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Mobile theme in development (iPhone users needed)
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Staff Member
Just a brief update: I'm making significant progress in developing a mobile/responsive theme which will be incorporated into this theme in a piecemeal fashion. Over the next few weeks, you'll notice elements that will disappear or wrap in response to browser window changes or your choice of a device. Occasional bugs might appear in which case your feedback, with a screen capture, will be extremely helpful.

Importantly, we will need feedback, especially from iPhone/Safari users, as I don't have direct access to any Apple products. I'll be updating this thread to request screen captures on iOS devices as things progress.

An example of a tested and recently incorporated change, albeit a minor one, is the avatar shrinking and username reappearing over a post when you reduce the size of your browser window. This is preliminary and the final post element will involve the avatar positioned on top of a post under a certain screen/browser width (< 600 pixels).
Liked by andy789 (Nov 10, 2020), AquaL (Feb 15, 2019)
Should be interesting, I've been enjoying the New Preggophillia, my favorite part being the fact that we can select multiple files, and the limits at 20 now!
Liked by Admin (Feb 15, 2019)
Staff Member
(February 15, 2019, 12:23 pm)AquaL Should be interesting, I've been enjoying the New Preggophillia, my favorite part being the fact that we can select multiple files, and the limits at 20 now!

That number will be increasing too! Just wrapping up an actual progress bar so uploaders (a) know their files are uploading and (b) that the upload isn't stuck or anything.

I doubt we'll go higher than 50 for a single post. A 25% increase to 25 is the next step.
Liked by andy789 (Nov 10, 2020), AquaL (Feb 15, 2019)
(February 15, 2019, 12:33 pm)admin
(February 15, 2019, 12:23 pm)AquaL Should be interesting, I've been enjoying the New Preggophillia, my favorite part being the fact that we can select multiple files, and the limits at 20 now!

That number will be increasing too! Just wrapping up an actual progress bar so uploaders (a) know their files are uploading and (b) that the upload isn't stuck or anything.

I doubt we'll go higher than 50 for a single post. A 25% increase to 25 is the next step.

I think 25-30 Would be ideal.
Liked by Admin (Feb 15, 2019)
Staff Member
As a reminder - please report all bugs here.
Staff Member
As more and more mobile-friendly elements are integrated into the design, there are bound to be design problems here and there. Please report issues within this thread and try to include a screen grab.

Also, I've started work on a dark theme.
Can we have a quick select for the option for new layout/old layout? The new layout is more streamlined but it sacrifices a lot of information such as specific top threads per catagory.

Ive also noticed that user information has all but disappeared. Things such as Karma, Post Number, Join date. These seem like minut details but I always liked seeing if someone was new or posted much.
Staff Member
@tomostrife sure - I've enabled the old theme for selection.

On smaller displays a few columns are hidden. Which bits of information are you relying upon that have now been hidden? The forum display page is going to be trimmed down on mobile displays too. I'll try to integrate stuff members actually use into the miniaturized version.
(March 4, 2019, 6:33 pm)admin @tomostrife sure - I've enabled the old theme for selection. It can be enabled by selecting (2019) Preggophilia in options:

On smaller displays a few columns are hidden. Which bits of information are you relying upon that have now been hidden?

I guess it does show the most recent thread. Which is fine. Disregard that notion. Anything else would be nitpicky at this point
Liked by Admin (Mar 4, 2019)
Staff Member
(March 4, 2019, 6:31 pm)tomostrife Can we have a quick select for the option for new layout/old layout? The new layout is more streamlined but it sacrifices a lot of information such as specific top threads per catagory.

Ive also noticed that user information has all but disappeared. Things such as Karma, Post Number, Join date. These seem like minut details but I always liked seeing if someone was new or posted much.

Just to expand on this -- on the index, everything should still be there.

The forum pages will be more difficult and, as tested (not yet implemented), the mobile version will hide views, the reply count and ratings. In thinking about this further, I'll need to at least include number of replies. Ratings will probably need to be expanded unless I switch to "x/5" (meaning 3 out of 5 stars, etc) for the mobile version.

Thanks for the feedback. Quite a few pages will start responding to small displays and lower resolutions. If you see something that annoys you or seems like an oversight, please let me know.

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