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(September 5, 2020, 6:50 pm)OrangeEater So, is there more? Or is this the Schrodinger’s Cat version of Preggo Literotica?

Love this series, dude.
Thank you! There's one more chapter!
Read my stories on Literotica!
Liked by Knockeduplovrr (Sep 6, 2020), OliviaCohen (Sep 5, 2020)
Please post the next part!
Liked by Theofaron (Sep 6, 2020)
People relax. They posted two chapters in 3 days....Let them get the greatness written and posted before the constant "post the next one!"

That gets real annoying.
Liked by Yeet35 (Sep 6, 2020)
Chapter four, the last one! Hope you enjoy it!

I woke up before my alarm and she was gone. I could still smell her, on the sheets, on my beard, but she’d taken off. I rolled over and checked my phone for a message, but there was nothing. It was 5:40 and gray predawn light was appearing and the room was an icebox. Would it be worth it to go back to sleep? My head was throbbing and I had a sad ache in my stomach, imagining Hannah dressing in the dark and sneaking off--

Her dress was still on the chair. I had just realized that when the toilet flushed. Relief flooded me as the door opened and I could make out Hannah’s round silhouette in the dark. She slipped under the covers, naked and shivering, and I pulled her close and kissed her cheek. She turned away onto her side. I also needed to pee so I emerged from the warm sheets, turned the air down, and went to the bathroom. I took a couple Advil and drank from the tap. When I returned, Hannah was looking at her phone, the covers pulled up to her neck.

“Do you want a t-shirt?” I asked her. 

“Yeah,” she nodded, putting the phone down. I took a clean one out of my suitcase. “Can you give me my underwear too?” I picked them off the doorknob.

“They’re, uh, still kinda wet,” I told her. “I could give you some of my boxers.”


I felt self-conscious, cold and naked, as Hannah dressed herself under the sheets. I found a shirt and underwear for myself. “Do you need more water?” I asked, looking at the empty bottles. She shook her head.

I got back into bed. My t-shirt didn’t quite cover her belly, and her nipples were clearly visible in the cold. She saw me looking and covered herself with the sheets. “What’s wrong?” I asked. She sighed.

“I didn’t mean for that to happen,” she said quietly.

“What, us fooling around? I didn’t mind,” I teased. But she was serious.

“It’s the fucking hormones,” Hannah groaned. “I feel like I’m not in control of myself.” I wasn’t sure what to make of that. I looked up at the ceiling. “All I wanted to do was come over here and answer your questions and go on my way.”

“Well, I’m glad you didn’t. I had a lot of fun.”

“I know you did,” she said. “You’re going to get the wrong idea. We’re not together. One night doesn’t change that.”

“I know. I’m not, like, going to uproot my whole life and come down here for you,” I said, feeling petty. As if I hadn’t been wondering if I could do just that from the moment I ran into her at the BBQ place. 

“Good,” Hannah huffed. We weren’t looking at each other anymore. What the hell happened? Maybe it was hormones, I thought. Mood swings. Nobody said anything for a while.

“We can talk, though, right?” I asked, breaking the silence. “You can unblock me, at least?” No response. My head was still pounding; I sat up. “Really? We can’t even talk? Why did you come over here?”

“I told you, I want to move on. What we did doesn’t change that. Alex, I’m sorry.” Her voice was shaky. I was pissed at her, but still wanted to rub her back and calm her down. I took a breath. I was getting echoes of our last ugly conversations before we parted ways, and I wanted to be more patient. Not snap at her and say things I’d regret.

“I still have feelings for you,” I told her. “And I think you have feelings for me too.”

“It was just sex. Wasn’t it fun enough to live out your fantasy? Why can’t we leave it at that?”

“This wasn’t my fantasy,” I said, my tone nastier than I’d intended. I collected myself before continuing. “I mean, I had a great time. I missed you so much. Just talking to you, laughing with you. We don’t have to get back together, but why can’t we just talk once in a while?”

“Because I said no!” Hannah was fully crying now. Had I dreamt the pleasant evening we’d just spent together? I felt miserable, sitting here in the dark, upsetting her more and more. I still didn’t understand what was happening. So I got out of bed.

“Okay, I have to be out of here by 7:15.” I checked the time on my phone. “Checkout is at noon, you can stay if you want to sleep more.” I went to the bathroom and turned on the shower. I got the water hot and washed the smell of her off of me. The heavy feeling started to lift, and I looked forward to getting this all behind me. Maybe I would leave for the airport early. Maybe I’d give Tinder another shot. I felt bad leaving Hannah to deal with the next few months alone, but if that’s what she wanted…

I was a little surprised to find her still there when I left the bathroom. She was curled up on her side, texting, still in my shirt and boxers. “Do you mind if I open the curtains?” I asked. “I could let you sleep longer.”

“Go ahead,” she said, not looking up. I pulled on some underwear in the dark, then let in the early morning light. “Your alarm went off.”

I checked my phone: 6:48. I put on a t-shirt, then my pants and my socks. I was doing the buttons on my overshirt, watching myself in the mirror, when I realized Hannah was watching me. I could see her reflection over my shoulder. 

“Wait,” she said, so quietly I had to ask her to repeat herself. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean we shouldn’t ever talk. I just… I don’t know, this is hard…”

I kept buttoning my shirt. “Yeah, it is.”

“We had a nice night. I missed you, I admit it. But this is hard, okay? You don’t know what it’s like!” She pulled off her glasses. Her face was scrunched up and red; she was trying not to cry. I turned, hovered over her, wanting to sit and hug her, not sure if it would make things worse.

“What’s going on?” I asked her. “Are you okay?”

She took a deep breath. “I lied to you. I’m sorry.”

“About what?” I asked. But my stomach was sinking. I already knew.

“There’s no couple from Texas.” She stared down at her stomach, not meeting my eye. “I’m keeping the baby.”

You know how in movies, when a character is about to give someone bad news, they ask “are you sitting down?” I wish Hannah had done that. For what felt like the tenth time in the last 24 hours, I had the wind totally knocked out of me. I backed up and practically fell into that ugly green chair and stared at her, resisting the urge to yell are you fucking serious?

What I said instead, after a few deep breaths, was “You’re keeping her?”

She nodded, tears dribbling down her cheeks. “I didn’t want to tell you, I didn’t want you to feel trapped,” she said. “I knew if I told you you’d insist on staying here with me, you’d feel guilty…”

I didn’t know what I was feeling. My head was swimming. “You’re keeping her, and you don’t want me involved.”

“All that stuff I said yesterday was true,” she said. “I wanted to be alone with this. I didn’t want to see you, didn’t want to have you around. But now…”

I was literally on the edge of my seat. “But now?”

She shrugged. “I don’t know. Really, I don’t know. I’m all mixed up… you can go if you want. You can pretend this never happened. I’m ready to do this on my own.”

I could have been furious. And maybe, after the shock wore off, I would be. Hannah had kept a huge secret inside of a huge secret, lied to me over and over, done things I had no idea she was capable of. But when I looked at her, even with her eyes red from crying and her hair a mess, my heart just swelled. Hannah sitting on that hotel bed, her borrowed t-shirt stretched tight over her belly, was the sweetest and most beautiful thing I’d ever seen.

“Can I stay?” I asked.

“I don’t know if I want to get back together or anything,” she warned.

I got to my feet and checked the time. 7:14, one minute till the shuttle. 

I kicked off my shoes, got in bed, and wrapped my arms around Hannah. We had so much to talk about, but for a long time we just held each other. She laid down and I spooned her, my hands on her stomach, my face buried in her neck. I filled my lungs with her lovely, faintly sour scent. Just like the first time I’d woken up by her side. On that morning when we were practically strangers, I loved her already. That morning I’d kissed her neck and her shoulders until she pushed me away and said she needed a shower. But I told her I liked the way she smelled and she called me a freak and we laughed and soon we were making love for the second time.

I kissed Hannah’s neck. The first time she didn’t react; she seemed lost in thought. So I did it again. And again. “I need a shower,” she murmured.

“I like the way you smell,” I told her, and kissed her shoulder. I didn’t have to see her face to know she was rolling her eyes. I stroked her belly, still marveling at it. I pulled her closer, kissing everything I could reach. Shoulder. Neck. Back. Cheek. Ear. My hands explored her bump, from the bare skin my shirt couldn’t cover up to the undersides of her breasts. Her breathing was changing. I looked down and saw her nipples poking through the thin shirt and I was ready. My hard-on poked into her fat butt and she rolled her hips back to meet it. We’d started sex like this many, many times before.

I wanted to push the swirling thoughts out of my head, about whether we would get back together and how long I’d stay here and where I’d live and what I’d do about work, but that overwhelming feeling, of having just stepped off the edge of a cliff, was part of the excitement. I was here with Hannah, turning her over gently so I could kiss her lips, instead of sitting on the airport shuttle. It was the scariest, most thrilling thing I’d ever done.

She was on her side now, facing me. Our tongues pressed together as we kissed. I ran my hands through her dirty hair and stroked the sensitive spot at the nape of her neck. That big solid belly pressed into me as we pulled each other closer and I wanted more of it. I pulled away from Hannah’s face and peeled up her shirt. Her stomach was even more beautiful in the sunlight. Her skin, cliche as it sounds, seemed to be glowing. I kissed her belly reverently, from the edge of the shirt down over the stretchmarks and her distorted navel down to where her pubic hair crept out of her shorts. She took my hand in hers and pressed it to the top of her stomach: the baby was kicking. I looked up at her.

“I can’t believe this,” I laughed.

“Neither can I.”

I moved up and kissed the spot where the baby’s feet were. My lips tantalizingly close to those hard nipples.

“You remember when I put that pillow up my shirt for you?” Hannah asked.


“You bred me,” she said in a husky whisper. “You put a baby in me, Alex. You made me grow all big and round…” She was giggly, and I wasn’t sure if she was teasing me, but something in me got turned up to an eleven.

“Are you trying to get me to fuck you?” I asked.

“Maybe.” She blushed. 

I grabbed the elastic band of her shorts and pulled it down. Hannah flailed her legs, helping me free her. I could smell her again. I rushed to take off my pants. “Help me,” I told her, and she undid the buttons on my shirt while I got my belt unbuckled. Pants off. Socks off. Shirt off. Hannah’s breasts bounced when she moved and my cock twitched, impatient. I threw away my t-shirt and got rid of my boxers. She could see how ready I was. When I laid back in bed my penis stood tall and proud. “I want you on top,” I said. “Just like that time.”

“Now you gotta help me,” she said, and together we worked to get her body turned over on all fours. I remembered the struggle she’d had getting into position when her belly was just a pillow. It was so much more intense now, her movements clumsy but somehow unbearably sexy. Her swollen breasts swaying under her shirt as she crawled towards me. The big solid mass of her stomach pressing into me as she climbed on top. She wobbled, almost falling, and I caught her. 

Somebody’s phone was vibrating. Hannah and I looked at each other while it rang, smiling wide. We weren’t supposed to be here. This wasn’t what was supposed to happen. We were giggly and exhilarated, naughty teens sneaking around. Not breaking eye contact, Hannah reached down under her belly and took me in her hand, putting me where I needed to be. I felt burning heat.

Slowly she settled her weight onto me, taking me in an inch at a time. Goofy astonishment lit up her face. “Oh shit!” she laughed, before I was even all the way in. Like she couldn’t believe how good it felt. My expression was probably even funnier, because she felt incredible. Tighter than I remembered. Hotter. Wetter. I pushed my hips up to meet hers; it was hard to get all the way in. Was I bigger? Harder? It was possible, because she was the sexiest thing I’d ever seen. Maybe she was just swollen down there. Maybe it had just been a long time since either of us had gotten laid. 

“You feel fucking amazing,” I told her as I bottomed out.

“So do you,” she laughed. She began rocking, slowly. Feeling it out. I watched the concentration on her face and I let out a groan; she was just getting warmed up, but I was already worried about cumming. She felt that good. I was that excited. Her weight on top of me was considerable, but really it only helped. It felt like she was pushing me deeper than ever before, getting an assist from gravity. Within a minute she was panting, from exertion or pleasure or both, as she ground her clit against my hardness. I wished I’d turned the AC back up.

“What am I doing?” she asked, and for a moment my heart sank, thinking she’d changed her mind. But instead she lifted her arms and awkwardly tugged her shirt off. Her breasts caught in the fabric then flopped down, making a sound as they landed. “That’s better,” she sighed, and I almost exploded. Hannah wearing my white t-shirt wasn’t that much different than Hannah wearing her white tank top with a pillow stuffed underneath. Hannah totally naked in the bright sunlight was my unattainable object of fantasy.

“Oh my God,” I whined, slowing the roll of my hips, not wanting to finish yet. But she kept moving. Her enormous breasts bouncing back and forth, those nipples huge and hard. Her belly heaving up and down, grinding into my stomach. I could see details I hadn’t seen last night. The veins under her stretched skin. The thinner, fainter stretchmarks around her breasts. Her sweat made her skin glisten. I moaned and grabbed her ass. She knew I was helpless underneath her. This wasn’t the same Hannah who’d asked me to turn off the light before she undressed.

“You really like me like this, huh?” she asked. I nodded vigorously. “Is it as good as your fantasy?”

“Way better,” I breathed, flexing my lower half, pushing myself deeper into her body. She grunted. “You’re unbelievable.”

“You like the way I look? With your baby in me?” She panted. “You bred me, baby, you bred me, you knocked me up…” My arms flew up, one hand finding her belly, the other her breast. I rubbed and squeezed and groped, filling my hands with warm, soft Hannah. I knew I wasn’t going to be able to hold out much longer, so I gave in. Thrust up into her as hard and fast as I could. I squeezed her breast and tweaked her nipple until my fingers were wet with milk. I slapped her ass and she cried out with pleasure.

We went faster. I couldn’t speak anymore. Hannah’s weight pressed me into the mattress. Our ragged breathing filled the air, and the hotel bed creaked beneath us. Sweat matted Hannah’s hair to her forehead. She winced and held her lower back. “Are you close?” she asked. She was in pain. Maybe this was too much for her in this condition.

“Are you okay?”

“My back hurts. I’m fine,” she panted. “I bet I can finish you.”

“I bet you can,” I said. I’d been close since the second I entered her. Hannah grunted and changed gears, leaning over, grasping the headboard for leverage. Her belly drove the wind out of me as she pistoned her hips, her tits smacking my face, the heat between us growing unbearable. My whole lower body tensed in anticipation. Hannah was molten hot around me, grasping me like a fist. I didn’t stand a chance. 

When I let out those telltale grunts and whimpers, she rasped: “You gonna cum?”

“Yes!” I managed to say through gritted teeth.

She yanked my hand off her hip and stuffed it between our sweaty bodies, under her stomach, to where we were joined. I got it. Pressed two fingers into her clit. She bellowed and I erupted inside her. My hips and thighs seized up, slamming my cock into her, burying it in Hannah’s body. I managed to keep my grip on her clit and we spasmed together, in a way that was kind of scary. I worried I’d suffocate in trembling sweaty flesh as we thrashed and bounced and I shot again and again and I thought maybe we’d just cum forever until we died and I felt woozy and Hannah was howling, still howling--

And it was over. She was limp on top of me. We gasped for air and I helped her roll off, feeling my cock pop out of her, hearing the springs creak as she collapsed into the bed. I could breathe again. I felt overheated and somehow bruised, aching, totally spent. It hadn’t been graceful lovemaking. It must have looked bizarre. But it was real. Better than the fantasy.

Soon we’d catch our breath and be able to talk again. Soon we’d have to face the mess we’d made for ourselves. Soon my 9:15 flight to New York would pass over our heads. We’d have to start on the question: what now? But in that moment right after, I couldn’t think at all, overwhelmed by sensation and sound and scent, by Hannah beside me, and it was bliss.
Read my stories on Literotica!
Liked by 14 members: coomer86 (Jan 3, 2023), Baelthar (Dec 11, 2020), hughman (Dec 8, 2020), Thebige (Nov 3, 2020), ilcarpw (Sep 19, 2020), Daniblacklist (Sep 9, 2020), Twitchy (Sep 9, 2020), OliviaCohen (Sep 8, 2020), Huntsman (Sep 7, 2020), (Sep 7, 2020), AnonymousBump (Sep 7, 2020), Ewri1972 (Sep 7, 2020), Knockeduplovrr (Sep 7, 2020), bumpbaker (Sep 7, 2020)
That was so good? Please write another chapter!
Liked by Theofaron (Sep 7, 2020)
Hmm, interesting. A rocky exposition, a tantalizing rise in action, an adequately satisfying climax, a slight dip, another climatic spike, and a fulfilling resolution. I rate this story 8.5/10: could be better, but this story ticked most of the boxes for me when it comes to stories like these.  Smile
Liked by Theofaron (Sep 7, 2020)
User 22216
This was a very good read!
Liked by OliviaCohen (Sep 8, 2020), Theofaron (Sep 7, 2020)
That was an awesome story, bud. Thank you for posting it!
Liked by Theofaron (Sep 8, 2020)
Fucking Bravo, Bravo! ?
Liked by Theofaron (Sep 9, 2020)
Can someone recommend me any stories like this? Romantic, erotic, emotional pregnancy stories

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