Time Travel Machine . Story in progress. Need opinions
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I’ve been working on a story. Involves pregnancy, mother/son incest mind-control and a bit of sci-fi. The sci-fi is a device that makes the story possible. 

Anyone interested?
A sample:

Time travel machine 1
Cuckolding dad and breeding mom.

I was minding my own business when a fellow operator showed me a strange device. It looked like an oversized iPhone. The visible buttons resembled the iPhone also. It had what looked like a camera on the back side of it too. I looked at it curiously. What was this thing? So I carefully pressed what looked like the unlock button and the screen lit up. It displayed a photo of a book and the text “Time Travel system 1.0”. So I pressed the button a second time and it opened up. It revealed a unique screen. Date, time and location could be selected at the top of the screen. There was a large camera screen with a targeting crosshairs. A screen button for “stealth mode “.Another for “medical “, and another for “mind control” . Yet Another button with a “?” for manual and help. There was a pause button, like on a dvr or DVD player . An additional button was a bullseye design, labeled select individual . A last button was a silhouette with an arrow and an “x” placed on it.

So I pressed the manual button and started reading. It seemed that this device was a time machine . It could transport you to any time and place in the past. The stealth setting made you unseen, untouchable, unheard and not contaminating anything in the place you were in under that mode. You could pass through secure doors like a ghost. You could also set the lighting to any where you were , that only you could see.
There was a camera mode, capable of both full video and still pictures.
The target button was to select a subject. And many of the other functions worked after selecting a target.

Pause was to freeze all for up to two minutes. Seemed like a good thing to have available.
Mind control would let you influence and change a subject’s opinions, attitudes, desires and actions.

Medical let you see just about anything you wanted to in a person. Including reproductive parts and fertility. And there was the ability to change and correct things, including cancer, genetic conditions, infertility, pregnancy complications and induce or restart fertility. Checking on a growing baby in the womb was all at the user’s fingertips. And how labor has been going too.
This device basically can make someone biologically young indefinitely, regardless of chronological age.

The odd button with a silhouette and “x” was to enter and control that person for a time set by the user , up to a maximum of 7 days. Using that would let you be that person , using their body and place this machine into a holding mode. At the end of it , you would exit that person and resume using the machine . There were different levels, from 1 to 10. At 10, you arein complete control of that person. Level 5, you you merge consciousness with that person and can hear each other's thoughts, feel each other's emotions...except it's all in that person's voice so they are never aware it is you...they are just having a funny feeling of being watched and not feeling like themselves. At level 1, you are shadowing that person and subtly influencing their thoughts by patching your own thoughts into their mind (in their own voice of course).

So I decided to test this thing out. I selected a date a few years back- on June 11 2007, 730am and my parents home. I selected stealth mode. Next I knew, I was in my parents house. I moved from the garage to The upstairs floor. I called out , loudly. No response . I moved towards my parents bedroom. And passed through the closed door. Hmm. Looks like stealth mode worked. Mom and dad were laying in bed, just starting to wake up. I placed the crosshairs on mom and started to see info on her. Age 59, medical showed no gallbladder . She’d had that removed in 2001. Reproductive/fertility showed her as post-menopause. It had an option for restarting fertility. Interesting, I could set my mom up to get pregnant at 59- or any age it seemed. I decided to see what mind control would do. I went to that, and set her libido to high for the moment . And then I selected dad. I set him to high for the moment . The scan showed both of them getting aroused. Mom was wet, dad had a hard-on. They both started to awaken. Dad put his arm around mom , and snuggled up to her, giving her a kiss and pushing his hard-on against her. She looked at him with a smile on her face and softly remarked “ Looks like you read my mind” as she reached for his big dick . I moved closer, as he slid his hand down to her pussy. She was in a nightgown , and he in only t- shirt . She spread her legs as he began to play with her clitoris. She moaned a bit and the sheet they were under came off, revealing her bush. Hers was still nice, dark and bushy. I’d seen it before, years earlier by accident. Dad had his finger on her clit, rubbing it in a circular motion . She was pulling up her nightgown, revealing her heavy and hard belly - she looked pregnant, but wasn’t. There was a faint scar running from her navel down - from a surgery she had before she married and had children . Her skin was fair, with nice pink areolas on her large, pendulous breasts . She was a DD , maybe an E in that category. He placed his mouth on her right nipple as he slipped his finger into her vagina and began to slide it in and out of her. She Moaned as he did so, her wetness was very evident. He kept that up for a few minutes , sucking hard on her nipple while alternating between sliding his finger into mom and rubbing her clit. She suddenly arched her back and shuddered while letting out a low “aahhh”. It looked like mom had just hit an orgasm. Dad then rolled towards her, and began to climb on top of her, his cock very large and hard. He, like me, was circumcised .Once he was on top of her, he swabbed it up and down in her very wet pussy and pushed inside her. She cried out as he entered her. I moved closer, getting a view from very close, close as any porn movie I’d ever seen . His dick was deep inside her, as he thrust into her, his balls hitting her butt.
They were both enjoying it. Mom’s breasts jiggled enthusiastically with each thrust . Mom arched her back and shuddered twice . Apparently, dad knew how to use that cock just right. Suddenly he went deep inside her, and grunted “oh God! I’m cumming!” I had visions of his cock spurting his semen deep inside her. He leaned over and held her, and then gently kissed her. “Thanks hun” he told her and then rolled off of her. As his cock slid out of her vagina, a glob of milky white semen oozed out of her.
I pressed the return to home button and suddenly I was no longer in my parents house.
Liked by Lau_ned (Feb 9, 2022), chops79 (Feb 8, 2022), pooky164 (Oct 15, 2020)
Sample 2

So the machine worked. I review the pics and video I’d taken. Now for how to use this device to get some pay back.

I had long wanted some revenge on my parents for how they treated me, narcissistic abuse from both with a mom with a Jocasta complex. I thought long and hard about it, and reflected and reviewed what this device could do. I came to a conclusion:
I decided to replace my dad in my parents’ bed and get my mom pregnant. She was a strict Roman Catholic, so it normally wouldn’t have been easy. This machine seemed like the way to accomplish that desire. No, I wouldn’t restart her fertility , not at 59. I’d have to go back in time, to years before. How long to go back? I was thinking to when I was 18, and she was 37. Mom had married dad at 18 and given birth to me at 19 . She’d had periods into her mid 50’s - 57 was when she had her very last . Maybe I’d extend her fertility. And how to get dad to either go along with this or get him out of the way? I was going to have to go far back to sow the seeds of this plan. Dad would end up paying for the children I fathered on mom with this plan thanks to this device and a Michigan state law stating that any children born to a married woman were legally her husband’s. And there were going to be many.

Don’t get me wrong, I love my parents, especially my mom. But how they tried to control me, even sabotaging relationships I had with women, is my motivation . Now I’m going to take control, and use my mom for sex and indulging in my pregnancy fetish. I planned on taking lots of pictures and video of her pregnant .

I’ve always had a thing for pregnancy. It’s partly a love for the beauty of pregnancy. The soft curves of a pregnant woman’s belly, breasts and hips that have spread and flared. The glow on her skin. The happiness of a woman carrying a child in her womb. Partly an admiration of the power of a pregnant woman. A woman conceiving , carrying and birthing a child is an amazing feat of nature and science.
It’s also amazing that all that could result from an act of love. It’s even sexier if the mother is mature- over 30. Mom would be over 35 for my plans.

How to get the ball rolling and achieve my desires?
Hmm. Maybe back to High School literature class. I did a little homework and figured out when she had studied the Greek tragedy Oedipus Rex. Bingo, January 23, 1973 When her class had studied it. So stealth mode and here we come. There she was , Wanda Ostrowski in class, listening to the story of Oedipus and Jocasta .Select her as target and mind control. Add idea and value desire of the greatest way for a mother to love her son is have sex with him, be impregnated by him and bear his children. “I want to have babies by my oldest son when he’s old enough”. Keep this to herself for now. Done . Now select medical. Hmm, she’s a tad aroused. Good. While we’re here, make sure that cyst and gallstones never happen- keeping her belly pristine for bikini wear , posing nude, and pornographic movie modeling.
Liked by chops79 (Feb 8, 2022), pooky164 (Oct 15, 2020)
Interesting story so far. Keep up the good work! I like how you incorporated Mature Pregnancy also.
Liked by trmbnlvr (Oct 16, 2020)
There is more coming.
Part 3

I figured seeing how mom’s new desire and hope stayed with her was a good idea. She had married my dad, James in late 1973 and had me in 1974, So I selected the date of September 11, 1974, 3pm, location, labor and delivery department at St. Vincent’s Hospital And I selected stealth mode, and then pressed the start button. Next thing I know, there I was. I have no idea if mom is here yet, or what room she’s in. So I move to a status board, and look for her name. Or part of her name. Bingo, Wanda Bauer. Room 4. So I head there. She’s in a gown, not ready to push yet. Dad is with her. She’s quite a bit smaller than I remember her , except for a very prominent belly. Quite sexy when pregnant - I’d have to see what she looked like before she got pregnant. She was 5”6” and about 145pounds with a largish 34B cup bra size before she got pregnant . Select medical on her. In labor, water not broken, 37 weeks 2 days pregnant . She’s doing well, dad is with her. I’ve got the camera going . Suddenly there is a gush of fluid from her pussy. Her water has broken. The doctor comes in, checks her and announces , “you did it, you’re fully dilated”.
Now she’s fully dilated and it’s time to push . The doctor and nurse place her legs in the stirrups . No drapes. Her belly is perfect and uncovered. Still amazing. I so look forward to planting a baby in her womb. She starts pushing. I’m recording and photographing . She’s doing well, groaning a bit. Dad is holding her hand. She pushed for quite a while, about 2 hours. And finally the head crowned. There I was, not quite in the world yet. The doctor helped ease me out of mom, and then held me up between her legs, announcing “Its a boy!” It’s 7:03pm.
So sweet and beautiful ,Mom is on the table, legs still in the stirrups , the umbilical cord still attached to both of us, holding me, dad next to her. She speaks gently to the baby , a minutes old younger me, “Hello Jonathan”.
Now, how to get dad out of the way of my plans. An idea: mind control, and have mom tell him what she wants and has planned. Pause, use mind control to change his position and proceed . Perfect.

First , select mom, and select mind control. Add spoken thought “some day , when you’re old enough, you’ll give mommy her first grandchild and mommy will give you your first child in the same womb you came from” . Now it’s reinforced. To start dad being ok with it. Hit pause, select dad and Mind control , spoken thought “ I look forward to that. Going to have your own grandchild some day , when he’s old enough?” Good , now dad is onboard with it.Dad kisses mom. Mom replies “yes”. Enjoy your fun while you can Jimbo, you cuck, because Wanda Ostrowski-Bauer’s pussy and womb will belong to Jonathan in a few years. You deserve to be a cuck , which you will be once Jonathan matures , for how you let Wanda treat him and how you let her push you around and rule the house.
Mom had got pregnant again in early October of 1974 and had my brother Liam on July 28 1975 . She got pregnant shortly there after in September of 1975 and delivered my sister Jill on june 15 1976 . Dad knocked her up for the fourth time in August 1976 and she had Martha on May 8, 1977 on Mother’s Day . Mom and dad had been baby machines for the first four years of their marriage .

So I Fast forward to 1977 mom has her fourth kid by my dad, my younger sister.
It’s Sunday May 8, 1977 Mom has put on weight and is massively pregnant and then her water breaks while visiting my aunt. She’s gravidly pregnant at 22 years old , 5’6” 40D bra, and about 175 pounds at 40 weeks pregnant . Fast forward a a few hours and she’s in the stirrups pushing out little Martha. Suddenly , my sister is out of mom with a gush of fluid and Dr. Skandanos is holding her up between mom’s legs announcing “it’s a girl!”. The doctor hands mom the baby and dad cuts the cord . Mom looks at dad and then the baby and back at Dad and says quietly to dad “ the next one will be Jonathan’s “. Dad nods quietly. Mind control is so perfect. How do you Like that , you worthless cuck? Wanda’s womb belongs to your son now.
Liked by chops79 (Feb 8, 2022), pooky164 (Oct 16, 2020), bellylover48 (Oct 16, 2020)
Part 5

Now to get on with my plan. it’s November 23, 1992. I’m in college. Time to breed mom for the first time. She’s 37, a trim sexy cougar, hips somewhat enlarged from having had babies, her hair still dark with just a few gray strands. Her breasts are a nice pendulous 40D. I assume stealth mode. Dad is leaving for work, till after midnight, so it’s just mom and my 3 younger siblings with me. I hit pause and select mind control : First mom tells Dad “Jonathan is sleeping with me from now on”. Then select dad: He nods. “Ok, see you in the morning “ and then imprint thought: sleep in Jonathan’s bed, Wanda is Jonathan’s now. She’s going to have babies by him from now on. You get to watch silently as Jonathan beds your wife and she bears her own grandchildren. End thought. How do you like THAT shit, you obsequious chucklefucker?! Payback is real bitch isn’t it James Bauer? James, you’re a real weakling for how you let Wanda treat Jonathan and yourself.
Next, select each of my siblings and set them to not notice at all .
I select mom and scan. Oh good, fertility shows she has ovulated in last ninety minutes. Good. Set fertility to high, and extend it to age 60, for now. Select mind control, and enter “get Jonathan into bed . You’ve waited so long, it’s time for him to give you a grandchild” . She goes to my parents bedroom and takes off her clothes , replacing it all with a negligee and thigh-high nylons that looks great. She touches her pussy, and checks her natural mucous, and notes it’s indicative of being fertile . She puts on a robe over the negligee and calls my younger self into the room. I decided to initiate the enter body function with a set time for 2 hours at level 10. Suddenly I was in my younger self. This was going to be fun. I walk into her room and she tells me to close the door. I’m wondering why she is in her robe so early and ask her “ what’s up mom?” She grabs me in a hug and begins to explain “ I want to do something special with you Jon . I want to you to make a baby with me “ I’m instantly turned on. “Why? And what about dad?” She slips off the robe revealing the negligee and nylons and remarks “ I’ve always wanted a child with my son, and your dad is good with this.” She closed in on me and hugged me, kissing me. My hard on was huge. She reached for my shirt and pulled it off. I unbuckled my pants and let them drop , exposing my rock hard cock. Her hand reached for it as I eased the robe off of her. The negligee was black with a tiny pink bow between the cups. Her skin was soft And fair. Her breasts were a nice D cop, white with very nice dark pink nipples and areolas, her belly slightlychubby. She was 5”6”maybe 150 or 155 pounds. She pulled me toward the bed, I willingly followed. I Caressed her pendulous breasts, making her moan. I reached for the hem of the negligee and ran my hand up her thigh, seeking her vulva. I feel the hair she has, so sexy, and the moisture down there. She’s in heat, rubbing on me,kissing me. I manage to get her right breast out of the negligee and gently knead it, before clamping my mouth on and gently sucking on her nipple, flicking it with my tongue. She tries to pull me on to her, so I take my mouth off her nipple and move to get on her. She spreads and lifts her knees. I’m between her slightly padded but still sexy legs. I move closer, the tip of my cock touching her pussy. I pause and ask her “ do you really want this mom?” She nods and replies, “ get me pregnant Jonathan .” . So I fumble for a second , seeking her vagina, and then I feel the tip of my cock find it and gently thrust into her surprisingly tight vagina, the same one I had come from. Mom wimpered a little as I slid home inside her. Oh , it felt so good. So perfectly wet and tight inside her, feeling every fold of her. I bottom out inside her, bumping her cervix with my cock and feeling my balls against her butt on the instrokes. The head is just inside her on the outstrokes. When I go deep she squirms . I must be hitting or rubbing things just right inside her. Suddenly , she arches her back and locks her legs around me as she moans and cries out “ I love you Jonathan!” I feel her nylons on her shapely legs as she holds me In so I can’t pull out. “I love you too mom!” I reply in a low voice between pants are building for me, I’m getting close, and suddenly as I bottom out, I lose control and explode deep inside her, spraying my sperm right into her uterus with a groan. I huff a bit as I let all I have drain into her welcoming womb.

Then I lean over, hold her close , and give her a very wet kiss. I look in her eyes and tell her “ I love you mom. “ I pause and add “ I hope we just made a baby”. She pulls me close and kisses me “ I hope so too. I’m fertile right now” . My cock is softening a bit so I gently get off of her and snuggle up to her, enjoying the feel of her next to me. I Start tugging at her negligee “ can we get this off mom? “ I ask, she nods and squirms around as I tug until she is naked. I liked what I saw. I’m sure hoping it takes. I want her to conceive her own grandchild . Just like Jocasta. I started rubbing her clitoris and sucking on her nipple.
Liked by chops79 (Feb 8, 2022), pooky164 (Oct 29, 2020)
Part 6

We did it again half an hour later. I lay there holding her for a while . It felt wonderful feeling her soft skin against mine. Suddenly I realize something, “what bed am I sleeping in tonight ? And what about dad?” Mom replies “ with me, your dad will sleep in yours”. Good, the plan is working. Dad has been replaced and mom is mine .

After resuming machine use, I fast forward several hours to midnight and scan her and select medical. Oh good, my sperm has met her egg, and she has conceived . She is pregnant with her own grandchild and doesn’t know it yet .
We kept it up for the next two weeks, having sex everyday at least once.

Two weeks later on December 7th, mom missed her period and took a pregnancy test. It was of course positive. She called Dr. Skandanos, the obstetrician she’d used for her last baby, my younger sister. His office made an appointment for her January 18th at 3pm for blood test and pelvic exam. I was going to go with her. We had a lot of sex over the next six weeks. Mom was a near-nympho around me, not that I had any complaints. I was in bed with her every night. I had replaced my dad as her lover. Dad was stuck sleeping in my old bed. I saw him grab a bottle of beer a few times.

So on the 18th, I went with her as planned. She checked in as I observed, my younger self with her. I was to go into the exam room with her. Time to use mind control and keep the staff from being suspicious. When she was called back, My younger self went with her. She was given a cup to pee in. I hit pause for 2 minutes and selected the medical assistant and mind control. I set her as no unusual suspicions,especially about an 18 year-old son accompanying his pregnant mother to an obstetrical appointment . I also set Mom to not mention who the actual father of the baby was. Then they got her weight - 152 pounds, height 5”1’. Then the medical assistant placed her in an exam room . There was a gown on the exam table. She told my mom , “undress completely , put on the gown open in front .” She looked at me and asked “Who is this?” Mom answered for me, “Jonathan , he’s my oldest son. “ She nodded and turned to leave “ Dr. Skandanos will be in to see you in a few “. Mom started to undress, I helped her. She had on a blouse, bra, panties and knee-length skirt with thigh high nylons and low Mary Jane heels. She needed help with her bra. I’d had lots of practice unhooking it during lovemaking . Her nipples and areolas had darkened quite a bit with the pregnancy. Her skin glowed from the hormones, so sexy and beautiful. Her pubic hair was nice dark and lush. She kept her nylons on. She sat down on the table. I stood next to her, my arm around her. I looked into her eyes and gave her a kiss “ I love you and our baby mom,” she replied “I love you too. This one won’t be our last “. Just then the doctor knocked. He came in, a pleasant man, clearly of Greek ancestry. As I observed in stealth mode, hit pause, for 30 seconds. Select Dr. Skandanos, mind control , read current thoughts , hmm. He thinks it’s odd that her son and not her husband is with her for an appointment to confirm a pregnancy, what’s going on here. Change thoughts, no suspicions, all is ok . Let things proceed. “Hello, Wanda , how long has it been since your last baby ? Twelve years??”
She shook his hand, and “ close, a little over fifteen years. “ She nodded towards me “this is Jonathan, my oldest son.” He looked at the chart “ your test was positive, and your last period was November 11. “ He looked at her, “we’ll start with a breast exam., lay back please” . He exposed and palpated each of her pendulous breasts. Seeing those delectable , sexy, massive mammaries made me hard. “ All good, no lumps.” He moved down to the foot of the table and motioned for her to scoot down to the edge and helped her place her feet in the stirrups . He began with a speculum , inserting it into her vagina, and then looking inside her with a light. I held her hand as he did the speculum exam. He then removed the speculum and performed a bimanual exam on her , one hand in her vagina, one hand on her belly. After that , he left her in the stirrups , and picked up an electronic device which he announced “this is a Doppler “ he placed what I believe was a transducer low on her belly, turned on the device and moved it around till we heard a rhythmic pulse with a wow-wow sound accompanying it “there’s the heart beat”. I was happy to hear it, and looked at mom. Her eyes were tearing up. After a minute or so of listening he turned it off. And helped her sit up. “Because you’re older, I have to offer you testing. “ he paused for a moment “do you want Amniocentesis or Chorionic Villi Sampling? “ she shook her head no.
“Ok,” replied and looked at a chart he had in his hand and remarked “Your due date is August 18. When you check out, the staff will schedule you for four weeks”. He turned to leave and shut the door. At that point I gave mom a hug . I started feeling her up, and she responded to my touch “ if you want to, you better hurry,” I looked at her with a naughty look in her eye and replied “ You better believe it”. So she laid back and I put her feet in the stirrups and moved close at the end of the exam table . I swabbed my dick in her pussy , sliding it between her labia and then pushed into her nice and deep, letting the rim in the head of my cock rub her inside nicely. She moaned a bit. I began to thrust deep inside her, things were building quickly, and then she hit an orgasm and clamped down on me, sending me over the edge, and I exploded deep inside her vagina. I looked at her and grabbed a washcloth from near the sink and wiped her off . And then helped her sit up. I helped her dress, with hooking her bra and getting her heels back on. And then we headed to check out . Her next appointment was in 4 weeks -12 weeks since last period- on February 15.
Liked by chops79 (Feb 8, 2022), pooky164 (Oct 29, 2020)

We kept having lots of sex. The appointment came and went, with her 16th week one scheduled for March 15. That came and went as well; Mom started to get a bit more of a belly. By her 20 week appointment, her belly was getting too big for me to climb on top of her for missionary-style sex, so we had to either have sex on the edge of the bed in the stirrups position, spoon, or doggy-style. I was fond of taking her that way, holding her by her hips firmly, jamming my cock as deep inside her as I could, and pumping her full of cum. Mom would sometimes suck on my cock before I stuffed it deep in her vagina.
Her 20-week appointment was on April 19, actually 21 weeks. It was the day before her 44th birthday. That appointment was an ultrasound. I, of course, was with her. She wore a nice pair of flats, a knee-length skirt, a maternity blouse that showed off her bump a bit, and thigh-high nylons. We watched in amazement as the doctor showed us how the baby was doing. And then we were shown it was a girl. We'd picked Anne for a girl's name.
When we got home, we celebrated by making love. We immediately went to the bedroom, bypassing my cuck of a father. As soon as the door shut, we were all over each other. I started tugging on her blouse while kissing her and began to unbutton it. She pulled at my shirt. As I got her blouse open, I reached for her bra, and she kicked off her shoes. She unbuckled my pants.

I surprised her on her birthday the next day first thing in the morning by waking her up to my playing with her clitoris. She woke up to find herself very wet and building toward an orgasm. She looked at me and said in a dreamy voice, "You're so naughty."
I replied, "It's not my fault you're so hot when you're pregnant, Mom." Pregnant sex was the best. I got my mouth on her right nipple and played and sucked on her until she orgasmed, screeching and arching her back. She rolled over and got on her knees and hands and I got behind her and entered her wet love tunnel from behind.

On Mothers Day, May 9, she was 23, almost 24 weeks pregnant, and so gloriously showing. Her bump was very visible, and her hips had flared. She was proud of that bump. We made love first thing in the morning. She was my mother and the mother of my child.

She wore a gorgeous red off-the-shoulder maternity dress. After a nice dinner, she took me to the bedroom. I knew what she wanted. She leaned back on the edge of the bed and winked at me. I lifted her skirt, pulled her panties down and off of her, and dropped my pants. Her pussy was already nice and wet, and seeing her bush had me excited quickly.
She had grabbed a pillow for her head and looking at my already rampant hard-on, then she wrapped her legs around my back. I swabbed my cock up and down in her pussy and then gently pushed into her. She cried out in pleasure as I entered her pregnant pussy. I looked down to see my cock splitting the folds of her pussy. So amazing. I grabbed her legs and began to thrust, going very deep inside of her.
Liked by chops79 (Feb 8, 2022)

By June 15th, it was warm enough to use our pool. Mom had bought a very pretty blue maternity tankini; she looked so sexy in it. She was now 31 weeks along. I joined her with my trunks on. She walked to the edge and slipped off her block heel sandals, and took my hand as I helped her into the water. Dad was watching from the kitchen window, fully aware that his son had replaced him in mom's bed and that the baby mom was carrying was mine. I hoped he liked it, the worthless cuck. He'd started drinking, knowing he was helpless.

Mom sighed with satisfaction as she felt the cool water flow over her legs, hips, and then her full belly. I was still holding her hand. We moved into deeper water, and I slid behind her and wrapped my arms around her, just under her ample breasts, and softly told her, "Relax Mom, let me hold you." I pulled her along.

She softly replied, "Thanks, John." It was easy pulling her along in the water. She was up to about 190 pounds with the baby. I got her to where I wanted to be and stopped, just holding her. I started to caress her breasts and belly. The baby was moving around a fair amount. Mom sighed in pleasure. I kept caressing. After a while, I started to get hard.

Being around a sexy pregnant woman will do that to you. I wanted to make love to mom in the pool. She felt my hard-on but said nothing. I started to slide my right hand towards her swimsuit bottoms, causing her to moan appreciatively.

"Are you being naughty, Jonathan?" She asked.

I knew dad was watching. I slid my hand to the elastic top of her bottoms and pushed past it, finding her thick bush of pubic hair.

She moaned again, looking over her shoulder at me, "You trying to make love to me here in the pool?"

I nodded and replied as my hand delved towards her clitoris and labia.

"I sure am, Mom. You're so sexy, I can't help myself." I groaned as I leaned in to kiss her.

She was so easy to handle in the water. I started to pull off her bottoms, and she did the same for my trunks. I got her bottoms off and tossed them and my trunks onto the pool deck. She moved to lean and hold against the pool wall and wrapped her legs around me. I was massively hard and held her hips as I gently slid my cock into her vagina.

It was different in the water; she was almost weightless. I'm sure dad was jealous, but hey, mom was no longer his woman, but mine. She sighed as I entered her. I began to thrust deep inside her, holding her by her hips, making her squirm in delight. With us in the water, she was weightless. She suddenly arched her back and cried out as the head of my cock pushed her over the edge in orgasm. I kept going, even as she clamped down on my cock, and things began to build. She hit another orgasm, and suddenly it was my turn as I went deep, pumping her vagina full of my seed; the same seed that had planted the baby she now carried in the same womb she had carried me in.

We kept up the sexual pace through the months. I sure enjoyed watching her belly keep getting bigger.

Her due date came and went on August 18.

On the evening of August 20, Mom and I made love. I was behind her and had just come when suddenly there was a gush of liquid from her. Her water had broke. Dad was at work, so we told my brother to watch our sisters, and I drove the two of us to the hospital. I assumed full control of my younger self.

We got to the hospital, checked in, and she was placed in a labor and delivery room. Room 4, how crazy. The same room she had delivered me in, and now her first grandchild would be born in this room.

I helped her undress, helping her with her low-heeled sandals and unhooking her bra. She looked amazing, being all gloriously pregnant and glowing. Dr. Skandanos came in after she had the gown on and checked her cervix.

"You're dilated about 4cm. And your water has broken." He paused and then added, "Contractions are a bit slow at 15 minutes apart. We can give you an IV of Pitocin, or there are natural ways to see if it speeds up labor. Or we can wait."

She looked at him and replied, "What are the natural options?" She didn't care for most drugs.

His reply was, "Sex or masturbation. Could you get your husband here?"

She looked towards me and shook her head, "I've got Jonathan here with me."

I hit pause, selected mind control, and erased any concerns. He didn't need to be concerned that she was about to let her son fuck her in the delivery room. He nodded and backed out of the room, "No problem. I'll give you privacy." He glanced at his watch, "I'll check back in about 20 minutes."

She looked at me, and I knew what she wanted. I hit pause on the device and selected any staff in the area and removed any suspicions about us, and resumed real-time. I nodded and helped her get her legs in the stirrups. I got right at the end of the delivery bed and dropped my pants, revealing my hard-on. She was pretty darn wet. No time to waste, so I slid right into her. It was amazing; making love to mom in the hospital.

I was ramming her good, making her squirm on the in strokes. And then I exploded deep inside her. She shuffled as she hit an orgasm. I hoped the orgasm and my load of semen helped get labor going. I pulled off of her and moved up to give Mom a kiss.

"Hope it works," I said softly.

The contractions started coming more regularly after that. After a few hours of contractions, mom was dilated enough. At last, it was time to push. Mom was naked except for a wide-open hospital gown, her sexy legs in the stirrups, a fetal monitor on her swollen belly.
Liked by chops79 (Feb 8, 2022)

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