Mommy, where do babies come from?
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Really enjoyed writing the last one (Her New Condition), and I'm excited where this one could go. Hope you enjoy! 

Chapter 1

Katie was heartbroken. It had been 6 weeks since Daniel and his family had moved to Michigan and out of her life forever. She sat on her small twin bed holding an oversized pink teddy bear tight to her chest as big tear drops rolled down her cheeks. Daniel had won the bear for her at the carnival last fall and it was her only memento of their fling.

At 18 years old, Katie was a petite, all American girl-next-door. Her auburn hair was long and lustrous, hanging past her shoulders. Her face was pretty, if not a tad plain. But it was also an innocent face, still keeping the essence of youth in its round cheeks, and always seeming a little surprised or even gullible. Her bust was a little on the large size, but not remarkably so. More like soft round melons And her hips were wide and solidly built.

It just wasn't fair, she thought. She and Daniel were perfect together! He was sweet and thoughtful, even if he was a little pushy sometimes. But she would take that any day of the week over being stuck at home with mother.

Katie loved her mother, Vicky, but life sure wasn’t easy being her daughter. Disabled, reclusive, and fervently evangelical, Vicky was part mom and part captor. Legally blind, she could hardly see a foot in front of herself, and so they rarely left the house because of the difficulties it presented. She managed to support herself and Katie by running a small Christian bookstore website thanks to a specially modified computer. But that was their sole connection to the outside world. Vicky held a strong conviction that the end times were near, and because of this belief, she did everything she could to keep her daughter pure and unspoiled by what she viewed as a sinful world outside.

As far as Katie’s education, Vicky didn’t bother about things like biology or sexual education. What use was that if the world was ending any day now? It was better not to mention such shameful subjects at any rate. The sins of the flesh were not something her Katie should ever know. Unfortunately, the government required a minimum education which Vicky was forced to provide for Katie. So since kindergarten, Katie had attended a small Christian homeschool collective run by similarly minded evangelicals. But it had finally become too expensive for Vicky to afford, and so Katie found herself attending public school for the first time as a high school senior. That difficult decision had been filled with endless warnings from Vicky about the many evils of the world. But the day had finally come, and Katie had made her way, utterly unprepared, into the halls of Fayetteville High School.

Katie met Daniel shortly after she had begun attending Fayetteville. Daniel sat next to her in senior English class, and without his help, she was sure she would have failed. There was just so much they hadn't covered at the Christian collective. She felt totally adrift. So many of the themes and subjects from the books they covered were alien to her. The dreaded three letter word, “sex,” was a complete mystery to her, as the functions of the human body were hardly ever discussed. She had wanted to ask her mom about marriage and how exactly babies were made, but had never quite got the courage to bring up the subject.

Thank God for Daniel. He had single handedly gotten her through English class that first semester. When he learned she rode the bus each day, he started giving her rides home. When she told him it was her 18th birthday, he showed up to school the next day with a big box of chocolates. Of course she had fallen madly in love with him.

He had even introduced her to a fun new game, though it had made her a little uncomfortable at times. One day driving home, he pulled off into a quiet stretch of road in the woods and parked. He had kissed her passionately, and his hands explored places of her body that no one had touched before. She loved the attention, just as she loved Daniel, though she knew her mother would be FURIOUS if she found out. After a few minutes of making out, Katie was baffled when Daniel reached into his pants and pulled his penis out. "Do you need to use the bathroom?" she had asked him in confusion. The only other time she had seen one was when she took care of the little boys at the Christian collective. Daniel laughed, then seemed equally confused when her expression didn't change.

"You don't know, do you," he had said.

"Know what?" Katie had replied, utterly perplexed.

Daniel paused for a moment, considering, then reached a decision and said, "There's a game that we can play. It's really fun and feels great. It might hurt a bit at first, though. But it won't after that. It's a game for people in love, and the best part is that it's totally free! We just use what God gave us." Katie was curious, but more importantly, Daniel had used the “L” word! Her heart almost leaped out of her chest in excitement.

When Daniel described how the game worked, Katie was skeptical at first. Remembering her mom’s warning, she asked Daniel, “This isn’t… wrong is it? I mean this isn’t a sin?”

“Of course not!” he had replied, smiling. “God made our bodies this way. It would be wrong not to use them like he intended.” That had been a big relief, and Katie was glad her boyfriend was such a godly person as well.

After that she went gladly along, trusting that Daniel would take care of her. It had hurt a little more than he had let on, but after that it was OK. It even started to feel good after a while. They played the game until his whole body tensed up suddenly, which frightened her a little, and then he peed a little white stuff out into her! He hadn't mentioned that at all and Katie didn't know what to do. It had leaked all out of her vagina and made a mess. But he told her it was normal and nothing to be worried about. Then he had held her tightly and she felt so close to him. It was like magic.

They played the game almost every day after school. They would sneak away to a secluded park or back alley and he would fill her up over and over again with his penis. She didn’t really like all of the white sticky stuff that he put into her, but she discovered if she lay a certain way that it wouldn’t really leak out much afterwards. So that made things better. Sometimes he got a little pushy if she didn't want to play the game. But Katie was so afraid of losing her best friend that she let Daniel have his way. He liked to grab big handfuls of her bottom with his hands while he plowed in and out, and he would even surprise her by slapping her cheeks hard with a free hand. That always gave her a little surprise, but she knew it was all part of the game. Sometimes she was a little sore afterwards - it was amazing how big his little penis got when they played the game. It really stretched her out inside! Especially when he had surprised her by putting it in her other hole one afternoon. THAT had hurt. She had tried to tell him that it was too painful but he had just pushed her down into the car seat and forced himself into her. It was the strangest sensation. It felt kind of like she was using the bathroom but in reverse, and her vagina got oddly warm. She felt like the two passageways were getting so much pressure from his big penis that the barrier between might rip at any moment. She bit her lip and cried a little that time. Fortunately he decided to switch back to the normal hole for a while before he finally finished.

Things continued like that for a few weeks. Unbeknownst to Katie, she had quickly been inseminated with Daniel’s seed. Their 18-year old bodies were more than prepared for this eventuality, and her body had even dropped two eggs at the same time, which Daniel’s sperm had eagerly fertilized. The miracle of life had firmly taken root in Katie while Daniel continued to fill her up with his gooey cum each afternoon. Her body, now fully pregnant, began to prepare for the hard work of building twin babies.

Then the terrible news came that his family was moving. Daniel had told her one rainy day in October. She had cried bitter tears, but he promised her that he would write her letters to see how she was doing, and after their senior year, who knows? That faint bit of hope was all that she had to cling onto.

And so here she was, alone in her room, thinking about how much she missed him for the zillionth time. She had started to bury her face in food these past few weeks. It seemed like the only thing that made her happy, and she was hungry all the time for some reason.

"I'm gonna get fat if I keep this up," she thought. Laying the stuffed bear gently on her bed, she walked over to her mirror and raised her shirt. Sure enough, she could already see a pudge in her middle. It looked like she had eaten a couple of hungry man frozen dinners in one sitting. Grabbing her belly, it felt a little hard and firm. "Gosh, I already am," she thought in dismay.

Poking her belly with a pointer finger, she shouted "fat, fat, fat!" and cried a little more. At least she hadn't had to deal with that awful cramping and bleeding she normally felt this time of the month. Her mom called it her cycle, but had never really explained what it was, other than giving her some pads and telling her it would go away soon. And it always did. But it was even better if it would stop coming entirely. She could only hope that was the case.

Weeks went by in the same funk, but she slowly started to accept that Daniel was out of her life. She couldn't stop eating, however, and her little belly kept growing. It now poked out a couple of inches and was quite a gut. She rubbed it when she caught glimpses of herself in the mirror and felt depressed. She had tried to cut her calories, but it was so hard to say no. She'd even tried daily aerobic exercises, but they didn't seem to be having any effect either. Plus she was just so tired all of the time, so the last thing she wanted to do was to go for a jog. She wondered if this was what breakups were like for everyone. Her stomach was slowly becoming rounder and heavier, with the skin stretched smoothly over her pot belly. It was also hard, not like the tiny amounts of fat on her thighs or rear.

"Mom, I think I'm gaining weight," she said one night at the dinner table.

"You still look the same to me," her mother said, jokingly.

"Har har har. But seriously, I'm feeling really fat."

Hearing the concern in her daughter's voice, Vicky said, "That’s vanity, Katie, and it’s a sin. God made your body, and do you think he makes mistakes? I know how cruel high school and high schoolers can be, but you need to focus on your eternal salvation. Ask Jesus for forgiveness and put these thoughts out of your head. Now I don’t want to hear about this again, OK? "

“Yes, mother.” Katie replied, feeling ashamed.

Another couple of weeks passed and Katie just kept growing. Her jeans no longer fit well, so she had to wear them with the top unbuttoned. Her firm and unrelenting bump ballooned despite her angst over her weight and her shame at caring so much about her own appearance.

It had now been about 20 weeks since Daniel had left and pregnancy had transformed Katie’s previously flat stomach into quite the little baby making machine, even for an 18 year old carrying twins. She was depressed at how “fat” she had become. And it was all strangely in her belly. She had taken to wearing heavy sweaters to hide her changing body, but when she looked at her body after showering, it was obvious that her belly was getting pretty big. Her boobs had also gotten so tender and were getting really heavy too. No wonder people referred to obesity as an epidemic, she thought.

Friendless and alone at school, she started doing some research one day in the library. Hunting and pecking on one of the shared computers, she searched to see if anyone else was having similar issues. She was completely surprised to find a whole movement dedicated to accepting people with larger bodies. As she learned more, she felt a huge weight lifting off of her shoulders. Right then and there, she determined to love her body no matter how fat she got and to ignore all of the voices inside, and outside, her head. It was such a liberating experience. “This is what mom must have meant when she said God made my body perfect,” she thought. “I have so much to learn about life!”

With a light heart, Katie went home and stuffed all of her sweaters and sweatshirts into paper bags and threw them into the closet. “I'm going to love my body and let the world see that fat can be beautiful,” she thought happily.

The next day at school, Katie walked confidently through the hallway towards home room. She was wearing her favorite t-shirt and blue jeans. The t-shirt was quite tight thanks to Katie’s very noticeable bump, and unbeknownst to her, it had gradually inched up so that now her midriff was clearly visible. Her belly button had begun to ever so slightly herniate, and it left a faint imprint on the fabric of the shirt. Her ass, average sized before, was now a plump apple that filled out her jeans, and turned her walk into a sexy and seductive sway. She was also developing a pronounced waddle as her hips expanded and her belly protruded, which she was of course oblivious to.

Heads turned and people whispered in small groups as the plainly pregnant high schooler waddled past them. Katie ignored the buzz and found her way to her classroom. Just as she walked through the doorway, she dropped her textbooks. Embarrassed, she bent down on all fours to retrieve her books. As she did, she gave an amazing show to the rest of the class. Her ripe and swollen breasts swayed heavily within her shirt, and her ample cleavage showed silky mountains of flesh any high school boy would dearly love to squeeze. Her pregnant belly hung down below her, making her state of motherhood even more obvious. Finally collecting her books, she took a long moment struggling to standing up. Once up, she waddled carefully over to her seat and plopped down.

A few minutes later, her teacher Ms. Andrews stood awkwardly in front of her desk and informed her that she had been called to the principal's office. Students began to talk to each other in hushed tones and a couple sniggered. Confused, but trying to maintain her dignity, Katie rose to her feet, she held her chin high, and made her way to the front office to meet her fate.

Principal Chambers was a harried, nervous man in his 40s with thinning light brown hair. Too many overbearing parents had put him in a constant state of anxiety. He hated confrontations and wondered why he ever got into this line of work. But he was trapped now; It was far too late to change careers.

He looked up from the papers spread out on his desk as Katie walked quietly into his office. She was obviously nervous and clasped her hands tightly together in front of her. Even so, her prominent belly couldn’t be hidden. “I’d probably be nervous too if somebody pumped me full of baby batter and I was expanding like a blimp,” he thought. Her t-shirt was straining to contain her ballooning uterus, and she was obviously filling up rapidly with new life. She also had a glow about her. He noticed that her skin looked radiant. “If she was a little older…” he thought but then stopped himself.

"Katie, please take a seat,” he said, gesturing towards one of the two chairs facing his desk. She sat down as primly as possible, already starting to squirm with nervousness. He neatly stacked the papers in front of him, not knowing where to begin, and then awkwardly started. “Were you going to tell us about this," he said and indicated with a finger at her pregnant belly, "anytime soon?"

"I didn't know I needed to tell anyone," Katie replied, a little taken a back.

He stared at her for a moment, not sure if she was making a sarcastic joke. When she continued to stare ahead, dumbfounded, he sighed and continued.

"Well, when you’re pregnant it affects more people than just yourself,” he explained.

In addition to her surprise, Katie stumbled over the odd word Principal Chambers had just used - pregnant. She had never heard it before. It sounded like a medical term. She reasoned it must have to do with her weight gain.

“Certain arrangements will have to be made,” he continued, gesturing absently into the air. “Your absence from school, doctor's checkups, and of course the big day..."

Katie blinked in confusion. She knew that being overweight was bad for your health, but extra doctor's visits seemed a little overkill. And what was the big day? Big day? A day for big people? She didn't want to be treated any differently based on her body shape.

“Is your mother aware of what's going on?” he asked.

“Yes. She told me it’s all a part of God’s plan and that I should pray for guidance.”

“Good. That’s good.” Principal Chambers said awkwardly. He wasn’t about to get into a theological debate on teenage pregnancy.

“Well, we’ll have to call your mother. Might as well get it over with.” he said sadly, then started to dial on his conference phone. After a few rings, someone answered on the other line.

“Hi, Mrs. Thompson. This is Principal Chambers from Fayetteville High School. I’m here with your daughter Katie, and I wanted to have a quick conversation about her, um, condition...I wanted to make sure we were all aware of the plan going forward.”

There was a pause on the other end, then Vicky repeated, “Her condition.”

“Yes, her condition. As your daughter gets bigger, things will get more complicated in terms of her education, and when the time comes we’ll have to figure out arrangements for her absence. Of course she will be able to do some work from home, but…” Principal Chambers continued but was cut off by Vicky’s shrill voice.

“Sir, let me stop you right there!” the voice shouted from the speakerphone. “There is nothing wrong with my daughter. God has made her just the way he intended to, and neither man nor beast will alter the course he has set out for us! The last time I checked, the parent was still in charge of making decisions for the child, and her condition is none of your concern!"

"Mam, I only meant that you and she should..."

"No! We will comply with whatever the law says, but I don't want to hear anymore about her body or how we're supposed to manage it.”

God, Principal Chambers thought. What a nightmare. How do they always find me?

Taking a deep breath, he calmly replied, "I understand, Ms. Thompson. The only thing we need you to do is to sign for any absences. We can deal with the rest later."

"Fine!" the voice shouted and there was a click as she hung up the phone.

After an awkward moment, Principal Chambers said, "Well, that's settled then. If you need any help or advice, my office door is always open. Now you should get back to class."

Embarrassed, Katie, made her exit as quickly and gracefully as possible, though she bumped against a potted plant on the edge of the desk, almost knocking it over with her belly.

Principal Chambers watched her march from the room and couldn't help noticing her tight, perfect behind. He wondered against his will what it would look like to see her riding him reverse cowgirl, watching her tight teenage pussy stretch around his manhood as she moved sensually up and down his shaft. He could even imagine her heavily pregnant belly, filled with someone else's fat baby, hanging down between his legs and making her huff and puff with all the extra weight. He would love to see her struggle to push that huge baby out too, wrecking her perfect body. It would be the perfect punishment for such an airheaded girl.

When the door clicked shut, he was brought back to reality and ashamed how far he had taken his fantasy.

Katie suffered through the rest of the day in silence, stewing over the unfairness of it all. How is my weight anybody else's Business? So what if I get really… what was that weird word? Pregnant? Maybe I want to be pregnant! Maybe I'll get super pregnant! With these and other thoughts running through her mind, she vowed to take her mom's advice and stop worrying about her weight. This was all God's plan, after all.

Katie celebrated that night by eating a whole pint of cookies and cream ice cream and falling asleep on the couch. She felt much better the next day and rubbed her swollen belly while examining herself in the mirror. "Pregnant is OK by me!" she said confidently, then waddled out the door to catch the schoolbus. Inside her fertile teenage womb two baby boys were just starting to pick up steam. An amazing period of growth lay ahead for the unsuspecting teenage mother, a period which would surely test the limits of her newfound body acceptance.
Liked by 33 members: coming_out (May 8, 2024), Caron (Mar 13, 2024), Rex1776 (Feb 19, 2024), Shadowleeper (Feb 6, 2024), Lemonbunnybun (Jan 31, 2024), nokatsuy (Jan 19, 2024), Tahajalee (Jan 18, 2024), DrunkenGypsy (Aug 16, 2023), Pregbelly15 (Aug 28, 2022), cherise (Mar 13, 2022), Artnonymus1264 (Mar 3, 2022), MeinBlower (Nov 17, 2021), MamasBoi (Jun 18, 2021), hughman (Jun 16, 2021), trmbnlvr (May 13, 2021), illusenmage (Apr 23, 2021), jimbobjoe789 (Apr 6, 2021), bigboy23 (Mar 30, 2021), Ewri1972 (Mar 19, 2021), Bedwyl (Mar 8, 2021), digeridoofan (Feb 13, 2021), Huntsman (Feb 13, 2021), serafin20 (Feb 13, 2021), shypreggolvr (Feb 13, 2021), xaikahn (Feb 12, 2021), awakenedhero (Feb 12, 2021), OliviaCohen (Feb 12, 2021), Mathnerd1024 (Feb 12, 2021), grimlock79 (Feb 12, 2021), Jeff360 (Feb 12, 2021), jokerpaso (Feb 12, 2021), rubenger (Feb 12, 2021), jin1976 (Feb 12, 2021)
great story! Big Grin im very curious where this going on
Liked by gregg96 (Jul 11, 2022), MamasBoi (Jun 18, 2021), ThorBear450 (May 7, 2021), Jeff360 (Feb 12, 2021)
Need more
Awesome...I love the mom!
Great chapter, more please
Chapter 2

A gentle breeze lazily fluttered the American flag high above Lafayette high school. It was late spring, and an unusually hot morning, even for the month of May. A big yellow school bus rolled up to the curb in front of the school, squealed its brakes, and shuttered to a halt. The doors swung open, and after a long pause, a figure slowly and carefully stepped out into the sunshine. 

Katie clung tightly to the metal hold bar with one hand while the other supported her bulging pregnant belly. At 34 weeks with twins, she was a luscious ripening fruit well on her way to bursting. Each step was now an effort and required some level of calculation. Her sensational belly hung so far in front of her that it threw her constantly off balance. And her widening hips and the increased weight had changed her gate into a lumbering waddle. 

But for all of the challenges of pregnancy, Katie remained in a state of blissful ignorance and carried on as if nothing was changing. The steady stream of hormones her body was producing filled her brain with endorphins and kept her unusually contented. She often sat daydreaming and absent-mindedly rubbing her large, taut belly, totally innocent to the fact that her body was getting closer and closer to its inexorable conclusion. 

Today, Katie wore a flowery yellow sun dress that rode up in the front as it draped over her gravid teenage belly. Her skin stretched tight over her firm uterus, which mere centimeters under the surface held two fat baby boys, now growing large and putting on as much weight as they were able. If Katie dropped something on the ground, which seemed to happen frequently, she would be forced to get down on all fours with her large belly just barely resting on the ground. In that pose, she looked more like a cow ready to give birth than a previously skinny 18 year old girl. 

Katie was constantly famished, of course, but no longer felt shame at stuffing her face at every opportunity. She had finally accepted her body for what it was, and was happy with her weight. She even enjoyed her new belly, though she wouldn't have been able to say exactly why. Her weight seemed to be entirely in her belly, which jutted angrily forward and ended with a hard knot of herniated belly button. She knew that she looked different from the other fat kids, but the fact didn't seem remarkable to her. She just assumed that each body was unique. 

Everyone at Lafayette High knew Katie was spectacularly pregnant, of course. Everyone except for Katie, that is. In her extreme naiveté, Katie merely thought she had become obese. The story had spread like wildfire through the school of how Daniel had taken advantage of her and left her high and dry, one more sad teenage pregnancy. But no one quite knew how to take the fact that Katie seemed completely unperturbed by her situation. If anything, she seemed to be flourishing. She was happier, more outgoing, and had even begun to dress somewhat skimpily, at least for a girl who was sporting a huge baby belly to class. The warm spring weather had prompted her to begin wearing tight tank tops and shorts that left less and less to the imagination. 

And thanks to a massive misunderstanding of the word "pregnant," Katie didn't do herself any favors in clearing up the confusion. She would sometimes make odd statements, such as "There’s nothing wrong with being pregnant!” or “I'm happy with my body. I might stay pregnant for the rest of my life."

As Katie's belly swelled out with babies, her hormones were affecting her mental state in new ways. Aside from being unusually contented, Katie thought more and more about the game she and Daniel used to play. She would often sit at her desk in class, absent-mindedly staring out the window and remembering the feel of Danie’s hard member sliding in and out of her vagina. It had been a little uncomfortable at the time, but now she wished she could go back in time for just a minute and feel that way again. 

One day as she sat staring out the window and rubbing her belly, a thought struck her like a bolt of lightning. “Maybe I can find someone else to play the game with!” she mused. The thought was terribly exciting. But who would it be, and would they even know how to play the game? Daniel had said it was a game for people in love, but she didn’t see any reason why she couldn’t play it with another boy. Now that she thought about it, there were several who had been surprisingly nice to her ever since she had gained a little weight. That had seemed odd, but maybe they were just sympathetic to the body acceptance movement. One in particular, Evan Harrison, leapt to the forefront of her mind. He was a tall, sandy-haired boy with a nice smile,

Immediately after school, Katie made her way as quickly as she could to Evan’s locker. She found him there gathering his things for cross-country practice. As he slammed his locker door closed, he was surprised to see her standing in front of him, staring intently. The sight of her overwhelmed him. Her huge, round bump was impossible not to notice, especially with her sundress accentuating her heavy breasts and protruding belly. She looked like a perfect young housewife just waiting in the kitchen for her husband to come home and bend her over the kitchen sink.

“Uh, hi Katie…” he stammered, involuntarily staring downward at her luscious curves.

“Hi, Evan,” she replied, a little coquettishly. “Listen, I have a question for you.”

Oh god, he thought. Can this really be happening? Please be happening…

“Do you…” she paused, not sure what to say. “Do you like to play games?” she blurted out.

“Games? Like monopoly?” he said, then immediately regretted it. “God, why did I say that??” he thought.

“Kind of…” Katie replied. “It’s more like a sport I guess?” she said, turning the statement into a question.

“Sure, I like sports.” said Evan, not sure where this was leading. But Katie smiled and he felt relieved.

“Do you think you could give me a ride home?” she asked.

A little surprised at the sudden shift in conversation, Evan replied, “Like now?”

“Yes, now.” said Katie, then noticing his Lafayette High School Long Distance Team t-shirt in his hands, added “Unless you’re busy, that is.”

“No!” he said, a little too energetically.”I just need to take this home… to wash it. I can definitely give you a ride. My car is this way.”


As his car wound through the quiet two-lane roads leaving the high school, Evan couldn’t help himself from sneaking glances at his passenger. Katie rested her hands atop of her swollen globe and occasionally rubbed small circles with her fingers. He could just imagine the baby inside her, growing larger every day, pushing and distending her tight teenage belly like a ripening melon. It was amazing to think that a girl her age was really and truly pregnant. The thought of her pushing a baby painfully out of her vagina was for some reason both repulsive and exciting. He shifted in his seat to hide his growing erection, hoping she wouldn’t notice.

“Evan, I’m sorry but could you pull over for a minute?” Katie asked, suddenly interrupting his thoughts. “There’s a spot up ahead on the right,” she said, pointing with her finger.

“Oh, sure!” he said, suddenly alarmed. “Is everything OK?”

“Yes, I’m fine. I just need to stop for a moment.”

Evan pulled the car into a small clearing in the trees, completely hidden from the road. Once they had pulled to a stop, Katie sat quietly, staring out the window. After a moment, she looked Evan in the eyes and said, “I know I’m fat, but...”

“You’re not fat, you’re just… you’re just pregnant,” Evan said, feeling a little sheepish and uncomfortable for coming right out and saying it.

“That’s nice of you to say,” Katie said. She still didn't understand the meaning of the word, thanks to her evangelical upbringing. Picking up where she had left off, she continued, ”But however you want to say it, fat, pregnant - I know that you might not find me attractive.”

“Are you kidding?” Evan practically spat out. “I think you look great. No really, you’re beautiful.”

Her face suddenly brightening, Katie beamed a smile and said “Really? You think so?”

“Oh, absolutely,” Evan replied. “I’ve always had a crush on you, and now you’re just even more beautiful.”

Katie, who wasn't used to this kind of attention, felt giddy with excitement. To think someone else really cared about her! She was so excited, and felt like she and Evan could really become fast friends.

“So I’ve been wanting to play this game for a long, long time, but ever since Daniel left, I haven’t had anyone to play it with. Do you want to try? Maybe you already know it...”

A little confused again, but excited about the direction everything was trending, Evan enthusiastically agreed to play the game. Intrigued, he waited for what was about to happen next.

The last thing he expected was when Katie leaned over and stretched out her delicate hand, reaching into his basketball shorts and pulling out his penis. Carelessly squishing her pregnant belly against the center console, she bent her head down and took him in her mouth. Her warm, wet lips enfolded his growing erection. 

Evan couldn't believe his luck. Was this really happening? This pregnant girl was really going down on him, he thought. He had always had a thing for pregnant women, but never imagined he'd get to be with one unless he got married someday. He was in heaven. 

Katie gently sucked Evan's hardening cock, feeling it grow larger and stronger in her mouth. When it became fully erect, it filled her mouth with its largeness and the thick helmet plugged against the back of her throat. She hungrily sucked, relishing the closeness to him and the taste, sweaty and salty. 

After bobbing her head up and down for a few minutes, Katie wanted more. "OK, now the next part of the game is where you put it inside my hole, then move it in and out. Either hole is fine. Do you understand?" she asked Evan. "I'll lean on the car and you can stand behind me."

Evan understood all right, and eagerly walked around to the passenger side of the hood where Katie was preparing herself. She pulled down her shorts and underwear, leaned over the car with her milk engorged tits resting on the hood, and pulled her sun dress up over her ass. Evan was mesmerized by her beauty. The skinny 18 year old was all belly except for her luscious ass and huge tits. Her pink vagina was was perfect, not too meaty but with beautifully rounded lobes poking happily out of her tender flesh. Her huge pendulous belly hung down heavily. He could see her linea negra traveling in an uninterrupted line down to her herniated belly button. She was so large, Evan thought she could give birth at any moment. Her cute little asshole sat above her pussy and looked equally inviting. He was sure that it would be incredibly tight. Where to start, he wondered?

He decided her pussy looked too good to pass up. Getting down on his knees he greedily began licking her pussy lips, then slid his tongue deeper into the Katie's moist vagina. A moan of ecstasy escaped her lips. This was a surprise! Apparently Evan knew the game, and even knew a few tricks that Daniel didn't!

Katie moaned in pleasure as Evan's tongue slid over her clitorous time and time again. She squirmed in pleasure with her ass against his face. Then holding his cock with one hand he began rubbing its tip up and down her pussy lips. His pre-cum mixed with her wetness and formed a luxurious lubricant. Teasing her, he waited for a long moment until he finally slid his cock deep within her body, all the way to the base of his shaft. It was so warm and tight. It felt amazing. It was incredible to think that only a thin wall of flesh separated his veiny cock from her fetus (or fetuses?). He wasn't sure, but wouldn't be surprised if she was carrying multiples in that huge belly. The thought of filling her up with his cock and adding even more pressure to her body, already stretched to the max, was such a turn on. He wanted her to be painfully full. How cool would it be if she had a big contraction while he was inside her? He would bet that her kegel muscles would clench up too, right around his dick. It would be so awesome to cum inside her dirty little cunt while she was tensed up in pain. This is kind of fucked up, he thought, but he couldn't deny that he loved the idea. 

They were getting a nice rhythm going and Katie was surprisingly loud. Between her grunting and moaning, he was glad they were somewhere remote. Let's take this knocked up slut to the next level, he thought. Pulling his dick out, he moved it up an inch and begin trying to force it into her asshole. It was so pink and tight, stubbornly refused to allow him entry like a dam against the onslaught of a sudden flood. Not being so easily deterred, he applied more force, crushing the head of his penis against the tiny opening. Finally, his tip broke through and slid in a few inches. It was so tight it was almost painful for him. He could only imagine what it felt like for her. She was grunting with pain and he could feel her bowel muscles unconsciously clenching and relaxing. God, this is so hot, he thought. I'm literally sodomizing this poor pregnant girl who looks ready to start crowning her baby. As he continued to force his cock deeper into her asshole, her grunts of pain gave way to moans of pleasure. Now that he was in, he began the work of loosening her up, bending her protesting body to his will. As he continued fucking her he heard her begin to say, "Yes sir, yes sir" over and over again, which made him increase the speed and depth of his thrusts even more. As he fucked poor pregnant Katie harder and harder, her intelligible words became gutteral, animal-like grunts. He felt like he was going to break through the wall of her rectum if he fucked any harder, but he was close to finishing and couldn't hold back now. Reaching down, he grabbed her taut pregnant belly with one hand and squeezed hard, getting a good purchase on her flesh. It was tight underneath the surface and he was amazed at how much pressure her womb was under, but l her skin was still soft and malleable. Only 18 years old and so full of baby that she was almost bed ridden, he thought. Truly amazing. How much longer could her poor body last? He hoped much, much longer. He would love to see her struggle with that terrific weight, and maybe have another chance at fucking her bloated belly. He then gave it a good slap and heard the watery hollow sound it made. Like a fucking drum, he thought. Reaching his climax, he grabbed her wide hips and gave one last mighty thrust. His jizz enema coated the walls of her cavity in several long spurts. His full weight on her, her belly was crushed against the edge of the car, putting even more pressure on her unfortunate children. With his still engorged cock, Evan thought he felt a protesting kick from deep within her womb.

"I think I just felt something move!" He said excitedly, and pulled his large cock suddenly out of her anus. A sloppy trickle of thick white cum followed. 

"Uh huhhhh" she grunted through her parched throat. Breathing heavily, she managed to reply, "I get stomach cramps or something sometimes. It's the weirdest thing."

"Right," he said. "Stomach cramps." 

Katie leaned with her back against the car, catching her breath. Her sweaty sun dress clung to her torpedo shaped belly, highlighting her sensual, impossible curves. 

"That was fun," she said after a minute. "I really needed that. And you know the game so well! Do you like it?" 

"I think just about every guy does," he joked with a smile. 

"Oh really?" she asked, seeming genuinely interested. "So guys just know how to play the game?" 

"Well, yeah!" he replied, now confused by the strange conversation. 

"Very interesting…" she finished enigmatically. "It's getting late so I should get home. I don't want mother to worry."

Dropping her off outside her house, they made their goodbyes and he watched her waddle extra slowly to her front door. Maybe it was just how hugely pregnant she was, or maybe it was the pounding he has just given her anus. Either way it was a fine view, with her widened hips rolling seductively back and forth as she stepped heavily, her center of gravity now completely on that huge belly. I could watch this forever, he thought. 

What a day. He shifted his car into drive and rolled away slowly. He couldn't wait to tell his friends about his good luck. Maybe this fairytale could last a little while longer before she finally popped. He could only hope to be so lucky. 
Liked by 21 members: Pregbelly15 (Aug 28, 2022), Artnonymus1264 (Mar 3, 2022), MeinBlower (Nov 17, 2021), Quinn777 (Jul 3, 2021), hughman (Jun 16, 2021), Mr.Belly._. (Apr 17, 2021), jin1976 (Apr 7, 2021), jimbobjoe789 (Apr 6, 2021), Yeet35 (Mar 23, 2021), Evevade (Mar 21, 2021), Thebige (Mar 21, 2021), rubenger (Mar 21, 2021), Daniblacklist (Mar 21, 2021), jokerpaso (Mar 20, 2021), Hunn2020 (Mar 19, 2021), shypreggolvr (Mar 19, 2021), ptgffb (Mar 19, 2021), Ewri1972 (Mar 19, 2021), Bellyfan27 (Mar 19, 2021), awakenedhero (Mar 19, 2021), TheSexyBump (Mar 19, 2021)
Nice, like this new chapter. Maybe she gives birth to the twins and then Evan promptly knocks her up again turning her into a a teenage mommy breeder?
Not a bad idea! Evan still has a part to play. But I've got a couple of surprises coming up I hope you'll enjoy.
Liked by Jeromeodawg (Mar 19, 2021), Hunn2020 (Mar 19, 2021), shypreggolvr (Mar 19, 2021)
Oh I think I know where this could go before she pops. She might have a number of guys “playing the game” at the same time with her very soon.
wow this story capture me, very nice! I hope she going overdue with a GIGANTIC bump Big Grin will be amazing see her born with GIGANTIC babies in the end hehe (she dont know until end right? so...why not? Tongue )

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