Too Pregnant
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Some of you may have already seen this already submitted on my DeviantArt page, but I also wanted to post it here, partially for those not on DA but also as a back-up just in case DA ever decides it is too mature and removes it. I'll keep the series updated here as each part is finished. I hope you all enjoy!

Part 1

Soon, she thought.

Emily stood in front of the mirror, looking over her pre-pregnant body one final time. She turned sideways, cupping her breasts as she admired her slender profile, Touching her flat stomach, she wondered: What would it look like? Will my belly look more egg-shaped, or jut out like a torpedo? Will I keep my innie belly button, or will it pop out? And just how big will I get? Oh I hope I look huge! As her mind raced with endless questions, she squealed in excitement as she realized she'd soon find out.

Emily couldn't believe this day had finally come. It had been a long journey. After graduating at the top of her class in biomedical engineering then completing 2 additional years of advanced training, she had recently been hired as a gestational engineer at Telenatal Inc.

The company she now worked for was world renown for their technology in artificial wombs and short-distance teleportation allowing for women to transfer their pregnancies temporarily. The original intent of this technology was to permit pregnant women to undergo risky surgeries or recover from serious illnesses without risk of harming their unborn babies. However, like with most technological advancements, it ended up being utilized mostly as a luxury. In this case, it was mainly for weary (and wealthy) mothers who came and dropped off their babies for a day or two to unburden themselves.

And as a newly hired operator at one of these facilities, Emily's job was to oversee everything, ensuring the transfer machine and gestational pods ran optimally.

It was a lucrative position paying well over $300,000 a year and came with free housing located within the facility. Emily knew the reason for these incentives was largely for the requisite biological characteristics of their operators. Specifically, they needed young healthy women with empty wombs in case a gestational pod ever failed. In the unlikely scenario of mechanical failure, each gestational engineer was tasked with engaging the BackUp Manual Pregnancy (BUMP) device and transferring the the entire pregnancy into her, including the baby, the amniotic sac, and the placenta. The process immediately impregnated the operator, allowing her to fix the pod as she gestated the baby. Even the free housing within the facility was so that the operator would be nearby in case her womb was ever needed emergently.

While most women who became gestation engineers did so in spite of these BUMP responsibilities, Emily became a gestational engineer because of them.

Emily had always loved everything about pregnancy. When she was 4, one of her first memories was of touching her mother's pregnant middle while carrying her little brother, feeling him kick and squirm underneath her hand. Her mother was often pregnant during her formative years, giving birth to 4 other siblings. Emily had noticed that her mother seemed her happiest when she was very pregnant in her third trimester. And her father was never more attentive. She also noticed how frisky he'd get with her mother, as he was unable to keep his hands off of her swollen body. And much like Emily, her mother was quite short, making her look unusually big with each pregnancy. As Emily grew older, the idea of carrying life within her own body became exceedingly attractive. She had fantasized about it often, picturing her belly growing large with child. More often than not, she dreamt of growing unnaturally pregnant with many children, far exceeding the size of her mother at her biggest.

While the idea of being enormously pregnant excited her to her very core, she was too young and had had too much to accomplish before becoming a mother herself. Plus she didn't want more than a few children of her own which was a stark contrast to her desire to breed non-stop, getting massively pregnant over and over again.

Now though, her fantasy was just within reach. And even though it was very much against protocol, she had no intention of waiting for a pod to fail. Today, she planned on getting pregnant for the very first time on her own terms.

She left her living quarters and headed downstairs to the artificial womb laboratory, otherwise known as the Nursery. Here, all the gestational pods were lined up against the wall with a cylindrical transfer machine located in the middle of the room which rose up and disappeared into the ceiling. Attached to the central transfer machine was the emergency BackUp Manual Pregnancy (BUMP) device which was capable of transferring any baby directly into Emily's uterus instead of a gestational pod. The clients themselves were hooked up to a transmitting device in a different part of the facility, entirely unaware of the inner workings of the Nursery.

At her computer, Emily input the appropriate commands in order to activate the BUMP device for the first transfer. She then removed her pants and underwear and walked over to the BUMP device. It was a large flexible metallic cord about 3 inches in diameter and tapered to a point at the distal end. It was quite heavy and cumbersome to pick up and handle. She lubricated the long phallic-shaped cord and slowly shoved it inside of her, shuddering as the cool metal shaft entered her vaginal opening. It was thicker than any dildo she'd ever used, stretching her uncomfortably. She pushed it upwards until she felt the tip reach her cervix. She then gave a gentle shove, pushing the tip further inside of her, dilating her cervix and entering just within her womb. With her lower lips spread wide apart from the device painfully filling her reproductive tract, she wondered if giving birth felt akin to this.

She then locked the pelvic girdle around her thighs and hips, securing the receiving tip of the BUMP device squarely inside of her. This was necessary in order to prevent any transfer from occurring anywhere other than within her uterus. The girdle would remain electronically locked until the transfer was complete.

All she had to do now was wait for the first transfer of the day to begin. From a distance, she could see on the monitor that the first client was getting hooked up to a similar device in a different part of the facility. She looked quite uncomfortable, clearly in the late stages of pregnancy, ready for some relief. Emily couldn't wait to unburden her and carry her child.

She then heard the whirling of the transfer machine and felt the thick cord inside of her begin to warm up and vibrate ever-so-slightly. She moaned in anticipation, acutely aware of what was coming.

Beep beep beep, came from the device, indicating an imminent transfer. She then squealed again in excitement as she felt an unusual sensation develop deep within her. The first thing she noticed was a new warmth in her lower pelvis which was followed by an immense growing pressure. As the pressure built, she saw her belly begin to expand outward. It started as a small mound near the lower portion of her abdomen that grew and began to rise upward and outward. She felt her skin tighten as it stretched around her expanding uterus. After about 20 seconds, her belly button popped out as she looked nearly 8 months pregnant. After 30 seconds, the device beeped again indicating the transfer was complete and she was now pregnant with one full-term baby.

Huffing and puffing, Emily attempted to catch her breath as her body adjusted to the sudden intrauterine intrusion. In a matter of seconds, she had gone from a slim size zero to being very round and ready-to-pop. Her uterus had been forcibly stretched to carry a watermelon-sized object, and ached considerably. The skin of her belly had been pulled incredibly tight around her womb. In what was generally a very gradual process occurring over 9-10 months, Emily had been subjected to in only a matter of seconds. She found it to be surprisingly jarring.

Despite her discomfort, Emily was ecstatic. Her plan had worked! The pelvic girdle unlocked and she pulled the BUMP device out of her. She then immediately brought her hands to her newly swollen middle and explored her pregnant body. She palpated the uppermost part, feeling her firm uterus just below her ribcage. She then traced the swell all the way down, grazing the protuberant nub that was once her innie belly button. She then brought her hands down to her underbelly and cupped the lower portion of her abdomen, cradling her maternal swell.

Her belly jerked suddenly from her baby kicking. The little one inside of her squirmed and moved around, otherwise unaware it was now being carried by a different woman. Emily pressed into her swollen belly, feeling the occupant inside her womb, marveling at the fact that she was pregnant and carrying an actual baby. She felt its foot pressing out, leaving a small bump just beneath her hand. She giggled, loving the new and strange sensation.

She went over to workstation and turned on the camera to see what she looked like. When her image popped up on the screen, she yelped.

"Oh my god, I really am pregnant!" she said. It was still a bit of a shock to her. Her belly pushed her shirt up, which now only covered the upper portion of her swollen middle. She pulled the shirt up higher in order appreciate her new shape. She couldn't help but not notice she looked remarkably round. Not egg or torpedo-shaped, but perfectly round. And standing at a mere 5'2", she looked impressively large, almost as if she were carrying twins.

She then heard the whirling of the machine begin again as it began to prepare for another transfer.

She sighed. Time to get back to work, at least for now, she said to herself.  She needed to make sure everything went without a hitch, especially considering the illicit nature of her unnatural pregnancy. Fortunately, all the transfers would be completed by noon, leaving plenty of time for her to enjoy the spoils of her labor.

Emily plopped down at her computer to supervise the rest of the transfers. It was easy work that required minimal input on her end. Given that her abdominal skin had just been forced to stretch so rapidly, she knew it was likely that she'd develop stretch marks. She didn't mind a few blemishes here and there, however she still wanted to preserve her youthful skin as much as possible. She therefore applied lotion generously to her swollen middle throughout much of the morning as her hands rarely left her newly pregnant belly, feeling her baby kick and flip within her.

With only a few transfers left, a thought began to creep into her mind. Why not twins? She absolutely loved her currently gravid status and figured twins would be twice the fun. As the final transfer approached, she couldn't help herself, and decided to activate the BUMP protocol once again.

She then hooked herself up and prepared for another addition inside her womb. The device deep within her reproductive tract began to vibrate, causing her to moan with pleasure and anticipation. She then felt her already pregnant middle begin to expand outward. The pressure was far more intense this time as her already aching uterus and tense skin was forced to expand and accommodate another full-term baby. She felt the second baby enter her uterus from below and shove the first child up further into her abdomen. As the expansion continued, she gritted her teeth, unsure how much more of this she could bare. After a full 30 seconds, the pressure finally subsided.

She pulled the device out of her, clearly struggling now. Her skin felt incredibly tight, making it difficult to take deep breaths. Additionally, she felt the first baby pushed way up inside of her, impeding the movement of her diaphragm. As she started to panic, she frantically pressed down on the top of her uterus, attempting the shove the little invaders downward. She grunted as felt the lowest baby's head suddenly drop into the bucket of her pelvis and grind against her cervix. She watched as her belly changed shape underneath her hands as the the twins continue to shift and drop inside of her. After their internal rearrangement, she was finally able to catch her breath, although she felt a lot more downward pressure.

"Success! Twins!" she finally said out loud. "Oooof, wow I feel a lot heavier. And bigger!" From her vantage point, her belly stuck far out from her previously flat torso. Now that her womb was filled with two babies, her belly looked somewhat less spherical. It filled her entire midsection, from just above her pubic bone all the way up to just below her rib cage. She palpated her belly once again, feeling where each baby was located within her. The two unborn babies kicked in response to their foreign mother's prodding.

Emily swooned. This was exactly what she'd always dreamt about. And now that all the transfers had been completed for the day, she could go about her business and enjoy her pregnancy. In fact, since it was Friday and Telenatal was closed over the weekend, she could keep the babies until Monday.

Let the fun begin, she thought to herself.


"Miss um... Gravidson? The doctor is ready to see you now," the nurse called out in the waiting room. Emily began to sit up as she giggled in response to her obviously fake name. She had pre-emptively made the OB appointment several days ago in anticipation for today. She wanted to make sure the BUMP transfer was indeed as safe as she had been taught. And after the impromptu decision to get knocked-up with twins, she was worryingly feeling a lot of pressure within her abdomen, especially low down. The last thing she wanted was an unexpected hiccup that ruined her fun, or worse: cause her to go into labor.

In the exam room, the nurse had her undress then had her hop up onto the exam table with considerable difficulty. After awkwardly sitting there with her bottoms off and in a flimsy paper gown for what felt like 30 minutes, the doctor finally walked in.

"Hello Emily," the doctor said. "It says here that you are 40 weeks pregnant with twins. I have to say, we usually don't have women showing up without any prenatal care this late in their pregnancy. Especially with twins"

"Oh I have an OB doctor at home," Emily lied. "I'm visiting family but wanted to make sure I still got checked out."

"I see," said the doctor. "Well then, can you lie back for me?"

Lying back on the exam table, she adjusted the gown, exposing her pregnant middle. She could feel her twins kicking inside of her, forming mounds on the surface of her belly. The doctor palpated and groped her swollen belly, feeling the different parts of the twins inside of her. He then grabbed a measuring tape and pulled it vertically across Emily's abdomen from her pubic bone up to the apex of her belly.

"55 cm, as would be expected with twins at full-term" the doctor said.

He then turned the lights down in the room and squirt translucent jelly all over bare abdomen. He took the ultrasound probe and pressed it into her, indenting her round belly. A swirl of black, white, and grey outlines appeared on the screen. He proceed to move the slippery probe all over her expansive middle, evaluating the contents of her womb. After he pressed another button, Emily heard a rhythmic wooosh wooosh wooosh come from the machine. He then moved the probe to the other side of her belly and listened to the second baby's heart beat. He pulled the probe off of her and took several paper towels and wiped the jelly off of her belly. He then helped pull her up to a sitting position with her belly resting on her lap.

"Well Emily, it looks like your twins are doing quite well," the doctor said. "They have a strong heart beat and are moving and kicking adequately. The placentas and umbilical cords look normal. There is no reason for any concern at this time."

"Oh thank god," Emily said.

"To be honest, I'm surprised you haven't gone into labor yet," he said. "Your twins are quite big, maybe 8 or 9 lbs each. Most twins are barely half that size when born."

"Well, I'm not surprised, I feel as big as a house," Emily said. She truly wasn't surprised as both babies were overdue by more than a week per the transfer records.

"If it's ok with you, I'd like to check your cervix," the doctor said. "It would be good to know if you are dilated at all, in which case, I'd recommend you return home as soon as possible and prepare for birth."

"Of course," Emily said. In fact, this was the primary reason she was here. She couldn't risk going into labor. She knew she wouldn't be able to transfer the babies back if their amniotic sacs ruptured. And even though she loved everything about being pregnant, she was in no hurry to push these babies out of her vagina. Just the thought of squeezing each baby out as they painfully crowned between her legs made her shudder in horror. And since she was in clear violation of her duties by using the BUMP device for personal reasons, giving birth would certainly get her fired from Telenatal. She therefore planned on doing everything she could to prevent her water breaking and keeping the babies inside of her.

The doctor helped Emily get into position, having her scoot her butt down to the very edge of the table and placing her legs into the stirrups. Emily then felt the doctor's gloved hand penetrate her impending birth canal, making her grimace in discomfort. After several seconds of moving his hand within her, he pulled it out. "Wow, you aren't dilated or effaced at all," he said. "Your cervix is quite firm. To be honest, I wouldn't be surprised if you didn't go into labor for another few more weeks."

"So there's no chance at all that I'll go into labor within the next few days?" Emily asked.

"I'm sorry, but it's highly unlikely, at least naturally," he said. "That being said, there have been times where I've seen labor begin precipitously with little warning, but that's usually with high-order multiples."

Emily breathed a sigh of relief and said, "Good," before realizing her mistake.

"I'm surprised to hear you say that," he said. "I can only imagine how uncomfortable you must feel being so big. Aren't you ready to meet your babies?"

She rapidly tried to think of a good answer, then decided the truth would work. "Well, I'm not planning on getting a C-section so I guess I'm a little scared of giving birth vaginally, especially to such large babies."

"Fair enough," he said, looking somewhat concerned at her large, twin-filled belly. "Well, I'd strongly advise you to reconsider a C-section. Otherwise, please let me know if there is anything else we can do. I wish you the best of luck with everything." He then left the room.

Phew, she said.

She hopped off the table, briefly forgetting that she was pregnant. Upon landing on her feet, she felt the lowest baby plop hard in her pelvis, causing shooting pains in her crotch.

"Owww!" she said, doubling down as she cradled her belly. "I guess that's why they call it lightning crotch."

She then struggled to put her clothes back on. After finally squeezing back into her pre-pregnant clothes, she looked in the mirror and found herself looking quite disheveled. Her jeans remained unzipped, leaving a hint of her panties exposed. Additionally, her shirt was woefully inadequate in covering her distended middle. She looked like she was in denial that she was enormously pregnant with twins. That's ok, she thought to herself, I'll fix this problem soon enough.


Emily had to pinch herself to make sure this wasn't a dream.

Waddling from rack to rack, she was having the time of her life in the maternity store as she grabbed far too many clothes. Once she physically couldn't hold any more, she made her way back to the changing room.

"Dear lord, did you the size of that woman?" Emily overheard someone say outside of the changing room. "She looked absolutely massive. And why would someone so close to giving birth want to buy so many maternity clothes? She must be carrying twins. Or maybe even triplets. Oh, the poor girl. I can barely handle carrying this little one and I still have a month to go." Emily beamed at the comments. She absolutely loved the attention, especially regarding her size.

After undressing, she looked at herself in the mirror. She really did look massive. Now though, she noticed several other drastic changes since this morning. First, her belly had changed shape, now appearing to have dropped somewhat.  She then brought her hands to her noticeably wider hips, which she figured was a result of her body preparing for birth. Thankfully, due to the sudden nature of the pregnancy, it looked like it would take quite a while for her cervix to open up before she would giving birth, at least as per the doctor.

She then noticed the dark line bisecting her belly. The line was interrupted by a dark blotch surrounding her protruding belly button.

Finally, she looked at her now larger breasts, which were overflowing out of her 34DD bra. Unlatching her bra sent them bursting out of the restrictive fabric. She cupped them in her hands, feeling how heavy and tender they had become. Additionally, her previously pink nipples had grown larger and darker.

In addition to the physical changes, she also noticed her sense of smell was much stronger as she could barely tolerate the pungent odor of her perfume.

She shouldn't have been surprised by these developments. For all intents and purposes, she was pregnant with twins and would otherwise be ready to give birth at any moment. Two fully developed fetuses were rolling around inside of her, their umbilical cords and placentas attached to her uterus. As a result, copious pregnancy hormones were coursing through her veins, inducing her body to adapt to the pregnancy and prepare for imminent labor.

She purred as she looked at herself in the mirror. She was all curves, from her perky and swollen breasts to her maternal swell. And because her heavy belly pulled her midsection forward, her arched back made her wider ass look even more prominent. She had become the epitome of femininity.

Her new curves also looked incredible in each piece of maternity clothing. She loved how the outfits accentuated and clung to her maternal swell. Her favorite outfit was a form-fitting floral dress that wrapped tightly around her bulbous belly with her belly button visibly poking out. It covered little her swollen breasts, revealing ample cleavage. And because she was carrying twins, her larger than average belly caused the dress to ride up to just below her ass, leaving much of her thighs exposed. If she bent over even a little, she was sure to give anyone behind her a show. Given how short and revealing the dress was, she looked ready to go out dancing despite how obviously pregnant she looked.

God I look soooooo sexy, she thought. Just then, she realized another change the pregnancy had induced. She had become unbelievably horny, feeling like an animal in heat and ready to be bred.

It's a good thing I just the right person who might enjoy this pregnancy just as much as myself, Emily thought.


Jake couldn't wait to hang out with his girlfriend Emily, especially considering the "surprise" she had mentioned earlier.

What did I do to get so lucky, he thought to himself.  He knew he had truly won the lottery with her. Not only was she remarkably smart and kind, but she was also absolutely stunning with her light-blue eyes, high cheekbones, cute button nose, long blonde hair, and curvy figure. He also loved her warm and bubbly personality. Best of all however, she also shared his love of pregnancy. Having been together for a little over a year now, he couldn't wait to marry her and eventually start a family. Already looking drop dead gorgeous, he couldn't imagine how sexy she'd look once she was pregnant.

Outside of the Telenatal building, he texted her that he was here. Over text, she responded to let himself in. That was strange, he thought. She always met him at the door. 

He opened the door and made his way up to her living quarters. As he entered, he saw a trail of rose petals on the floor leading to her bedroom.

Oh its that kind of surprise, he thought. His excitement grew as he followed the trail. Before opening the door, he pictured her, naked in bed, waiting for him.

"Come in," he heard her say.

Waiting on her bed was Emily, wearing very little clothing.

"Holy fuck," Jake said, clearly startled.

"Surprised?" Emily said teasingly.

Emily was lying on her side wearing a see-through, pre-pregnant, lacy bra. Her breasts were squished together and pouring out of the fabric. Most startlingly however was her massively pregnant belly. Jake personally had never seen a belly as big as hers in real life.

"Wow Emily, I know we've talked about getting one, but I didn't think it was possible to buy such a realistic looking fake pregnant belly," Jake said. "And your boobs! What, are you wearing a push-up bra or something?"

Emily giggled and said, "Come over here you silly goof."

So he did. As he got closer, he looked for the seam where the plastic from the fake belly met her skin, but he couldn't find it. Once her was next to her, he put his hand on her belly, and raised an eyebrow suspiciously as he felt her warm, stretched-out skin. It didn't feel like plastic or anything. It felt real. But how could that be? He left his hand on her swollen middle as Emily watched him struggle to comprehend what he was seeing and feeling. He then pushed his hand into her belly, feeling resistance from one of her unborn babies. Suddenly, her belly jolted as one of the twins kicked against his hand.

He pulled his hand away and stood up, visibly shaken.

"Emily, are you... PREGNANT!?!" he said.

She began to laugh and said, "What gave it away?"

"But how is that even possible?" he asked, amazed to find out his girlfriend was hugely pregnant, looking ready to give birth at any second.

"Well, I kinda... sorta... borrowed a baby or two," Emily said.

"What do you mean, borrowed a baby or two?" he asked, still having a hard time believing it all. Emily then explained everything including her emergency BUMP responsibilities. He had been privy to the other aspects of her job, but not this.

"So, you are allowed to get pregnant... like whenever you want?" he asked. "Telenatal and the other mothers don't mind?"

"Well, it's not exactly 100% kosher," she said. "I'm only supposed to do this when there is trouble with the gestational pods. To be honest, I'm not entirely sure how ethical this is, but as long as I give them back, who cares, right?"

"Hey I'm not complaining," he said.

She laughed, "That's what I thought. Now, bring that lotion over here and come pamper your pregnant girlfriend." Emily sat up, her twin-filled belly resting on her lap.

Jake enthusiastically grabbed the lotion and began to apply the white sticky substance all over her distended middle. He had never been this intimately close to a pregnant belly before. The experience was mind-blowing as he explored her expansive middle. He pressed his hands into her belly frequently, feeling her unborn babies squirm and kick within her. He noticed her belly had a mostly round yet somewhat lopsided shape. And her belly button was no longer the innie he was familiar with. It stuck our by nearly an inch. He pressed his finger into the protruding nub, as if trying to push it back in.

Her belly began to bounce and shudder as she laughed, "Hey that tickles." As she laughed, he noticed her tits jiggling in the constraining lingerie.

"Babe, you are absolutely glowing," Jake said. "A total smokeshow. I didn't know it was possible for you to look any more beautiful. And just look at your boobs, they are huge."

"Tell me about it," she said. "I wish you could have been with me throughout the day, my body has been changing by the minute. My boobs are so swollen and tender now. Oh oh and watch this," Emily said as she pulled her right breast out of her top and brought both hands around it. She began massaging the soft flesh around her dark nipple and began squeezing. A yellowish white substance oozed out of her nipple.

"Wow that's amazing!" he said. "Can I try?" He cupped her breast with his hands, noticing how much heavier it felt. Then her grabbed her swollen tit and squeezed, again expressing colostrum. She moaned as he groped and milked her engorged mammary.

He noticed her visible arousal and looked into her light blue eyes. She stared back at him, biting her lip. With all the hormones coursing through her veins, she could hardly stand it any longer. She had been waiting for this all day, needing him desperately.

He suddenly began to kiss her passionately. Lips locked, their tongues explored each other's mouths. As they made out, Emily furiously pulled his shirt off. Simultaneously, he unhooked her top, her tits bursting out and dropping heavily. She laid back on the bed, pulling him with her. He began kissing just below her ear, sucking on the nape of her neck. She whimpered as he continued to explore downward with his mouth. He began to nibble on her soft pillowy flesh and then brought his mouth to her dark areola, flicking her erect nipple with his tongue. He then pulled the tip of her tit into his mouth and began sucking on her. Emily felt something release within her breast then realized it was her milk letting down. It felt incredible as he continued to nurse on her swollen milky udder.

He then let go of her tit and brought his mouth to her protruding navel, gently kissing the sensitive tissue. Emily closed her eyes, losing herself in the intimacy. She then moaned as she felt his hand reach down and brush the hood of her clit. She exhaled as she felt his fingers enter her swollen pussy. She was sopping wet already. She continued to moan as he fingered her, pushing in and out, rubbing the roof of her vagina. She grasped the sheets of her bed, barely able to contain herself.

"Oh my God Jake, that feels so fucking good!" Emily said breathily. She was nearing her climax already. Her breathing became more rapid and ragged. Suddenly, her belly jerked and her legs began to quiver as she let out a high-pitched squeal. It was the most intense orgasm she had ever felt, squirting for the first time in her life. She was awash in pleasure as the incredible sensation reverberated through her body. She loved what these pregnancy hormones were doing to her.

Still shuddering from the aftershock of her orgasm and licking her lips, she said, "Fuck that felt good, but now I need you to fuck me, like really fucking badly."

Wasting no time, Jake pulled his trousers off, revealing his stiff member. As he approached her, she spread her legs wide apart, revealing her wet swollen pussy. He brought his cock near her opening and pressed his tip into her. She moaned as he entered her. Knowing exactly how she liked it, he first began thrusting into her slowly, then gradually picked up the pace.

"OH FUCK!" she screamed. With his hands resting on her bouncing pregnant belly, he continued to pound into her. He felt her brood squirm and writhe within her, clearly stimulated by all the activity.

"FUCK ME, JAKE!" she screamed again. "COME INSIDE OF ME, MAKE ME EVEN MORE PREGNANT. I WANT TO BE SO PREGNANT I CAN'T FUCKING MOVE!" He grapsed her hips and began to thrust even deeper into her, losing himself as she continued to scream.

"JAKE I'M ABOUT TO COME!" she yelled and let out another high-pitched scream. While thrusting deep inside of her, he felt her pelvic muscles tighten around his member, causing him orgasm far more quickly than normal. The two came simultaneously as they both emitted screams and grunts of pleasure.

Lying in the wetness of their sex, they basked in the afterglow of their love-making, their bodies still intertwined.

"I could get used to this," Jake said.

"I couldn't agree more," Emily replied.

They cuddled for a while with Emily's belly pressed against his torso. In this position, he could feel any activity within her as her twins intermittently squirmed or kicked. The two lovers eventually fell asleep, both feeling like the luckiest people alive.


Empty. Like a sad, deflated balloon, Emily felt hopelessly and desperately empty.

She slowly pulled the BUMP device out from between her legs and let it drop to the floor. She brought her hands to her now empty womb. She pressed into her lower abdomen and felt nothing other than her deflated uterus which remained somewhat enlarged. Looking down, she noticed there was still a bit swell, as if she had just given birth.

Emily realized that in a way, she had just given birth. Thankfully, it was in a far less dramatic fashion than actual childbirth, but unfortunately it still left her with that characteristic postpartum appearance. Looking over herself, she was grateful to have mostly avoided any stretch marks, even if her skin felt a bit looser around her middle. She figured within a day or two, her uterus would shrink back down to its pre-gravid state and her abdominal skin would hopefully tighten back up.

She suddenly felt a wetness on her bare abdomen. A yellowish-white substance was leaking from her nipples. Her milk had officially come in and her engorged breasts were now ready to feed her would-be babies.

"This sucks," she said out loud.

She reminded herself that her postpartum belly and lactating breasts were indications that she truly had been pregnant. There was nothing fake about this. Over the span of 3 days, she had been impregnated with two full-term babies, gestated them over the weekend, and finally gave "birth". The babies were now with their biological mothers who still had to do all the hard work of actually squeezing the babies out and eventually caring for their newborns.

Although her pregnancy had now come to an end, she knew this was just the beginning. With the BUMP device at her disposal, she could repeat this process, over and over again. Moving forward, she could carry as many babies as she wanted, getting bigger and bigger, pushing the limits until she eventually became too pregnant.

Mmmmm, that actually sounds quite nice, she thought to herself. She simply couldn't wait until she became too pregnant.
Liked by 25 members: nursultantulyakby (Feb 5, 2024), TheMagicalAxolotl (Dec 28, 2023), SIVANanoTech (Oct 30, 2023), finryder4u (Mar 9, 2023), Fredf69 (Sep 2, 2022), 01000010 (Aug 11, 2022), zigzagoon2016 (Aug 8, 2022), TheWatchers343 (Aug 2, 2022), Ikru88 (Aug 1, 2022), SamGonzo (Jul 29, 2022), OliviaCohen (Jul 27, 2022), BreedPreggo (Jul 27, 2022), pokemun (Jul 26, 2022), professorhep (Jul 25, 2022), Baelthar (Jun 28, 2022), ptgffb (Jun 21, 2022), preggnog (Jun 20, 2022), BalValor (Jun 15, 2022), deux_anges (Jun 13, 2022), Gymbo4Ever (Jun 13, 2022), Viper9000 (Jun 13, 2022), Mesarocket (Jun 13, 2022), Thebige (Jun 12, 2022), citus (Jun 12, 2022), HazamaYun (Jun 12, 2022)
Part 2

It had been exactly one week since Emily had first gotten herself pregnant.

Much like that day, she began by examining her body in front the mirror. She noticed that her postpartum belly had finally shrunk down, looking very much like it had before she was pregnant. From a distance, there were no stretch marks, blemishes, or visibly loose skin to suggest she had been carrying twins several days ago. It was only close up or when she physically grabbed her belly that she noticed small changes as a result of her temporary pregnancy.

And I can't forget about these not-so-small or temporary changes, Emily thought, cupping her larger breasts. Her engorged boobs, which were once a good handful, now spilled over her outstretched fingers. The fact that they were now full of milk was a constant reminder that she had essentially given birth, even if it hadn't involved pushing a football-sized object out of her vagina. Returning the babies via the BUMP device last Monday still left her with a deflated looking postpartum appearance that is otherwise expected after giving birth. Additionally, all the pregnancy hormones had ceased after transferring the babies back.

As a result, her breasts had become painfully engorged and ready to feed her would-be offspring. She now overflowed out of her pre-pregnancy bras, forcing her to go braless everywhere. They also leaked constantly, leaving her shirts perpetually wet and sticky.

At first, she had attempted to ignore their engorgement, hoping her milk would dry up. Unfortunately, this only caused them to grow more painful and swollen over time. She eventually couldn't take it anymore, and began manually expressing milk with her hands. Desperate for even more relief, she had finally caved and bought a breast pump, now draining her milk-filled mammaries at regular intervals. At least Jake seemed to enjoy her naturally enhanced bust and had even joined in personally draining her lactating udders as often as he could. She felt somewhat like a cow during these sessions, although she didn't entirely hate the experience.

It had been a long week since she had "given birth". The longest of her life. Between her lactating breasts, her bloated postpartum body, and her increased moodiness, the recovery process was far from fun. However, by far and away the worst part was simply waiting to get knocked-up again. The current lows of this postpartum period only heightened the prior highs of being pregnant. She knew all her problems would cease the second she shoved another baby into her currently empty womb.

Unfortunately, she knew this wasn't an option. No elective pregnancy transfers except on Fridays. That was the promise she had made to herself prior to starting at Telenatal. Given the illicit nature of these pregnancy transfers, she knew she had to be careful. If Telenatal ever found out about the in-utero joyrides, she would assuredly be fired. She therefore had every intention of keeping that promise to herself. Still, it wasn't easy. In fact, waiting to get pregnant was quite literally the hardest thing she'd ever done in her life.

Throughout the week, she had constantly fantasized about that her tummy was once again swollen and twitching with the movement of her unborn brood. She desperately missed feeling so full and round. She missed how her maternity clothes clung tightly around her pregnant curves. She missed how the intoxicating hormones left her hornier than ever. And she missed all of the mind-blowing pregnant sex she had with Jake. At one point, she had even shoved the phallic-shaped BUMP device up her vagina and then masterbated to the mental picture of her belly expanding as the device pumped baby after baby into her womb. It was utter torture waiting to get knocked-up again.

However, Friday had finally arrived for the young intrepid gestational engineer. Fertile Friday, her favorite day of the week. Emily had donned her best maternity dress for the occasion, which was noticeably very loose around her trim waist.

But not for long, she told herself. And this time, she would impregnate herself with triplets. She brought her hands to the lower part of her abdomen, picturing what she'd look like with three big squirming babies inside of her womb.

I am so ready to be pregnant again, Emily thought.


"Are you ready?" the technician asked.

"Oh yes, I'm soooooo ready," Tammy said. "I cannot wait to get these babies out of me." As if on cue, several forceful kicks rippled across her abdomen causing her to grimace and rub her midsection.

"Oh you poor thing," the technician said. "Let's get you hooked up so we can proceed with the transfer. But first, I need you to remove all of your clothes from the waist down."

"Of course," Tammy said and awkwardly began to disrobe, removing her maternity leggings and thong.

"Great, now if you'll please hop up onto the table so we can insert the transmitting device properly." said the technician.

With some difficulty, Tammy got up onto the exam table, feeling very much like she was back at the doctor's office. The technician placed her legs into the stirrups, spreading her legs wide apart. Tammy always felt so exposed and vulnerable in this position.

"Just a fair warning, this part may be a bit unpleasant," said the technician. "I need to push this cord into your vagina, past your cervix, and just within your uterus in order to make contact with the amniotic sac of your babies. The width of the device is a bit thicker than most women are used to."

"I can handle it," Tammy said. She grunted as she felt the technician shove the broad cord into her impending birth canal. Oooppph she wasn't kidding, that thing is thick, she thought. She hadn't felt this stretched out down there since the night she got knocked-up.

As the tech continued to set everything up, Tammy reminisced about that fateful night of conception many months ago. The man that had impregnated her was a giant of a human being, standing at least 7 feet tall, his limbs looking like tree trunks. In what had been a truly incredible night of passion, her lover had picked her and pinned her against the wall while shoving his massive cock into her tight pussy, each thrust feeling as if she would split in half. As a bonafide size queen, she had loved his penetrating manhood stretching her to the limit. She had climaxed multiple times before he finally shot his massive load deep inside of her. It was undoubtedly the best sex she ever had, even if it left her quite sore the next day.

Little did she realize at the time, he had left her with more than a few pleasant memories. As a result of that one night stand, she now carried twin boys within her womb, who each had clearly had taken after their father. This was confirmed at each OB visit as their growth exceeded that of singleton babies. And at her 40 week check-up yesterday, after palpating her protuberant abdomen, the doctor stated these were the biggest twins he'd ever felt in-utero, estimating each to be about 11 lbs. Although not to the same degree as their father, Tammy was quite tall herself with a long torso allowing her to carry these monstrous twins to their due date. However, these past few weeks was utterly exhausting and she was growing desperate for relief from this seemingly never-ending pregnancy.

Despite now being one day past her due date, she wasn't having any contractions whatsoever. Her twins remained squarely planted within her horribly distended womb, growing bigger and bigger by the day. But thankfully not for long, she thought. 

"Any questions before we get started?" the technician asked, snapping Tammy out of her reverie.

"Yeah, will my babies be separated into different pods?" Tammy asked.

"Nope," the tech said. "We always carry out these twin transfers during the last appointment of the day so that we can use the final gestational pod specifically designed to carry two babies at once. Your babies will remain together in the twin pod just like they are inside of you now."

"Good," Tammy said. "Then let's do this."

After the technician pressed the button to initiate the transfer, Tammy felt the lubricated metal between her legs begin to vibrate and warm up.

Beep, beep, beep.


Beep, beep, beep.

The petite gestational engineer squealed in excitement as she felt her already cramped twin-filled womb expand for the third time today.

Almost immediately, she noticed something was off. With her hands on her belly, she felt her midsection stretch and grow far too quickly underneath her hands. The discomfort from the expansion was far more intense than ever before. After only 15 seconds, she already felt as big as would have been expected with triplets. She palpated her lower abdomen and thought she felt a mass the size of a whole baby already fully deposited within her uterus. And yet, she kept growing, bigger and bigger.


Her dress tore at the seams as her painfully swollen middle continued to expand and grow. She pressed down on her belly as if trying to slow the unrelenting growth. She began to panic as she felt shooting pains run along the surface of her abdomen, indicating her skin was stretching too quickly. Just as she felt she couldn't take it any longer, she heard a beep, indicating the agonizing transfer was finally over. She dropped to her knees, thankful to be done.

Uuggghhhh, Emily thought, What did I do to myself?

Huffing and puffing, clutching her enormous baby-filled belly which was resting on the ground in front of her, she wondered why her belly had more than doubled in size despite adding only one more baby. She felt her stretched and aching uterus quivering beneath her hands, seemingly incapable of containing her borrowed brood. She noticed the front of her ruined dress was now sparsely draped over her distended middle, further proof of her far-too-excessive growth.

In order to investigate what had gone wrong, she slowly attempted to get her feet. Leaning forward in order to push herself up with her hands, she felt her protuberant belly squish against the ground. After finally getting into a squatting position, she slowly stood up, but found it hard to remain upright with her legs wobbly uncontrollably. With her new mass pulling her forwards, she was forced to lean back as far as she could with her hands resting on the small of her back. Slowly, she waddled to her workstation, taking careful steps forwards. She then plopped down heavily into her chair and began to look over the data from the final transfer.

"Twins!?!" she said out loud. She had completely forgotten that the final pod could be used for the occasional twin transfer. I knew that last woman looked suspiciously big, Emily thought. That's just great. I now have four fully-cooked, ready-to-be-born, likely overdue babies crammed inside of my unbelievably tight belly.

She looked down at her gargantuan stomach, jutting far out in front of her, appearing considerably lopsided and misshapen. Her skin felt incredibly tight, as if pulled tautly over a drum. Even before pressing into her expansive stomach, she could see where each quad was stuffed inside of her. She felt every movement they made, especially the lowest two babies. She pulled up on her underbelly, palpating Tammy's massive twins that now resided within her own much smaller body. She felt their little limbs prodding and kicking forcefully, causing her to occasionally grimace from the discomfort.

Overall, she felt and looked far bigger than any woman she'd ever seen pregnant with quadruplets. This wasn't surprising given quads never came close to making it to full-term, unlike the four babies residing within her aching uterus. Given that it was usually women pregnant with very overdue or especially large babies who utilized Telenatal's services, Emily figured four babies inside of her were no exception.

As she sat there admiring her monstrous pregnancy, an uncomfortable feeling began to creep in. She needed to pee, and soon. If one of babies kicked her in the bladder, she'd certainly pee all over herself. She cursed as she realized the closest toilet was upstairs in her living quarters. She heaved herself up off the chair and onto her feet and began to waddle to the stairs, one hand attempting to cradle her heavy belly while the other was on the small of her back. She then began the simple yet seemingly impossible task of walking up the stairs.

Ugh I don't think I can do this, she thought, grasping the rail tightly as her legs strained to push herself upwards. She couldn't see past her distended middle and relied entirely on muscle memory. She was forced to take a break after each step, panting like a dog. By the time she made it to the top, her short little legs felt as if they'd collapse beneath her. She was sweaty and breathless, feeling as if she had just finished a marathon.

After finally making it to the toilet and relieving herself, she wondered just how much she weighed now. She was a little afraid to see the exact number, however, curiosity got the better of her. She gingerly stepped onto her scale in the bathroom, "Holy crap, 201 lbs! That means I've gained 90 lbs with this pregnancy." She wasn't entirely surprised given how much most women typically gain with each pregnancy, however it was still difficult seeing a number on the scale that started with a 2. At least for her, all the added weight was concentrated within her disturbingly distended belly.

She then caught a glimpse of swollen form in the mirror which completely took her breath away. She then quickly pulled the front of her tattered dress up to get a better look. Her belly was truly gigantic, far bigger than any she'd ever seen. The upper swell rose up from her ribcage, pressing her engorged tits upwards, and curved far out and down, pendulously hanging below her crotch. The surface of her imperfectly spherical belly was littered with vague lumps and impressions of her quadruplets, and was also oddly shiny, indicating how tautly her skin was pulled. Her abused and distended navel stuck out by more than an inch and was nearly as wide as her fist. She also noticed a few faint stretch marks and veins scattered over her once blemish-free stomach.

Grrrr, she thought to herself as she touched a few of the small flesh-colored stripes. I was hoping to avoid these! At least it's not too bad, especially considering  how big I am. I'll need to intensify my lotioning regimen, although I'm not sure I can actually reach everywhere.

Emily had to admit, for better or worse, she was now very very pregnant. Possibly too pregnant. More pregnant than any woman could ever achieve naturally. However, despite accidentally getting herself knocked-up with quadruplets, she was starting to come around to the idea of being so pregnant. Even in her dreams, she had rarely grown this big. When she thought about it, it was thrilling to push the limits of feminine fecundity, even if it meant being a bit too pregnant.

"Well, I'm definitely too pregnant for this dress," she said to herself, pulling the ruined outfit off of her body. "Time to find something that actually fits."

She then went through all her new maternity clothes and attempted to pull the stretchy outfits over her swollen belly. Unfortunately, even when stretched to the limit, she couldn't pull anything past the upper swell of her stomach. After struggling in and out of several different outfits, she finally gave up, once again panting heavily.

The only thing that fit her now was a plain white maternity top that constantly rode up her colossal belly, leaving her pale middle mostly uncovered. It barely kept her decent as her cleavage spilled out and the outlines of her nipples could clearly be seen beneath the fabric. Looking at herself in the mirror, she felt quite displeased at her haphazard appearance. Admittedly, she may have been a bit short-sighted when she bought exclusively form-fitting maternity clothes and also failed to buy any nursing bras. At least her maternity leggings fit her wider pregnant ass.

Ultimately, she needed to rectify her lack of proper clothing and decided to venture out to the maternity store. She figured it would be twice the fun with twice the belly. However, she didn't want to scare anyone at the prior store given how much bigger she'd grown. No, instead she'd go to the maternity store at the mall. As an added benefit, there was a spa nearby that she'd always wanted to try. She figured a massage was exactly what her aching body needed right now.

However, getting to her destination proved to be much harder than she could have possibly anticipated.

Even walking to the car left her winded and her joints aching. And then there was the task of physically squeezing into her car. Despite pushing the driver's seat back, she struggled to squish her massively pregnant body into the cramped seat. After lot's of shoving, wiggling, and sucking in her belly, her ass finally plopped into the seat. However, this left her utterly wedged against the steering wheel which pressed painfully into her squished midsection. The unborn babies inside of her squished womb protested by kicking painfully every which way, occasionally honking the horn. She attempted to reach the steering wheel, pinning her belly even harder against the wheel. Grunting and grimacing, she was just barely able to grasp it. However, with the steering wheel entrenched against her belly, the excessive friction between her bare skin and the hard plastic of the wheel made it impossible to turn. On top of that, her short legs couldn't quite reach the pedals.

Looks like I'm too pregnant for the car as well, she thought. I guess that just leaves the bus. Thankfully, there was a bus stop close by, even if the 100 yard walk felt much more like a mile to Emily.

Disheveled, breathless, sweaty, and clutching her grotesquely distended belly, Emily entered the bus ready to finally sit down and rest. However, upon entering, she noticed everyone staring at her. She even distinctly heard someone gasp at her alarmingly pregnant appearance. Despite this, she pushed through the crowded bus, her bare abdomen brushing against each individual she walked past. She finally found a seat next to a new mother holding a sleeping newborn.

With the screech of the door closing, the bus lurched forward, carrying the far-too pregnant woman towards the mall. The ride was quite rough on Emily as each bump in the road caused all four babies to bounce painfully up and and down inside of her womb. There was so much weight contained within her pendulous belly that it literally bobbed up and down with each bump. The repetitive jerking also caused the babies to kick and prod excessively within her, their movements grossly visible to all the staring passengers.

"Dear heavens, how many are you carrying?" the new mother asked, starting at Emily's belly as it warped and contorted from the quads writhing and bouncing inside of her.

"Too many," Emily grunted, clearly struggling as she clutched her belly.

Her bouncing brood wasn't the only problem. With each bump, Emily's unrestrained boobs jiggled and bounced frantically on top of her distended abdomen. She had forgotten to pump beforehand, leaving her flopping breasts painfully full of milk.

WWWAAAAAHHHHHHHH, the baby next to her began to cry, clearly hungry.

As its mother adjusted herself to prepare to feed her crying baby, Emily felt a sudden release of pressure within her own breasts followed by a significant wetness on the front of her shirt. Apparently, the crying baby had induced milk let-down, leaving Emily's top utterly soaked. Without a bra on, she might as well have been naked with her dark erect nipples visible underneath the translucent fabric. Never in her life had Emily been more embarrassed as she attempted to cover her bouncing bosom while her bloated body was continually jostled up and down from the harsh bus ride.

The struggling, seemingly half-naked, lactating, and obscenely pregnant woman eventually made it to the mall where she slowly waddled towards the maternity store. Upon arriving to her destination, Emily quickly discovered her nightmarish trip was all in vain. Each and every outfit she tried on was woefully inadequate in covering her quadruplet-filled tummy. Absolutely nothing fit, not even the largest tent-of-a-dress, which ripped after she desperately attempted to pull it over her enormous belly. The only article of clothing that proved suitable for her maternal figure was a nursing bra which kept her leaky udders in check, even if it looked quite utilitarian and boring.

Feeling rather dejected, she was about to leave the store when the lingerie section caught her eye. Finally, some clothing that might actually fit, she thought. Upon trying them on, she was elated to find out just how well the skimpy outfits not only fit, but actually enhanced her absurdly pregnant body. She loved how all the different lacy tops accentuated her engorged tits while leaving her middle uncovered. Her favorite outfit was a baby-doll nighty combined with thigh-high stockings. Jake is going to go absolutely nuts when he sees me in this, she thought, feeling herself get excited.

Now with a little more pep in her step, she waddled over to the spa, ready for a relaxing massage. There, she was was led to a quiet, dim-lit room as incense wafted through the air and ambient music played in the background. Standing next to the massage table was a rugged looking man with a well built frame and long dark hair. There was something about his primal appearance that left her feeling hot and flustered. She had never felt this way about another man since she started dating Jake. Maybe these pregnancy hormones are a bit too much for me as well, she thought.

As he helped her onto the massage table, it became immediately apparent that she was too pregnant for a proper prenatal massage. Her belly was far too big to fit into the "belly hole" of the table, relegating her to lying on her side. He propped her up with several pillows, giving her some semblance of comfort.

Despite the unconventional position, the following hour felt like heaven. The masseur skillfully rubbed warm oil all over her aching body, focusing especially on her abused abdomen. With steady and firm hands, he rhythmically pushed into her expansive middle, releasing the tension in her strained uterine muscles. As he worked his way all over her gravid swell, she noticed the discomfort had all but disappeared. She felt at peace for the first time, smiling as she felt her little ones slowly squirm within her. This was exactly what I needed, she thought to herself.

Afterwords, she slowly waddled back to the bus, hoping the ride might be a bit more pleasant now that some of the tension in her body had been released. At least she'd be able to handle all the bouncing better now that she was equipped with a nursing bra.

After shuffling through the glaring crowd once again, she plopped down into a seat. It was even more crowded than before, leaving her little wiggle room between the two other passengers. They looked anxious sitting so close to her, as if she might give birth right there in front of them. Additionally, she felt their bodies press into her bare and bulging midsection. In order to ignore the awkwardness, she sat back and closed her eyes, reminiscing about the incredible massage she had just received from that gorgeous masseur. As the bus drove on, she noticed the seat vibrating between her legs. It felt good. Surprising good. As she became increasingly aroused, a moan escaped her lips from the unexpected pleasure. 

No, she said to herself, I can't do this. Not on the bus.

She attempted to fight the developing sensation between her legs. She tried shifting away from the vibrations. She tried to visualize unpleasant images. She tried pinching her arm. However, none of it made a difference. She was too pregnant and the hormones were too much for her to handle. She bit her lip as she found herself fantasizing about being double-teamed by Jake and that rugged-looking masseur, each exploring and groping her pregnant curves. As her swollen body bounced up and down from the bus ride, she pictured herself bouncing on top of her lovers. As the vibrations from the bus continued, she found herself whimpering, trying to fight back the impending orgasm. She let out several oooooo's and aaaahhhhh's and was breathing heavily as she neared her climax.

Unable to hold it back any longer, she brought her arm to her mouth and tried to stifle an orgasmic moan. She opened her eyes to see everyone staring at her. One older woman shook her head disapprovingly as she shielded the eyes of her giggling preteen son. Emily turned a bright shade of red and tried to hide her face for the rest of the trip. After what felt like an eternity, she made it to her stop and got up to leave. As she made her way off the bus, an older gentleman who hadn't witnessed her prior public indiscretion saw the excessive wetness around her crotch and said, "Miss, I think your water may have broken. Should I call you an ambulance?"

"No... I..." she stammered but couldn't find the right words to explain herself. She awkwardly got off the bus, certain that she would die of embarrassment.

Finally back at home, she decided to take it easy for the rest of the day and took a nice long bath. While the bathtub was large enough to fit her swollen body, it wasn't deep enough to cover her mountainous middle.

I really am too pregnant for very much of anything, she thought to herself.

Later that night, she found out she was even too pregnant to sleep. No matter how hard she tried, she simply could not find a comfortable position while being so big and encumbered. On her back, the weight of her heavily laden womb felt as if it would crush her insides. On her side, she could only lie there for a short period of time before the squished area of her belly became sore, prompting her to switch to the other side.  Grunting and groaning, the act of shifting from one side to the other made her feel like a beached whale.

Her active occupants didn't help either. Throughout the night, at least one of the four babies were awake and moving inside of her. This often led to it's womb-mates joining in. And with her belly being stretched to unnatural proportions, she felt each and every movement within her. The dull ache in her uterus had returned and became outright painful whenever they kicked, which was more often than not.

Welp, I think it's official now, I am definitely too pregnant, she said to herself as she massaged her belly, attempting to quell the excessive movement inside of her. Eventually, she finally fell asleep, far too exhausted to notice any further discomfort.


Dear lord, Jake thought to himself, she really overdid it this time.

Lying on her side, Emily's pregnant middle rose up and down ever so slightly with each breath. As he approached his gravid girlfriend, he noticed just how painfully tight her belly looked while appearing well over twice as big as she had compared to last weekend. He'd never seen anyone with a bigger belly, which looked especially prominent on her small frame. Her globular midsection stuck far out of her torso with her belly button standing erect at the farthest part. Remarkably, he was surprised to see only a few faint stretch marks run across the expansive surface of her belly.

Within her obscenely distended middle, Jake could clearly make out several vague lumps and mounds representing the different parts of her litter. Intermittently, he'd see a mound or bump ripple across the side of her stomach as one of the unborn babies kicked and squirmed just beneath her skin.

Suddenly, her belly jolted as a large bump pushed outward horrendously far leaving the impression of a small foot pressing out. He heard Emily grimace and shift in her sleep from the forceful movement. Almost immediately afterwards, her belly began to writhe with movement as the other three babies awoke all at once. The cramped occupants kicked, punched, and stretched visibly inside of her with mounds and peaks shooting across the surface of her belly. It looked like she was barely able to contain the little stowaways within her womb as she continued to grunt and groan from their excessive movement.

Without thinking, Jake quickly grabbed the lotion on her nightstand and began to massage her ever-shifting stomach. He pressed firming into her swollen belly, applying pressure rhythmically on her strained uterus, focusing on the large mounds that formed. Eventually, the activity within subsided. As he continued, he noticed Emily's unconscious groans begin to sound more pleasurable now. Also enjoying the process himself, he continued to massage her disturbingly distended midsection. Her moaning grew more prominent as his hand brushed against her knobby belly button. 

Hmmmm, he thought. Her evident arousal gave him an idea. Gently, he pulled her thighs apart and nuzzled his face up against her groin. He pulled the triangular fabric of her thong to the side, exposing her womanly slit. Softly, he began to kiss the hood of her clit, sucking on it intermittently. As he licked her clit he could feel her getting wetter and wetter by the moment.

"Mmmmmmmm, oh god, don't stop," she muttered in her sleep, apparently enjoying a naughty dream.

He then shoved his tongue into her pussy, rubbing the roof of her vagina just how she liked it. She began to squirm as he continued to to explore the fleshy cave with his tongue. He could feel her body begin to twitch, a sign she was getting close. Suddenly, her whole body began to shudder as she wrapped her legs tightly around his head.

Emily awoke suddenly from her dream, breathless, her whole body still tingling from the orgasm. She felt something in between her legs shift and pull away and then saw Jake pop his head up over her gravid swell.

Still panting from the intense orgasm, Emily said, "Mmmmm, I was just dreaming about you." Biting her lip, she looked ready to pounce on her lover. She then gave him a come-hither motion with her finger. As he approached her, she pushed him down on her bed and had him lie on his back. She then slowly heaved herself on top of him. With her pelvis straddling his groin, she plopped her heavy belly onto his torso, squishing her heavy womb into him.

From his vantage point, all he could see was her quadruplet-filled belly in front of his face with her belly button sticking out just over his head. This close, he could see the taut and stretched-out texture of her skin. He also noticed all the mounds and lumps from her litter squirming and kicking inside of her. He distinctly felt their activity on his torso where her womb pressed into him. While still straddling him, Emily felt a stiffness rise up in Jake's pants and brush against her groin.

Emily moaned and said, "Take off your pants."

With her belly as a pivot point, she slowly descended onto Jake's throbbing cock. As it entered her, she whipped her head back and audibly exhaled. Already sopping wet from being eaten out moments ago, she began to grind back and forth on him, enveloping him entirely within her swollen pussy. Shocks of pleasure ran over her body as his thick rod pressed against her clit. She could feel his cock throbbing inside of her swollen cunt as she gyrated on top of him.

"Oh god, this feels so fucking good," she said breathlessly.

She began to move her hips up and down, pushing his dick in and out of her repeatedly, her lower lips gripping his shaft around her tight pussy. Her heavy belly remained planted on his torso as she bounced up and down on top of him. The motion caused the quads to stir and become increasingly active. Jake groped the mass weighing down on him, enchanted by her overripe womb.

Emily continued to ride her stud. As she did so, she grabbed and squeezed her engorged tits, spraying milk everywhere. Multiple streams of white fluid shot out her dark nipples, dripping all over her expansive middle and onto Jake.

"Jake I'm getting close," she said in jagged breaths.

Ah, AH, AH, AH, AHHHHHHHH!  She let out a high pitch scream as she came on top of him.

She felt her legs go numb as she dropped her pelvis onto him, again enveloping him entirely inside of her. He felt her pelvic muscles tighten around his cock and felt her uterine muscles contract beneath his hands. He saw how her tightening muscles wrapped around her quadruplets like shrink wrap, outlining their silhouettes inside of her.

It was all too much for him as began grunting and pumping his semen into her already stuffed womb. She relished the feeling, wishing his seed would take root inside her fertile womb, causing her to grow even more pregnant.

Afterwards, Emily pulled herself off of him and plopped her quivering body next to him, still lost in the aftershock of their love-making.

After some time, Jake finally said, "Babe, that was incredible. I didn't know it was possible for anyone to be that pregnant. Just how many babies are there inside of you?"

"Four," she responded.

"Huh..." Jake said, seemingly surprised at the answer.

"What?" Emily asked.

"Oh nothing, I just expected there to be more given how ridiculously big you've grown," Jake said.

She then looked at Jake with an eyebrow raised, "Wait a second, let me get this straight. Four isn't enough for you?"

"No, no, I..." Jake tried to respond.

But before he could say anything, Emily continued, "Just so you know mister, even with only four babies stuffed inside my womb, I can barely do anything. I am too pregnant to fit into any maternity clothes, too pregnant to drive, nearly too pregnant to ride on the bus, too pregnant for a normal prenatal massage, too pregnant to fit properly inside the bathtub, and too pregnant to even sleep comfortably. But that's not enough for you? Do you want me to be so pregnant that I can't even move? So ridiculously pregnant and immobile, that I can't do anything besides stuff more and more babies into my ever-expanding womb. So pregnant that I can barely contain the countless lives brimming within my already aching uterus?"

He attempted to say something, but she continued, "So be it. I serve at the pleasure of my master. I will submit myself to you and let you shove as many babies into me as you'd like."

Jake looked at his already heavily pregnant girlfriend, unsure if she was being serious. He then began to laugh at the absurd thought. Emily looked away sheepishly.

"What?" she said. "That's what you want, isn't it? For me to become too pregnant?"

"It sounds more like that's what you want," he said.

"And what if it is?" she said.

He smiled at his hopelessly pregnant girlfriend and said, "Aren't you already a bit too pregnant?"

"No, not yet," she replied.
Liked by 21 members: nursultantulyakby (Feb 5, 2024), SIVANanoTech (Oct 30, 2023), TheWatchers343 (Aug 15, 2022), fiko515 (Jul 31, 2022), OliviaCohen (Jul 27, 2022), pokemun (Jul 26, 2022), professorhep (Jul 25, 2022), Baelthar (Jul 5, 2022), pregbelltrim (Jun 29, 2022), preglacluv (Jun 17, 2022), sbflicker (Jun 14, 2022), dooditup (Jun 13, 2022), deux_anges (Jun 13, 2022), awakenedhero (Jun 13, 2022), Gymbo4Ever (Jun 13, 2022), Viper9000 (Jun 13, 2022), chunkylover58 (Jun 12, 2022), burdellmgt (Jun 12, 2022), Thebige (Jun 12, 2022), citus (Jun 12, 2022), HazamaYun (Jun 12, 2022)
This is great! I’m excited to see where it goes!
Liked by burdellmgt (Jun 14, 2022), Thebige (Jun 13, 2022), fred (Jun 13, 2022)
Will you write stuffing into this one too, like you did in the previous story? Would be great honestly
(June 14, 2022, 5:17 am)fapcha123 Will you write stuffing into this one too, like you did in the previous story? Would be great honestly
When I initially had started writing this story, I had no intent of adding stuffing. However, as it stands, I currently have a bit of stuffing in part 4. It's definitely one of my favorite combinations of kinks (ie. Pregnant, Stuffed, and Desperate for Labor), but I only wanted to add it to this story if it made sense. We'll see what the final story will have.
God this is fantastic
Liked by fred (Jun 14, 2022)
(June 14, 2022, 6:54 am)fred
(June 14, 2022, 5:17 am)fapcha123 Will you write stuffing into this one too, like you did in the previous story? Would be great honestly
When I initially had started writing this story, I had no intent of adding stuffing. However, as it stands, I currently have a bit of stuffing in part 4. It's definitely one of my favorite combinations of kinks (ie. Pregnant, Stuffed, and Desperate for Labor), but I only wanted to add it to this story if it made sense. We'll see what the final story will have.
If I may (respectfully) add some of my own feedback: I am not keen on stuffing personally. Just happy to see Emily just get filled with babies. Smile

Liked by OliviaCohen (Jul 27, 2022)
(June 14, 2022, 5:23 pm)deux_anges
(June 14, 2022, 6:54 am)fred
(June 14, 2022, 5:17 am)fapcha123 Will you write stuffing into this one too, like you did in the previous story? Would be great honestly
When I initially had started writing this story, I had no intent of adding stuffing. However, as it stands, I currently have a bit of stuffing in part 4. It's definitely one of my favorite combinations of kinks (ie. Pregnant, Stuffed, and Desperate for Labor), but I only wanted to add it to this story if it made sense. We'll see what the final story will have.
If I may (respectfully) add some of my own feedback: I am not keen on stuffing personally. Just happy to see Emily just get filled with babies. Smile

Yeah I know its not everyone's cup of tea. I haven't made up my mind yet, but if it remains in the story, it won't be a major component of part 4 like it is in my other series. It'll mainly be there to justify growth spurts. But I appreciate your feedback and will take it into consideration.
Part 3

Ahhhhh, this is absolutely perfect, Emily said to herself. The pregnant blond lie sprawled out on a lounge chair, soaking in the warm Californian sun. Her hands rested on her pale burgeoning belly, feeling the three stowaways stirring within. She watched as the surface of her expansive middle rippled with fetal movement much like the waves bubbling up over the vast ocean.

Lying there, she flaunted her gravid curves, wearing nothing but a far-too-small bikini with her bare abdomen towering more than 2 feet above her torso. Her pale middle was slathered with sun tan lotion, a necessity given her fair complexion. Even from a distance, bulges and mounds could be seen from all the activity of her triplets moving about inside of her. Resting on top of her belly, her swollen breasts occasionally bounced up and down from all the activity below. Given how much her pendulous breasts jiggled and swayed with any movement, she had been forced to tie the sparse fabric tightly around her bust to prevent public indecency. This resulted in the fabric pressing into her ample bosom and indenting her soft pillowy flesh while also squishing her boobs together. Altogether, Emily was an impressive spectacle of uninhibited fertility. She caught several people gawking at her as they passed by, clearly taken aback by the beached pregnant whale of a woman lying on the chair.

Even though she was only carrying triplets and "taking it easy", she still felt and looked enormous. She had made sure to transfer the three biggest babies in the Nursery, leaving her as big big as any woman naturally pregnant and ready to give birth to quadruplets. And like with each of her instantaneous pregnancies, the rapid expansion left her skin feeling incredibly tight around her very swollen uterus.

Despite her apparent enormity, carrying triplets was much easier on her petite body compared to carrying quadruplets. She could still walk, or at least waddle, for more than 10 feet without becoming a panting sweaty mess. She could fit into her car, albeit just barely. She could even squeeze into a few of her maternity dresses.

It was the perfect compromise between form and function.

And yet, no matter how much she enjoyed this "modest" pregnancy, she couldn't help but feel a twinge of dissatisfaction. Yes, she had struggled quite a bit with quads, but she somehow now felt lesser with triplets. She was ashamed to admit it, but she kinda enjoyed being so massive and helpless. She loved feeling "too pregnant". And while she was pretty big now, she definitely was not too pregnant. Considering this was Labor Day weekend, she figured she should be pushing her limits, not playing it safe. Especially since she'd get to keep this pregnancy for an additional day since Telenatal was closed on Monday.

Gah, of all weekends, why did Jake have to leave me alone to go see his family, Emily wondered. She missed him already. Plus, she really needed him to function if she ever went beyond triplets. Last weekend certainly was proof of it. Oh well, I suppose it is what it is, she told herself.

Even still, she was very round and very pregnant right now. Pregnant yet functional. And while she wasn't too pregnant, she figured it was still going to be the greatest Labor Day weekend ever.

After getting plenty of sun, she finally decided to head back home to her empty apartment within the Telenatal facility. If only Jake was there, waiting to surprise me.


Blindfolded and gagged, Emily could feel his presence nearby. Oh god, this is bad, she thought to herself. Upon arriving to the Telenatal facility, she had been ambushed by a mysterious individual who had overpowered her, tied her up, gagged her, and blindfolded her. Over the past few minutes, she felt him furiously binding rope around her swollen body and tying her to a chair inside the Nursery. She then felt him shove her legs apart and tear the bottoms of her swimsuit off. She momentarily felt the cool breeze against her nakedness before feeling herself violated as something thick and hard was shoved deep within her vagina. It was pushed deeper and deeper until meeting resistance against her sensitive cervix. He then pushed the foreign object deeper and deeper until it pushed past her cervix and into her already cramped womb. After several terrifying minutes, he finally pulled the blindfold away and removed her gag.

The massively pregnant and bound gestational engineer quickly assessed her situation. Rope had been wound ornately around her swollen body, binding her to the chair. She could see the rope also wrapping around and pressing into breasts. Her protuberant abdomen, which rested on her lap, was mercifully spared of any constraints. She noticed one of the triplets kicking and leaving a bulge on the surface of her expansive tummy. She was frightened for them. However, she was even more afraid that more babies would soon be joining them as she saw and felt the cord of the BUMP device snaking underneath her triplet-filled belly, up between her legs, and into her sex.

Standing in front of her, her assailant wore a black mask, obscuring any facial features. The only thing she could make out was that he was tall and muscular with a similar stature to Jake. He remained silent.

"What do you want?" she asked, her voice saturated with fear.

"Oh, you'll see," he said.

"You can take anything you want. Money, jewelry, anything, just please don't hurt me. As you can see, I'm heavy with child."

"Children," he corrected her. "And don't worry, you and your children are in good hands."

She couldn't help but notice how he carried himself with an air of confidence. He didn't seem like the kind of creep that would do something like this. She hated to admit it, but under different circumstances, she'd have found his swagger and impressive physique incredibly attractive.

"Speaking of children," he continued, "you look like you are about to squeeze out a few brats any minute now. Just how pregnant are you?"

"I'm..." she wasn't sure exactly how to respond. "My boyfriend and I are expecting triplets. I'm scheduled for a C-section tomorrow on my due date. In fact my boyfriend is coming to pick me up and take me to the hospital right now."

"Lies," he said cooly. He then pressed into her pregnant middle, making her squirm. She tried to wriggle her body out of the tight rope confinement but she found herself completely stuck.

"These aren't even your babies, are they?" he continued, "I've been watching you. You aren't the innocent soon-to-be-mother you pretend to be. No, you are sick and twisted. An addict, completely obsessed with being pregnant. And just like any addict, you've found a way to get your fix, haven't you? My little gestational engineer. Now you can impregnate yourself over and over again with other women's babies. Living the life you always wanted.

Emily was taken aback. How did he know everything?

"Please," Emily said. "I'll stop. I'll never do it again. I promise. I'll forget everything. I don't even know what you look like. Just please let me go and I promise I'll never get pregnant with another woman's baby ever again."

"I don't believe you," The masked man said. "You won't stop. You can't stop. I'm actually surprised you were able to limit yourself only to triplets. But don't worry. We are going to fix that soon.

"No please," Emily pleaded.

"Don't fight it." he said. "I know you Emily. I know you better than yourself. I know your deepest and darkest desires. I know that you will never be satisfied. You will always want to be more pregnant, growing bigger and bigger until you finally go too far. Believe it not, I am actually here to help you. I want to give you exactly what you've always wanted. And after I'm through with you, well..." He let a pregnant pause fill the silence. "But don't worry, I'll take good care of you. As long as you do exactly as I say, no harm will come to you or your babies. Do we have an understanding?"

Emily was overwhelmed by a strange mixture of emotions. She was both afraid and excited about this prospect of being forced to carry an ever increasing amount babies, even if it was out of her control. Either way, it didn't look like she had a choice. She finally said, "Yes."

"Yes master," he corrected her.

"Yes master," she complied.

"Good, now let's begin," he went over to her computer and began to press several buttons, preparing to activate the BUMP device which was already shoved between her legs.

She suddenly felt the cord begin to vibrate deep inside of her. Beep, beep, beep. Then came the warmth and pressure. With her belly resting on her lap, she felt her womb expand as a baby entered the lowest part of her uterus. She felt her legs being pushed apart by her growing belly. Unlike the last time she had been impregnated with quadruplets, her body had all afternoon to acclimate to her triplets, making this transfer somewhat more tolerable. Still, by the end of the transfer, she felt that deep ache within her uterus return. She couldn't imagine her body stretching beyond this point. And yet, she was pretty sure this was just the beginning.

"What do you have to say for yourself?" the masked man asked.

"More, master," she pleaded.

"That's what I thought," he said.

Beep, beep, beep.

She gritted her teeth as the pressure grew deep within her belly as it swelled outward, becoming tighter and tighter. The rising mass of flesh pressed her engorged tits upwards, making them look even bigger. After the transfer completed, she realized that for the first time ever, she was now pregnant with quintuplets, officially making her the most pregnant she'd ever been. As she looked down at the maternal swell pushing far out of her otherwise slim torso, she noticed she hadn't developed many new stretch marks yet. She knew this wouldn't last long. For now, her swollen body was able to stretch and keep up with the rapid growth. However, she wasn't certain how long this would last.

She suddenly felt a sharp pain along the side of her belly as one of the quints kicked outwards, causing a large bump to form on her otherwise spherical midsection.  Her expansive middle then erupted with activity as the rest of her litter rebelled against the increasingly crowed living space. Emily moaned and groaned, struggling against the internal assault. After several minutes of this, her little ones eventually settled down. Even when they weren't moving, Emily could see and feel where they were situated within her. It was crazy being packed so full, and yet, she loved it.

"More!" she yelled.

The process repeated. Clearly starting to struggle now, she grunted and groaned with her eyes squeezed shut, her face contorted in obvious discomfort. She was also having a hard time remaining in her chair. Since this forced impregnation began, her belly had grown considerably, now carrying twice as many babies as when she entered the Nursery. As it grew, it pushed her legs wider apart, which were firmly planted on the ground in order to keep her seated. As her body swelled up with more and more babies, she was beginning to lose the little control she had left. After the transfer completed, she opened her eyes to see the masked man standing above her.

"Goodness, look how much you've grown," he said. "And with six babies! Is there any room left inside of that greedy womb of yours?"

He then pressed his hand into her incredibly tight belly. There wasn't much give left as he felt the baby just beneath his palm. He then pressed against the unborn occupant which responded by kicking and squirming, prompting another chain reaction of movement inside of her, resulting in more sharp pains spreading over her obscenely distended middle.

I can't take much more of this, she thought. She hadn't thought she'd feel this massive with six, but she couldn't deny that her body was showing signs of defeat. She noticed several new stretch marks spreading vertically across her distended abdomen. And then there was the pain. It had officially crossed the threshold from a tolerable ache to a painful throbbing, especially whenever her whole litter squirmed and stretched simultaneously. Still, she had made it this far. She figured she could handle one more.

"Yes master, there's... there's room for one more," she muttered, speaking with far less conviction than before.

Once again, the man activated the BUMP device. She regretted her request almost instantly. Her skin stretched further and further as her massively distended reproductive organ swelled outward. With the cord stuck between her legs and her belly spreading her legs wider and wider, the cord had begun to dig painfully into the the lower swell of her low-hanging midsection. As the pressure inside her increased, Emily's groans grew louder and louder. She suddenly felt herself lose her balance and tip forwards. She didn't have far to fall with how big her belly had grown. With a loud *plop*, the bare skin of her belly smacked hard against the ground. After bouncing up and down briefly on top of her belly, she finally felt the pressure subside as the transfer finished. She was now in a precarious position, lying on her squished midsection with the chair still tied to her as it hung in the air.

That was it, no more, she thought. There was simply no room left inside of her very stretched uterus. She was utterly filled to the brim. And with the added weight of her body pressing down on her belly, the pressure inside her squished middle had become unbearable. Even more stretch marks spiderwebbed across her once untainted skin, which was now incredibly shiny with how tightly it was stretched. And she could see the lumps and bumps of her septuplets crammed inside of her unbelievably and painfully swollen belly.

She watched as her captor cut her restraints and pulled the chair off of her. "Now don't go running off on me," he said, laughing at her immobilized state.

"I won't master, but please, no more babies," Emily whimpered.

"Awwww, done already?" he asked. "I'm pretty sure you can handle a few more."

"No please," Emily pleaded. "I feel like I'm about to pop."

"Hmmmmm," the masked man said, appearing to mull over her request. "No, we're not done yet. One more... for now anyway."

He then turned away to activate the BUMP device at her computer.

"Pineapp..." Emily began to say, however she caught herself before finishing the word.

"What was that?" the man asked.

"It was nothing master," she replied.

He went back to inputting the appropriate command into the computer. Still lying on the ground with her massive septuplet-filled belly squished beneath her, she waited with terrible apprehension. Already feeling like she was at her absolute limit, she wasn't sure she could handle an eighth baby crammed inside of her, stretching her already overtaxed womb. Still, she had allowed him to proceed this far. One way or another, she'd deal with the consequences of this final transfer.

She suddenly heard the beep, beep, beep of the device between her legs. She closed her eyes and braced herself as she felt herself rise up slowly as her belly grew. The next 30 seconds were a blur as she moaned and grimaced through the pain, the pressure growing more and more intense. Just as she felt like she couldn't take it anymore, it stopped. She breathed a sigh of relief, thankful to still be in one piece.

Shortly after completion of the transfer, she felt something develop deep within her belly. It felt like subtle fluttering at first. She soon realized that the inner most babies in the core of her womb were attempting to move and kick deep within her. As the rest of its more superficial womb-mates joined it, her belly jerked and bobbed with violent movement. She felt herself bounce up and down as they kicked forcefully within her. She felt so helpless, completely at the whims of the octuplets barely contained within her and the man that had put them there.

As she bobbed up and down from her children's movement, she felt her heavy breasts wobble and sway in the air. Not having pumped in quite some time, they had become painfully engorged and were beginning to leak milk onto the floor from all the activity.

"See, I knew you could carry another baby," he said. "Ah, but look at the mess you are making. You've truly become a cow haven't you? Would the pregnant cow like a good milking?"

"Yes, master," she said. Truthfully, she had grown fond of whenever Jake manually drained her milk-filled boobs.

He then walked behind her and unlatched the pelvic girdle of the BUMP device. He then pulled the thick metal shaft out of her stretched pussy.

Mmmmmm, she moaned, biting her lip as she felt the cord rub against her clit. God, why am I so turned on? I swear, if he fucked me right here and now, I wouldn't fight it. But what about Jake? Gah this is all so wrong.

She then felt him shove his hands against her ample buttocks and roll her forwards so that she was now lying completely on her belly with her torso parallel to the ground. Her pendulous breasts hung in the air, milk continuing to drip out slowly.

The man then pulled a chair in front of her and grabbed both of her udders with each hand, squeezing and pulling downwards as if he were actually milking the udders of a cow. His method was surprisingly effective as milk rhythmically squirt out of each breast. She could feel herself getting aroused as he continued to grope her lactating tits. She loved being manhandled like this. She hoped he took this further. She needed it. Like an animal in heat, she felt a burning ache deep within her loins, and was desperate for relief.

"That feels so good, master," she purred. She couldn't believe she was actually getting off to all of this. Despite being held captive by a maniac hellbent on making her way too pregnant, she felt more alive than ever before. Maybe he's right, maybe I am sick. Ah but it feels so incredible.

As the streams of milk slowed down to a dribble, he released her now empty mammaries.

"Alright my pregnant cow, are you ready for the finale?

"Finale? What does that mean?" she asked.

"Oh you'll see," he said. "But I'll give you a hint... more."

"What!?!" she exclaimed. "No please! I'm already too big. I'll pop!"

"Oh don't be so dramatic," he said. "You won't pop. Not yet anyway. We'll get started after I get back from using the restroom. Do I need to tie you up again?" He then looked at the pathetic woman resting on top of her obscenely distended and very heavy middle, doubting very much she would be able to flee in her current state. "I guess not. I'll be right back. Soon, the the fun will begin." He promptly left the room and closed the door behind him, leaving the enormously pregnant captive seemingly immobilized by the eight overdue and ready-to-be-born babies stuffed inside her womb.

I need to get out of here, Emily thought. She was very afraid of what this psychopath had planned for her. She was already too pregnant and couldn't fathom carrying any more babies. She needed to leave before he came back otherwise she would assuredly meet her doom. However, she was pretty sure she'd grown far too heavy to move. If she did the math correctly, carrying octuplets meant she had likely gained well over 140 lbs. And being so short, she didn't think she'd be able to stand up, let alone walk with that much added weight. Still, if the alternative meant that her captor would continue filling her up with more babies until she burst, she really didn't have much of a choice.

With her hands and legs no longer bound, she shifted her weight so that she rolled herself backwards onto her feet and got into a squatting position. With every ounce of her strength, she attempted to stand up. After several seconds of straining, she was finally able to lift her absurdly heavy belly off the ground. With her hands on the small of her back, she slowly titled her torso backwards as far as she could. However, she was unprepared for the shift in weight and fell backwards onto her ass. The fall sent her litter into a tizzy, paralyzing her briefly as she pressed against all the probing limbs pushing outwards from her throbbing belly. However, she couldn't wait for their activity to subside. She had to get going and get out of here. She again got into a squatting position and slowly stood up, this time shifting the incredible weight in front of her more cautiously. Her legs wobbled uncontrollably as she stood there, attempting to keep her balance. She then slowly took a few very cautious and heavy steps forwards. Her legs and muscles were already aching and burning, but she remained upright as she lumbered and waddled forward. Just as she was about to collapse, she made it to the door and attempted to open it. She cursed as it wouldn't budge. Apparently, he had locked the door.

There has got to be another way out of here, she said to herself as she quickly surveyed the room. She scanned the walls that were lined with all the womb pods and her workstation. As she looked over all the womb pods, she realized that she had over half of the babies in the Nursery crammed inside her womb. And soon to be even more, she feared. She then noticed the large windows adjacent to her workstation. She had often propped them open during the afternoons to let the fresh air in. They were relatively low and big windows, nearly as big as a doorway when propped all the way up. Maybe I can exit out of one of those windows, she thought. She wasn't sure she'd fit, but either way, she had to try.

With the very last of her strength, she began to waddle ever so slowly towards the window, hoping she still had enough time to get out of here before her captor came back. She quickly  broke into a sweat as her short legs quivered and quaked beneath her. Upon finally reaching the window, she unlocked it and pushed the large window pane as far upwards as possible. She then slowly maneuvered herself so that her expansive middle was positioned just in front of the large opening. She then attempted to walk out of the window but quickly met resistance as the sides of her belly brushed against the frame. She tried pushing forwards, but found herself unable to squeeze through. She cursed again.

What am I going to do, she said to herself. I need to get out of here. Maybe if I get enough momentum I can squeeze through.

She then took several steps backwards and prepared herself. She then heard the door unlock and saw the man enter the room. In an act of desperation, she headed towards the window as quickly as she could. However, before reaching the open window, she found herself moving too quickly and fell forwards. With a thud, she felt herself stop halfway through the window, the rigid frame now digging painfully into her wide belly. She found herself leaning halfway through the frame, her upper torso hanging outside while her pelvis and legs hung limply in the air inside. Putting her hands against the outer wall of the building, she attempted to push her bloated body through the opening, but only managed a few more inches before finding herself even more stuck. No matter how hard she tried, she couldn't squeeze out of the window. She kicked her legs wildly in the air, trying to gain any perch to push or pull herself out. However, her legs simply flailed in the air, and she continued to find herself hopelessly wedged within the frame of the window.

"Well, well, well," she heard from inside the Nursery. "What do we have here? It looks like you are in the perfect position to get knocked-up with even more babies."

"No! No! No! Please!" she started. "I'm stuck and already about to pop. Please have mercy on me master."

Her pleas were met with a terrible silence. She figured he was grabbing the BUMP device and preparing to shove it into her overly packed womb. Panicking, she flailed her arms and legs wildly in desperation.

She suddenly yelped as he grabbed her wide hips then felt her sex penetrated by a thick rod.

"OH FUCK!" she screamed as she felt him thrust into her. He completely filled her swollen pussy with his huge dick as he fucked her doggy style, or more aptly, massive-pregnant-cow-stuck-in-a-window style. The pure terror she had felt was immediately turned into unfathomable pleasure as he continued to pound into her.

With each thrust, she felt him wedging her even further into the window frame. She hardly cared. This felt incredible. She was finally, unimaginably, inhumanely, impossibly pregnant, and was being fucked harder than ever before.

"I told you I was going to fill you up with more babies," she heard him say in between each thrust. "I'm going to pump you with my seed. I'm going to breed you, make you mine as you grow bigger and bigger with my children."

"Do it!" she screamed. "Fuck me! Breed me! Impregnate me! Split me open! AHH, AHH, AHH, AHH, AAAAAHHHHHH!!!!" Emily came harder than ever before. As she climaxed, she felt her uterine muscles contract, allowing her body to push forward, squishing her belly even further within the frame of the window.

This first orgasm was followed by several more as she continued cumming in rapid fire succession. Each orgasmic contraction squeezed around her litter which triggered even more activity within her womb.  She felt the babies prodding and kicking more forcefully than ever, causing her squished belly to warp and writhe with seemingly inhuman movement. The sensation of her brood squirming excessively inside of her only enhanced the incredible pleasure.

She suddenly heard grunting from inside as the man began trusting even harder into her sopping wet pussy. She felt a warmth enter her deepest depths as he came inside of her.

"YES, YES, YES, AAAAAHHHHHHHH!" she screamed again. She felt herself go faint as the greatest pleasure she had ever felt spread throughout her body. Her hands clutched at her contracting and orgasming womb. The uterine muscles felt incredibly tense as the orgasm refused to let up. Had she been in her right mind, she might have been afraid of such a powerful orgasm breaking her water. And yet, in this instant, she didn't care. She didn't care about anything other than the incredible sensation continuing to course through her swollen body. After this seemingly never-ending orgasm finally let up, she felt a tingling sensation all over her body.

Oh god, that was incredible, Emily thought. That was everything I could have ever hoped for. 


As she waited, still stuck inside the window frame of the Telenatal building, she saw a dark figure walking towards her. It was the mysterious masked man who had forcibly impregnated her and then fucked her moments ago. As he came closer, he took his mask off and smiled at her.

"How was that?" Jake said.

Last weekend, Emily had revealed to Jake her deepest and darkest desire. Her fantasy involved becoming extremely pregnant. Unnaturally pregnant. Perhaps even dangerously pregnant. But even more-so, she wanted to grow more and more pregnant seemingly against her will. She wanted to feel utterly out of control. Only then could she be pushed past her limits and become "too pregnant". And while Jake had been hesitant at first, the idea of Emily growing unimaginably massive excited him beyond belief. After figuring out some ground rules and a safe-word, the two decided on a game plan in order to fulfill Emily's ultimate fantasy. She had told Jake that she didn't want to know when it was going to happen. Therefore, Jake had concocted the lie that he was leaving town to see his family. It had worked perfectly and she was absolutely thrilled it had happened just before Labor Day weekend.

"Well done my good sir," Emily said. "Well done. That was absolutely perfect. You deserve an Oscar for that performance."

"Really?" he said. "I didn't push you too far? I thought you were about to say the safe-word before I transferred that final baby into you."

"I almost did," she said, "But I'm so glad I didn't. I wanted to be pushed too far. And that was even hotter than I could have ever imagined. As a result, I think I've finally grown too pregnant. At least too pregnant for this window." She laughed then said, "I am definitely going to need your help getting out of here."

"Haha of course," he said.

Jake quickly found out just how stuck his enormously pregnant girlfriend had become. The frame of the window pushed several inches into her pale expanse on both sides. At first, he attempted to push her back inside but found this to be entirely impossible. He then went back inside and pushed her wide ass with both his hands, shoving her buttocks with all his strength. Still she wouldn't budge.

Finally, he decided to get a running start, and smacked into her firm pillowy ass with his shoulder.



Emily suddenly fell forwards out of the window and rolled on to her side. Jake quickly ran up to her to see if she was ok. He turned her over to find that she was laughing hysterically.

"Oh my god, I'm so fucking pregnant, I broke the goddamn window!" she said.

"Are you sure you are ok?" he asked, clearly concerned.

"Yeah yeah, I'm fine," she said.

He helped her get to her feet and walked her back inside. Emily now had to lean heavily on Jake as she could otherwise barely keep herself upright.

Once inside, she found a table and plopped her belly on the hard surface, thankful to take some weight off her aching joints.

The two inspected her octuplet-filled belly. It was difficult to comprehend just how big she had grown in less than an hour. Her belly was now as big as a large bean bag. Many stretch marks marred the pale expanse of her skin. Given that there were so many babies currently inside of her, the shape of her obscenely distended tummy was now more spherical and less lopsided than when she was pregnant with triplets or quadruplets. And yet, there were still several lumps and mounds covering the taut surface, representing the different parts of her litter. Right in front of their eyes, they watched each fetus shift and squirm just beneath her skin. Her belly button also stuck out by over two inches. The fleshy protuberance grew and shrunk with each breath, clearly under quite a bit of pressure. Additionally, a red mark ran across the middle of her belly where the window frame had pressed into her just moments ago.


"Excuse me," Emily said as they heard the sound emanate from her upper abdomen.

"Hungry?" Jake asked.

"Very," she said. "Can we order some pizza?"

"Of course," he said. "I'll order our usual."

"Can we make it an extra-large?" she said. "No wait, two extra-larges?"

"Wow you must really be hungry," he said.

"Well I am eating for nine," Emily said. "Plus I gotta keep these babies well fed over the extended holiday weekend."
Liked by 17 members: soaceacco (Jan 10, 2024), bbbbbbbbbb10 (Feb 12, 2023), VB88 (Aug 11, 2022), infinitegest (Jul 27, 2022), OliviaCohen (Jul 27, 2022), deux_anges (Jul 26, 2022), pokemun (Jul 26, 2022), BabyFactory (Jul 26, 2022), ptgffb (Jul 25, 2022), preggodreams (Jul 25, 2022), cripple135 (Jul 25, 2022), burdellmgt (Jul 25, 2022), professorhep (Jul 25, 2022), Derpsofthearcane (Jul 25, 2022), Viper9000 (Jul 24, 2022), dooditup (Jul 24, 2022), Thebige (Jul 24, 2022)
Really love the setting of this story! It's great that the protagonist wants to be as pregnant as possible.

Also some of us are totally into stuffing too, so you really don't have to hold back. Definitely excited for the next chapter and where this series is going.
Liked by fred (Jul 27, 2022)

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