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Question for those who like to pretend they are pregnant
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This question is inspired by, but hopefully discernibly different from, the fantasies question from earlier in the week.

I’m pretty sure we all have fantasies of a sexual nature. Do you ever imagine and get a kick from non sexual moments in your pregnancy? If so, would you care to name a few. I will get the ball rolling. Mine include, but are not limited to;

-The moment it hits me…OMG! Maybe I’m pregnant!

-Buying an EPT and watching the sales clerk reaction.
-taking the test.. waiting either hopefully or in “oh shit” mode and seeing the result come back positive. Oh my god!! I..I…Im going to have a (another?!?) baby?!?

-telling the father/my BFF/my parents (if I’m a teen)
Buying an armload of books, “what to expect when you’re expecting” baby name books. Etc. Seeing the clerk know what’s up.

-First Ob/Gyn appointment

-Early symptoms- nausea, sore/tender swelling boobs, exhaustion, etc

-All subsequent medical appointments. Hearing the heartbeat. Seeing the songorsma, learning the gender. Checking on my progress as my due date gets nearer and nearer

-I need to buy some maternity bra’s, going and getting fitted for them.

-hitting 12 weeks, and making a general announcement to friends, co-workers, fellow students etc

-I can’t button my jeans anymore. I’m going to go buy some cute maternity outfits.

-starting to show. Noticing people eyeing my bump.

Picking out names

-When i’m out and about and you see another pregnant girl or a new mom. The siinstant sisterhood and conversation you have with her. When are you due? Do you know what you’re having? Is this your first? How are you feeling? Really?  Congratulations! 
Me too!. Smiling and placing my hand over my now unmistakeable bump, patting it and nodding my head.

-Having at least one friend/relative or acquaintance who is also expecting right around the same time as me. We compare notes and bumps. Pretty soon we’re greeting each other not by name, but with “hey, pregnant lady!” “Hey, pregnant lady! Wow! Look at you!” “Oh, I know, I feel like I’m huge already!”

-Feeling my baby kick and roll and squirm for the first time. Subtly. Gently, then increasingly noticeable and stronger

- talking to my baby. Growing more and more attached

-Husband/boyfriend becoming more and more solicitous. He pampers me and treats me like a queen. Back and foot rubs, doung the lifting for me, telling me how amazing I am for carrying our baby, letting me know I’m more beautiful than ever. “No! You don’t look fat at all, you look like a beautiful woman who’s having a baby, and that totally different!!”

-Learning that he isn’t just being nice “Oh my god, girls! Not to give TMI or anything, but Eric definitely gets…excited by my expecting mommy bod.. He’s basically constantly entering ne! Not that I mind…”

“Ok, she was kicking right over here just a minute ago…put your hand right here…there! Did you feel that?? Isn’t that amazing?!?

“Well, she’s over on this side, you feel that? That’s her back, and her little bit is right here.

-Remember Heather McAllister? From high school? I saw her at the store today for the first time in, I don’t know…ages, and she was all “Oh my god, Amy!! You’re pregnant!!! Nobody told ne about this!!!” 

-shopping for baby stuff. Getting all Oooh! awww! That’s so cute!

-going to prenatal yoga/Pilates/aerobics class. Making new friends with some of the other girls. Afterwards, in the locker room, I change out of my workout outfit and shower. I can see the non pregnant women all eyeballing my pregnant body. Some look curious, some jealous, some look like they never want that to happen to them.

-Going to childbirth classes with my baby’s daddy.

—Setting up the nursery. Standing next to the crib, my baby bump hangs over the railing. It’s hard to believe this little Ig HK worm will be wiggling in there before long. “What are you thinking about?” “I was thinking about how she’s going to be outside of me before too long, and how I can’t wait to meet her and hold her, but how I’m also going to miss being pregnant.” “Not for long you won’t.”

-bouncing and doing all my pelvic tilts and rotations on my birthing ball

-getting prenatal massages/chiropractic adjustments

-belly mapping. Figuring out just where and in what position my baby is.

-belly casting.

-weekly bump pictures. Weekly pregnancy updates on my YouTube channel

-I’m really waddling now. A lot

I can’t fit into even most of my maternity clothes anymore

-perineal massage


-that whooshing sound you just heard? That was the sound of my due date coming and going but still no baby. I’m officially overdue.

I need help shaving my legs, getting up, getting things off the floor. I’ve been doing laundry and dishes turned sudeways for months now

-there’s more, of course. Plenty of things specific to being a pregnant teenager, plenty of things specific to a soccer mom with kids in school, plenty of things for other scenarios, too

Can anyone think of things to add to this?
Liked by Fertility lover (Aug 1, 2021)
Fertility lover
These are some awesome moments.  It's interesting that you included several "negative" aspects of pregnancy: nausea, exhaustion, soreness... Just curious, since this is all fantasy anyway.  Would you want to have a "magical" pregnancy -all baby kicks, "glowing" and worshipful attention?  Or, do you prefer a more "real" experience with lots of pain, discomfort, setbacks etc?

A couple of moments I have thought about -but didn't see:

1.  The "fill in the blank" living is something I think about. You are more or less pregnant for an entire year.  All of the moments you described would be wonderful.  But what about the days, weeks and months between?  Reading a book, watching telly, doing chores and housework... Except I'm in various stages of pregnancy while doing then.  Even when your just puttzing around, bored... Well, I'm bored AND PREGNANT!  A female friend of mine described pregnancy as a full time job, where you are the only employee.  Love it!

1a[edit]. Feeling the butterflies, flutteries... tiny effervescent pops deep in my belly. Desperately wanting them to be the first signs of life from my little one, but doubtful... Afraid it's just my mind fucking with me. Spending hours researching online, reading other women describe their quickening moments. Getting jealous of experienced moms humble bragging about feeling their babies so early. Later, I feel a bit embarrassed about getting so emotional over something trivial.

1b. I'm 15 weeks in. Definitely showing with my top off and anything revealing. I can still button the loosest pair of my old "period" jeans. I shroud myself in my large hoodie and oppose in front of the mirror. I decide I can still pull off the "Is she...?" look. Not for much longer though.

2.  Baby brain... Eyes hazy, a stupid smirky smile paints my lips while my hand drifts absently to find my hiccuping baby. I daydream about the remaining journey - like a romance novelist- imagining each remaining moment as sexy, loving and powerful.  

3.  Hard to put into words, but I remember this moment from my spouse's pregnancy.  She was about 32, 33 weeks and she was wearing the "preggoralls," sitting, hand on belly, and she was just having a "pregnant pause.". She was 100% present in the moment and in her pregnancy.  

She was talking about being pregnant and just sort of marveling over the power and  reality of her fertile body.  She was proud, fascinated, wistful, confident... all in that one moment.  I often think about it... Would love to experience something similar.  

4.  That first tug, twist... The one that you are sure isn't some weird cramp, or baby streaching.  It's time!

5.  I want another one!
I had stopped expecting any replies at all, and did not ever hope for one as well thought out as yours. I am impressed by all the ideas you had, especially the “fill in the blank”. I’m quite enthusiastic about these everyday moment with nothing out of the ordinary except, of course the baby getting steadily bigger inside me.

As regards your question about whether I’d prefer a magical or difficult pregnancy, on the whole I’m going with the magical.
“When I was little, I always loved playing house and with dolls. Ive always loved babies and kids and wanted to be a mom more than anything. I remember being fascinated by pregnancy too, and got really excited imagining I was grownup with kids and another one on the way. I think that kind of mind set had something to do with it. But I think I also got lucky and was born with the kind of body thats especially good at making babies. I’m good at getting pregnant, and I stay pregnant tilll delivery once I am. I love being pregnant, I love feeling a baby grow and move inside me, I love watching my bump grow and seeing the baby move. I even love the weight of my uterus when it’s big and sticking way out in front. It makes me feel sorry of full and feminine. I love the attention I get and the way it’s always sort of a mystery and a drama just what will happen, when it will happen and who this little person will turn out to be. The hormones can definitely make me crazy, but mostly I feel all blissed out and even kind of high. I have all the aches and pains of pregnancy, don’t get me wrong, but they seem to be much much less often and severe than than with other women.” I do definitely get bad days, though. Sometimes I wake up achy and tired, cranky and sore. On these days, mamma, like the Wu-Tang Clan, ain’t nothin ta fuck wit.

How about you? How do you experience pregnancy?

Who do you like to be? I go kind of to extremes on this sometimes, but I find the better I know the person I inhabit, the more realistic, intense and fun my daydreams are.

Among the things I’ve often considered

-name, first, middle, last

-age, date of birth, even

-appearance. Clothing preferences, hair, distinguishing characteristics, general personality, likes, dislikes, hobbies

-friends/family. Their names, ages. The relationship between us.

-how I met my baby’s father. What is our relationship?

-When did I first suspect I might be pregnant? What were my symptoms?

-how did the people around me listed above react?

-Do I work, if so, where? How will my pregnancy affect this! Am I a student? A stay at home mom?

Do I have other children? Names, ages, etc.

The answers I give to these and other questions are often different from week to week, or day to day, but I’ve also decided at times, ok, I took a pregnancy test a few days ago, and went to my ob/gyn today, I’m 7 weeks and five days. I’m due on (date). And then proceed to imagine things in real time, keeping a diary at night when I can.

In the past, I’ve developed rather involved friendships with other pregnant girls/women Ive met online and we’d talk daily or almost daily about how we were doing. In hindsight, I don’t feel great about this, but it was exciting and fun at the time.

If you feel like replying, feel free! Im aware that I can get rather lengthy, though. If you do, may I ask if you would ever consider perhaps role playing? If not, no big deal, but I’d be happy to play a supporting, non pregnant role to your pregnant one if and as needed, hoping, of course to also be able to be pregnant in turn or together with you

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