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Showing extremely early / blump
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Finally contributing something, even if it's a bit specific Smile. I love it when a woman starts showing really early or gets bloated so much she can't hide the belly anymore after only 7 or 8 weeks or even earlier - almost as soon as she finds out she is pregnant. She is shocked by how early she is showing - is it already baby or just bloat, am I having twins? They like to call it a blump Smile. Imagine your girlfriend/wife already starting to blow up only 5 weeks after you came inside her. Blows my mind also Smile. They share these things on the forums and blogs, usually being very suspicious about it, which is also hot, so I'm adding text from the thread/post for each picture. Some of these pictures from the forums are a bit small I'm afraid.

"Baby #3. 9 weeks! I look 20 weeks already too! Every time my belly gets abnormally HUGE. People figure I'm due any day when I'm 4-5 months along. I don't mind really...people say it's big...because it is!"


"This is what I looked like at "almost" 4 weeks, 5,6,7, and 8 weeks in my current pregnancy. THIS is not bloating."


"5 weeks pregnant today! I am so bloated! In my first pregnancy I had a bump of this size in week 20. This could get interesting!" 


"I am 5 weeks pregnant but look and feel about 5 month!! Has anybody else had this? This is my second pregnancy and with my first I didn’t start showing until about 6 months. I am quite small and petite but I feel huge and I know it’s impossible to be showing yet"


She is the best example I think. She was actually pregnant with twins, which she found out about at 8 weeks, by which point she had a pretty sizeable bump already. Imagine enjoying that less than two months after you decided for a baby, amazing!

"There was not even the slightest remote chance in hiding this pregnancy. Basically as soon as I take a pregnancy test, my uterus jumps into hyper drive and !!POP!! I lookpregnant. And it's summer. There's pool time, and GOLF and a whole lotta "need a drink?" No thank you. She's definitely pregnant."

"I have had an incredibly STRONG premonition that I was carrying twins in here, and that was confirmed today!"


"I'm 11 weeks 2 days and have been showing for a while. This is baby #6 but they seriously need to make sure there isn't 2 in there lol."


"6+6. My Agent Scully shirt is barely fitting these days... Bummer. LOL"


"im pregnant again with possibly twins, im not sure yet. I havent been able to make it to the doctor yet but i've noticed my stomach definitely makes me look pregnant. Im only about 9 weeks pregnant but i feel way to big, do you think im having twins?"


"this is my second pregnancy and I am 5 1/2 weeks along. I feel like I'm going crazy! Drastic change in my belly I'm very sure about the date and how far along I am. Could this just be bloat!? I mean it deff looks and feels like a preggo belly I've been reading a lot about it I know second time moms show sooner but I look like I'm 4 months or so.. is it possible it's twins?? I'm adding a photo of my belly I took two weeks ago and one from last night... you can see how it's in my lower belly as well.."


"I am posting a picture of my belly so that you can see what I am talking about. This is my first pregnancy and should not be showing at 2 months but I am looking as if I am 4 months pregnant and my HCG levels are through the charts...."


"I just took this picture - obviously baby isn't big enough to use as a full excuse, but this just seems excessive to me for 8 weeks. My belly is already past my boobs!"


"This is ridiculous. Not even 7 weeks... feeling and looking PREGNANT. This is how bloated I get after having a small breakfast, coming to work at 9am. I wasn't even bothered to hide it at any point, my belly decided to show everyone the news early Smile"

Liked by 28 members: Bouttopop (May 2, 2024), Janosobsidasia (Apr 20, 2023), crazypregs1 (Mar 29, 2023), cubfan2200 (Mar 29, 2023), Gothamrebirth (Mar 11, 2023), Wreck22 (Nov 30, 2022), Ditdot2 (Nov 27, 2022), Baelthar (Nov 16, 2022), Fertility lover (Nov 15, 2022), Jokingfordays (Nov 14, 2022), Kayiter (Nov 13, 2022), belka85 (Nov 13, 2022), (Nov 13, 2022), Chairmanlmao69 (Sep 14, 2022), henlisoolol (Nov 26, 2021), BrownCow (Oct 1, 2021), pregolover10 (Mar 9, 2021), Bgman30 (Feb 7, 2021), maxinep1505 (Feb 7, 2021), jimbobjoe789 (Feb 4, 2021), Akhenaten (Feb 3, 2021), GM123 (Feb 3, 2021), Soundlevel (Feb 3, 2021), jokerpaso (Feb 3, 2021), im2good4u7 (Feb 3, 2021), Your-bro (Feb 3, 2021), darkone1404 (Feb 3, 2021), gtdf1981 (Feb 3, 2021)
I like your thread as lover of early bellies. This picture was personally taken by me years ago at a relative of mine, 11 weeks saying “today i feel bloating and really showing -sigh-“
Liked by 17 members: Janosobsidasia (Apr 20, 2023), saguaro23 (Apr 1, 2023), Rj42 (Mar 29, 2023), crazypregs1 (Mar 29, 2023), xDani (Mar 29, 2023), Gothamrebirth (Mar 11, 2023), SpyroSubway (Nov 17, 2022), Fertility lover (Nov 15, 2022), Jokingfordays (Nov 14, 2022), Kayiter (Nov 13, 2022), belka85 (Nov 13, 2022), Bgman30 (Feb 7, 2021), BrownCow (Feb 7, 2021), Baelthar (Feb 7, 2021), Akhenaten (Feb 3, 2021), im2good4u7 (Feb 3, 2021), geara (Feb 3, 2021)
Love this thread. My wife and I had to start telling people at 8 weeks because she was already very clearly pregnant. Can’t wait to do it all again soon
Liked by Janosobsidasia (Apr 20, 2023), geara (Feb 3, 2021)
Love it. My wife had a belly in May but wasn't due until November.
Liked by Janosobsidasia (Apr 20, 2023)
Still love this idea! Round two Smile.

"At 6 weeks I started showing more than anyone else I've known."

"10 weeks. I sent this photo to my sister with the caption “fat, bloat, or baby?" Hmmm!"

"My bloat is unreal... I feel so damn fat and gross. I p*** all the time and still look like this lol wth 8w4d"

"This is my nine week bump. Everyone at work thinks my dates are wrong or it’s multiples because this is pretty big to be just bloat. Still have to wait two weeks for my first ultrasound ?"

"it's honestly getting bigger everyday hahaha 5w4d. Just looking 4 months pregnant already ? I know it's just bloat. But the bloating is real Hahaha"

"I’m only 12w so I feel like it’s mostly bloat ? but I’m excited to start showing!!! Can’t wait for it to actually pop and not just feel like I ate too much cheese lol"

I am between 6 and 7 weeks. This is my 4th pregnancy. During my week of ovulation I had a dream that a co-worker/friend handed me a plate with 2 eggs on it. I had another dream about 2 high chairs. And last night I had a dream that I was seeing twins everywhere. Twins don't run on either side, but I did ask God for twins a year ago when we tried to conceive but I didn't get pregnant that time around and then we quit trying. We tried again after last cycle and got it on the first try. Did anyone else have dreams and then actually have a confirmation of twins? This is driving me crazy. I will get an ultrasound on August 3rd. I have had outrageous hunger. Sometimes I eat a 4 course meal and am still hungry. I never experienced this amount of hunger with any of my others. I also had extreme cramps during conception and again during implantation. With my others I had slight cramping that would come and go.  Also am already showing rather large to only be 6 weeks. I know the more pregnancies you have the sooner you show, but I never showed like this until 4 and 5 months with the 2nd and 3rd and I was 6 months with the first when I started showing. 

Just right now at 11 weeks. Ignore the scratches, that tank top is driving me crazy (wish I could take it off and go all natural). My clothes are getting to tight but Im still refusing maternity which makes me itchy.

I'm 6 weeks and 2 days and that's my bump! [Image: icon_eek.gif] It's there from the minute I wake up till the moment I go to bed and even when I lie on my back it's still sticking up whereas normally my tummy goes inward when I lie on my back. I'm naturally very skinny and you're slim too so wonder if that's why we're "showing" early? I got big early on with my others as well. My Mum and Nan both said they had big bellies early too. I've had to start telling people because between the belly and me running off to vomit every two minutes I can't hide it! Haha.

I’m 5’1 and a first time momma, and the doctor said that the shorter you are, the earlier you show. I’m 12 weeks and my bump is already huge. And it’s not just bloating! It’s there 24/7 and is rock hard to touch. I’m seriously worried that my sonographer will tell me that there’s 2 in there at my scan tomorrow ?
Liked by 14 members: Mothertrucker1 (Apr 13, 2024), Janosobsidasia (Apr 20, 2023), BrownCow (Mar 30, 2023), Rj42 (Mar 29, 2023), crazypregs1 (Mar 29, 2023), xDani (Mar 29, 2023), Akhenaten (Nov 17, 2022), im2good4u7 (Nov 16, 2022), Hamsterfuzz (Nov 15, 2022), Jokingfordays (Nov 14, 2022), chops79 (Nov 13, 2022), cripple135 (Nov 13, 2022), Kayiter (Nov 13, 2022), belka85 (Nov 13, 2022)
Dr. Preggo
Here's some
Liked by 21 members: Mothertrucker1 (Apr 13, 2024), Baelthar (Jun 7, 2023), Janosobsidasia (Apr 20, 2023), Ewri1972 (Mar 31, 2023), BrownCow (Mar 30, 2023), Rj42 (Mar 29, 2023), EidolonLothario (Mar 29, 2023), crazypregs1 (Mar 29, 2023), xDani (Mar 29, 2023), Gothamrebirth (Mar 11, 2023), Bellylord123 (Jan 16, 2023), (Jan 2, 2023), bedwyr (Nov 19, 2022), hardko (Nov 18, 2022), BiBeBel (Nov 18, 2022), SpyroSubway (Nov 16, 2022), im2good4u7 (Nov 16, 2022), Hamsterfuzz (Nov 15, 2022), Jokingfordays (Nov 14, 2022), chops79 (Nov 13, 2022), Kayiter (Nov 13, 2022)
Old twinner from youtube, who discovers being pregnant with twins at 21 weeks.

5 weeks: "Not much to see on my belly. *lifting shirt* That's how it looks like. And eventually it's going to get big, big, big, big, big *showing with her hand the growth of the belly*.

6 weeks: "Starting to be a little something there. Showing earlier, because number 4."

10 weeks: "There's a little something. I mean, it's early, but it's popping a little bit. It's my fourth, so I will show."

12 weeks: "Got this little baby belly. It's flat, when I wake up and it gets bigger, when the day goes on."

13 weeks: "My belly. You see it's there. It's my fourth, so it's showing much."

14 weeks: "As you noticed, my pants don't fit. But I'm not big enough to wear maternity clothes. I was kinda wondering, I've never been sooo big so early. I usually don't show until 4 months. Even with my third. Sometimes I think: "How big I'm gonna get?".

16 weeks: "I need about pregnancy clothes. Belly button sticking out."

18 weeks: "I can't wear anything, but maternity clothes now. Belly button is all poked now as you can see. It's kinda early for where I am, but it's my fourth, so it's not surprising."

21 weeks: "I kinda thought a little bit, because I'm bigger and felt movement so early. I was sick and I was never sick in any other pregnancy. But at the same time the measurments were right on. But then again, in other pregnancies I was always BEHIND. So that should been a clue. But I thought probably it's just my fourth baby and I'm getting close to thirties - that's probably why. But it's not! It's TWINS!"

After that, her belly starts to grow rapidly. Like, when she discovered it's twins, her body kinda know what to do know - just grow massively ^^

From 23 to 36 weeks she mostly describes her belly as "bigger than usual", "exploding", "huge". You watch her videos at hxxps://

Liked by 13 members: im2good4u7 (Apr 1, 2024), test12345 (Jul 18, 2023), Baelthar (Jun 7, 2023), Janosobsidasia (Apr 20, 2023), chops79 (Mar 30, 2023), BrownCow (Mar 30, 2023), Rj42 (Mar 29, 2023), EidolonLothario (Mar 29, 2023), crazypregs1 (Mar 29, 2023), Somarifan513 (Mar 29, 2023), geara (Mar 29, 2023), glotty159 (Mar 29, 2023), cubfan2200 (Mar 29, 2023)
(February 3, 2021, 12:40 pm)barbirulao I like your thread as lover of early bellies. This picture was personally taken by me years ago at a relative of mine, 11 weeks saying “today i feel bloating and really showing -sigh-“

Oh my goodness! A very nice bump, great picture and thanks for sharing.
Liked by Janosobsidasia (Apr 20, 2023)

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