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Lina Clayton
Hi all! As promised, I've written a few stories ready for reading! The first is  20K+ story about Charlie and his various escapades getting a few girls pregnant. Here's the link if anyone feels so inclined...

I've got a few more finished which I'll post soon. They have a few intense birth scenes so it'll only be pieces with the option to purchase on amazon if so inclined. I'd love some feedback! Thanks.

       “Wait, you don’t have some in your bag?” She said, about the condoms. “I ran out of them when you had to go on those antibiotics remember?” “Shit, really?” “Really.” I said, lying there. 

(apologies for the funky formatting here) Piece of Part 1:

... “It’s up to you, but like I said, it’s only happening one way. I don’t mind, really.” “No, I want to excite you.” So she hopped on, she loved taking charge, I loved giving it to her. Well, I never had it to begin with, she could have all of it. I was done being the boss. She looked at me straight in the eye, she was on a mission. 
“Better be careful” I told her. “I’m an adult, I’ll be alright.” “I’m just warning you, it might happen fast.” I put my hands on her hips and looked her up and down. What a flawless human being. 

“I can handle it.” She said as she bucked back and forth on me. “Ohhh yea?” She nodded, she was starting to moan a bit to the rhythm. “You can barely take all of me right now, I highly doubt you can take 3 days of built up, pent up…” “Ohhh stop it, I’ll do what I want. I’ve had them all over..” She put her hands on my chest. Her tits bobbing in my face. “In my mouth you will never cum, but sex you warn me about. You can’t wait like this?” “It’s different, it’s just different.” She rolled her eyes and moaned some more. Her noises turned me on the most.

     “We don’t need you getting pregnant now. So let’s be careful.” It was hard to talk now, she was really going now. She was punishing me, trying to run me raw. “I am not doing anything like that with you, don’t worry.” I tried to laugh but it was too hard at this point. 

“Don’t worry, nobody is getting pregnant.” She assured me. “You never know, if you’re not quick enough… I can be pretty powerful.” "Stop! You are so full of yourself.” She hit my chest and then moved her hands off me and rand her hands up her sides, then to her own chest, outlining her glistening body and massaging her tits. Wow.

     “Get ready.” “For?” “To hop off!” I grabbed her harder and winced, trying to hold it a bit longer. Her hands were through her hair and all over me and herself. She was so turned on. “Alright.” She said. “Don’t worry.” She told me. “I do worry.” “Don’t!” “I’ll do what I want!” I practically yelled over the sound of her riding me. “Fine! When the fuck are you gonna cum you asshole!”

     That did it. I came fast and hard while she was still on me. She screamed and took it in as she still rode, grinding our pelvises together hard. She wanted me further in her but she couldn’t take it. I couldn’t understand why, she was a perfectly sized woman.We both orgasmed and she fell off. I think it was the first time anyone had come inside her raw. “Fuck! you didn’t warn me, she said catching her breath. “I did.” “You did not Charlie!” “You don’t seem too phased.” “I will be fine.” “I probably got you pregnant.” I said. “I’m not pregnant. Calm down.” She said in her accent. Eight weeks practically together at the hip every day and it still melted me.

    Sure enough, two months later, she was pregnant. I could see it, she was in denial, but I knew. I know that look. She had no idea. She started complaining about her dresses shrinking in the wash, her bras not fitting properly and watching her diet. She had just started buying new clothes but it was too late. I knew. It was kind of hot, especially because she didn’t know. It took her well over 2 months in for me to convince her to take a test. Her eating habits had changed and she was wondering if she was just too lazy and putting on weight.

The morning she finally told me she sounded perplexed, still in denial, which turned to frustration, anger and madness. We hadn’t seen each other for the past few weeks. After I tried to get her to take a test, we got into a few spats and decided to take a break, come back to it and see if we still got along or if this was simply a lustful situation between two adults from different lands that was fading. Before that we’d been seeing less and less of each other, only reaching out when one of us was feeling particularly lonely and spend the night. Those mornings were met with illness, hangovers and fights over her refusing to take a test. We weren’t attached like before.

 I picked up the phone at my place, “Hey beautiful, what’s up?” I already knew because she never called. “Can we meet?” “Sure, what’s up?” “I’ll tell you in person. She came over, it was as if she was already halfway here when she called. “I’m pregnant.”
“I know.” I said, sitting with a drink in the living room. “What?” “I told you, that night we slipped. I knew it then.” “It could have been any night, you don’t know that.” She said sitting next to me. “No no, we had condoms then. I pulled out, I know it, I knew then. You’ve been showing ever since.” “Wait, really?” She looked down, figuring it out. “Yes, you have.”

      She got up and paced. “Charlie! ! I can’t be pregnant! This can not be happening! I will get kicked out! They will not accept me back once I tell them!” Her hand went to her head. “Live here.” I said. She scoffed. “With you? Right. Like that would work!” I shrugged. “You don’t think they’ll understand?” “NO! Certainly not.” “Are the religious?” “No, but…” “But what?” “They will not approve! They have an image to uphold!”

       Katre was from Estonia, she was quite literally the epitome of beauty, people from the Baltic’s always seemed to be. It pissed me off how beautiful she was. Her only imperfection was her indecisiveness towards me. She was here on a work visa as an aupair, watching a kid who barely needed it now as he was getting older. She could do what she pleased. She couldn’t stand the parents, but the pay made it bearable. They’d surely fire her if they knew. Her accent still melted me even when she was angry.
       “Back home then?” She ruffled her lips and began to tear up. “Oh hey now, it’ll be alright.” I said. She sat next to me and I held her. “Home? Why disgrace myself there when I can hide here in this country.” “Disgrace? Now what’s that supposed to mean?” I was falsely offended. “You know what I mean, neither of us wants this.” “True. We don’t have to technically. We can get it taken care of.” “I don’t know if I can do that. So invasive.” “Depending on how far along, yes. I think we should see.”

        We got the appointment scheduled. We waited outside the waiting room with all the other mothers, or soon-to-be un-mothers. It was odd, thinking about it that way. There were no men in the room. Not even the nurses.  I stood out. I might as well have wandered into a women’s bathroom, everyone staring at me. Eventually I brushed it off and forgot about it. We waited far past our appointment time, but we both took the whole day off to see what could be done. She was incredibly embarrassed and nervous. She was too beautiful to be here, so she thought. But then again, that was the problem in the first place. Her looks and her insatiable lust. Her eyes had always been huge, but in that waiting room I couldn’t help but notice them. It peeved me that she felt she was above it. That she thought it was such a horrible thing to have to do. As if only the poor and peasants do this. When in fact the poor can’t afford the appointment, let alone the procedure.

       We were finally called in. She went in alone at first for the introductory check-up and ultrasound. They brought me in about 45 minutes later. They had already told her. She could schedule a medication-style termination form of abortion, but it was already pretty close to the cutoff date. It’d be a series of pills. A lethal cocktail consisting of pain meds and other chemicals to flush her out. But it needed to be scheduled quickly or they wouldn’t be able to anymore as she’d be too far along.  They also gave her the option for the full medical procedure as well, they gave me the run down and let us alone for a while. We agreed to the former and we sat. “Wanna get out of here?” She nodded. They gave us a timeline. She had a due date now. Which even by moral standards is a bit odd, considering the circumstances. We had a week.

        We got in the car and took off in total silence. I felt bad. I warned her, but she wouldn’t listen. I didn’t care either way. She wanted nothing to do with me most days. Perhaps it was only working now because we handled each other in very small doses and within very fine parameters. Unplugging ourselves, to relax and escape, and of course have copious amounts of sex. Anything else we were water and oil these past few weeks. We accepted and knew this though and operated in that space. But one of us reached out at least once a week to hook up despite this. I loved it. I was pretty sure she was secretly embarrassed of me. No matter, more excuses to be alone. Disappearing on each other, getting back together, departing again. Ships in the night that separate as quickly as they came together. No matter how contentious things had been, she was always too hard to resist and I apparently to her. Perhaps I was more like a comfortable car wreck if one was to be unavoidable. Whatever the reason I was glad it was happening.

       Now, perhaps it would be less, considering neither of us signed on to this, but she was still as attractive as ever, if not more so now. She had to be three months at this point. I broke the silence. “Shall we schedule the procedure?” I asked. “Yes, it needs to be in the next 6 days or else they won’t let me.” “Okay.” We got back and spent the better part of the night figuring it all out. It turns out it’s not as easy as originally thought to simply show up for a prescription. They required the first portion of the imbibing of pills to be in-person in the office. There were only so many facilities in the area, and most were booked over the next few weeks, but we found a slot that worked, pretty late in our timeline. In fact on the last day, but we booked it.

       The proceeding week was unbearable. We had copious amounts of sex, but a lot of arguing too. We saw each other a bit more, I suppose we felt obligated. She embraced her slightly misshapen body now that she knew the end was inevitable. She felt relieved there was a conclusion. She no longer had to explain a thing to anyone or tell anyone what had happened. I had nobody to answer to, so I was fine.
      The day finally came and we got up. She stayed overnight. We got up and had breakfast. We didn’t talk much. We had drank heavily the night before. She did so as the doctor informed her there’d be no issue so early on, to her demise. We were both looking for moral excuses to end it, but no such luck. We got in the car about mid-day. Our appointment was at 3, and we figured we’d show up early. It wasn’t a far drive.

         Before we got close the street was closed off from what looked like a parade. Cops were everywhere with their tape. One was directing traffic. Smoke was emitting from behind a dumpy shopping plaza. I rolled down the window on her side and stopped for the cop standing in the road. “What’s going on officer?” “Someone started a fire at the clinic, believe it? One of the protesting nut jobs finally went AWOL.”

       We made a u-turn and pulled over. “Jesus.” I said under my breath. She began crying. “It’s alright, we’ll find another place.” She shook her head. “This can’t be happening.” I knew we might be shit out of luck, but didn’t tell her so. What were the chances? We got back in a hurry and checked. We called everywhere in a 100 mile radius. They all had appointments too far out and told us so. We couldn’t lie with her paperwork and they  wouldn’t let it happen. We missed it.
     “I’m sorry hun, but we can get an appointment in close by for the surgery.” I cracked a beer and fell in the recliner in my small living room. Her mascara ran, she still looked perfect. “I can’t.” “Why not?” “I can’t. It’s too much, they told me the details of the operation. I couldn’t do it, even if I had to.” I looked at her, “but don’t you?” She looked at me, I was confused. “I don’t know.” “Are you really ready for a kid Katre?” She fell in her hands again. I took a big swig. “Fuck, are you sure? Because this is going to turn everything upside down.” I said to her. She got up to the counter and came back with a folder and a bottle of wine with glass. She handed me the folder and poured herself a tall glass.

       I opened it. Most of it was medical jargon, but what was clear was the ultrasound. With it was a clear message and image accompaniment. “Two.” She said, drinking. “That’s what I haven’t told you yet.” I sat back in my chair, staring at the image. It wasn’t clear, but clear enough to tell now. “Shit, my god.” I thought for a moment. “I guess I’m that good, huh?” I giggled and she shot daggers at me. “This is not funny!” I shook my head. “God damnit Katre, you sure know how to make an entrance.” She was not pleased.
       “How can I kill two babies, Charlie? Twins.” We sat in silence for some time as we drank.

  “Well, that explains why you’re showing so much already.” She nodded in agreement, not looking up at me, staring into the coffee table. “I’m going to get so big.” “Yea, you are.” “What will I do? Where will I even go?” “I told you, you can stay with me. Unless your home can forgive you, wouldn’t that be something.” “They’re not my home, and they will not. They will kick me out to the street.” I shrugged. I needed another one. I needed a whole case. “What about your real parents?” “They can never know.” “Never know? Katre they’re your parents!” She took another swig from her glass and shook her head still full of wine before she swallowed. “No, they will be disgraced. They will disown me, I will be a laughing stock of the whole town there.” “Just for having a baby?” “Out of marriage! You don’t understand how it works there. They will disown me.” “How would you hide it? You’d have to tell them eventually.”
    “I can marry, and not go back for a few years.” She was so sure of this plan. So fearful of public shaming that she’d gladly have a baby in secret than share with her family. “Jesus, that’s crazy.” “If you knew where I came from, you would understand.” “I believe you, but it’s a lot to handle.”

       “I know, I can do it though. I have to.” “I’m here too you know.” She finally looked up at me, she nodded. We both drank. “I’m going to get so big.” She repeated. I chuckled. “Yea you will. Can you handle that?” I asked. “I never thought about it before. I didn’t think I would ever have to carry children. Now two” I nodded. “You’ll still be hot as ever.” “Shut up.” “No really, you will be.” I got up and sat next to her on the couch, rubbing her near-flat belly. She turned her head away, but stayed. “You’ll have to stop drinking.” I said. “Ugh. True.” I kissed her neck, now exposed to me. She turned and kissed me back. “You brought this on yourself.” I whispered to her. “Is that right?” We fell on the couch and made out a bit. My hands were all over her. Her hands were all over me.

     “You sure I have to stop drinking?” I laughed. “Yes.” “Okay, tomorrow though, not yet.” “Fine.” I said. “You want something?” “Yea, I’ll get it.” “Alright.” She got up to the kitchen. “Make it something good!” “Oh, I will!” She yelled from the other room. She brought the drinks back quickly afterwards. “You’ll be around won’t you?” “What?” I took a sip after she handed it to me. “You’re staying, right?” “Of course! Why wouldn’t I?” She looked at me funny. “You are not allowed to leave me now.” “Katre, If I were going to leave, I’d of done it already.” She leaned in and kissed me. I pulled her close and she fell on my lap. We made out some more. “You’re gonna look so sexy all knocked up.” I whispered to her. “Stop! I don’t want to think about it right now.” “I can’t help it, I’m getting excited just thinking about it.” “God Charlie, why?” “You’re going to be  so hot pregnant.” “I said stop! I can’t think about it right now.” “I’m just saying.” “Just love me tonight. I want to get drunk and have sex with you. We can talk about being pregnant tomorrow.” “Fine.”

         She wore a white tank top which was fairly tight. She was still wearing old clothes. Two months wasn’t much, but with twins? It was nearly twice as big. She had a slight bulge out front and it was getting bigger by the week and it was hot. I couldn’t stop looking at it. Her nipples had gotten incredibly sensitive over the past few weeks and I swore, they were bigger. She was complaining about her bras being too small as well recently. Under that, she wore booty shorts. We were sitting around on a hot day in April. Her due date was in late October. It seemed too soon and so far away all at the same time....

Thanks for reading! 

- Lina Clayton

[url=][/url][url=]Author Page[/url]
Hi - I’m interested in purchasing your story, but it’s not available on Amazon UK. Any alternative ways that I could buy it?
Lina Clayton
(August 16, 2019, 9:05 pm)TheBump Hi - I’m interested in purchasing your story, but it’s not available on Amazon UK. Any alternative ways that I could buy it?

Hi TheBump! Can you buy it off this link?

I can see it on my end with the site.
- Lina Clayton

[url=][/url][url=]Author Page[/url]
Are there any birth scenes in The Trouble with Charlie?  I don't remember reading any.  You second story, Born in the City, looks better.
Lina Clayton
Not explicitly. But everything I've written recently does! I just made a post today with a piece you can read! - Lina

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