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First off- nothing I say here is intended as criticism of anyone or their kinks. I, however, for one, do not get off on sci-fi, fantasy, mpreg, tentacles, obscenity number of multiples or other stuff you don’t find in the real world. If that’s you, go for it my friend. But, to fill what I saw as a void over on tumblr, I posted the following story over there. It is loosely (very loosely) based on something that happened on the street I grew up on. I have numerous other ideas for stories set in something approximating reality. If anyone would like to give me their two cents worth on this and/or would like to discuss possible future works, I’d like to hear from you.

This is a true story. I’m changing the names, but the facts are unchanged. Please forgive any errors. I wrote it stream if consciousness with no edits.

My name is Jessica. I’m a bartender/assistant manager at a popular dive bar/hipster joint here in Portland, OR. I’m on leave at the moment. I used to dance (this is Portland: read “strip”) at a few local establishments offering that kind of entertainment for some extra cash.

I’m 35 years old and I’m a mom. My son, Clay is 18 and my daughter Isabella will turn 2 in just over a month. Before that happens, though, there’s going to be another addition. I’m expecting again, and could have my little baby boy Jackson any day now. I’m at 39 +5, which means my due date is just 2 days away. The doctor says your “full term” when you’re this far along, I just call it being really fucking pregnant. I think I’ll probably go overdue again, though. Both my previous babies came late. Clay by 6 days and Isabella by 9. Jackson hasn’t even dropped yet, he’s still riding high under my ribs, which makes it hard to catch my breath, gives me heartburn and hurts when I get a foot up in my ribs. Plus, I’m huge now. It’s a struggle to stand up off the couch, turn over in bed, or even just waddle down the block. At least he’s head down, thank god, but he hasn’t given me any signs that labor is just around the corner yet.

I was young and single when I had Clay, single but not young with Isabella. Neither of their daddies stuck around or was worth a shit. I’m not sorry and don’t regret having either of them one bit, though.

Clay’s father was older, married, and had three kids that I babysat for, but that’s another story.

I got knocked up with Isabella from a one night stand. The less said about that, the better. When I first told Clay that I had a baby on the way, he didn’t believe me. Once I convinced him I was serious, he was upset and embarrassed. I really couldn’t blame him too much. It seemed like a pretty natural reaction for a teenage boy. Hell, I found it embarrassing to break the news to some people. As I grew bigger, and my belly announced my news to the world, I could see the looks on the neighborhood soccer mom’s bitchy uptight faces. I didn’t hear what they said about me when I was out of earshot, but it doesn’t take much imagination to guess. I just let it slide.

Clay eventually got used to the idea that his mother was both single and getting farther and farther along. He got more and more protective and defensive of me. He wouldn’t go into details, but I know that at least four times he swung on some kid for making a wisecrack about his mother being a slut or whatever . Twof them were bigger than him, one a LOT bigger. He would have willingly taken an ass-whupping to protect my non-existent reputation, but fortunately, his friend from the neighborhood, Ethan, an 18 year-old superjock, jumped in and drastically turned the tables. I know there was a broken nose, but I can’t remember how many teeth the asshole kid lost. The threat of future disfigurement at. Ethan’s hands was real enough to keep him from suing or going to the police, though I understand Ethan’s family did agree to pay some hefty dental bills. “Just tell him if he still can’t eat by the time Isabella comes, he’s welcome to come over and breastfeed.” I cracked. Jeff looked nauseated, Ethan stared at my chest and looked like I’d just made a serious offer.

They’re kind of an odd pair. Growing up, they were friendly, but their the age difference was too big for real commonality. In the last year or two, though they’’d become more or less peers. Clay helped Ethan with his Math and English homework (God love him, Ethan is marvelous to look at, but not the brightest bulb on the tree), and Ethan had Clay’s back.

Overall, I’ve had relatively easy Pregnancies . My aches and pains are real, it’s hard to catch my breath, and I have bouts of heartburn, but my symptoms have always seemed turned down a notch compared to a lot of other expecting mammas.

There was one problem I’ve always had, though, and when I was pregnant with Isabella, it almost drove me crazy. Pregnant women, as I’m sure you know, are steaming cauldrons of toxic hormones. Different women react differently to them and often the same woman will have different responses with different pregnancies or even at different times during the same one. I’m no different, but consistently, each time I’ve carried a child, I have become ravenously, single-mindedly horny. It’s just unreal. I’ll think about doing it almost 24-7 sometimes. Seriously, even in my sleep. This time, like the previous two, I have often had such intense sex dreams that I wake myself up orgasming. I love getting off as much as the next girl, but this is just crazy. Once I’m past a certain stage, it’s hard going back to sleep, too, because i’ll have Braxton Hicks and wake the baby up, and you just can’t sleep if your baby’s kicking or squirming or hiccuping inside

With Clay, I’d sneak out if my parents’ house where the baby daddy would pick me up. We’d drive to a cheap motel, he’d tell his wife he was working late, and I’d get my rocks off that way. This time around, for the first time, I’m actually living under the same roof and sharing a bed with the guy who squirted a baby up in me. It’s nice and really convenient. If the baby’s keeping me up because I had a sex dream orgasm or more often, from getting my nipples played with, my pussy fingered, eaten out, or just from some plain good old fashioned fucking, he’ll gently stoke my belly and talk softly to our son in there until things calm down again. He’s going to be a great father-he already is, to Isabella, at least, and we’re in love. Our relationship is working, despite our age difference and what the goddamn neighbors think.

But with my second pregnancy, with Isabella, i had no man around and was sharing a tiny two bedroom house with my teenage son. I went through a lot of batteries then and I know the buzzing of my vibrator could be heard throughout the house, same with the yelps and moans I tried but failed to hold in. Another time, just before I came up with the solution I’m going to describe below, I was in the bathtub, laying back on my elbows with my butt under the tap and a constant flow of water cascading on my pussy lips and clit. I must have came at least 4 or 5 times before I realized I was stuck. I was maybe 27, 28 weeks up the pole and my abdominal muscles were stretched out around the rounded swollen baby bump sticking out in front of me.

I had to call Clay into the bathroom to pull me out. Like most other teenage boys would be, I suppose, he was a little put off about having to pull his naked pregnant mother out of a dry bathtub.

I did eventually come up with a better solution. I was 32 weeks along, when I put my plan into action. I remember, because I’d been to the baby doctor just earlier that same day. I was going every two weeks now, and would until the weekly appointments began at 36 weeks. It was a late Friday afternoon and the heat on this mid-June day. Clay had gone to spend the weekend with his paternal grandparents he hadn’t been gone more than 20 minutes when the FedEx Truck pulled up and into the driveway. The driver got out wearing those cute little delivery guy shorts and ran around to the back. Disappearing inside the cab of the truck, he quickly came back into view, dragging a long, flat box marked IKEA/SNIGLAR behind him. With a grunt, I pushed myself up off of the lazy boy where I’d been half watching TV and half awaiting my package. I waddled my way to the front door, which was already open to let the breeze in. I pushed open the screen and stood on the front porch, waiting with one hand against the small if my back, and my other arm resting under my breasts atop the swell of my

“The crib!” I exclaimed, as the delivery driver  dragged it up onto the porch. “It came! Thank you!”

Of course, my pleasure” came the reply. “If I could get you to sign right here for that” he handed me a clipboard and pen. I signed.

Well, this is just about it for the nursery, the only thing left is for me to have this baby”

“Congratulations! Is this your first?

Oh, no, hon! I’ve got a son in high school”

His eyes raised just a bit. “Do you need help getting that inside?” He asked, eyeing my protruding belly?

“Oh, no thank you, hon. Just lean it here against the side. I’ve got a big, strong sexy man to help little ol’ pregnant me with that”

“That’s nice, I imagine the two of you must be getting excited to be having another. When are you due? “

“August 12, and yes, I’m getting awfully excited, at least. It’s not his baby, so it doesn’t mean much to him, but I’ll be making sure he’s plenty excited later on tonight.” I giggled suggestively, and the delivery driver flushed beet red, mumbling something about running behind schedule. I couldn’t help myself. I’d been plotting what was to come next for more than a week and waiting with an anxious wet heat between my legs all day

As the driver hastened off, I ambled back inside and picked up my cell phone. I’d noticed something now that the weather was hot and getting hotter. Pretty much everyone was running around in shorts these days, and because of that, I’d confirmed my suspicions. Ever since my belly first popped out, I’d noticed Ethan staring at it, and staring at me. That’s not unusual, you get stared at a lot when you’re pregnant, but his stare seemed a little more intense than most. He was given to wearing jeans on the baggy side, and, I knew, boxer briefs, which made it hard to be certain, but I could almost swear he popped a boner regularly when in my presence. Now that it was almost oppressively hot, Ethan, like everyone else, myself included, had taken to shorts, and my suspicions were confirmed. Just like the bulge of my belly now strained against the fabric of my maternity tank tops, the bulge of his groin poked awkwardly against the zipper of his ragged khaki shorts.

I dialed his number, which I’d gotten off Clay’s contacts when he wasn’t
I heard the ringer on the other end. Once. Twice. Three times. Shit! He’d better answer!

The fourth ring was interrupted halfway through, and familiar, sleepy voice on the other end answered tentatively. “Hel-lo?”

“Hi, Ethan? It’s me, Jessica” “….Clay’s mom”, I added when I sensed he was struggling to place my voice and name.

Part II beliow.

when I sensed he was struggling to place my voice
and name.

"Oh..hey, Mrs. Peterson. Clay's not over here, in fact,
I don't know where he is."

"Clay's with his grandparents this weekend, I'm not
looking for him, and its just Me....just call me Jess, if
you would, hon. I was actually calling because I
needed to ask you a little favor. GG

"Sure" I heard the surprise and the enthusiasm in his
voice." How can I help, Mrs...uhh, how can I help ya

"Well, I just had a FedEx delivery. Its the crib for the
baby, but that darn delivery guy just left it out on the
front porch, normally i'd bring something in like that
myself, but, well the baby's getting awfully big and
it's kinda hard for me to do any lifting or bending or
anything like that. Do you suppose you might be able
to come over and help me get it in the nursery and
maybe even set it up? I can pay you for your time"

"Awww, you don't need to do that...Jess. I'm happy
to help, I'll be right over.' I could have sworn I heard
his cock bulging over the phone.

I went into my bedroom to freshen up. pulled my
hair back into a high ponytail and slipped my t-shirt
over my head. Reaching behind me, I unhooked my
bra and felt the delicious release as my girls swung
free. Normally I'm a 34 C, but I was a D just 10 weeks
into this pregnancy and I'd slowly crept up to a 36 DD since. I took a white maternity cami from a
drawer. It was advertised as having a "shelf bra" and
that therefore you didn't need to wear an actual bra
while wearing it. Basically, it compresses your tits
and holds 'em up high, but for most situations, with a
white one? Yeah, you do need to wear a bra, because
your headlights will shine right throught. I pulled it
down over my heavy, swollen boobs, then out in front
of me, down the swell of my protruding belly and
back towards me. I adjusted myself and looked in the
mirror. Sure as shit, two half dollar sized, eggplant
colored circles were plainly visible.

The doorbell rang. I couldn't not waddle if I tried by
this point, but I played it up, exaggerating the
encumbrance if being with child. putting one hand
on the small of my back and lumbering into view,
saw Ethan through the screen door, standing almost
sheepishly on the porch. He stared, first at my belly,
then at my chest, then awkwardly at my face, trying
not to divert his gaze south.

"Hi Ethan, hon! Thanks for coming over."

"Sure thing, Mis..Jess"

"The crib is in the box just around the corner, do you
think you'll have any problem bringing it in?"

I knew he wouldn't

"Nah, it'll be easy"

It only took a few moments for him to drag the box in
through the front door and to the back where l'd set
He opened the box and slid the pieces out. We sat on
the floor and pondered the directions. In true IKEA
fashion, they were inscrutable at first, but gradually
yielded to our determined attempts.

Ethan hopped to his feet. I rose to my knees. "Could
you give me a hand, sweety? I'm having a hard time
these days." He took my outstretched hand and
pulled me upwards. "Ooh!" I gave a little squeal as |
came to my feet. I let my momentum carry me
forward so that my swollen belly bumped into him.

Ethan hopped to his feet. I rose to my knees. “Could you give me a hand, sweety? I’m having a hard time these days.” He took my outstretched hand and pulled me upwards. “Ooh!” I gave a little squeal as I came to my feet. I let my momentum carry me forward so that my swollen belly bumped into him. “Sorry!” I laughed. “I’m bumping into everything lately. It seems like I’m getting bigger every day.”

Ethan stared down at my bump. "How long till the
baby gets here?"

"I've still got eight weeks to go, can you believe that?
I don't feel like I can get any bigger, but of course |

There was an awkward silence.

"Would you like something to drink? Coke? A beer? I
still have plenty in the fridge from before I got

"A beer would be great, thanks."

"Go sit on the couch, make yourself comfortable "

I went to the fridge as Ethan sat in the edge of the
couch. I could feel his eyes following me and when I
returned to the front room with a beer for him and a
7-up for me, he didn't even attempt to hide his
fixated gaze.

Handed him his beer and sat down next to him.
"Cheers!" I said, raising my can and clinking it
against his. We each took a drink. I'd placed the 7 up
in the freezer a little over and hour earlier. As I
swallowed, the chill of the liquid had the effect |
hoped it would. A sudden shift within me told me the
baby was awake. I gave a little gasp and put my free
hand against my belly.

Ethan's eyes widened. "Are you ok?" he asked.

"I'm fine, the baby just started moving."

"Does she kick a lot?"

"Well, she hasn't got as much room to kick as she
used to, but she moves a lot, and I really feel it when
she does. Wanna feel?"

I took his hand in mine and guided it to the left side
of my belly. "Feel this hard part aling here?" I ran his
hand along the side. "That's her back" her feet are
over here." I leaned back, exposing the underside of
my bump. "And her head is down here." I took
Ethan's hand and guided it down, right above my
pubic bone and let him feel where her head was

He was nearly speechless. I lifted my shirt, revealing
the full swell of my uterus. "Here, she's bound to do
it again sooner or later." Nothing.

"Give her a gentle poke" he pushed gently against he
feet. As if on cue, she wiggled inside me, and my
whole belly shifted.

"Whoa! That's amazing! He exclaimed. He bent
forward and put his head right next to the side of my
tummy. "Hey in there! It's your uncle Ethan! I'm your
brother's friend."

"Mommy's friend, too"I added. Ethan looked up over
the curve and smiled at me. "Mommy's friend, too"

"What's it like being pregnant?"

"Well, I'm not going to lie, it's hard. Really hard
sometimes. You feel heavy and get achy and tired.
You run out of breath, and it gets hard to move as
you get bigger. Your body is constantly changing and
you can't control it and the hormones can make you
crazy. But still, I love it. It's the most amazing thing in
the world to be growing a whole new life inside you.
To watch as your baby gets bigger, to feel a baby
kicking inside you, to hear the heartbeat and see the
baby on the ultrasound. It's just the best. You know |
didn't plan to get pregnant, and having a baby is a
huge life change, especially when you're a single
mom already. I'm sure all the other moms in the
neighborhood gossip about me, and I know it's been
embarrassing for Clay, having his mom so obviously
pregnant, but I don't care about any of that. I
wouldn't change this for the world. I love this baby
and I love carrying her inside me, and when the time
comes, I can't wait to meet her."

"Well, Mrs...well, Jess, if there's anything I can do to
help you, before you have the baby or afterwards,
you just let me know."

I took his hand in mine and put it right on top of my
belly. I leaned forward, making sure my breasts
pressed against his hand. "Well, there is one thing,
but it has to be our little secret."

"Sure" he replied nervously. What is it? "Well, I've got
kind of a problem, you see. A lot if men think
pregnant women aren't attractive. But I don't feel
unattractive. I feel ripe and full, and curvy and
feminine. Do you think pregnancy is ugly, Ethan?"

You run out of breath, and it gets hard to move as
you get bigger. Your body is constantly changing and
you can't control it and the hormones can make you
crazy. But still, I love it. It's the most amazing thing in
the world to be growing a whole new life inside you.
To watch as your baby gets bigger, to feel a baby
kicking inside you, to hear the heartbeat and see the
baby on the ultrasound. It's just the best. You know |
didn't plan to get pregnant, and having a baby is a
huge life change, especially when you're a single
mom already. I'm sure all the other moms in the
neighborhood gossip about me, and I know it's been
embarrassing for Clay, having his mom so obviously
pregnant, but I don't care about any of that. I
wouldn't change this for the world. I love this baby
and I love carrying her inside me, and when the time
comes, I can't wait to meet her."

"Well, Mrs...well, Jess, if there's anything I can do to
help you, before you have the baby or afterwards,
you just let me know."

I took his hand in mine and put it right on top of my
belly. I leaned forward, making sure my breasts
pressed against his hand. "Well, there is one thing,
but it has to be our little secret."

"Sure" he replied nervously. What is it? "Well, I've got
kind of a problem, you see. A lot if men think
pregnant women aren't attractive. But I don't feel
unattractive. I feel ripe and full, and curvy and
feminine. Do you think pregnancy is ugly, Ethan?"

"I was hoping you'd say that. Those hormones I was
talking about? I've got to tell you...they've been
making me really, really horny and I haven't had sex
since...well, since the time I conceived." I leaned
forward and kissed him gently on the lips. He was
motionless, and for a moment I feared l'd struck out.
Just as I pulled away, he lunged forward, returning
my kiss with passionate intensity.

I lifted his shirt over his head, and ran my fingers
down his muscular chest and abdomen. Stopping
just above his pants, I let my nails trace back and
forth just above his belt line. He pressed forward
and I fell back, resting at an angle against the
cushions. He pulled my camisole up, revealing my full
fertile swell. He kissed my navel gently, then worked
up slowly, planting a kiss every few inches until he
reached my bust. He paused there, and pulled my
top the rest of the way up. He began kissing at my
collarbone and worked down to my engorged and
sensitive breasts. When his tongue began flicking at
my nipple, I couldn't repress a groan as the warmth
built in my chest and spread throughout my body.

His fingers slid inside my shorts. I felt the warm, wet
heat between my legs increase as he played with my
lips and teased at my clit. Before I knew it, my body
was convulsing in ecstasy. He brought me two more
time before entering me. With my butt hanging off
the couch, and my legs wrapped around him, he was
in his knees thrusting forward and back, in and out
grinding himself into my clit.

Have I talked about pregnancy orgasms? When
you're all swollen with extra blood down there you're
extra sensitive, and while a normal orgasm involves
your vagina, cervix and non-pregnant uterus, when
you're expecting and your uterus is enormous, your
orgasm takes place basically all through your torso. I
don't remember screaming, but l'm told I did.

Afterwards, we lay on the couch together, his arms
wrapped around me, encircling me and the baby. I
was still breathing deeply, or as deeply as I could
with my lungs getting displaced when my belly went
hard and tight. I guided his hand over it.

"Are you alright?" Is the baby coming?"

GG No, sweetie, that just a Braxton Hicks, a sort of
practice contraction. They happen a lot when you're
this far along, and orgasms can bring them on."

After a bit, we dressed. Ethan was expected home for
dinner, but promised he could sneak out and visit me
during the night.

He did, and we met clandestinely whenever we
could. Sometimes, if Clay was somewhere else, he'd
come over. Sometimes we'd both invent excuses or
errands to run and meet in a hotel room. Sometimes
we'd screw in the back of his pickup truck. We got
really good at pregnancy sex as I got bigger and
bigger. Doggy style, spooning, reverse cowgirl, me
on top, you name it.

Nobody caught on to us. At least for certain. Clay 
came home from school one day and said Ethan had
asked him how I was doing, which wasn't terribly odd
in and of itself, but he'd called me "Jess" when
asking, and I could feel a twinge of suspicious
disbelief in his voice.

We were in a motel six the afternoon of September 2.
I was at 41 weeks and two days. The doctor was
talking about inducing me if I didn't deliver soon. We
had just finished making love not 15 minutes earlier
when the contractions started. I knew this wasn't a
false alarm. It was the real deal.

Ethan rushed me to the hospital, and Isabella was
born not three hours later. Ethan in the room, holding
my hand. He even cut the umbilical cord. When Clay
came to meet his baby sister a few hours later, he
was shocked to see his friend already there by my
side. "Mom!” he hissed through clenched teeth,
"what's he doing here?"

"Well, hon, I guess it's time you knew, Ethan and I
have been seeing each other. He helped me deliver
the baby, and he even helped me go into labor.''

"With sex." Added Ethan, helpfully. "I'm not
surprised your mom got pregnant. She's really good
at it."

I won't lie. Clay moved out that very day, and he's
been pretty distant ever since. I've been hoping
maybe he'll get Ethan's sister or maybe even his
bitch if a mom pregnant, just to sort of average
things out.

Ethan moved in the day I came home with the baby
and filled the role of daddy as good as anyone. We
went through long sleepless nights together.
Feeding, changing, all the things you do with a

Isabella was weaned a little after her first birthday.
One night A little after that, I asked Ethan as we
climbed into bed if I should stop taking the pill. He
enthusiastically said he thought I should, and it
didn't take long at all before I told him the news. His
seed had done its job. I had a bun in the oven!

He was overjoyed and has treated me like a queen all
through my pregnancy. He's so proud of my
pregnant body. "I did that he'll say, to anyone, even
strangers. pointing at my belly. “Me. With my penis"

He works for a roofing company now. The pay is
good, but he's been working extra hours lately to
make sure the baby and I lack for nothing.

I'm waiting for him to get home now. I hope it's soon,
because mamma has a little something for him when
he gets home.
Liked by cascabelero (Apr 17, 2020), bumpbaker (Feb 9, 2020)
I thought it was really good. I did notice there was a section that repeated twice (the part were Jess explains the difficulties of pregnancy). I also didn't see Ethans response when Jess asked him if he thinks pregnancy is ugly.

For myself, I would also like more descriptions about how bug her belly is. You had some of that, but I would like more.
Thank you!
I had issues with the cut and paste function, plus I was nearly falling asleep at the time, which likely explains the duplicated and missing bits.

I appreciate your time.

If anyone else would care to venture their opinion, I’d welcome hearing your thoughtsu
I absolutely loved it.  Older woman/younger man is one of my hot buttons.

Edit: I owe you some more detail: The language was smooth and not clunky.  The plot was tight (no pun) without an extraneous scenes.  The dialogue felt natural. If there was one think to add, then maybe you could have included more detail in the sex scenes.
Liked by Expecting (Feb 6, 2020)
Thank you. You are right. It feels like I rushed through that part. I am incredibly gratified to know that overall it worked for you.

I have a list of some possible stories I’d like to write out and also a list of scenes/events all relating to pregnancy that I’m trying to make a home for, either in one of the stories on my list, or possibly as a short stand alone vignette. I’d be happy to post them here, or do you suppose maybe I should begin a new thread for that?
Liked by bumpbaker (Feb 9, 2020)
I'm sure here would be fine.
Liked by Expecting (Feb 10, 2020)
I agree with BigBursty. Proofread yourself some more. Pay attention to repeated or missing passages and to punctuation. Plus, add to the descriptions of her pregnant figure and their sex together.

So, you said this was based on a neighborhood incident when you were growing up. Could you tell us more about the facts behind this story?
Liked by Expecting (Feb 22, 2020)
Yeah, it was nowhere near as cool, but this kid I knew- we were both ~14, his mom got knocked up by her 21 year old boyfriend. He landed in jail early on and was single from there on out.
I always thought/imagined she looked at me with something in her eyes, but that she as probably my imagination. On the other hand, she gave the kid the same name as me, so who knows? Probably not, but my mind goes where it will.

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