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20 years old sharing my story and struggles with my pregnancy fetish
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I normally don't post on here but I thought I'd share my story and struggles with my pregnancy fetish since I feel so alone about it and have never really come out about it to people. I am a 20 year old male from Massachusetts in an amazing business school, I work an accounting job at a non-profit that I am passionate about, and I will be out of college with 0 debt. Life seems to be good, but little does anyone around me know that I am depressed because of a pregnancy fetish. For example, my Dad asks me why I'm feeling down, yet I can't tell him it is because of my pregnancy fetish because then he'd probably think different of me. 

What eats me up inside the most is the fact I can successfully hookup or date a hot girl from a dating app, yet have 0 success with the MANY pregnant women I've texted on dating apps. Like these single pregnant women tell me I'm sweet, text back and fourth, and think I'm cute, yet when it comes down to hanging out... it never happens. I honestly couldn't tell you why, sometimes there's a distinct reason, but most of the time there isn't. This is why I am so depressed about it, because these perfect opportunities that CLEARLY are attracted to me REFUSE to hangout! Obviously they don't have to hangout with me, it just makes me depressed I've had 0 success with the amount of opportunities I've had. Eventually time runs out, they give birth, and I cry and feel defeated. Another opportunity down the drain that would've EASILY met up with me if they weren't pregnant. Yeah I'm lucky I can hookup with non-pregnant hot girls, but it's not very enjoyable to me because they aren't pregnant, it's hard to describe. I have meet up with one pregnant women, but at the time I was inexperienced and didn't make the move to fuck her. She told me I was way too good looking and I'm wasting my time with a pregnant girl like her, yet little did she know I wanted her for that exact reason: the pregnancy. This also eats me up inside, because I can't tell her about my fetish, or else it could come off as creepy. In general, knowing there are so many single pregnant women out there eats me up aswell. 

Other times I get depressed about my fetish is when I see a pregnant women in public. For example, when I was working my old job, a very hot petite 18-19 year old who didn't look pregnant said to her mom "I think the baby moved". Inside I just wanted to die. Here infront of me is just my ideal girl for getting pregnant, and it turns out she is expecting. The fact I could never share an experience with a girl like that in my life just eats me up inside. Yeah I could go get an 18-19 year old pregnant, but that's a dumb financial move for my age. I could find a single pregnant girl on a dating app, but it is INSANELY rare because most single pregnant girls on dating apps are not very attractive aside from their pregnancy. This girl was very attractive, plus she was pregnant. 

To make problems even worse, I don't want kids of my own, so getting to share the amazing pregnancy experience with a wife won't be an option for me, no matter how much that depresses me. I'm really good with kids, but I know for a FACT I don't enjoy them, and there is a LONG list of other reasons. One potential way around this is I could find a women who wants to become a surrogate, that way I don't have kids of my own but still get to experience the pregnancy. The issue with this is I believe surrogates have to already carry a child before becoming a surrogate. Maybe I'd have to find a single mom who already has a kid then.

Things might get a little better, because I am planning on moving out from Massachusetts to Orange County California after college. It is a pretty expensive area, so I don't think there will be many single pregnant women on dating apps. But it will also be close to LA and even San Diego, so hopefully my online dating search for pregnant women will become easier. Furthermore, I would be able to drive further distances as I won't be living with my parents and they won't be worried about where I am. The issue is, after college I will be 22, a little older and making it harder to meet up with a pregnant teen, a sexual dream of mine (obviously one who is 18+ tho, I'm not a creep). 

I'm really hoping to find therapy, yet so many therapists near me who deal with fetishes or sex therapy are fully booked with clients. I feel like my pregnancy fetish depression will be eliminated once I enjoy quality time with just one hot pregnant girl. Then I can say I can "die happy" and move on with my life and not be addicted to searching for pregnant women for hours on end on dating apps each day. Just having a therapist to talk to about these problems would be also be great, because I never tell anyone about these problems so I can never get them off my chest and get advice. In general, not to offend anyone who takes pride in their fetish. but I feel ASTROMINICALLY UNLUCKY to have to deal with this fetish my entire life. I hate living with it. Idk where I'm getting at with this post, just wanted to come out about my fetish since I've never done it before. I would heavily appreciate any advice, critiques, experiences, etc. Thank you so much, I appreciate your time.
Liked by MLR44 (Aug 29, 2021), Bellyfan27 (Aug 28, 2021), Lucifer Morningstar (Aug 28, 2021), Masterofpreggos (Aug 28, 2021)
Hey there brother i just whant to tell you for my life time i get a pregnant prostitud here in my contry in mexico and i just whant to tell you is not the big thing you know i just was just like you i was like all ways thinking in and oportunity just like that and it happens and when i take i relaise is like you think there are better things in life and get drepressed or sad for dont have that is only making you blind and dont let you see the good things you have in your life but that only my opinion and hope you can take the good things of that one Wink
Here’s the thing, lots of girls are turned on by the idea of getting pregnant, for the same reasons guys like it (big belly, big tits, whatever) but they want to have a baby, so you gotta reconcile with that reality. Maybe what you actually want is a girl who’s willing to shove a pillow up her shirt for you.
Liked by (Aug 29, 2021), alsx (Aug 28, 2021), secreta87 (Aug 28, 2021)
Without getting down into the weeds, let me throw three huge things out there that you should really consider the next time your mind goes down the depressed path again:

  1. You're young. Seriously, you may not feel like it, but I guarantee you: you are young, and you're going to have a lot of experiences in your 20s.
  2. Pregnant women are notoriously cautious and/or flaky when it comes to dating. They have reason to be, but that doesn't make it any less frustrating for us.
  3. Perhaps you didn't notice, but there's kind of a pandemic going on right now and a lot of people are playing it safe because of that. Bad timing, friend.
It's not that I don't feel for you. I don't want kids, so the women I get with must also not want kids, and I find that's generally because they're straight up afraid of pregnancy or disgusted by it... which means we can't enjoy my fetish together. That's been pretty miserable. But there are ways to ethically get that satisfied on the side, and I've explored them with some degree of success. You've got to really work at it, though, and the well is super dry at this moment in time. I've never seen it so bad. You're going to have to be especially patient and persistent.
Liked by commonlyknownas (Aug 30, 2021), joebillyjoe (Aug 29, 2021), lexicon (Aug 29, 2021), MLR44 (Aug 29, 2021), alsx (Aug 28, 2021), Lucifer Morningstar (Aug 28, 2021)
Lucifer Morningstar
I definitely agree with @Akhenaten here on this. I’m also in my 20s @whatisup4444 , but have decided to stay single again for a bit and focus inward on myself.

With that said, there are plenty of people here that will listen to you vent and ask for advice. I’ve definitely tapped into it myself over the years, and I’ve made some amazing friends on this platform. I’m glad you finally reached out and got your words out in-writing so others similar to you can see it and respond. That part helps so much more than just dealing with it alone.

Just keep your head up, man. There’s always highs and lows for me. Some days, I love this fetish and what it does for me. The next? I can get majorly dissuaded by the thought of it and think I should leave it behind if it might be holding me back.

But I realized something, the only thing that really holds me back at least is myself. I overthink things. So, I get my ideas and desires released online through chatting, roleplaying, or simply looking up some preggos in social media. Hell, there’s even some days or weeks where I willingly exclude myself from it while it still gnaws at the back of my head. These are all normal, especially with any fetish no matter it’s nature.

Just keep reaching out too. Plenty of people, I bet, on here are similar in some way or fashion to you and just don’t want to admit it for a variety of reason. But, I’ve always been of the opinion that nobody should suffer with their troubles alone. There’ll always be someone out there, online or IRL, willing to listen to what’s going on. Sometimes it’s obvious, other times it isn’t.

Though I don’t always recommend this with fetishes, exposure therapy legitimately works. Just like with conquering a phobia, exposure to a fetish can eventually ease you down and normalize the feelings. I imagine so much of your fetish, like you said, is rushed into your head from seeing things you can’t have or experience. During times of COVID, I can’t really recommend this fully either. And I try to have a look but don’t touch philosophy. But if you trust yourself enough to retain your composure and self-control, strike up a polite conversation with pregnant women. Make it brief, sincere, and courteous. Don’t let yourself become motivated by all the naughty, dirty thoughts that might flood your mind. Focus on the person. It’s hard, but possible. This is how I became more comfortable to the point that seeing pregnant women in public didn’t destroy my psyche and make me want to run away so she wouldn’t notice me staring or something. Take it slow. Don’t go all-in at once. Moderation is best.

I hope some of this helps you and others out there!
Liked by commonlyknownas (Aug 30, 2021), MLR44 (Aug 29, 2021), Pregpool (Aug 28, 2021), BakayaroKonoyaro (Aug 28, 2021)
Making friends with a surrogate mother might be an option for you to experience hanging out with a preggo without being responsible for the load she is carrying.
(August 28, 2021, 12:43 pm)Avarics I definitely agree with @Akhenaten here on this. I’m also in my 20s @whatisup4444 , but have decided to stay single again for a bit and focus inward on myself.

With that said, there are plenty of people here that will listen to you vent and ask for advice. I’ve definitely tapped into it myself over the years, and I’ve made some amazing friends on this platform. I’m glad you finally reached out and got your words out in-writing so others similar to you can see it and respond. That part helps so much more than just dealing with it alone.

Just keep your head up, man.  There’s always highs and lows for me. Some days, I love this fetish and what it does for me. The next? I can get majorly dissuaded by the thought of it and think I should leave it behind if it might be holding me back.

But I realized something, the only thing that really holds me back at least is myself. I overthink things. So, I get my ideas and desires released online through chatting, roleplaying, or simply looking up some preggos in social media. Hell, there’s even some days or weeks where I willingly exclude myself from it while it still gnaws at the back of my head. These are all normal, especially with any fetish no matter it’s nature.

Just keep reaching out too. Plenty of people, I bet, on here are similar in some way or fashion to you and just don’t want to admit it for a variety of reason. But, I’ve always been of the opinion that nobody should suffer with their troubles alone. There’ll always be someone out there, online or IRL, willing to listen to what’s going on. Sometimes it’s obvious, other times it isn’t.

Though I don’t always recommend this with fetishes, exposure therapy legitimately works. Just like with conquering a phobia, exposure to a fetish can eventually ease you down and normalize the feelings. I imagine so much of your fetish, like you said, is rushed into your head from seeing things you can’t have or experience. During times of COVID, I can’t really recommend this fully either. And I try to have a look but don’t touch philosophy. But if you trust yourself enough to retain your composure and self-control, strike up a polite conversation with pregnant women. Make it brief, sincere, and courteous. Don’t let yourself become motivated by all the naughty, dirty thoughts that might flood your mind. Focus on the person. It’s hard, but possible. This is how I became more comfortable to the point that seeing pregnant women in public didn’t destroy my psyche and make me want to run away so she wouldn’t notice me staring or something. Take it slow. Don’t go all-in at once. Moderation is best.

I hope some of this helps you and others out there!
What is exposure therapy? Also idk what people have been saying about covid in their replies to me, it has not effected my ability to hangout with people (currently, atleast). I guess I'm lucky to live in a safe area. And yes, I fully understand not to be all horny around pregnant women. I formulate every text message in the sweetest most innocent ways possible, and have tons of experience talking to girls over dating apps. I've never talked to a pregnant women in person (aside from the 1 I met up with) because almost all of them are not single. So it's not worth the time, and frankly would be rude if I asked them if they were single in public. But I see what you're saying, and heavily appreciate your advice on everything, really. I typed this kinda quick on my phone so I'm gonna re read some things and learn more. I appreciate everyone else who's responded too!! Making me feel good, honestly I had no stress about my fetish today, probably just because I got everything off my chest in this post last night!!
(August 28, 2021, 2:21 am)Masterofpreggos Hey there brother i just whant to tell you for my life time i get a pregnant prostitud here in my contry in mexico and i just whant to tell you is not the big thing you know i just was just like you i was like all ways thinking in and oportunity just like that and it happens and when i take i relaise is like you think there are better things in life and get drepressed or sad for dont have that is only making you blind and dont let you see the good things you have in your life but that only my opinion and hope you can take the good things of that one Wink
Yeah man I always thought about prostitutes, but aren't they illegal in the US? I live in Massachusetts. I ain't trying to sacrifice my career, I'm not one to do illegal things lol I'm Mr goody two shoes. Or are they illegal, but everyone uses them? Maybe when I'm like 25 with a lot of money I could take a vacation to a place where prostitution is legal or something.
Liked by Masterofpreggos (Aug 29, 2021)
(August 28, 2021, 10:43 am)Spideyx2 Here’s the thing, lots of girls are turned on by the idea of getting pregnant, for the same reasons guys like it (big belly, big tits, whatever) but they want to have a baby, so you gotta reconcile with that reality. Maybe what you actually want is a girl who’s willing to shove a pillow up her shirt for you.
Nah bro not the same at all lol. that's like those people who get high quality sex dolls cuz they can't get real pussy haha. But that's only my opinion lol I'm not trying to offend anyone idc if you do any of that it doesn't bother me.
I’m fortunate enough to be with a woman loves being pregnant. Good luck finding a surrogate or whatever

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