Mommy, where do babies come from?
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LOVE, LOVE and LOVE it! Big Grin everytime is always better than last! Dont stop! haha Will be beautiful see her extremely overdue (is already overdue i know...but...who know? Big Grin she's 1 on billions with a unique condition, her body is Tongue ) with extremely giant twins (15-20 lbs for head? Big Grin lol, maybe too much? ) Anyway, i read 10000 stories about pregnancy and this one is become one of my favorite EVER! Good job @Mesarocket !
Wow! Thanks, you all! Really glad you're enjoying the story so far. It's been fun to write and I appreciate the interest and encouragement. I think the next chapter will be the finale, sadly, but all good things must come to an end. I'll try to make it a memorable one, though!!
Liked by bigboy23 (Apr 27, 2021), (Apr 13, 2021), jokerpaso (Apr 13, 2021)
Definitely gotta be the best for last. We will be more than happy to wait for it. Hopefully another “group game” in the works before she pops.
I think a pool or shower scene would be nice ^_^
Great chapter, mesarocket. Maybe Katie ends up as a broodmare / wife to Principal chambers? Dropping kid after kid for him?
I love it! Maybe some BDSM in the next chapters? I love the multiple pregnancies not hyper. A little hard sex for a bit more adventurous funs. Also love the overdue pregnancies meaning it will be harder for her to birth.
Liked by jimbobjoe789 (Apr 13, 2021)
Awesome work! Can’t wait for the next part. If you’re open to suggestions perhaps a more detailed sex scene with different positions, like Katie riding on top, or some form of missionary with belly rubbing or a sex swing. Keep up the good work!!!
Or Katie learns that she is a sub and needs a Dom/ master like principal chambers to keep her in line and play out some bsdm while getting her pregnant again after she struggles to birth her 10 + pound baby boys
OK, everyone. I thought this would be the last chapter, but this story has other ideas. More to come.

Chapter 5

"See you, dude," Evan said as he turned the corner and started walking toward his locker. "Oh hey," he said, pausing for a moment. And then in a quieter voice, "You down to play the game later? I don't know if Katie's gonna last much longer. I want to get in one more good one with all of us."

"Oh hell yeah!" Julius replied. Evan, Julius, and Brandon had been having quite a good time these last few weeks. "We better. That last video got half a million views! We could make some real ad money soon. She does look like she's about ready to explode, though. But I'm totally in!" 

Evan gave him a high five and then jogged to his locker. He had something special planned for their finale. He'd let the guys know in advance, of course, but it would definitely be a surprise for Katie. But it'd be better that way - he couldn't wait to see her reaction. And she would have no problem following through, he was sure. He had never known a bigger slut in his whole life.

It just seemed to come to her naturally. She had absolutely no embarrassment or inhibitions at doing the kinkiest shit. Anal, vaginal, manual, toys -- it was all fair game. And the fact that she didn't care AT ALL that she was about to push an enormous baby out of her vagina made it all the more crazy… and sexy. Her belly had taken on an angry appearance and looked ready to pop at any moment. Whereas before it had been high, perfectly symmetrical, and covered with smooth, radiant skin, it was now low and grotesquely large - taking on an almost shiny appearance as her skin appeared to be reaching its maximum elasticity. You could even see a number of spidery blue veins right below the surface. It was truly an amazing transformation.

They had been filming the game with Katie for only a few weeks, but had gotten some amazing footage. People just couldn't believe a pregnant teen as far along as she was could take so much dick. The bigger her belly grew, the more views they were getting. Evan didn't know how much longer it could last, but he hoped to milk it for all that it was worth. They hadn't told Katie about uploading the videos, however. He felt a little bad about that, but she was such a luddite, he was sure she'd never find out. 

Their little preggo cash cow had to dry up soon. Each day he expected to hear about her going into labor or being rushed to the hospital, but each afternoon he found her waddling down the hallway, slower and more swollen. It was kind of amazing. There she was, 18 years old, with the biggest pregnant belly he'd ever seen, and taking three dicks at a time under the bleachers. He never even heard her talk about the baby or her plans afterwards. She just seemed content to let them fuck her brains out whenever they wanted. It was pretty weird when he actually thought about it, but he wasn't gonna look a gift horse in the mouth. 

He opened up his locker to take out his calculus textbook when a small piece of paper, folded over twice, fell at his feet. Opening up the note, he read:

Dear Evan,

I'm SO so sorry, but I can't play the game with you any more. Something has happened, and I just can't risk it. I hate to do this to you, but I hope you'll understand. Please tell the guys for me.

<3<3<3 Katie

Evan frowned in dismay. This could not be happening! There was no way he was going to miss out on filming what was sure to be their best video yet. 

He had to find her, talk to her, convince her to play the game just one more time.


Katie stared out the school bus window. It was a rainy day and the traffic was a gray blur. Everything was kind of blurry these days. She just felt… foggy. She realized she was rubbing her belly again. What was that about?

She constantly found herself stroking her huge bump, poking it, and looking at it in the mirror. She had recently realized she had an unusual attachment to it. She couldn't explain it, but she felt strangely fascinated by it. She knew it was far too big, and had grown too fast, but for some reason she didn't find this fact very concerning. It just felt right, like it should be there. She did wonder why it just kept growing, though. No matter how much she had exercised or what she had eaten, week after week it kept getting bigger and bigger. Everything was a chore now because it was so heavy. She felt like she was carrying around a mountain in front of her, and she was constantly out of breath. It had taken a lot of fun out of playing the game because she was so big now, but she was also kind of proud of her belly. She liked the attention she got, and it made her feel a little excited. Sure, she got some dirty looks, especially from older women (she has no clue why they disliked fat girls so much), but the way boys and men stared at her big belly made her happy. She was even pretty sure some of them wished they could play the game with her. That was a really exciting thought. She had also seen a lot of girls her age staring at her big belly. She thought they might have been fat shaming her too, but now she thought that maybe they were just jealous of all the attention she was getting.

As the school bus pulled into the front of the high school, Katie thought back to her detention with Principal Chambers the previous Saturday. She wasn't sure how to feel about it. On the one hand he had been so scary and strict with her. The work had been backbreaking and he had really pushed her to her limit. She had deserved it, of course. She knew that she had broken the rules. On the other hand, she had never had a partner who played the game so well. It was like their bodies were attuned to each other, and she was surprised to discover she really liked it when he had been so rough with her, pulling her hair and giving her belly a painful slap with his open hand. It excited her just thinking about it. 

But he was the principal! She had only ever played the game with boys her age. Daniel had told her it was a game for people in love, but that hadn't exactly been true. She did have warm feelings for Evan and his friends, but what feelings did she have for Principal Chambers? The truth was she didn't know what to feel. 

Realizing she had to come to a decision, she put things in simple terms. She knew she had to obey the Principal. He was in charge and she wanted to be on his good side. At heart, she was a good girl and not a rule-breaker. She would just have to trust that there was a good reason behind what he asked her to do. And have faith. No matter how fun playing the game with Evan and his friends had been, she needed to follow Principal Chamber’s instructions and that meant saying goodbye to Evan and the gang.

By the time the school bus rolled to a stop and opened its doors, Katie had made her decision. With a lighter heart, she used both arms to pull herself to a standing position and slowly trudged out of the bus.


Evan was waiting for her. He had been standing in the shadow of one of the tall brick columns of the school's facade, anxiously watching for her bus. He took a moment to marvel at Katie's form as she stepped down onto the curb. She was stunning. Long shapely legs, lustrous hair, her glowing face, and of course her monumental belly. Every moment of her body broadcasted her fertility and fecundity. How was she still moving being that full of baby? Everywhere she went people parted before her, staring at the hugely pregnant teen, some leering and others with mouths agape. They were probably wondering, like him, why she wasn't in a hospital bed somewhere.

Pulling himself out of his reverie, Evan quickly walked up to Katie as she was crossing through the main colonnade in front of the school. Startled, Katie took a quick step backward and nearly lost her balance. Recovering herself, Katie’s face was flushed and a blush spread across her cheeks.She was even prettier than before.

“Sorry about that,” said Evan sheepishly. “Didn’t mean to startle you.”

“It’s OK. I just wasn’t expecting to see you,” said Katie. In truth, she had been dreading their next meeting. She hated to deliver bad news. “I guess you got my note.”

“I completely understand,” said Evan.

“You do?” said Katie, surprised. Maybe this would be easier than she thought.

“You’re getting near the end and you just need to focus on yourself. I get it,” replied Evan.

What does he mean, “the end?” thought Katie, but she was relieved this was going well. “Well thank you for being so understanding,” she said and touched Evans arm lightly.

“We all want what’s best for you,” continued Evan. “I was just wondering if you’d consider playing the game just one more time. I promise you it’ll be the last. We’ve got something special planned and we think you’ll really like it. Think of it as a little going away present. What do you say?”

“Well, I don’t know…” Katie stammered. She felt guilty for ending what had obviously brought them so much pleasure. “But I guess just one more time would be OK. But it’ll have to be the last time, and it CAN’T be near the school.”

“Not a problem at all!” said Evan, a huge smile on his face. “My parents are out of town for the next couple of days so it’s just me in the house. The guys will be so happy. Thank you, thank you, thank you! How about tonight?”

“Hmm, I don’t know if I can be out that late. I’m already staying after school, and my mom might flip,” said Katie.

“Just tell her that you’re studying for a test. If it makes you feel any better, we can actually spend a little time on Calculus,” pleaded Evan.

“Well, alright. I can try.” said Katie, giving in.

“You’re not gonna regret it!” said Evan, he ran away before Katie had a chance to change her mind.


Surprisingly, Katie’s mom was fine with her staying out late to study. Katie was able to call her from the school office phone after math class (she definitely was NOT allowed to own a cell phone of her own). As luck would have it, her mom was going to attend a bible study group and already had a ride lined up. It was rare for her mom to leave the house on account of her poor eyesight, so Katie was thrilled with her luck.

The rest of the day went agonizingly slow. Katie couldn’t stop thinking about what today’s detention with Principal Chambers would be like, and also what tonight’s final game with Evan would entail. She found herself daydreaming and even got called out by Ms. Clark, her science teacher.

But finally 3:30 rolled around and she made her way to Principal Chamber’s office. The front office, usually a busy hive of activity, was empty. She walked nervously to his office and knocked lightly on the door.

“Come in.” came the stern voice of Principal Chambers.

“I hope I didn’t interrupt you,” said Katie nervously as she entered the room, “But no one was out front.”

“Yes, the staff is doing off-site training after school every day this week,” he replied, the faintest hint of a smile on his face. “You’re right on time. Good. I didn’t want a repeat of Saturday.”

“Yes sir...” said Katie, not sure how to proceed. Before she had a chance to say anything more, her belly suddenly cramped. 

Noticing her grimace and seeing her clutching her belly, Principal Chambers watched in pleasure and excitement as Katie squirmed in front of him.

“I’m sorry. It’s just indigestion,” said Katie apologetically through gritted teeth. “It seems to be happening a lot these days.”

“Indigestion? Not cramps?” asked Chambers, curiously. “Surely you’re due soon.”

“Due?” said Katie, puzzled.

“Yes, due,” said Chambers, knitting his brows. What game was she playing? “You’re pregnant.”

Seeing his face darken, Katie quickly replied in a small voice, “I’m sorry, I know I’m overweight. I just didn’t understand what you meant when you said ‘due.’”

Another long pause. Chambers studied her face. He didn't see any falsehood, only a nervous schoolgirl in front of her principal. But could it even be possible? Could she really not realize she was pregnant? It seemed ridiculous, especially considering how obviously advanced she was.

"Nevermind," he said carefully, pivoting. "Your science finals are coming up soon, so I'm going to ask you a few questions to test your knowledge. First question: define sex." 

Katie's puzzled look said it all even before she spoke up. "Sex is… something that married couples do?" 

"And have you ever engaged in sexual activity?" he asked. 

Katie's mouth opened in a comical expression of surprise. "Of course not! That would be a sin. I'm not even married yet."

Chamber's pulse quickened. I can't believe what I'm hearing, he thought. I knew she was ignorant, backwards even, but she's been kept totally and completely in the dark. What kind of school did that zealot mother of hers send her to? It was truly incredible. 

"And where do babies come from?" he asked, his excitement building. 

"Um… from the hospital? We never really covered that before at school…" she said miserably. Katie was now sure she was going to fail the science exam.

And there it was, Chambers thought. The amazing truth was finally out. So much of their strange interactions now made sense to him. This revelation was shocking, unprecedented, but… it also opened up possibilities. Thrilling possibilities. 

Katie’s tensed up with another cramp.

"Take a seat," he instructed her, indicating one of two plush, high-backed chairs he kept for his visitors. Katie gratefully sank into the comfy chair. Chambers pulled up the browser on his computer while Katie sat awkwardly. Better see what I can do about this, he said to himself, before this golden opportunity is ruined. 

The computer keys clicked dryly as he typed “how to delay labor and birth" into Google. Katie sat clutching her belly while he searched. After scanning a few medical sites he found what he was looking for. Magnesium Sulfate. Bingo. 

"I'm going to run to the store," he told Katie as he stood up. "Study your math book until I get back."

45 minutes later he was back in the office and holding a big glass of water he was stirring with a spoon. 

"Drink this," he said, handing her the glass. "It will help with your indigestion. Come to the office every morning, before lunch, and after school, and I'll give you the correct dose." He had no idea what the correct dose was. But he was going to load her with enough of it so that SOMETHING would definitely happen. 

Katie took the glass gratefully and finished it quickly. Chambers waited a few minutes and she seemed to calm down a bit. Good. 

"Now as for what happened on Saturday…" he began with a little trepidation. 

"You mean the game?" Katie asked with a surprising amount of enthusiasm. 

"Yes… the ‘game,’" he repeated. "You enjoy playing it, don't you?" 

"Yes, sir. But I didn't know that you played it as well!" she blurted out. 

"There are many things you don't know about me," he said, darkly. 

"Of course. I'm sorry, sir," she said, looking down.

"You're still in a great amount of trouble, you know. But… I'll allow you to play the game, provided you follow my directions. And remember, I am the only thing standing between you and being expelled. Is that understood?" 

"Yes sir."

"Good. Now lean over this desk."


"Do I need to repeat myself?" 

Katie rose unsteadily to her feet and placed her hands palm-down on the desk. 

"Lower," he instructed. She lowered her torso until her substantial bosom rested on the desk. "Now look forward and don't turn around."

Her gravid belly, swollen with babies, placentas, and fluid, hung down from her slender torso, arching her back. Her wide hips and slightly spread legs helped to support the immense weight and gave a fantastic view of her plump ass. She waited, helpless and not knowing what would come. After a few moments and the rustling of a drawer, she felt an immediate and sharp pain across her buttocks. The pain was extraordinary! She sucked in a deep breath and fought to hold back her tears. 

Behind her, Chambers held his paddle with satisfaction. About a foot and a half long, it had a wide head and a number of holes bored out of it. It was oak, about an inch thick, and had a satisfying heft to it. He raised it again and prepared to strike Katie's proffered ass.

"Your heart is filled with sin," he spoke loudly. 


Katie couldn't keep the tears from coming now. 

"I am the only thing standing between you and an eternity of darkness!"


Katie cried out from the pain and began sobbing. 

"You are unworthy! Say it!" he shrieked. 


"I am unworthy!" she cried, sobbing. 

"Say it again!" 


"I AM UNWORTHY!" she screamed, choking on her tears. "I AM WORTHLESS!" Spittle fell from her lips as she cried in great, racking sobs. 

Chambers was hard as a rock. His penis was a tight knot threatening to break through his pants. 

He roughly pulled down Katie's skirt, revealing her bright red and welted cheeks. He could see the indentations from the paddle holes clearly. 

Pulling his cock out from his pants, Chambers spit into his palm and lubricated his member. While she was still crying, he spread her ass cheeks apart with his hands and forced the tip of his wide penis into her exposed asshole. It resisted at first, and was deliciously tight. Ignoring her anus's futile protests, he forced his swollen member deep inside her teenage rectum and began to roughly fuck her.

Katie's sobs mingled with painful grunts now as she took his onslaught. It was such a strange sensation to have her belly so full and tight, and also have her asshole being reamed by this man. She felt like her universe was splitting apart. 

"You're the whore of Babylon!" Chambers told Katie as he continued to fuck her. 

"I'm a whore!" she repeated. Her sobs had mostly stopped now and she was starting to enjoy the thorough fucking she was getting. "I'm a fat, stupid whore!" 

Chambers pulled out of her asshole and forced Katie to lie on her back on the desk. Her huge belly rose high into the air. He marveled at her nubile form, so greatly enhanced by the huge babies growing in her and the changes they had wrought on her body. Her wide hips and milk-filled breasts were the very picture of femininity, youth, and beauty transformed into motherhood. The great orb holding her fetuses was tight, hard, and prepared for birth at any moment. He reminded himself that it was only through his intervention that she could remain so perfect.

He entered her wet and warm vagina with his cock. Its velvety folds gladly accepted his manhood and gently pulled him in. Sliding in and out of her perfect orifice, he put his hands around her delicate throat. As he fucked her tight, pink pregnant pussy, he slowly choked her with his large hands. 

Katie's mind was like an orange in a vice. Between the pleasure, the pain, and losing her grip on consciousness, she became untethered. Every now and then Chambers would release his grip in order to slap her great belly, sending new sensations of pain into her brain, but they soon faded into the background under the constant current of pleasure emanating from her clitoris and vagina. Chambers continued to speak as he fucked and choked Katie. His words echoed down the halls of her mind: "you are unworthy," “you are a whore.” She felt the truth of these simple statements and clung to them, even as she saw a long black tunnel and began falling, deeper and deeper into the darkness. The blackness was swallowing her relentlessly. Then came complete nothingness.


When she came to, minutes may have passed, or it could have been hours. The world slowly came back into focus around her. She was still lying on the desk, her shirt and bra pushed up over her exposed breasts, and her heavy pregnant belly was covered in sticky, ropey strands of Principal Chamber's ejaculate. She turned her head to the side and saw him, standing upright and strong, looking confidently out the window and tucking in his shirt.

She cried silent tears as she processed her experience. She now knew in her soul that she was worthless, nothing more than a whore. She had seen what awaited her after death, a gift from Principal Chambers. It was a deeply moving experience. She vowed from that moment on to obey him completely. The only way to avoid an eternity of the darkness she had seen was to cling to him like a life raft. His strength would surely lead her to a path of righteousness and help her avoid the fate she had seen.

Though her mouth was dry and sore, she was compelled to prostrate herself before him. She struggled to an upright position, then walked to him, falling heavily on her knees.

“I’m sorry,” she moaned, looking upwards miserably. He turned to regard her with an icy expression. “You were right. I am worthless. I’m less than worthless. I saw it…” She began to cry again. “I saw the darkness. I know what is waiting. You’re the only one who can save me. I know that now.”

Chambers eyed her suspiciously. What was she going on about? This was an unexpected turn, even despite what had just transpired between them. As she explained to him about her salvation and tearfully pleaded with him to save her, a radical notion began to form in his mind. Yes, he thought. YES. A new vision filled his brain, a way out of this monotonous, humdrum existence he called his life.

Turning to face Katie, he looked down and smiled benevolently. It was a hideous mask, but to Katie it was as if the sun rose for the first time.

“You ARE saved. I have seen God’s merciful plan and it is a WONDER!” he cried. “He has appointed me as his messenger, to save you and others from being cast out into the darkness. We will build a church together. God has seen fit to make you my first disciple. Rejoice!”

Katie’s eyes shone with tears of joy. She was so grateful to Principal Chambers, and proud to be his first follower. It was an exultant experience. She couldn’t wait to tell her mother. She would be so excited to learn the wonderful news!


Evan waited nervously in his car for Katie. They had agreed to meet in front of the school at 5:30pm, but it was already 5:45 and she was nowhere to be seen. If she didn’t show, all of his hard work would be ruined. Damn, why couldn’t she at least have a cell phone? He looked at his watch again. Glancing back at the school, he finally saw her waddling heavily toward his car. He hopped out and opened the passenger side door for her.

“I was worried you wouldn’t show,” he said as she got closer. He noticed she was looking a little worse for the wear. Her hair was a little untidy and her clothes were rumpled. But she seemed in good spirits, despite looking tired.

“Are you hungry? We could grab some fast food on the way to my house. Gotta keep up your strength!” he said excitedly.

“Yes, I’m starving. Anything would be good,” Katie replied absent-mindedly.

They stopped by a local shake shack and he grabbed a couple burgers. Katie was mostly silent, but ate with great enthusiasm. She finished both burgers and started in on the fries, but paused.

“Evan,” she said, “Tonight really has to be the last night. I have a higher purpose for my life now. I don’t mean any offense, but I’ve got to focus on more important things.”

Evan wasn’t surprised in the least. It was actually a relief to hear that she had some concern for her baby. Or babies. He still didn’t know how many she was carrying in that distended belly of hers.

“I totally get it,” he said. “No pressure at all. Let’s make it a great night and then part ways as friends.” This was perfect for Evan as well. Although it had been the thrill of his life to fuck a pregnant girl, he wasn’t remotely interested in interacting with her children.

Having gotten all the unpleasantness out of the conversation, then had a relaxed ride the rest of the way to his house. They pulled up to his driveway and Katie noticed a number of cars parked on the street. 

Evan helped her out of the car and walked her to his front door. Before he opened the front door, he turned to her and said, “Thank you again for doing this one more time. You’re gonna make a lot of guys happy.”

Katie was confused. What did he mean by a lot of guys?

Evan opened the door and ushered her inside. They walked into his parents’ living room where she was surprised to see about a dozen young men talking to each other. There were Evan, Julius, and their other friend whom she knew very well, but there were a number of other seniors, only some of which she recognized.

“I told you I was going to make it special,” he said with a grin.

“You want me to play the game… with everyone?” she asked, incredulously. She wasn’t sure if that was possible, or how that would even work. Playing it with three was tiring enough, and she had already had a long day.

“Don’t worry about it,” he said with an easy-going laugh. “You’ll do fine. You really don’t need to do much more than to lie down.”

Some of the guys had already started to take off their shirts and pants, and were pulling off their underwear too.

“Evan… I don’t know…” she said, a worried expression on her face.

“It’ll be OK. Just try? If it’s too much, just let me know and we’ll stop, or take a break,” he replied.

“OK, I’ll try.” Katie wasn’t convinced that she was up for such a challenge, but she reminded herself this would be the last time.

Julius had started filming as soon as she had walked in, and he now was in front of her asking some questions: “How are you feeling? How far along are you now? 40 weeks? Your belly looks huge!”

Katie was feeling overwhelmed, and didn’t understand some of his questions. “I’m OK. Yeah, it just keeps getting bigger, I guess. I’m glad you like it, though…”

Now the new guys were meeting her. They started by asking her how she was doing and complimenting her body. They seemed nice enough to Katie. Some stroked her belly, which was kind of nice, and others touched her hair and her face. She was warming to the idea. It was nice to receive so much attention, and their touches felt good. But she also felt like she was being swept away by some vast human tide. It was a bit odd how much they talked about babies, though. She liked them just as much as the next girl, but she didn’t understand what babies had to do with her. They seemed to really like the strange idea of one being inside of her, or putting one into her. Maybe this was just a new type of game they were playing.

Before long, the guys had helped her remove her shirt and her skirt. One guy whistled as her huge baby belly was revealed in all its glory. She found herself on her knees and facing a firing squad of hardened dicks. Then one was in her mouth. She found herself sucking it and feeding it down her throat. Then her hand was around another boy’s cock, and then her other hand around another. Her whole world was veiny cocks, their tips eager to touch her, be held by her, be sucked by her mouth, or to force themselves into any available space.

She was now on all fours as one of the boys was gently fucking her doggy style in her raw pussy. They were timid, unlike Principal Chambers, and their members weren’t as thick as his. So it wasn’t as difficult as she had initially thought. She found herself enjoying the neverending fucking. As soon as one boy grew tired, another took his place.

She was guided by strong hands and arms and laid on her back on top of one of the boys. He slid his long member into her asshole, which had already been compromised earlier in the day by Principal Chambers. Another boy took advantage of her prone position and inserted his sizable cock into her pink vagina. Now the two boys filled both of her holes and pounded away like steam shovels. A third boy forced his dick into her mouth, and she eagerly sucked at it.

She was lost to her passion now. She reached out with her hands for more cock, and found it waiting for her. Every possible part of her was engaged in the sex act. Boys fondled her heavy, milk-filled tits while the other boys fucked her. Another boy was sliding his wet penis all over her huge belly, digging into it with his engorged tip. It was an exhilarating experience. All the while Julius was hovering around filming the action. She hoped that she would get a copy to watch later. This was certainly one of the greatest games she had played.

After a few minutes of hot and heavy action, the boys lined up and began ejaculating into her pussy one at a time. They were really trying to fill her up! As soon as one boy groaned and shot his load into her vagina, another took his place and started trying to unload into her. She found it really exciting, though she didn’t quite know why. She wondered if she could hold it all in. She lay on her back, enjoying the sensations of the warm cum dripping down deep into her pussy. He was rubbing her swollen belly, which felt tighter than before for some reason. But she thought that every day. They seemed to love her belly so much, and it made her happy that her body was providing them with pleasure.

Once the last boy had emptied his seed into her cum-filled vagina, Evan appeared with a martini glass. Confused, Katie was helped into a squatting position by two of the boys as Evan held the glass carefully under her tender pussy, collecting every last drop of the warm gooey cum that leaked out of her. It ended up filling about half of the glass.

Evan presented her with the frothy beverage and told her to drink it. She had swallowed many a load from Evan and his friends before, so she didn’t see a reason to deny his request. With Julius right in her face with his camera, she tilted the glass of cum, letting it ooze down into her mouth, then swished it around in her mouth, enjoying the salty taste. She swallowed the cum in one large gulp. A little had dribbled from the glass onto her chin, but she wiped it with a finger and licked clean. The boys gave a little round of applause and she smiled, rubbing her huge pregnant belly.

“Fantastic, just fantastic” said Julius, finally turning off his camera.

Everyone began to clothe themselves and one by one they said their goodbyes. After helping her get dressed, Evan helped Katie back out to his car and drove her home. Before he drove off, Evan rolled down the window and said, “Thanks again, Katie. That was amazing. Good luck with everything. Hey, maybe we can do this all again sometime.”

“We’ll see, I guess,” said Katie tiredly. “If it’s part of God’s mission for me. Goodbye.” As Evan pondered her strange goodbye, he watched her walk away. With her hips gently swaying from the weight of her huge pregnant belly, Evan could just imagine her squatting down and starting to push a baby out. Her body was on a precipice, and he couldn’t imagine her getting any bigger. He was sure any day now he would hear the sad news that she had popped. But he knew he was a lucky guy to have been with her at all. He sped away into the quiet night with his satisfied thoughts.

Katie walked slowly toward her front door. Her pussy and asshole ached from the many poundings of the day. She knew she would be sore tomorrow. She stroked her enormous belly and thanked it for the wonderful things it had brought her. If not for her big belly, she wouldn’t have met Evan and his friends, but more importantly, she wouldn’t have found her salvation in Principal Chambers. He had promised to instruct her on his gospel the next day after school, and she couldn’t wait to hear about God’s plans for her. Chambers was so wise, she thought to herself. His medicine had helped her indigestion considerably. Her belly had been quiet all evening. She would make sure that she reported to his office diligently to get her medicine, just as he had instructed her.

Though she was exhausted, both mentally and physically, Katie couldn’t wait to see what tomorrow brought. If it was anything like today, it would be transcendent.
Liked by 18 members: fiko515 (Jul 17, 2023), Pregbelly15 (Aug 28, 2022), dontforget (Jul 3, 2022), MeinBlower (Nov 17, 2021), Quinn777 (Jul 3, 2021), laptopsuc (Jun 13, 2021), bigboy23 (Apr 27, 2021), awakenedhero (Apr 25, 2021), Thebige (Apr 25, 2021), rubenger (Apr 24, 2021), jokerpaso (Apr 24, 2021), jin1976 (Apr 24, 2021), Daniblacklist (Apr 23, 2021), jimbobjoe789 (Apr 23, 2021), Yeet35 (Apr 23, 2021), MLR44 (Apr 23, 2021), Jeromeodawg (Apr 23, 2021), deux_anges (Apr 23, 2021)
Is this only your second time writing a story? I can't believe it. The storyline, setup, and scripts are so well. Far better than most stories I found on Literotica and Deviantart. I personally don't like those hyperpregnancy, unrealistic multiples pregnancy or cartoonic belly size. This story doesn't have any of those. That's why makes it at least "fathomable". I hope you can write more such stories. Can't wait to read them. BTW, if you really publish this on Amazon I would definitely buy it.
Liked by dipshirt (May 16, 2021), bigboy23 (Apr 27, 2021)

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