to check on her and saw that her face was flushed. Since she had gained that weight, she had not upgraded her wardrobe. Today was the day that she was going to need to do that. She had ripped the back of her pants as she was adjusting it to fit her belly. She started to cry and wanted me to hold her. I told it was bound to happen and this was a good sign. After I reassured her, she decided to go with an old pair shorts that fit underneath her belly, a very large t-shirt, and flip flops.

As usual, she attacked that buffet with a force to be reckoned with. As she was wiping her mouth with the napkin and rubbing her belly, I told her she was not done yet. The waiter brought out a desert called “The Finale”. I told her that even though it was breakfast, she needed to keep gaining the weight and help those babies growing. The Finale consisted of ice cream, cake, chocolate, strawberries and a whole of calories. I told her that I would give her one at every meal until I left. Her eyes lit up, her belly gurgled, and she went for the spoon. It took her about 45 minutes to finish “The Finale”, but she was a member of the clean plate club. I had to help pull her from her seat and we went back up to the room to take care of some business.

After taking care of business, taking a nap, and going down for lunch which consisted of another “Finale”, we went clothes shopping. Any male knows that clothes shopping is a painful experience with a woman. Well, it was not that bad. She let me catch up on emails and news at a local coffee shop while I gave her some money to get some clothes. After about 3 hours, she came to meet me in one of her new outfits. It was a flowery dress that came about mid-thigh. She also had gotten her nails done in a bright red that accented her beauty and sexiness. She was only carrying 1 shopping bag and gave me the rest of my money back. I told her she did not have to do that, but again she told me was “kilig”. I asked what was in the bag and she said she would model them back at the hotel later.
We went back to the hotel and we took a nap before dinner. When dinnertime came rolling around, she changed into one of her new outfits. It was a pair of maternity shorts that accented her ass and a tight hugging t shirt that showed every detail of her belly, belly button, and ample breasts. She giggled and smiled and said let’s go eat.

Two days before I was supposed to leave, I decided I needed to talk with her about what she was going to do with the babies. She really did not want to talk about it, but I told her that this was something you have to do. She sighed and said that she had already made plans to for adoption to a farming family in her province. She knew that she could not care for them, but she knew they were good people and would give her a babies love. The adoptive parents already had kids and would eventually help them. They also had told her told that she would be referred to as their “Aunt” and could visit them anytime she wanted. She cried into my shoulder and said that everyone she cared about was leaving. After sobbing into my shoulder, she took her small hand and started to massage my dick and kiss my ear. She said that she did not want to end this on a bad note. She got up, went to the bathroom, and I heard some rustling from a shopping bag. She came out wearing cat ears, cat make up, and a bikini with a sown on cat tail. She slowly walked back to the bed purring. When she reached the bed, she got on all fours and let out a purr. She slowly let her belly touch the bed as she wiggled and squirm. I quickly became erect and she could see that. She let out a loud “Meow” and went for my dick to give me a blow job. I didn’t last long.

It was the last day that I had with her. Over the last 3 weeks, I had seen her gain a lot of weight in a short of period of time. The food, attention, and love was what she needed. As we sat down for our last meal together, I was in awe on how much bigger she had become. Her trips to the buffet and then having “The Finale” after each meal had really made an impact. The clothes that she bought a week were starting to appear tight and ride up on her. Her back had a little more flab than I had noticed before and her hips had widened. As she ate her last “Finale”, she just held my hand. Once she finished, she let out a soft long burp. I had to pull her from her seat and she waddled to the hotel lobby.

I did not want this to be over dramatic, but she cried. I told her that there was a possibility of seeing her again in about a month and that we would stay in contact. I gave her some money and she handed it back to me. She told me even though she needed the money, that I had done so much for her. I told her it was a gift and wanted her to remember the good times we had.

When I left the PI, I felt amazingly sad this time around. Once I got home, I worked a bunch of overtime and sent emails back to Maria. I asked Maria to send pictures, but she said she was shy. I told her that I got approved for another leave and would be visiting her soon. 30 days soon flew by. I walked in to that same bar that I done about 60 days ago. The décor had not changed that much since my last visit. I walked in and asked the mamasan where Maria was. The mamasan started yelling at me because I was the “Kalbo” that did this to Maria. I told her that I did not make her pregnant. The mamasan said that I was the one that created a hungry Maria. She pointed to the back of the bar and I walked toward her.
Liked by Aaaaaaaaaa127 (Sep 30, 2022), B17geek98 (May 13, 2021), Aranyosy (Mar 15, 2015)
Oh man, PLEASE tell me she's still pregnant Big Grin
Liked by Aranyosy (Mar 15, 2015)

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