Overdue with Twins
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Overdue with Twins
by theredghost

After completing your nursing program at the local community college, you were excited to commit your life to helping others. In order to help pay off school, you decided to apply for a caretaker position at a home not too far away. Throughout high school, you worked as a hostess and managed to get some massage therapy training on the side in college, setting you up perfectly for a career in caring for others. You’ve also always had a sort of motherly nature, and your friends used to jokingly call you “mom” on account of you always being there for them. This partially stems from your hidden desire to become a mother yourself. You learned all about development and embryology in your classes and find beauty in the procession of pregnancy. Despite your desire to know what it would feel like, you held off finding out until you finished paying off school.
You arrived at the house early in the morning on the day of your interview. It didn’t give any indication of being a nursing home or otherwise care facility; it was just a normal house. You figured then that this must be an individual family seeking a caretaker. Nevertheless, the house looked lovely and well kept, so the owners must have the ability to pay. As you approached the yard, a woman opened the door and walked out onto the porch. She was young, not much older than you, and had long lush hair and a thin frame. Despite this, a clear and ballooning belly swallowed her front. She came out in her loose gypsy top with a peasant skirt worn above her fertilized orb. Still barefoot, she gave a friendly wave and met you half way as you approached the house.
“Hello!  You must be the applicant?” she asked.
It took you a moment to snap your gaze away from her belly and comprehend what she had said “Yes, that’s me!” you replied quickly.
“Wonderful! Please do come in,” she said gleefully. “The other girls are looking forward to meeting you.”
Other girls? How many could there be? Who were you even applying to take care of? You only imagined that the woman had a mother or grandma who needed help as she handled her current (and coming!) children. After passing through the enclosed patio, you enter the house to see an empty living room. Many windows allowed the sun to naturally light up the room. As you looked around, there were many places to sit; all of them plush and inviting. However, nobody seemed to be home.
“Everyone’s still asleep at the moment,” the woman explained. “So many bodies require so much rest.”
You followed her through the room. As you passed the room, a wonderful smell caught you off guard. You couldn’t pin-point the smell, but it smelled like a perfect mixture of candles, herbs, and … women? That’s what the smell reminded you of … women. It was almost as if estrogen was blowing through the air! As you passed through the quaint kitchen, the woman escorted you to a back-yard solarium with patio seating and all.
“Let’s do the interview here,” she proposes with a smile. You sit down on one side of the table and watch her struggle into her own seat. “Whew, that never gets easier,” she says jokingly.
As the two of you talk, you learn that the job you are applying for is to take care of all eight women in the household … all eight! They span from the age of 18 to 25 and are all pregnant. Three are with one baby, 4 are with twins, and the other 2, including your interviewer, are carrying three whole babies each! You learn that three girls are into their second or third pregnancy, and that it’s getting difficult to take care of each other.
“We need some extra help, and your qualifications are spectacular!” your interviewer, who you now know as Nina, says. “We hope you might be up for the job?”
“Yes, I’m up for it,” you say almost hurriedly. You barely put any thought into it before agreeing to the position, but something about Nina and this place just called out to you as where you belong.
“Excellent!” Nina says delightfully. “You should fit right in. Let’s plan on having you moved in a few days, but for now, I think you should meet the rest of the girls.”
After struggling to get out of her chair, Nina escorted you back to the house and started making breakfast. You sit at the island and look around the room again. Nina began preparing eggs and cutting vegetables from the counter. Next to the cutting board was a large fruit bowl filled with the freshest fruits you’ve ever seen.
“Health for new mothers is a top priority,” she says to you as she moves the bowl towards you. “We get everything fresh.”
As to pick a pear and take the first bite, footsteps coming from the living room catch your attention. What you see makes your jaw freeze in place. A young woman wearing black leggings and a white tank top sleepily approaches the kitchen. Her long brown hair braid hangs behind her and her fair skin almost reflects the sun’s light. But of course, the most prominent thing about her you notice is her gravid belly. Her white tank tightly constricts her abdomen leaving the lower half exposed as daylight. Just underneath the seam of her top juts a bellybutton that must be almost an inch in front! You also notice her dark nipples beneath the material. Due to the small wet spots, you can be sure that her swollen girls were leaking last night. You each make eye contact and greet each other.
“You must be the new caretaker?” she asks happily. “I’m Jasmine, very nice to meet you!”
“Yes, nice to meet you to!” you reply.
At that point, Nina walked over to hug Jasmine good morning. “How’s my poor princess?” Nina asks motherly.
“mmm pretty good this morning,” replied Jasmine rubbing the length of her belly. “They didn’t give me much trouble at all last night.”
From what Nina had told you, Jasmine was only 18 when she moved into the house. Now 19, her belly clearly showed she was near the end in carrying her new son and daughter. For a twin belly, you guessed she must have been about 35 weeks along. Huge as she was, Nina was just barely larger.
“We’re going to be taken such good care of now,” Nina assured as she met eyes with you. “We have a wonderful young woman coming to live with us now.”
After that exchange, two more girls walked into the kitchen together. They are twin sisters Chloe and Katie. At the age of 20, Chloe and Katie each found themselves pregnant while in their second year at university and have taken time off in the best interest of each of their soon-to-be daughters. Both sisters had straight blonde hair up in ponytails. They both wore black leggings similar to Jasmine but sported different tops. The easiest way to tell them apart was on account of Chloe being a bit heavier set, but not by much. Due to their bad choices at school parties, neither sister can recall when either conceived or who the father(s) may be. This was their chance to start new.
Hugs were shared between all girls in the room, including you this time around. Each of the girls hugged so that their bountiful bellies came in contact with the abdomen of the other, and you experienced each and every one with each hug you received. The feeling inside with each belly contact was powerful and you would almost gasp in delight.
Approximately a half an hour of talking at the table went by before the next girl came down to the kitchen. The 22 year old Roxanne, referred to by the girls as Roxie, had shorter brown hair but an equally as impressive belly containing twin girls. On her second pregnancy, the gorgeous Latina’s darker skin extenuated her linea nigra fully exposed since she wore a see-through robe over her lacey panties. After introductions, you forced yourself to not stare at her naked breasts beneath her robe.
Another girl came shortly later, waddling a belly full of twin girls and a belly button comparable to Jasmine’s. The 19 year old Lola, a small-framed redhead with curly hair wore a peasant skirt similar to Nina’s and a home-made bandeau bra, which was clear to you as a necessity. Impressive as Lola’s belly was, the poor girl’s breasts were monstrous compared to any of the other girls, bouncing wildly even under containment. Being on her third pregnancy since the age of 16, she never went more than a month without a womb full of babies.
Following Lola was Rin, a 20 year old beauty from the East with long black hair and radiant foreign eyes. Under her slimming Maxi dress was a smaller bump containing her new son, not yet as impressive as the other girls. She happily introduced herself before approaching Lola from behind and kissing her neck. Apparently Lola and Rin have become quite close since moving in.
The final girl to enter was Kayla, a 24 year old carrying two baby boys. You almost choked on your eggs when you saw her walk in wearing only a crop top and a cheetah-print thong; clearly the girls here are quite comfortable with each other. As she greeted Nina behind the counter, you see that her back end could pass for pregnant too! With hips and a butt like hers, it was easy to see why she didn’t wear pants that morning.
Just as everyone was finishing breakfast, Nina asked Kayla, “Did you happen to see Sara up there?”
“Don’t worry, I prepared her a plate for later,” Kayla replied. “That poor princess needs more rest than she knows what to do with.”
It was then explained to you that Sara had just newly turned 18 before moving in. Having just graduated high school a week before, Sara was the tiniest girl in the house. It was ironically her curse to be burdened with three large daughters occupying her once tiny abdomen. At nearly 32 weeks, she would be expected to be bed-ridden soon.
“I can’t help but feel her pain as I hear her whimpering,” admitted Lola. “If we weren’t so burdened ourselves, we’d be able to spend more time helping her.”
Jasmine looked up to you after rubbing her own gravid belly at the table. “We’re so glad you’ll be joining our family,” she said with a smile.
It sure was going to be a challenge. With eight enormously pregnant women to tend to, you would surely have your hands full. Much had to be done, but your work is only an extension of what the other girls already do. Best of all, you’ll get to be hands-on with all of the gorgeous bare bellies surrounding you at the breakfast table as they will all surely request massages and help dressing at some point. Other than that, minor tasks such as preparing some meals and tidying up the place. You also appeal for our training in nursing, just in case anything may occur. Also, you secretly hoped that at least some of the girls would be feeling their hormones get the better of them. If possible, you couldn’t help but think of satisfying them in more ways than one. It was definitely going to be a good experience.
The next few days proved to be exceptionally busy for you. After spending two days at home packing, you managed to reduce your belongings to only that would fit in your tiny car. Most of your stuff was donated away now that you were moving to a furnished home and had no intentions on leaving for a while. When you arrived back at the house, all of the girls were there to greet you in the front yard. All of them were wearing some form of leggings or yoga pants with a tank or crop top, assuring you that the girls must never truly get dressed for the day. As you brought your car to a park, you jokingly told yourself you’d have to get rid of your jeans soon to fit in!
Each of the girls welcomes you back lovingly, pressing their bellies against yours as you are embraced by each in turn. This time, you also meet Sara, and my god were they not kidding. Sara’s petite 5’0’’ frame made her the tiniest 18 year old you’ve ever seen; that is, until you consider her monstrous triplet-filled belly that would put all of the other girl’s womb’s to shame. Sara’s black leggings carried low as they couldn’t contain her massive orb and her top looked as if it may rip if stretched any further. You could tell that her breasts were tiny pre-pregnancy, most likely a B cup at the most. Although nothing compared to Lola’s, Sara’s new udders must have been at least a D and were leaking right before you as the large stains on her top continued to slowly grow.
While each of the eight mothers had their own room upstairs, you were given a room on the first floor that connects to the kitchen, as shown to you by Nina. This way, you’d have easy access to the food, prenatal vitamins, and other supplies when you started each day. It even came with its own small bathroom with a shower! Since the other girls had to share the two other bathrooms in the house, you told Nina that your bathroom is also theirs whenever they need it.
“I can’t say enough how lucky we are to have you,” Nina said as the last of your things was set down in your room. With a tear (likely due to the hormones), Nina gave you another warm embrace. After what felt like minutes of contact, Nina suddenly gasps under her breath.
“What’s wrong?” you ask in alert.
“Oh, just a kick,” she replies in a calming tone. “When you have three, it’s hard for them to stretch out … you want to feel?”
You thought you must have looked dumbfounded upon her question. Of course you wanted to feel, but how not to sound awkward about it?
“I … uh … ye, yeah sure!” you exclaim with nerves. Feeling Nina’s belly while hugging was one thing, but using your hands was another.
She smiled almost sensually as she sat back on your bed and patted to signal your approach. As you sat down beside her she began pull down her tight leggings slightly to expose the bottom portion of her belly and pulled her top to her breasts to bare the entire planet in front of her. Whether it was her flawless skin, her mountainous belly button, or the pure size of her belly, your eyes ate the image before you like candy. She reached across and took your left hand, placing it on the far side of her womb and setting it there. She leaned back into her arms for support as she allowed you to feel the tiny squirm occurring. As it subsided, she made no indication for you to stop as you explored more of her taught skin. With a slightly firmer touch, you rubbed the entirety of Nina’s womb several times over with both hands, letting her soak up your touch in delight. After about ten minutes, you realized how much time had passed and released your hold. Nina sat back up and gave you a tender kiss on the cheek, causing you to blush.
“My girls will be loving you for that,” she almost whispered as she tapped her belly in three places, indicating the locations of her growing daughters.
You help her up and pull her tank top back into place. With a quick and uncontrolled kiss to her cheek, she only smiled in approval before leaving your room.
Liked by cheshcat2 (Dec 4, 2022), VB88 (Nov 24, 2022), Badboy301 (Nov 4, 2022), Thebige (May 25, 2022), Pregbelly15 (Nov 6, 2021), rubenger (Mar 21, 2021)
That night, you celebrated your arrival by cooking dinner and desserts for the house. Funny how that works, you volunteering to celebrate by being the cook, but you insisted that it was your job as the new caretaker. Plus, you make a mean fruit pie and wanted to show off your skills early on! After dinner, nine empty plates and three empty pie trays were laying on the kitchen counter. Kayla insisted that you not worry about clean up and volunteered along with Nina to take care of it. The rest of the girls moved the party into the living room where you sat next to Roxie and Jasmine on the three-seat couch.
“Ooohhhh my god,” Lola moaned as she sat down rubbing her belly. “Your baking is soo good, I think I just orgasmed!”
Everyone lets out a chuckle at Lola’s compliment as they also rub their dessert and baby-filled bellies moaning to themselves. You conversed with the girls for a little while before Nina and Kayla came from the kitchen to enter the conversation. They brought blended fruit drinks with them and distributed them to all in the room. Although non-alcoholic for obvious reasons, your strawberry smoothie was better than any margarita that ever touched your lips.
It felt like the chatting went on for hours, although nobody seemed to mind. Everyone shared stories, jokes, secrets, and other good exchanges, most of them related to their pregnancies. You also shared your fascination and desire to one day get knocked up yourself. The girls all looked at each other at this with smiles on their faces, until Jasmine spoke:
“Who knows,” she said with a wink. “Maybe you will.”
As some time passed, scattered yawns indicated the coming of bed time. Sara in particular was growing sleepy with speed, as she was now laying her head in Katie’s lap as she laid on her couch.
“Looks like this one’s getting tired,” Katie said as she stroked Sara’s thick black hair. “I think someone needs to take her to bed.”
Ever since Sara moved in, she was always taken care of as the ‘baby’ of the house. All of the girls put her before themselves to alleviate her burden of the largest litter. Plus, they didn’t mind treating the youngest like a princess. All eyes were on you. With a smile, you get up and make your way to the pair. After kissing Sara’s forehead, Katie helps you lift her to her feet.
“She’s the first door on the right,” Chloe mentioned as you guided Sara to the stairs.
After carefully helping the tiny preggo to the second floor, you bring Sara into her room and lay her on the bed. You help her out of her leggings, although you can’t tell what’s underneath due to the darkness of the room and remove her tank to replace with her satin nighty. Before you start to put it on, Sara stops you with a tired voice:
“Wait,” she quietly says. “This is so embarrassing, but I need you to do something.”
Although she was only 3 years younger than you, her sweet tone kicked your motherly instinct into full. Stroking her hair, you ask what that might be.
“Well …” she hesitates. “… I need relief.”
Confused, you ask her if she can tell you what needs relieving.
“I … I’m so full” she shyly whimpers. “I’m so engorged.”
You almost lose your breath after hearing her words. Sara’s breasts were filled to the brim with milk for her growing triplets, and she asked you to relieve them for her.
“Please?” she asked as a tear rolled down her cheek. “They hurt sooooo much.”
What else could you do? Sara’s pain became your pain, and you knew you had to help the miserable girl.
“Okay, I’ll see what I can do,” you reply, hiding the shakiness rushing through your body.
You lay on her tiny twin-sized bed on top of her princess-pink bedspread. You didn’t have anything on you to catch the milk with, but you were sure Sara already knew that. Stroking her hair, you stare at her voluptuous udders hanging to both sides of her planetary belly. Slowly, you lower your face as you search for her aching nipple. As your top lip comes in contact with her areola, a wave of pleasure crashes inside you. Her heart was beating just as fast as yours as you felt its pulses transfer from her breast to your lips. Slowly, you open your mouth and latch to her elongated nipple, causing her to gasp with a high pitch. After holding there for a few seconds, you swirl your tongue around it to lather it up. Already, you taste the residue of sweetness from her constant leaking. She squirms as you vacuum her nipple further into your mouth. Instantly, a stream of hot milk fills your mouth.
“Oh…. M my …. Oooohhhhhh.” The only sounds she could muster were moans of mixed pain and pleasure as you suckle mouthful after mouthful, swallowing every drop.
Thirty minutes go by and you’re still gulping from her first breast. The flow has not subsided as you slowly drain her udder of the rich sweetness. Remembering that breasts come in pairs, you release and move to the other side of the bed to repeat your service to her other leaking orb. Just as before, you start off slowly, but eventually stimulate her nipple to flow like a waterfall into your hungry mouth. As the firmness begins to fade, her mixture of moans and tears transform into purely pleasurable gasps. Even though you did a number on her first breast, milk continued to leak due to her climbing pleasure. Moans from under her breath became louder as you more vigorously devour her gift to you. Her body begins to shake as she begins to ascend to a climax.
“Oh, Oh, Ohhhhhhhh yeaaaaaaaah,” she moans, trying her best to stay quiet.
As she keeps building, you continue to squeeze milk with one hand while rubbing her gravid womb with the other, bringing her farther from reality than she ever has before.
Then… her body released.
Muffled screams were followed by internal spasms and an eruption of milk from each of her breasts. Her shaking ceased as she arched her back and came from your service. Sara took at least three minutes to recover from her uncontrollable climax.
You lay with her for a while, cradling her head into your chest as you stroke her hair and calm her breathing. Her warm breath rolls over your own breasts as she reenters her sleepy state, but relaxed and relieved as her breasts now sag from their drainage. You take this time to finally put on her babydoll nighty after licking the residual milk from her belly and chest. You’re amazed at how much you drank! Already you felt it slosh inside you as you moved. Laying her back down, you remove her now soaking undergarments, revealed to be a lacy thong. How naughty of Sara in her state! Kissing her forehead good night and sweet dreams, she drifts off to sleep, cuddling the pillow you used to rest on. You open the door and return to your room downstairs, seeing that the rest have departed for the night. You lay in your bed with a smile of both motherly and sexual satisfaction on your face, rubbing your bloated tummy full of her source of nourishment.
“I’m so happy here,” you whisper to yourself. “I never want to leave.”
Setting your alarm for an early morning start, you quickly pleasure yourself to a climax of your own and drift into a deep sleep.

Morning came earlier than expected, but you didn’t mind; there was so much to do! After showering and putting on your favorite red dress, you begin your early morning routine of fixing the living room and deciding what to cook. You boiled water for herbal tea and chopped up a tray of fruits to set on the island for the sleeping mothers to feast on. The sun shined through the many windows, brightening the house completely. Still, you some of the candles and incense to retain the aroma that never escaped your senses since you arrived.
Nina came downstairs in a permutation of her typical attire, a long Earth-toned peasant skirt tied with a cord and a baggy gypsy top above. Still no bra, as the natural shape of her breasts made clear. Barefoot as always and flowing red hair pulled back with a bandana, Nina reminded you of a sort of mythological Earth-mother.
“G’morning,” you say smiling as she walks into the kitchen.
“Good morning sweetie,” she replies motherly. She joins you and takes over tea-duty as you continue to chop pineapple and watermelon.
After some time, all of the girls had made their way downstairs and exchanged greetings and retellings of dreams. This is what happiness looked like to you now; the girls were a family, and you were now a part of it. Placing your hand over your flat tummy, however, made you feel that a piece of emptiness yet remained.
As breakfast was finishing, you and Kayla cleaned dishes, although she may have done most of the cleaning as her habit to wear the skimpiest of thongs in the morning kept you looking behind. You then joined the rest of the girls in the living room, where they were all splayed out among the sofas and chairs. As the caretaker of the house, you went around to give them quick back rubs as they sat and talked. Jasmine was in a particularly good mood as she exposed her belly for Katie and Chloe to feel her tumbling twins.
“Guys, you won’t believe it, I’m 41 weeks today!” she announced almost squealing with delight.
The room’s focus was now on her as everyone congratulated and cheered.
“Holy cats! 41 weeks??? With twins like that???” These thoughts raced through your head as you tried to process her announcement.
“I’m so excited to meet my new daughters,” Jasmine said aloud as she rubbed her bulging belly. “It could be any day.”
In this house, birth was a magical time. The girls all delivered here with the support of their sisters through the entire ordeal. It was a time where the focus was entirely on you, and the team of mothers were there to cradle you and encourage you the whole time. No wonder they hired you, you smarty-pants with a nursing degree! Clearly you’d be putting it to good use.
The next couple of days were pure bliss for you. You decided earlier to give up shoes and be as barefoot as the rest of them. You never wore anything besides dresses, skirts, leggings, or yoga pants and have given up on bras just like them. Thanks to you, all of the girls were happy and comfortable as they spent most of their time relaxing around the house, focusing on growing their babies as you attended to their every need. You’ve given more foot, back, and belly massages than you care to even count any more. You got closer to each of the girls, but still kept a special place for Sara. Every now and then, she’d whimper due to the fullness of her young breasts. You’d take her back to your room and drink her dry in privacy until you bloated with milk. Since her production was too fast for you to always take care of, you often helped her use the upstairs milking machines, where she would produce what almost felt like galleons of her sweet nectar. The girls all had to take care of their milk problem, and bottles would unsurprisingly accumulate quickly! Because of this, an entire door of the refrigerator is lined with milk bottles! Before tucking Sara in, you loved to heat her a glass and bring it to her room. A week goes by, and you are loving your life as the caretaker of a house filled with pregnancy.

One afternoon as everyone’s enjoying the sun out on the patio, you all see Jasmine emerge from the sliding glass door in tight spandex shorts and a crop top that completely reveals her belly. She awkwardly waddles to the bench where Lola and Rin are cuddling and picks at the serving dishes on the table.
“Morning sleepyhead!” said Lola jokingly. Jasmine was never the last one up, but slept in until 11 today.
“Haha, and good morning to you too!” she responded. “You’re usually the last one up on most days.”
“Well,” Lola said as she looked to Rin, who was brushing her fingers across Lola’s spilling cleavage from her bandeau. “You always sleep in after nights with this naughty nymph.”
“Haha, well you’re also not in labor,” Jasmine replied as she rubbed her massive exposure.
Jasmine entered the early stages of labor last night, but still managed to get to bed and wait it out. At 42 weeks, nobody ever expected that the 19 year old first-time mother could ever make it so far with twins the size of hers. Nevertheless, she did. Everyone turned their attention to Jasmine as they took turns rubbing, kissing, and listening to her monstrous womb. As your turn ended, you kissed her inch-long belly button and got up. “I’ll set the pillows up,” you say as you go inside to prepare Jasmine’s throne. Blankets and pillows were brought into the living room and arranged in the middle of the floor. It was the only room that everyone could fit in at once, and everyone would be there for a while. You light candles and play classical piano over the music player, attempting to create a warm and sensual ambience for the coming birth.

Throughout the day, Jasmine’s comfort level slowly dropped as pressure began to build. Contractions started around 3 and were nicely spread out until dinner. You cook with Chloe, Roxy, and Katie as the rest of the girls sit with Jasmine in the living room. Sprawled on the couch, Jasmine’s head was resting on Nina’s belly as Nina stroked her hair and soothed her as best she could. Lola sits on the opposite end and props Jasmine’s feet on her lap as she rubs them down. Rin, Kayla, and Sara are meanwhile fluffing the pillows and spreading the blankets for when the time comes. You enter the living room with the rest of the girls carrying oeuvres to be eaten as the night progresses. You kneel beside Jasmine and spoon-feed her yogurt so she can eat while focusing on her breathing. With each new contraction, Jasmine lets out a long moan as you encourage her not to push. Everyone has officially put you in charge of Jasmine’s birth, as you are reminded of your hospital viewings as a student.
As it got dark outside, the room illuminates with candlelight. Jasmine’s water breaks suddenly, leaving the couch covered in fluid. You transfer Jasmine to the floor so she can lay on the pillows. Some of the other girls surround her to stroke her hair and comfort her.
“aahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhoooooooooooo,” she moans with each contraction, visibly constraining her belly.
The moans get louder as contractions roll by. For 42 weeks with twins, you are quite surprised how long it’s taking the first baby to inch downward. Kayla brings you and Jasmine both water as everyone sits and watches.
“ooooooooooooowwwwwwwwwwwwww,” she moans more loudly now. “I think it’s almooooooowwwww, almost time.”
You reach for several blankets and wring out a wet cloth to wipe the beads of sweat running down her face. As you do so, Jasmine’s moans suddenly turn into a scream.
Just like that, everything started happening! You see a bulge starting to form under her spandex shorts, so you remove them without hesitation. Her lips were parting before your eyes as dilation began to take hold. Almost as suddenly as it happened, the first sight of a head descends.
“I see a baby!” you announce to cheer her up. “You can almost push now. Let it descend just a bit more.”
Jasmine moaned loudly as she waited for another contraction. The girls livened their participation as they surrounded Jasmine with comforting words and hands. As her belly constricted again, she bore down and gave her first push.
Jasmine endured contraction after contraction as her motherhood stretched for the incoming head. Each push left her panting for air. It was turning out to be quite a long night.

The first baby was born after four long hours of pushing and position changing. While on her knees, the head finally managed to rip through her burning lips with the rest of the body following shortly after. You caught the baby girl and presented it to Jasmine, who was crying tears of both pain and joy. She instinctively asked for Nina to remove her crop top as she brought the infant to her nipple for the first magical suckling.
About ten minutes later, her breath began to pant as the second baby descended for release.
“ohhhhhhhhhhhwwww not again,” she begged as her happiness turned into fear.

Her new son would take an additional 5 hours to finally escape her womb, leaving her empty of energy and too weak to sit up. Nina and Kayla held her up as her son was brought into her arms. With cords still attached, Jasmine cried as her twins both fed from her swollen breasts. Her emotion rubbed off on the other girls as everyone watched her twins in awe. Sara even shed tears and leaned her head into your shoulder. After the placenta was born, you cut the cords and congratulated Jasmine’s hard work.
It was well into the night by the time anyone went to bed. The girls all went upstairs as you stayed with Jasmine in the living room.
“Thank you so much,” she said as the new twins slept for the first time. “Will you stay with me tonight? I don’t want anything to happen to them.”
With a smile, you nod to her. Unexpectedly, Jasmine reaches slightly and plants a kiss on your lips.
“Oh my god,” you suddenly think to yourself.
Her kiss took you by complete surprise. After a brief pause between the two of you, you kiss her back with passion. After cleaning her up and moving into your room, you fall asleep spooning the naked Jasmine, who in turn cradles her babies closely. Sleep is eminent as the four of you drift off together.
Liked by cheshcat2 (Dec 4, 2022), Badboy301 (Nov 4, 2022), Thebige (May 25, 2022), Pregbelly15 (Nov 6, 2021), rubenger (Mar 21, 2021), cripple135 (Mar 20, 2021)
You awaken the next morning to the light entering your room through the large window beside your bed. Still spooning Jasmine with your arm cradled around her now loose post-partum abdomen. She still sleeps peacefully under your embrace while embracing her new son and daughter to her breasts. You watched them with bliss; two new living beings that less than a day ago were contained in Jasmine’s once gravid belly. You rested your face into the back of her neck as you continued to relax as she slept.
After Jasmine’s daughter peacefully woke and found her mother’s leaky nipple, Jasmine awoke from the gentle suckling to look down at her children, almost not believing they were really there. You responded to Jasmine’s stirring by kissing the back of her neck and helping her into a sitting position on the bed.
“How’d you sleep mommy?” you ask her happily.
“Mmmmmmmm,” she moans in response. “Wonderfully.”
You help Jasmine dress in one of your loose-fitting dresses from your closet and help her into the living room, where you sit her on the plush rocking chair in the corner. You work her arms out of the straps and tuck the dress under her engorged breasts, presenting her the twins for the first of many feeding sessions with each baby suckling away. Although you slept in, you were both the first ones up in the house, so you decide to make tea and breakfast. As the rest of the girls come downstairs in their usual attire of leggings and skin-tight tank tops, they each gasp in awe and approach the sitting Jasmine to formally meet the twins. You bring the food and tea into the living room so everyone could stay surrounding the nursing Jasmine. Everyone was in bliss as they watched and rubbed their own bellies, wanting more than ever for their own buns to join the household. You were closest to Jasmine, stroking her hair and helping in relatching as needed.

Weeks went by in the house, and Jasmine’s birth was only the first of a rapid succession to come. About a week after, Nina entered labor with her triplets. After 10 intense hours, Nina birthed her three daughters under the stars on the back porch, where she planned on doing so from the beginning of her pregnancy. 5 days later, Roxy’s turn came around, bringing two sons into the world. Two weeks from there, the twin sisters Chloe and Katie went into labor simultaneously! The blonde sisters held each other’s hands as they endured endless pushing under your care. Delivering two babies at once was quite the ordeal on you! Nevertheless, they eventually birthed their daughters within minutes of each other. With 5 of the girls having given birth in such a short time, a total of 9 bundles of joy were added to the household! It was certainly becoming a full house, but everyone loved every second of it! More would be coming; Lola was currently 36 weeks, Rin at 30 weeks, Kayla pushing 38, and poor Sara now almost bedridden after celebrating the 40 week mark with her massive triplets! You barely ever left Sara’s side at this point, only to cook, help with the babies, and sleep with Jasmine, who you’ve become quite close with since the night you spent together after her birth.

Four weeks after Jasmine’s birth, Sara was now beginning to show signs of early labor. It wasn’t worth trying to get her out of her bed at this point, so you would bring all of her food up to her room and tend to her needs from there. Often times, that also included draining her massive amounts of milk, fulfilling her need for orgasm, and cuddling her through the tears and whimpering. Sara was 24 hours into labor at this point and you were ready for when things would start to pick up.
Things kept at a slow pace, so Jasmine invited you downstairs to step away for a while, letting Lola, Kayla, and Nina take over for you. As you sat at the kitchen table, Jasmine brought you a glass of water and embraced you from behind.
“She’ll be okay,” Jasmine said assuringly. “Sara’s a strong girl.”
“I know,” you respond, kissing her arm around you. “Things are going incredibly slow though.”
“Everyone else will take great care of her,” said Jasmine. She placed her hands on your shoulders as an indication to stand and embraced you warmly. “In the mean time … I have a surprise for you!”
You look at her confused. “What would that be?”
She smiles and places her hand over your belly while placing your hand over hers. “I think it’s time for you to experience it to,” she announces sensually. “I want to make you a mommy with me.”
Your heart nearly stopped. Were Jasmine’s words real? Did she really just propose that you join the girls in their constant states of motherhood. Your heart beat like a drum, almost visibly from under your breast. You couldn’t tell if you were in a moment of ecstasy or terror; you didn’t know what to think. But of course, how would it possibly happen?
“I… I don’t know what to say,” you nervously manage to utter. “I mean, I don’t know how I’d do it.”
She smiled as she responded. “Well, I may know somebody.”
With that, she looked to the door as headlights pulled up to the street. She smiled excitedly and brought you to the door, as if she already had the whole thing figured out. As an unknown figure approached the door, Jasmine greeted the stranger. He was a tall, shockingly attractive man who Jasmine referred to as Brian as if they knew each other. Brian wore a long-sleeve button shirt and a nice pair of jeans. His short hair was well maintained and his complexion was unlike most you’ve ever seen. You found it slightly embarrassing that he and Jasmine exchanged greetings through an embrace, as she was wearing only leggings and a crop top exposing her post-partum abdomen. Either way, Brian didn’t seem bothered. Jasmine turned to you.
“I’d like you to meet Brian Harrison,” she explained. “He’s the owner of the house! He and Nina met during her first pregnancy, and after they became friends, he set aside one of his rental houses for us to live in.”
“Wow,” you uttered in surprise as you turned back to him. “I never knew that, it’s very nice to meet you.”
“The pleasure’s all mine,” Brian replied with a smile. He was honestly the first man you encountered since you moved in, and it was surprisingly relieving to hear the deepness of his voice. “You must be the caregiver?”
“Uh, yes, yes I am,” you said smiling back. “It’s been an amazing experience.”
Jasmine invited Brian to make himself at home in the living room while she escorted you through the kitchen and into your room, where her twins were soundly asleep. You felt dizzy from all that has happened and went to sit on the bed when you got there. Jasmine sat beside you.
“So what do you think?” she asked.
“I don’t know,” you replied. “Does he know what you’re proposing?”
“Of course he does,” she answered. “He would check up with Nina from time to time to make sure everyone was doing alright, but then we hired you, so he didn’t have to stop by as often. Anyway, I really like him, and asked him a few weeks before you arrived if he’d be willing to help me with my next pregnancy.”
“Your next pregnancy?” you responded in alarm. “Baby, it’s only been four weeks since you gave birth!”
She smiled and stroked your hair. “I know, but it’s been the most incredible ten months of my life, and I love the feeling of being a mother… I love my babies to death, but want to feel more growing inside me. I feel complete knowing that I’m doing what my body is supposed to.”
You didn’t say anything. You could only stare at her as she told you her secrets and desires. She told you that Nina, Kayla, and Roxy experienced the same thing after their first pregnancies and made an effort to be bred again within weeks of giving birth. That’s what Jasmine wanted too; to live in the house and make babies so long as she could. It amazed you how much Jasmine desired this.
“Also,” she added, “I’ve noticed you sad at times, holding your stomach as you would watch one of the girls rubbing theirs.”
A mixture of embarrassment and guilt flowed through you with these words. What she was saying was true; you truly wanted to experience it for yourself, but never considered actually doing so.
“But I’m here for all of you,” you say as you reach for her hand. “I’m here to take care of you all, how could I do that if I myself am pregnant?”
Jasmine smiled and stroked your hand. “Well, if anyone can do it, it’s you.” She reached her other hand to pull up your tank top to expose your empty belly, caressing it in circles. “I want us… to be pregnant together,” she struggled to utter.
If there had been a second opportunity for you to have a heart attack that night, it’d be then. You almost gasped at her words, taking a second to process what she had said.
“Really?” you ask. You couldn’t muster another word.
She only nodded in response, placing your hand over her belly as you both rubbed each other gently. “Imagine what it’d be like. You’d have the joy of experiencing it with all of us. Brian had to think it over for some time after I mentioned you as well, but he came around and has agreed to help out.”
You’re heart melted with the thought of sharing your pregnancy with all the girls in the house. Clearly, these girls were not just here temporarily until they gave birth, but rather, they were like a family with dreams of raising as many kids as possible. Until now, you never truly thought that such a life may be for you.
“Wow… when do we start?” you ask.
Before Jasmine could respond, you heard a scream coming from upstairs, clearly from Sara. Your nervously excited face turned into one of worry as you looked to Jasmine once again.
“Don’t worry,” she said. “There’ll be plenty of time for that later tonight. For now, why don’t you go help the girls with Sara? Nina and I will stay with Brian in the kitchen.
After a brief pause, you nod in agreement and get up to attend to Sara. As you go for the door, Jasmine calls to you once more.
“Only if you’re sure…” she says as you open the door, stopping you in your tracks. “Are you sure you want this?”
You couldn’t say anything as Jasmine asked you this question. You merely smiled at her as your mind had suddenly shifted to Sara. After racing up the stairs, you follow the screams coming from Sara’s room. It was already looking like a long night.
You entered Sara’s room and saw exactly what you imagined. While Lola and Rin tried to control Sara’s shaking, Nina and Kayla were hovered around her canal while straining to be heard over Sara’s howling cries. The air in the room was supersaturated with sweat and the floor and bed were covered in what looked like gallons of amniotic fluid. Sara’s water clearly broke during your break, and now things were moving fast as Sara’s tiny canal was now stretched beyond capacity with the crowning of the first baby. You act quickly, taking Nina and Kayla’s place between her legs. You use your hands to clear Sara’s belly of the drenched accumulation of sweat and milk literally flowing from her nipples. Sara’s body had completely entered birthing mode. Although contractions were rolling over each other, a moment of silence from the tiny 18 year old allowed you to finally communicate.
“Sara!” you exclaim to get her attention. “I’m here now Sara, everything’s going to be okay.”
You knew Sara heard you, but her silent sobbing showed she wasn’t convinced.
“We’re going to do this and do it now,” you command with a more aggressive voice. “I need you to be strong for your sisters and I and bore down with the next contraction.”
It didn’t take more than a second for Sara’s belly to visibly bind and for her to begin boring down as you requested. With one long push, the head managed to pop out of Sara’s opening. Without hesitation, you maneuver your fingers inside and begin to adjust the shoulders, yanking the first baby out of her womb, causing her to shriek in pain.
“That’s it Sara, that’s it! The first one’s out!” you announce. The other girls in the room began to praise the seemingly subconscious Sara trying to comprehend what she had done.
As you present Sara with her first daughter, Kayla helped the baby latch onto one of Sara’s leaking breasts. Sara watched the infant with absolute astonishment, as if she had no idea where it came from.
“Oh, oh my, holy shit,” she finally mustered; a reaction that made the room laugh temporarily.
You took the time to grab towels and wipe up some of the mess, only to have them drenched before doing much justice. After about five minutes of bliss, Sara’s face returned to one of horror. Everyone in the room watched as her pelvis began to bulge again, signaling the coming of baby #2.
“Ohhhhhh,” Sara whimpered. “Not yet!”
“No worries Sara,” you reply. “Use that momentum and push at will!”
A minute went by with Sara breathing heavily until her lips began to part again. With the first sight of a new head, Sara gulped the humid air and bore down again screaming. This time, the baby made its way to a crown quite easily. However, it was unfortunate that the head wasn’t much smaller than the first.
“Come on Sara, give me a big one!” you coach, encouraging her to push through to the end.
“NNGGGGGGAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH,” Sara screamed as she bore with all her might. Her efforts were not in vein as the head quickly entered a full crown as the last one, stretching her labia back to its almost unhuman limits.
Sara pushed and pushed for about ten minutes until the head managed to escape her womb. You readily go for the shoulders, only to find an obstacle in the way.
“Shit,” you think to yourself. It was clearly the worst of fears for mothers of multiples as the cord was constricted around the baby’s neck.
Without another word, you tuck your fingers underneath the hidden cord and pull it off of the neck, forcing it against Sara’s walls, causing her to nearly tear. Your other hand went to work with rotating the shoulders, which was more difficult one-handed. After a few quick minutes, the baby was ready and you indicated for Sara to push. Holding onto the cord with both hands, you skillfully caught the baby in your elbows as it slides out easily from that point. Baby #2 was presented to Sara just as the first. With the second baby now occupying the second breast, you went for a tool to cut both of the cords with. As your back was turned, however, a shriek from behind would end your search and bring your attention back to Sara’s vagina. Baby #3 was coming fast, and Sara had much less time to catch her breath this time around. The cords would have to remain attached.
“OHHHHHHHHH GOD!” Sara whimpered loudly. “Just get it out, please please, I want it ouuuuut!”
Sara’s regained pains were not met with a visual on the baby, so she weakly pushed for some time before anything could be seen. Fortunately, the placenta had not descended first, as baby #3 eventually appeared. Unlike its siblings, this baby was presented breech, with the first thing you see being its bottom with legs folded upward.
“Sara, I have to push her back in to allow the legs first,” you explain as the girls furiously applied cold towels to her face. Sara only nodded, not particularly liking the idea, but understanding the reasons.
You began by pressing the bottom back inside Sara’s womb, an experience she clearly did not enjoy. With enough wiggle, a single foot popped from underneath. Before you could manage the second, Sara’s instinctive pushing fought against your endeavor and brought the baby back down. With one leg free, you at least had something to work with. The last, and ironically, largest of Sara’s three daughters would prove to take an entire hour to eject from her womb. The massive head was the last part to be released, causing her labia to stretch outwards like suction until it released the baby with the help of your force. The final pull left Sara slightly torn, but impressively in decent shape. You presented baby #3 by placing her on Sara’s now soft belly, where it would be switched with one of her siblings for a chance at her mother’s milk.
After cleaning up, stitching, and the birth of the placenta, you cut all three cords that once strung from her womb together. Sara’s daughters were here at last, and the poor new mother had never been so tired. The four girls allowed Sara to close her eyes as they supported the babies at her breasts. You looked on in amazement.
“You really are something,” Nina says to you. “The poor girl owes everything to you.”
You acknowledge Nina’s compliments with a smile, but say nothing else. After kissing Sara’s forehead, you quietly leave the room under the supervision of Nina and Kayla and return downstairs.
You never felt so happy to see Jasmine. She came to you on the stairs and embraced you wholeheartedly. After parting, she wiped sweat from your brow and planted a tender kiss on your lips. That’s when you suddenly speak up.
“I want to be pregnant with you,” you say out of the blue, almost subconsciously.
Jasmine only smiled at your announcement. “Then let’s do it.”
She held your hand and escorted you back into your room, inviting Brian in as well. Much has happened tonight, but in many ways, the real fun was just about to start.

“Breakfast is almost ready!” you shout out to everyone sitting at the patio table.
All of the girls are there and wearing their typical attire of skin-tight leggings, high-cut crop tops, or any other comfortable permutation. At most of the girl’s breasts were babies feeding on their engorged milk supply. With all of the young children now around, making breakfast became all the more demanding. Nevertheless, the count of adults was far fewer than before. Some of the girls have left by this point, taking their bundles of joy with them. Roxy was the first to leave, as she met a man that made her happy and wanted to break from her shell a bit.
With the coming of marriage equality, Lola and Rin decided to take the opportunity to tie the knot between them both. Naturally, both girls were pregnant with a new set of bellies by the time their wedding day came around. They have since left with their brood as well.
Kayla, being the seniority of the house second only to Nina, decided to expand her horizons and start a mother’s house of her own after a property steal became available half-way across the state. She updates regularly about the mothers she has welcomed into her own house.
Nina is of course still around, rocking her classic hippie persona and making sure the house remains functional. She is busy taking care of her new triplets, while also growing a new pair of twins into her 5th month. Nina was definitely your idea of superwoman!
Chloe and Katie were also still around. Instead of reapplying to college, they decided to stay and take care of their daughters instead. After months of waiting, they both decided to conceive again, being each at 3 months currently. Katie has also expressed an interest in nursing, giving the two of you countless hours of conversation material.
Sara is also here and busy taking care of her triplets. Today was her 19th birthday, so you made sure to also start baking the cake to be had after dinner. Sara was now 6 months along with her second pregnancy, and having only one new baby on the way was quite liberating for her. Nevertheless, she was still the baby of the house, and you often volunteered to help relieve her of engorgement when her triplets have had enough.
Jasmine was also still there. Wearing a bandeau and a maxi skirt, her new belly was reaching the 9 month mark, containing a set of twins not dissimilar to her first.
In a few days, it was also known that a new girl would be joining the family. A cute 16 year old blonde named Shelby will be joining the house after dropping out of high school. At 7 months pregnant with her first son, you were eager to meet who would be the youngest mother to have been in the house.
“Good morning everyone!” you announce as you bring a hot bowl of scrambled eggs to the patio table.
You waddled carefully to the group wearing your wide-leg yoga pants and a gypsy crop-top that barely contained your braless breasts. Fully exposed by your outfit was a gravid abdomen indicating your 9th month of pregnancy with your first daughter. Your belly button jutted out far in front and your leaking nipples have developed in much the same way. Barefoot and hair down, you resembled the perfect first-time mom-to-be. The magic all happened the night of your threesome with Jasmine and Brian. Impregnating both of you that night, his seed was clearly potent as the two of you flaunted your impressive bellies. There has yet to be a day where you regret your decision to come to this place. While one of the most pregnant of the women, you also retained your role as caretaker, making sure that the others were well cared for before yourself. Often, this led to them all rewarding you for your hard work by returning the favors.
With only a few weeks to go before your first child emerges into this world, your mind and body are clearly in the right place. Never have you been happier, and you can’t possibly think of a place you’d rather be. The only question you have at this point: how soon should you go for #2?
The End
Liked by 11 members: (Jun 8, 2023), Mitweltler (Dec 27, 2022), cheshcat2 (Dec 4, 2022), Badboy301 (Nov 4, 2022), Thebige (May 25, 2022), Pregbelly15 (Nov 6, 2021), Eskar13 (Jul 15, 2021), BellyLovingGirl (Jun 26, 2021), rubenger (Mar 21, 2021), Craber (Mar 20, 2021), cripple135 (Mar 20, 2021)

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