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Stories of Pregnant Teachers/Family Members
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Aw come on, give us all the details! At least as a pm?
Liked by pregnantfan123 (Aug 23, 2019)
@"Avarics" Dude, your experiences are amazing to read about. You describe them very naturally and with a lot of detail- you could probably write really good fics. Thanks for taking the time to share with us!
Liked by nunya2013 (Mar 12, 2022), Lucifer Morningstar (Aug 22, 2019)
Lucifer Morningstar
(August 22, 2019, 3:55 pm)Throwback523 @"Avarics" Dude, your experiences are amazing to read about. You describe them very naturally and with a lot of detail- you could probably write really good fics. Thanks for taking the time to share with us!

Thanks for the positive feedback, I am glad you enjoyed.
(August 20, 2019, 10:14 pm)Avarics Professional Lurker here, and this is my first post ever. But since I saw this, I thought I'd include my story that influenced my fetish into what it is today. I have some other stories to share, so let me know after this one if you would like to read them. So, here we go. When I was in 7th grade, my English teacher was around 9 months pregnant. I remember thinking, "How could a single baby be that big?" She had a huge belly, and it was truly a sight to behold. It easily influenced my love for pregnant bellies on the bigger side. She also had a tall, slender frame that made it seem she was all belly. She was also quite curvy too. The first day, I realized how attracted I was to her. The belly. Her beauty. Her personality and smile. She was perfect in my young eyes. And, she still is to an extent today. I wish I could show some pictures from her pregnancy, but she doesn't have any on her Facebook. Plus, I respect her privacy a lot due to how I feel about her; so, please do not ask me about them. She was a treasure, as you will soon read why!

The second day of class, I made it an objective of mine to get to class early and sit in front. Before class, she'd often stand and massage her back a little and her belly. I could tell that it was heavy as she spent most of class sitting down. Sighing lightly and rubbing her tummy was commonplace for her before class started. She had a studio chair she'd sit on, and it gave the first row an amazing view of her pregnant belly. Many a time in that class I remember getting quite hard just from seeing her belly in front of me, not even mentioning the upskirts of her dress that sometimes made an appearance later on when she wore shorter ones. You could imagine how excited a guy going puberty very early on got at that time. I was no stranger to the occasional random boner. But, she was the first that would get me hard instantly just by looking at that magnificent belly of hers. So, we had to pick up books that day. I strategically placed myself in the middle of the line we walked down to the storage room near the library so that I could get a perfect view of her shape and belly. She also was the definition of the "pregnancy waddle". Her curves only accentuated it further. I had to try hard to conceal my pleasure and excitement. We finally got there and she sat down in one of the chairs one of the librarians offered her. She could tell my teacher needed it more than she did, so she'd scan our IDs for books standing to let my teacher rest. I put myself near the front of mass of a line we made for our books so I could quickly get mine and admire my teacher's belly. Much to my excitement, she was sitting there rubbing her belly. So, I somehow worked up the courage to ask her how long she would be teaching for us before she had to leave for the baby. She replied that it would be a few weeks. This made me a little sad, but encouraged me to get as many looks of her I could before she left for maternity leave. I asked how she'd plan our class since she'd be gone for a bit. She told us she had a whole book for us to read with the same substitute before she came back, and she would touch on the final chapters on the book herself when she got back.

We all made it back to class, and she sat back down on her chair. I noticed while everyone else filed in that she had suddenly put her hand on her belly on a specific spot. She then looked down at it and rubbed it while smirking. She eventually had a beautiful smile on her face. A few students were wondering why she hadn't talked yet since everyone was back. One of my classmates asked why she was smiling. So, she said that her baby was kicking a lot and she was excited to meet her. Also, her belly was moving a little that I saw from my seat. I realized some heat in my cheeks and I knew I was blushing. I looked down quickly to think of other things while opening my book to see all the stuff we would be reading this year. She turned on the projector with her remote and actually noticed that I was looking through the book. She walked over to me and smiled quite kindly. She put her hand on mine as I looked up back at her with a small smile as well. I was quite shy back then, but I am still quite the introvert. She told us what page to start on as she rubbed my hand a little and guided it out of the way so she could kneel down to my desk a little and flip to the page I needed. I replied with a thanks and she nodded as she went back over to her computer to get the right to the story we were reading and put on the audio. She'd usually read with us aloud after her pregnancy, so I assumed after that point she did this because of how tired she was. So, she'd sit at her desk and rub her belly while looking back at us.

After that day, I knew I had to stay in front. I did. Each day I got the seat right in front of her chair, which she noticed the next week. She also noticed I was quite the shy-guy and a little nerdy. I'd usually wear some Star Wars or Harry Potter graphic tees to school. You know, middle school kid stuff. After class that day, she said to come by after school so she could talk to me about something. I instinctively replied, "I am not in trouble, am I?" She laughed and said no. She wanted to show me something I would probably enjoy before I left to go home. I came back that afternoon with my backpack and trumpet case in hand. She said that she took me for the type that might enjoy reading. She pointed at my Gryffindor shirt. I nodded yes, and around this time was when the last HP film came out in July just to give you all some background. She asked if I had seen all of them, and I said "Every one! I even saw the last one on opening day with my parents and older sister." She smiled and said she liked the series too, as she opened her desk's drawer to pull out something. It was an original copy of the American version of the Philosopher's Stone. My sister had one, but she keeps it with her to this day. "Now, I won't let you keep this. But, you can read it as much as you want until I leave. When I come back, I have some of the other ones too. So, let me know if you would like to read them too!" I replied with an excited yes. She handed the book to me and told me to enjoy it. As you can tell, I remember this quite well since it was a pivotal point to where I discovered this mutual fetish I share with all of you. I thanked her and she nodded with a smile. I told her my mom wasn't there to pick me up yet, because on Fridays when I take my trumpet home I wouldn't take the bus because I had to take the extra time to get it out of its locker in the bandroom. So, she said I could wait until my mom came with her in the classroom. That was usually twenty minutes after the final bell rang that signaled all the buses had left, which was around the time I just got my instrument.

I went over to the back of the room and pulled up a chair beside her. She smiled at me gently took the book from my backpack's side pocket when I placed it on my lap. I then put the backpack on the ground next to her desk to prop it up as she flipped to the first chapter. She gave it back to me and asked whether I started reading the books yet. I told her that my I had tried before but some of the words in the latter half of the series were hard for me to understand. She said that the first three would be a good start for me. She looked on as I read the book a little bit. She'd ask me a few questions about what else I liked to read and the like. I'd tell her about my love of Star Wars and video games. I also said there is something about reading a book that I liked the most though. She agreed. After that, we were quiet a bit as she looked down at pages that I was reading. I was able to tone down the excitement I had about this private moment I was sharing with her. She then replied with an "Ooh..." as she rubbed her belly. I looked over and asked what was wrong. She said her baby made a big kick near her bellybutton, which I saw was protruding through the material of her dress. It was black and it went down to right above her ankles when she stood, but when she sat down it rose up near her calves. I absolutely loved this one on her. She'd wear a small denim jacket with it to cover up her shoulders, but she took it off this afternoon and I could see her cleavage peeking through more as she sat down with me. Her boobs were quite big and swelled from her being pregnant, and her belly reached to her thighs. As said before, she was all belly. This was one of my favorite experiences to date and nothing will top it. She saw I was looking down at her belly with curiosity, "Would you like to feel it? I don't mind at all. She likes her belly rubs, I think. It seems to calm her down." Now, I must mention I was so damned nervous at this offer. But, I managed to somehow keep my cool as I noticed I had become collected and comfortable with her. I replied with a yes and she turned her rotating desk chair towards me. She spread her legs a little bit, which revealed a little more of her beautiful legs. She put her hands to the sides of her belly, and she noticed I hadn't made contact yet. She guided my hand gently as she did earlier today towards her belly and set it on the top of it. My smaller hand paled in comparison to hers and let alone her massive pregnant tummy. She then made a rubbing motion with my hand on her belly, "Just like that. She's been so active anymore so late in my pregnancy. She really likes to move a lot." She then put her hand that was on mine back onto the side of her belly. I rubbed it gently and realized how smooth yet how hard it felt in certain areas. I noticed there was some empty space on the top, so I lightly pressed down a little. Thankfully, she took no offense at all and actually laughed. I felt her belly shake with her laugh, which excited me. I smiled genuinely as she said the baby was starting to drop a little and get lower. So, I then made my way down to the front of it. I rubbed her bellybutton with my thumb as my other fingers rubbed her belly. Her belly shifted a little as she sighed. Her baby moved a bit more. I started to rub the side of her belly with my other hand too. She took my right hand which I used first and put it to where the movement was. I could feel the foot starting to lightly protrude. I have to say, it was the most fascinating thing I have ever felt before. It fueled my desire of feeling a pregnant belly so much. After it stopped, I returned my hand to the front of her and started to feel even lower. This part was nearing the underside of her belly and where it met her vagina. Now, I know it must have been swollen. She put her hands over the top of her belly as I felt her up still. To my younger self, it felt absolutely massive. She looked down at my hands and smiled as I rubbed her belly. "She must like that. She has sort of stopped." I replied, "Is she asleep?" She answered saying that all babies were basically asleep when they were inside women. I continued to rub it, exploring places that wouldn't be inappropriate. She smiled as I did. I told her it was so cool that things like this happen when babies come along. She agreed and thought it was fascinating how life comes to be, in respect to pregnancy of course and not how one gets pregnant. I felt the underside a bit more and rubbed it as she relaxed. "I wish I could show you more of it, but I am wearing a dress. I can't believe how big I am getting. I like it though," I remember her saying. I shook my head and looked up at the clock on the wall. I noticed my mom would probably be texting my phone soon to tell me she was there waiting. So, I thanked her for the book with a smile. She stood up and replied, "No problem, (my name)." She then gave me a hug. She was one of the sweetest teachers I have ever had. I gave her a tight hug back and my face was slightly under her boobs as the top had placed right by them. I told you she was tall! I am also around 5' 6" today so I am still quite short. She would wear sandals, but was still quite tall to me. She had to have been close to six feet tall. I gave her belly one last rub and wished her a good weekend and she did the same as I walked out.

So, there was my first encounter that I remember to near perfect detail! You can probably imagine why. She was amazing. Like I said, I really wish I had some pictures. But, I didn't really know about candids at that age. And since she was one of my absolute favorites, I think I get even more from imagining her in my mind.

Let me know if you all would like to hear more about her. I have at least one more good memory about her I might be able to pull together. And, some other short ones about her as well those with other teachers. This one was quite long!

Thanks for reading!
Wow. That was intense.
A masterpiece
Liked by pregnantfan123 (Aug 23, 2019), Lucifer Morningstar (Aug 22, 2019)
(August 22, 2019, 7:41 am)pregnantfan123 When I was 16 my family went on a trip in Montana in the mid 90s and my mom was very pregnant with her third child by her second husband.

We stayed in a cabin in a wooded area with sliding glass doors. One afternoon while out for a walk, I went past our cabin and saw my mom come out of the bathroom completely naked having just come out of the shower.  I was in shock at how big her belly was in the nude. Her breasts were very engorged covered in freckles and she had an incredibly thick black bush.  

She had long curly black hair.  As she was drying herself off, her husband entered the room also naked and came up behind mom and began rubbing her huge belly.

Mom turned her head so she could kiss her husband and at this time he began roaming his hands all over her pregnant body.

I was hiding behind a tree out in the back the whole time.

Mom sat down on a sofa still naked and my stepdad began to massage and kiss her belly.

There are more details I can recall, but don't want to sound too pervy.
Not sure there's a "too pervy," to be honest.
Liked by hadeg (Aug 28, 2019), pregnantfan123 (Aug 24, 2019)
User 32945
It have a couple more encounters to share. The first one is with a close friend of the family and second one is with one of my neighbours. So the first one took place when I was 9 my parents close friend was pregnant with her first child. She and her husband came over for supper one night. She was close to the end of her pregnancy about 37 weeks. She was about 5ft 6in tall with shoulder length red hair and pale skin. It’s was in the summer time, she was wearing a loose fitting red top and black pants. She was all belly and it was huge, I can’t remember the name of the condition but it cause the belly to have excessive amount of fluid which cause the belly to look way bigger then it should. She looked pregnant with a 15lb baby but it was only 7.5lbs. She sat right next to me during supper and after we where done eating we sat around and talked. I always tried to catch a glimpse of her belly when she was talking. She new I was admiring her belly because she finally asked if I wanted to feel her belly. I’m a shy kid so I hesitated at first but I eventually said yes. Her belly was rock solid, it did give at all. She then asked me if I wanted to see it and lifted up her shirt. It was pale with a bunch of stretch marks. She then let me explore her belly and rub it all over. After about 5min I went and did the dishes. After I was done she was laying on the couch by her self. My dad was outside in the garage with her husband looking at one of his motorcycles. My mom went out to pick up my brother at a friends house. I went and sat down in the chair in my living room we where watching tv and she was lying on her back rubbing her belly. She looked over at me and asked if I want to rub her belly some more since she noticed how curious I was earlier at the table I said sure so she said to come over. She told me she didn’t want to sit up so she turned onto her side and told me to lay in behind her. I managed to squeeze in their. She pulled her shirt up and told me to start rubbing so I did I started from the top to the bottom, I even played with her bellybutton this went on for about half an hour until my mom pulled into the driveway. I never got to see her pregnant again but I was a good experience. Would like to here some feedback about my encounters and if you would like to here the other encounter.
Liked by 12 members: oBoxx (Mar 19, 2023), EchidnaTea (Sep 13, 2022), bellylover04 (Aug 7, 2020), BrownCow (May 23, 2020), PregnantBelly (Mar 26, 2020), Thall954 (Sep 23, 2019), pregnantfan123 (Aug 26, 2019), (Aug 25, 2019), Bellyfan27 (Aug 25, 2019), Ewri1972 (Aug 25, 2019), Pregpool (Aug 25, 2019), Thebige (Aug 24, 2019)
(August 22, 2019, 7:41 am)pregnantfan123 When I was 16 my family went on a trip in Montana in the mid 90s and my mom was very pregnant with her third child by her second husband.

We stayed in a cabin in a wooded area with sliding glass doors. One afternoon while out for a walk, I went past our cabin and saw my mom come out of the bathroom completely naked having just come out of the shower.  I was in shock at how big her belly was in the nude. Her breasts were very engorged covered in freckles and she had an incredibly thick black bush.  

She had long curly black hair.  As she was drying herself off, her husband entered the room also naked and came up behind mom and began rubbing her huge belly.

Mom turned her head so she could kiss her husband and at this time he began roaming his hands all over her pregnant body.

I was hiding behind a tree out in the back the whole time.

Mom sat down on a sofa still naked and my stepdad began to massage and kiss her belly.

There are more details I can recall, but don't want to sound too pervy.

Love to hear more! Did you attend the birth?
Liked by nunya2013 (Mar 12, 2022), pregnantfan123 (Aug 26, 2019)
(August 24, 2019, 7:31 pm)Preggolover1813 It have a couple more encounters to share. The first one is with a close friend of the family and second one is with one of my neighbours. So the first one took place when I was 9 my parents close friend was pregnant with her first child. She and her husband came over for supper one night. She was close to the end of her pregnancy about 37 weeks. She was about 5ft 6in tall with shoulder length red hair and pale skin. It’s was in the summer time, she was wearing a loose fitting red top and black pants. She was all belly and it was huge, I can’t remember the name of the condition but it cause the belly to have excessive amount of fluid which cause the belly to look way bigger then it should. She looked pregnant with a 15lb baby but it was only 7.5lbs. She sat right next to me during supper and after we where done eating we sat around and talked. I always tried to catch a glimpse of her belly when she was talking. She new I was admiring her belly because she finally asked if I wanted to feel her belly. I’m a shy kid so I hesitated at first but I eventually said yes. Her belly was rock solid, it did give at all. She then asked me if I wanted to see it and lifted up her shirt. It was pale with a bunch of stretch marks. She then let me explore her belly and rub it all over. After about 5min I went and did the dishes. After I was done she was laying  on the couch by  her self. My dad was outside in the garage with her husband looking at one of his motorcycles. My mom went out to pick up my brother at a friends house. I went and sat down in the chair in my living room we where watching tv and she was lying on her back rubbing her belly. She looked over at me and asked if I want to rub her belly some more since she noticed how curious I was earlier at the table I said sure so she said to come over. She told me she didn’t want to sit up so she turned onto her side and told me to lay in behind her. I managed to squeeze in their. She pulled her shirt up and told me to start rubbing so I did I started from the top to the bottom, I even played with her bellybutton this went on for about half an hour until my mom pulled into the driveway. I never got to see her pregnant again but I was a good experience. Would like to here some feedback about my encounters and if you would like to here the other encounter.

That's called polyhydramnios
Liked by pregnantfan123 (Aug 26, 2019)
(August 25, 2019, 2:08 pm)gmtobehere1
(August 22, 2019, 7:41 am)pregnantfan123 When I was 16 my family went on a trip in Montana in the mid 90s and my mom was very pregnant with her third child by her second husband.

Love to hear more! Did you attend the birth?

I did get to attend the birth. Mom had a girl and it was quite an intense experience for me. Mom looked so strong while she was delivering my new sister and gave birth the natural way. 

More details as requested...

It was late afternoon and I crept to the porch to get a better look at what mom and her husband were doing.

Mom sat down on the bed and dad (I'll just call him that for simplicity) stood before her and she began to perform oral sex on him.  Dad ran his fingers through her hair. I could see her huge pregnant belly between his legs. She was getting close to giving birth as her naval had protruded outwards. 

After a few minutes dad pushed himself away from mom and she looked up at him and he gave her a kiss. 

He then placed a few pillows behind mom's back to support her before they started having sex. 

He began by giving her a full body message, starting with her swollen breasts and making his way down to her huge belly. Mom began to lick her lips as dad spread love on her body. He was always touching mom while she was pregnant. He often gave her belly massages at night on the sofa while they both watched television. It was pretty cool to see him show so much love to mom.

After the massage her knelt down and began to kiss and lick her pussy. Mom had quite a thick black bush. I had seen her naked a few times while she wasn't pregnant and it was very thick and full. Definitely an 80s kinda girl. 

I was in awe as dad kept moving mom's pubic hair out of the way to able to kiss and lick her. Mom had one hand on his head and on her pregnant belly and was breathing heavily. 

Dad kept mom on the edge for awhile and then stood up and lifted mom's legs on his shoulders and began penetrating her. The both made load moaning sounds as the sliding doors were slightly opened. 

Dad reached up to squeeze mom's full breasts and pinch her nipples while he penetrated her.  

It was getting dark and it was very warm out and I began to sweat, blood rushing through my body.

Mom placed her hand between her legs, probably to stimulate herself.  

Dad began to get aggressive and his thrust became deeper and harder. 

One more deep thrust and they both let out huge moans. 

He collapsed next to mom and she grabbed his head with her arm to bring him to her for a kiss. 

I soon left and saw them both later on in the night as we went out as a family for dinner. 

Mom was definitely in a good mood all night long.  Wink

Love all the stories everyone has posted here. Thanks for sharing your favorite moments!

Sorry if I went too far in any places.
Liked by Caron (Jan 24, 2024), Strabo (Jan 27, 2023), chops79 (Dec 30, 2022), suemichiel20 (Feb 6, 2021), nunya2013 (Apr 15, 2020), hadeg (Aug 28, 2019)
Can you share the birth story?
Liked by nunya2013 (Mar 12, 2022), pregnantfan123 (Aug 26, 2019)

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