Looking for an old story from belliusmaximus site
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I cant remember the title but it was about a woman who freed a geinie from a lamp and then grants her every wish. The woman wishes to be pregnant with multiples and later want to become a man and changes back and forth with a magic ring afterwards the girlfriendfinds out and also becomespregnant there was a sequal with her rolling a dice and wishing for 6 babies.
I have it, and it's possible it's on DA somewhere
Muichimotsu can you share? Sound interesting.
Whats the title also if possible can you share it?
Hey landis, if you can remember one specific phrase from the story, it will help in the search. Anything?
The title is Called "Almost Everything" & "A little more of Everything"
I think this is it
Still no dice on deviantart or otherwise Sad
What type of word document can I attach? It's not letting me use anything so far within common types?

Kelly always found the long walk from her job at the café to her apartment and exhausting one, especially when added to the seven flights of stairs she had to climb to reach her top floor apartment. She finally reached her door, tired and barely able to see straight after her 12 hour day, and 2 hour walk. It wasn’t until she’d almost stepped on it that she noticed the small brown package sitting in front of her door. She picked the box, about the size of one used for necklaces but a nit thicker, up and looked at it. She unlocked her door and walked inside, laying her purse and things on the table behind her couch. She pulled the small card off the box and read the barely legible writing on it:

Use this well.

Who in the world could’ve sent it, she had no family, very few people she’d call friends, and no one who would send her a gift. She decided to put it from her mind, and tore the paper wrapping off the box. Inside, in a foam lined box, was a tiny crystal bottle, made of what looked like blue diamond. Kelly looked over the tiny bottle searching for some marking or writing telling its origin, but there was nothing on the sides or the cork to inform her in any way. She decided it must have been sent to the wrong address or as a joke or something of that nature. She set the bottle on her coffee table and walked to her bathroom to take a shower, the hot water always made her feel better.
She emerged from the bathroom nearly an hour later, with her large black towel tied tightly around her, squishing her enormous cleavage in its top. She tugged her hairbrush through her long, sleek, brown hair and sat on the couch. She saw the bottle still sitting where she’d left it so she picked it up and examined it again. This time she looked at the bottom and saw what looked like some strange symbol there. The only problem was the layer of filth and grime covering the base of the tiny bottle. She took the bottom corner of her towel and began to wipe at the dirt, to better see the symbol, but just as she could almost make it out she saw what looked like smoke slowly issuing from under the cork. She grabbed the cork and pulled as hard as she could but all that happened was that slightly more smoke came out. Once again she pulled on it with all her strength, and this time it popped out letting loose a huge cloud of thick blue smoke, that in no way could fit in the small bottle.
Kelly gasped aloud as the smoke began to fill her living room, spilling into the floor and quickly covering it. She curled her knees up to her chest, pulling her bare feet off the floor as the smoke grew darker and began to rise into the air. As she watched, horrified, the smoke did something that smoke didn’t do, it rose up in a column in front of her television. Kelly screamed when out of the column of smoke stepped a beautiful, but very out of place looking woman. Her belly dancer’s attire and very tan skin made her look a few thousand miles and several centuries out of place, standing before Kelly’s television, beside her computer.
“ My Master,” she said in a misty, yet soothing voice, “ I am Ania, your magical servant.”
“ Magical?” Kelly gasped. There was no possible way this woman was what she seemed, and yet she had just emerged from a cloud of smoke that had come from a tiny bottle. “ You’re a…”
“ A genie, yes my Master. I am here to grant you three wishes for granting me my freedom of that accursed bottle,” she looked at the tiny bottle laying on the couch as though hoping it might burst into flame from her glare.
Kelly couldn’t believe what had just happened, a woman had just stepped out of a cloud of smoke that had come from a tiny bottle, and announced that she was, a very Aladdin esque, genie, and the strange thing was: Kelly believed her.
“ What Is your first wish, my Master?” Ania inquired of Kelly. Kelly thought, “ What is something I have always wanted?” She still didn’t entirely believe what was going on but this could prove whether Ania was who she said she was. Suddenly, something occurred to her, she’d always wanted to know what it would be like but knew that the world would think she was a freak, but here was her chance.
“ Ania, I wish that at will, I could transform into a man, who looks however I want him to, than anytime I want I want to be able to turn back into myself.” She knew that in fairytales genies were notoriously tricky and usually found ways to twist the wishes they granted. Ania simply pointed her finger at Kelly and said, “It is done.”
Kelly ran into the bathroom and stood before the massive mirror beside the sink. She closed her eyes and thought of a tall man, powerfully built, with black hair. She opened her eyes and squeaked in surprise at the very same man looking back at her. She unwrapped her towel and looked at her new body, missing a few old parts, but with a few new ones. She smiled as she turned back into herself and ran back into the living room. She found Ania sitting on the sofa, surveying her surrounding curiously and sat down beside her.
“ What is your second wish?” Ania asked as Kelly sat beside her. Kelly thought for a moment about what else she should wish for, then remembered something that had happened that morning. A young woman, around her age had come into the café and simply ordered a glass of milk. Kelly had thought it a strange order from a young woman until she arrived at her table with it. The first thing she noticed was the woman’s melon sized breasts barely squeezed into a tight black top, then she saw her belly. The woman was huge, looking like she’d swallowed a beach ball. Noticing Kelly’s gaze she’d explained that she was pregnant, obviously, with twins that were due any second.
“ Ania?” Kelly said. “ I wish, starting now that I was pregnant….,” she thought for a second, “ with triplets, three babies.” Ania lay her hand against Kelly’s flat stomach and said, “ It is done.” Kelly could feel a very strange warm sensation in her belly that told her that her wish had been granted. Now she pondered her third wish, her last wish. She looked at Ania, about to ask for a suggestion, when she saw the beautiful genie looking at the tiny bottle that held her prisoner, and she knew what she would wish for.
“ Ania?”
“ Yes Master?”
“ I wish you to be free of that bottle. Free to do whatever you please with your life, never having to be anyone’s servant again.” Ania looked shocked for a short moment before she said, “ Are you sure?”
“Yes I am.” Tears fell from Ania’s eyes as she reached down and picked up the bottle, she held it in her hand until it glowed, then it shattered, dissolving in her hand.
“ So what will you do now?” Kelly asked the genie.
“ I will stay with you.” she replied simply.
“ What do you mean?”
“ You set me free, for nearly 5 centuries I have been enslaved to whoever possessed that bottle, and now I am free by your wish. No one else ever saw fit to use their wishes for any more than personal gain or glory. You could’ve used your last wish for anything, but you used it to help me, so in return I will remain here, with you and grant your every wish until your final day in this world.” Kelly couldn’t believe what she was being told, she couldn’t help herself, she rushed forward and hugged the genie, who returned the gesture happily.
In the next few months Kelly’s life changed dramatically. With Ania’s help she quit her awful job, moved out of her tiny apartment, and bought an enormous house several hours outside of the noisy city. At first she only did it very rarely but now she stayed in her male form, which she now called Alan, as much as possible. However, a problem with that arose, Alan it transpired was every bit as pregnant as his female alter ego. Kelly had first discovered it not long after she started to show, she was in the shower, and for no real reason at all she transformed into Alan, whose slightly bulging belly was just a bit bigger than her own. Ania thankfully had an easy solution to this, as Alan could hardly go out in public with an enormous pregnant belly preceding him everywhere. She’d created a ring that so long as he wore it, it not only made him look like any other man, but it completely hid the symptoms of his unusual condition.
This particular night Alan stood in the strong stream of water in the cavernous shower that in itself was as large as most bathrooms. His belly, which looked like an over inflated basketball, gleamed with the hot water running off it. He was getting ready for his date that night, something felt odd as Kelly but wonderful as himself. The woman, Brittany, was gorgeous, about the same size as Kelly, long black hair, slim figure, and the most perfect breasts imaginable. Alan stepped from the shower, water pouring off his belly, and slipped on his ring, his stomach shrinking into tight abs almost instantly. He walked naked into his bedroom and put on the clothes he’d laid out on his bed. Deciding he looked fine, he told Ania that he’d be back shortly with his date, and left in his car. About four hours later he and Brittany arrived back at his house, having enjoyed the movie they’d seen, and Brittany wanted to use his pool and hot tub. Alan of course, admiring her unbelievable form wasn’t about to complain.
She changed in the bathroom downstairs and Alan ran upstairs to change into his swimming trunks. He came back down and found her standing on the deck leading out to the back yard where the pool and hot tub were. Her tight black bikini, that was just covering enough to be legal he was sure, stretched tightly across her breasts, and the bottom of it looked like little more than a piece of string. He slid into the boiling water first and took her hand and led her into the water beside him. He sat down in front of one of the jets as she snuggled up beside him, her huge breasts pressed against his arm. He put his arm around her and pulled her close. She laid her head on his shoulder and wrapped her arms around his waist. He put his finger under her chin and pulled her up to look in her eyes, then he leaned down and kissed her passionately on the lips. She swam around in front of him and sat on his knees facing him, her breasts just barely touching his chest as she wrapped her arms around his neck. He placed his hands on her hips, and was about to kiss her when she jumped a bit.
“ What is that ?” she asked looking down at his hand. The gold ring shone in the light from the bottom of the hot tub.
“ Nothing, it’s just a ring,” he answered wanting to turn the conversation away from where it was.
“ You swim with it on?” she asked looking him in the face.
“ Sometimes, when I forget to take it off,” he replied quickly.
“ Well take it off now silly,” she said grabbing his hand.
“ No it’s fine…” he said trying to pull his hand away, but he was to late, she’d managed to slip the ring off his finger and before he could say a word his belly ballooned out.
Brittany screamed as Alan moaned in pain, his tight trunks trying to hold back his expanding womb. He grabbed his shorts and tried to pull them down, but he wasn’t fast enough, the seams snapped easily as his trunks stretched his belly burst through the black shorts and lay itself on top of Brittany’s legs. He looked at her horrified face and tried to explain but no words came from him.
“ ALAN!?” she yelled as she backed away and jumped out of the water. Naked once more he lumbered out of the water and waddled after her. He caught her by the hand just as she reached the front door. He pulled her back, facing his naked, wet, pregnant form.
“ Brittany, let me explain,” he said as she tried to pull away.
“ Perhaps I can help,” Ania said from the top of the stairs.
It took several hours and a transformation or two from Alan, but eventually they’d convinced Brittany of the truth. Alan went upstairs to find something to wear, and turned in surprise when his bedroom door opened only seconds after he’d closed it. Brittany stood there in all her bikinied glory, her arms folded across her chest, holding her breasts up.
“ Can I help you?” he asked as she stood there watching him. She smiled and stepped toward him. She kissed him hard, and wrapped her arms around his middle, his bloated belly pressed against her flat one. He turned her around and laid her on his bed, then he slid off the bottom of her bikini. She smiled up at him as he reached around her back and untied the bow holding her top on. Her breasts bounced free, as she lay naked before him. He lay down beside her and she climbed atop him, sitting on his legs. She placed her hands on top of his dome belly and felt the life inside. Ania smiled from the sofa where she sat, moments later as moans of pleasure echoed through the house.
The next morning Alan came down the stairs to find Ania and Brittany on the sofa talking.
“ Are you sure about this my dear?” Ania asked as Alan entered. Brittany looked up as he lowered his enormous belly beside her.
“ Yes.” she answered simply.
“ What’s going on?” Alan asked.
“ You’re about to see,” Brittany replied smiling mischievously. Ania leaned forward and pressed her hand on Brittany’s belly.
“ It is done.”
Brittany’s belly began to glow and, as Alan watched she began to grow as he had but faster. She began expand at an alarming rate. Her legs quickly began to vanish beneath her growing womb and the bikini top she was wearing began to strain with the effort of containing her already large breasts. Her stomach ballooned out as Alan’s had, Brittany moaning in pleasure, rubbing the growing mound excitedly, expanding until it was just slightly smaller than Alan’s. She quickly tried to untie her top, save it from the fate coming fast, but unsuccessfully, as her breasts expanded until they spilled out of the small black straps and bounced freely, laying just atop her belly.
“ What the…?” Alan asked gaping, as Brittany’s growth stopped and she sat rubbing her new round belly.
“ I asked Ania to make me pregnant, also with triplets, exactly as far along as you…and with your babies.” She smiled jubilantly at Alan as he took in what she said. Then Alan leaned forward and tried to hug her, a broad smile on his face, but their combined bulges allowed for little more than a slight embrace.
A number of months later, Alan was awakened one night by the thrashing of the trio growing within him. He clumsily got out of bed and waddled as fast as possible to the bathroom. As he started to leave the room he caught a glimpse of himself in the huge, ornate mirror by the shower door. His belly was truly enormous, it looked like a beach ball that had been over inflated to the breaking point. He stoked the sides of the taught expanse for a few minutes, thinking fondly of the babies within his burgeoning belly. He had no sooner began the lengthy waddle back to the bed when his stomach issued a loud gurgle. He hadn’t eaten in a few hours and it was obviously time to feed again. Alan walked down the long hallway, and began the awkward waddle down the lengthy stairs, finally nearly twenty minutes later he arrived in the huge kitchen. He stood in front of the refrigerator for several minutes examining everything within, before he pulled out a huge jar of pickles, a full jug of milk, a bottle of apple juice, a bucket of ice cream, half of a large pepperoni pizza, a loaf of garlic bread, a bag of grapes, the other half of the huge sandwich he and Brittany had for lunch, and for desert, the cake she’d made for him. He carried his odd meal out into the living room, in several trips, sat down on the couch, and turned on the television. The movie he found was boring at best, but the food he’d assembled was great.
About an hour later he leaned back on the sofa, stretching and moaning as he threw the empty milk jug down with the remains of the rest of the food. Nothing was left, and his belly showed it, the shirt he wore had barely covered it before and now his taught flesh reflected the blue light of the television. He felt very bloated, barely capable of moving, and it took him a full ten minutes to get up to throw away his trash. He started to leave the kitchen when he felt very thirsty. He thought that very odd since he’d just consumed about 3 gallons of liquid. He grabbed a glass from the cabinet, walked over to the sink, having to stand sideways to reach the faucet he filled the glass with cold water and drained it quickly. Still feeling thirsty he repeated the process, again, and again, and again, until finally he set the glass on the counter by the sink having drank at least three dozen glasses of water. After recovering his breath, he moaned aloud, his belly felt huge and full, rubbing his bloated belly he could hear the water sloshing within him, and suddenly the urge hit again. He waddled to the nearest bathroom as fast as possible, the digesting remains of his meal slopping inside him as he went. He felt huge as he turned to leave the bathroom, and looked in the smaller mirror of the downstairs bathroom, he hadn’t dared try to make it up the stairs as badly as he’d needed to go.
He gasped as he looked over his gravid form. His belly looked a great deal bigger than it had only an hour or so before. He pressed his hands into the small of his back, pushing his belly forward, actually enjoying how huge it was. With some effort he pulled the digital scale out from under the sink and turned it on. Months ago, before he’d gained any weight from pregnancy, Alan had weighed in at around 180 lbs, yesterday he’d weighed himself at 250 lbs, he waited a moment for the scale to measure him and gasped aloud. Now the scale read 267. He gained seventeen pounds in just over and hour! He rubbed his belly affectionately, deciding that he’d have to try this again tomorrow night. He set off up the stairs, which seemed twice as tall now as he gasped for breath at the top, his belly heaving with the effort. He waddled back to his room and smiled at the massively pregnant woman in his bed, the thin sheet stretched atop her taught mound of a belly the size of a beach ball. He pale flesh glowed in the moonlight coming in the open window, which was kept open despite the frigid winter weather outside. He lay down beside Brittany, his huge belly looming over him, casting a huge shadow over her, and gently stroked her cheek with his finger.
Brittany stirred at his touch, but by the time she opened her eyes, refusing to wake up, Alan had already gone back to sleep, unknown to her thanks to the effects of his recent gluttony. She looked at the man beside her and smiled, but as her gaze followed his muscular form she gasped, his belly looked huge, bloated as if about to burst. She reached out her hand and lay it atop his belly, she shook it just slightly and could here its contents sloshing about. Her babies had awakened as well as they began to thrash about and make sport with her internal organs. She squeaked in surprise and hurried to the bathroom, the weight on her hips making her waddle easily noticed as well as slowing her down. She waddled back to her bed a few minutes later, rubbing her belly to sooth its inhabitants, when the blue light from the pool outside caught her eyes. She stared down at the pool and hot tub for a minute or so deciding what to do, and finally she realized that she wanted to go for a swim. The cool night air pierced through her thin night gown easily as she walked out onto the deck, so as she walked over to the hot tub, she slid the straps off her shoulders, pulled it over her engorged breasts, and let it slide gracefully off her.
She slowly lowered her huge form into the boiling water, moaning with pleasure as the water rose up her legs, over her thighs, spreading over her pelvis, and began to submerge her expanded womb. She floated into the middle of the small pool and simply hung in the center for a while, the boiling water soothing her back, before she held her breath for just a second and dipped her head under, the hot water making her long black hair cling to her. She rose back up, slowly standing, her belly gleaming from the light at the bottom of the tub, she slowly walked forward, drifting out of the water like some fertile sea goddess. She walked back up the few steps leading out, slowly bent over, her belly hanging low, the weight pulling her back into a deep arc, picked up her maternity night gown, and waddled back inside. The trip up the stairs winded her as she lugged her huge belly up them, she leaned against the banister at the top, holding the underside of her belly with one hand, the other pressed into her back. She walked into the bedroom and sat on the edge of the bed, rubbing her belly affectionately as the babies frolicked inside. She turned and lay down beside Alan and watched him as he slept, his huge belly rising and falling with each breath he took. She reached over and placed a soft hand against the taught flesh of the side of his belly, felt the babies stirring within, and drifted peacefully off to sleep.
A few months later, Alan awoke to the babies kicking his bladder furiously, causing great discomfort among other things. He got out of bed as quickly and quietly as possible, a feat made more difficult by his enormous middle, and hurried to the bathroom. Afterward, he got into the shower and reveled in the hot water on his bloated belly. Brittany was awakened by his hurried race from the bed, and stirred slowly. She looked around, but the sound of running water told her that he was taking a shower. She slowly opened her eyes and looked around. The sun shone brightly through the open curtains as she reached down and caressed the sides of her huge womb, now thanks to Ania almost ten months pregnant, with her soft hands. She got out of bed, at no quick pace, and waddled down the hall way, heading nowhere in particular, but not getting there any time soon anyway. She headed slowly down the stairs and into the living room. Flopping her gravid form onto the sofa she turned on the television and flipped through the few hundred channels they got, quickly discovering that there was nothing on worth watching. Brittany walked into the kitchen, her hands gently stroking her enormous belly as she went, and leaned against the counter. She was bored, that’s all there was to it, she couldn’t think of anything to do.
Finally, nearly an hour later, Alan came down the stairs, his shower finished, his belly missing courtesy of his ring, and hugged her happily. In just a few hours they’d be leaving for their two week vacation up north, to enjoy the beautiful scenery and the tranquility before their small horde of babies arrived. He pressed a hand to her huge belly and smiled. Brittany had so enjoyed being pregnant that she asked Ania to let her stay that way for another few months, Alan, at Brittany’s request had done the same, though somewhat reluctantly. He’d finished packing all of their luggage into his green SUV and helped Brittany squeeze her enormous stomach into the passenger seat. The trip to the airport was a short one, thankfully because Brittany’s aching back prevented her from being comfortable basically anywhere. They climbed aboard the private jet Alan had chartered for the trip and were off. The flight was a quiet, peaceful one as it was only the two of them and the pilot, who had strict instructions not to enter their section of the plane without a very good reason.
Brittany fell asleep in her reclined seat after an hour or so, her enormous belly obscuring her top half from Alan’s view as he sat across from her. Alan watched her sleeping, her huge belly rising and falling, and he could see her babies moving within her even through the sweater she wore. Alan eventually fell asleep too, the calm flight doing nothing more than boring him. He was roused from his nap when he felt something brush against him. He opened his eyes to see Brittany’s huge form vanish into the small bathroom, she must have bumped her belly into him as she ran to the restroom. Suddenly an idea struck Alan, he leapt up and snuck as quietly as possible to the small door at the back of the plane that his massively pregnant lover had just vanished through. He opened the door quietly to find a huge, round, naked belly staring back at him.
“ ALAN!” Brittany shouted in surprise, as he entered he stepped in front of her, placing his hands on the sides of her belly. He lifted her surprisingly light body and sat her on the sink. She pulled off her shirt the rest of the way. Alan reached down and pulled down the front of her maternity pants, revealing the tiny black underwear underneath. She pulled her pants off, then undid his belt. The pilot never heard the loud moans of pleasure from the small room at the back of the jet.
Alan left the bathroom pulling his shirt back over his head, Brittany just behind, looking immensely relaxed. Alan looked around to make sure that they were alone, though he was sure they were, and slipped his ring off his finger, his truly huge belly expanding out, stretching his shirt to its limits. He pressed his hands into the small of his back and pushed his belly out, nearly losing his balance. Brittany smiled as she pressed her belly against his, the babies thrashing within them both. The sensation made Alan shiver with pleasure, but suddenly, the plane lurched violently, Brittany fell backward into her seat.
“ Alan! What the…?” she said terrified.
“ I’m sure its nothing, just put your seat belt on,” he said calmly, he knew planes often hit bad spots of air. He watched, amused as she fought to get her seat belt under her belly, and finally managed to buckle it. The plane violently shook again, Alan grabbed the back of his seat to keep his footing. The small jet turned sideways hard, Alan fell into the floor and saw his ring go flying. As he tried to stand he felt the plane fall sharply, something was wrong, there was no denying it. He threw himself into his seat, as Brittany screamed and began to cry, the tossing of the plane began to worsen. He grabbed the two ends of his seatbelt and tried to fit them under his belly, but it was no use, it was too big, too cumbersome, and far too heavy. Finally, he managed lift his gravid womb up enough to connect the two ends, but just as he did so, the plane fell even further. That was the last thing he remembered.
Alan awoke some time later, stars just visible through the thick treetops above him, the smell of pine and dirt filled his nose. He opened his eyes and looked around as much as possible, all he could see were trees and what looked like pieces of metal, and he could hear the crackling of fire nearby, too near by. He tried to sit up, but found that something heavy was on top of him. He looked toward his feet which he discovered that he couldn’t see for the huge dome of flesh in the way. Frantically he looked around for his lover, seeing her no where close to him, and not hearing the sounds of another human nearby he lumbered slowly to his feet and screamed, “ BRITTANY!”
“ Alan I’m here!” she said from close by. He turned to find her sitting under a tree just a few yards away. As he waddled toward her, he recognized the thrashings of his three different babies within his womb, “Brittany are you ok?” he asked, worry filling his eyes. “ I’m fine…and so are they,” she added rubbing her belly. He smiled, but then another thought occurred to him. “ What about the pilot?” Alan asked hoping there was someone that would be able to help them. Brittany pointed to where the cockpit of the jet lay, completely consumed by fire, nothing but a mess of burning metal, the pilot couldn’t have survived.
It was bitterly cold as the wind blew through the large trees that stood atop the hill they’d crashed on. Alan could only guess where they were, but judging by how long they’d been flying before the crash, and the current scenery, they were somewhere in the middle of hundreds of miles of woods and mountains. As Alan stood beside Brittany under the canopy-like limbs of a massive cedar tree, he saw that she was sitting on what was left of one of the jets seats, rubbing her belly as though afraid that if she stopped it might disappear. Alan looked around as the wind began to blow harder, the only shelter, which they desperately needed was this huge tree they sat under. The only other things on the hilltop were several large rocks and a number of smaller trees.
“ Brittany,” he said as his lover turned to face him, “ we may be stuck here awhile. We’re going to need some kind of shelter, I’m going to try and gather some of the pieces from the jet and get something up.”
“ Ok.” she replied simply as he waddled off toward the wreckage.
Luckily for them several larger pieces of the plane had survived. Alan managed to construct under the tree, a small shelter, just big enough for the two of them. As Alan set about building a fire in the corner of their new home, made easy by the burning wreck, Brittany took the surviving cushions from the jet seats, and a few blankets she’d salvaged, a couple of pillows and managed to create a bed they both might fit in. Alan broke a few limbs off the surrounding cedars and pines and covered the pieces of metal so that it would be fairly windproof. They quickly discovered though that they would need food and water, and in their state, a great deal of it. They searched the wreckage and found only a few little bags of nuts and chips, and three bottles of water, and despite Alan’s hopes, they didn’t find his ring either. They were stranded, both massively pregnant, overdue, on top of some forsaken hill, in the middle of nowhere, with very little food and water, and no means of rescue.
Alan awoke only a few hours later, his back aching, as the only way they could both fit in their bed was to sleep on their backs, their bellies protruding high over them, but also making it very uncomfortable to even breath, let alone sleep. He got up and as quietly as possible he waddled out into the weak morning sun. He walked over to the smoldering remains of the crash, finding nothing left of the poor pilot, and nothing useable in the remains of the jet. He was about to go back inside when a wonderful sound reached his ears. Following it, hoping beyond hope that he wasn’t imagining it, he walked to the edge of the hill and looked down. Far below, at the very tall hill’s bottom was the green ribbon cutting through the landscape, a river, and a large one by the looks of it. Now they could have clean water, and even better; fish, well it was at least food, he thought. Brittany was still sleeping and would likely be for some time, so Alan decided to set off down the hill and explore a bit. He grabbed the bottle of water they had emptied last night, put it in his pocket and began the laborious descent.
He had either vastly overestimated his own hiking abilities, especially given his current state, or the hill had seemed much less hazardous from above. Alan was forced to climb over massive boulders and fallen trees as he descended the small mountain they’d crashed on. His back was in an uproar, the task of carrying his huge belly as it bounced around during the climb was almost too much for him. He lost his balance once or twice and fell down the hill a little way, each time he stopped to make sure that there were still three lives frolicking within him. About halfway down the hill he stopped to rest, his belly heaving from the exertion. He sat down on a flat rock that jutted out from the hillside and looked down, the river flowing below him, and he realized that he wasn’t sure he’d be able to climb back up this blasted hill. Finally, nearly an hour later, his tired feet found flat ground, rather flattish, as he finally reached the rocky riverbank at the bottom of the hill.
He stumbled over to the water’s edge, gasping for air, his back aching and his belly feeling stretched to its breaking point. He carefully knelt down on his knees, leaning on his hands, his belly pressed against the ground, and drank from the river, the icy water feeling great as it slid down his throat and into his enormous stomach. He drank until he wasn’t sure he’d be able to stand and then came up. He leaned back and sat down, his legs splayed in front of his now even larger and heavier belly, and relished his quenched thirst. He filled the bottle he’d brought and returned it to his pocket, and rose to leave. That’s when he saw it. A small hole in the hillside a few yards away. He set off toward it at a more pronounced waddle thanks to his several new pounds of water. As he drew closer he realized that the hole was actually the entrance to a small cave, a cave that; if it was large enough he and Brittany could move down here to it and be closer to their food and water. He waddled over to the hole, very slowly due to his engorged belly, and the rocky, uneven shore. He reached his destination and leaned against the rock that jutted out over the hole. Just as he had done at the river only minutes ago, he got down on all fours, his belly now brushing the rocks beneath it, and crawled toward the cave, poking his head inside. From what of it he could see, it looked rather larger than the shelter they had now, a decent sized round chamber, that they could move into, and the trees were more scarce at the river’s edge so if he could build a large enough fire someone might see it. Eager to see just how big it was, Alan crawled inside, but just to be safe he rolled over and went in on his back, feet first, his bloated womb sitting atop him.
He sat inside the dimly lit cave looking around, the small opening would be easy enough to cover from the cold, the dirt floor was soft and they could lay some soft cedar limbs on it to create a cushioning for their bed. He knew he had to get back up the hill and get Brittany down here as soon as possible. He turned back to the entrance and crawled toward it, his belly pressing his black sweater into the dirt floor. He stuck his head out and looked around, for what, he really had no idea. His broad shoulders brushed the edge of the cave entrance, and that’s when he should’ve realized his mistake. His arms spread in front of him pulling him free, his chest emerged into the sunlight, but that was all that made it out. His belly only pressed into the cold stone entrance and simply couldn’t be pulled free. Alan grabbed at the ground to try to find something to help pull himself out but the tiny stones were of no use to him, he was stuck. He tried to push himself backward, but his wide shoulders wouldn’t fit back in. He tried pulling forward more with his hands, but his belly was far too large to have any hope of fitting through a hole a third its size.
He tried to press his feet into the cave floor to give him some leverage, but to no avail, he simply kicked up dirt and pressed his already sore middle into the rough stone. He struggled for a while, doing little more than making himself sweat, tearing his favorite sweater, wearing himself out, and finally he realized that he couldn’t get out, his belly was too big. He pressed his hands against the sides of the hole, hoping he could push himself free, but nothing , the rocks on the sides of the hole were too big to move. He tried again, and again, and again, but he was only wearing himself out. Finally, he pushed again with all his strength and miraculously he could feel himself moving forward ever so slightly, his belly finally squeezing through the opening. He struggled for several more minutes of work and pulling, before he finally fell onto the ground outside the cave, his clothes covered in dirt, and his sweater torn leaving his taught belly exposed.
Now, he was once again faced with the intimidating feat of making it back up this ridiculous hill. His belly felt heavy and tight as he began the climb up, quickly losing his breath as his belly tried to force him backward. The frigid winds blew up the sides of the hill, hit his exposed middle and made him shiver as he struggled higher and higher up the hill. He climbed for over two hours, his sides in pain, his lungs burning, and his belly heaving when he finally reached their hilltop camp again. He stumbled over to their shelter, one hand rubbing the side of his belly trying desperately to ease the pain, the other under his belly trying to lessen the burden on his back. He went inside as quietly as possible and found Brittany still sleeping, with her huge womb looming over her, rising and falling with each of her peaceful breaths. He walked silently into the corner and opened the suitcase he’d salvaged from the wreck. He pulled out one of his larger black sweaters and pulled off the tattered remains of the one he was wearing. He slipped his shirt over his head and went back outside.
He gathered the few stones on the hilltop and arranged them in a circle outside their shelter. Alan next set to picking up some twigs and sticks to start a fire, but every time he bent over he found it harder and harder to pull his enormous midsection back upright, and his back felt as if it were on fire. His belly felt like a huge lead ball attached to his front, the babies moving about furiously as he waddled around. Finally he drug a large, flattish, rock up beside the stone circle and lowered his immense form onto it. He placed the small stick he’d lit from the fire inside the shelter to light the tinder he’d placed under the small pile of twigs and sticks, which immediately began to burn. Alan leaned back as much as he could and rubbed the very sore underside of his belly. Alan sat there simply staring into the dancing flames for over an hour, when a gasp from behind him made him turn as rather un-quickly as possible. Brittany stood there rubbing her belly.
“ You ok?” he asked getting up and walking toward her.
“ I’m fine,” she replied with a smile. Brittany walked up beside him, leaned over, and kissed him on the lips, as she rubbed her belly to sooth the lives within.
“ What’s on the agenda for today?” she asked.
“ You’ll see…” Alan answered with a wry grin.
It took them nearly two hours to gather the things they wished to take down the hill with them, and pack them into an easily transported form. Brittany was charged with only the few scraps of food and water they had, which she wrapped inside a shirt and tied around herself. Alan packed everything else into their only blanket and carried it over his shoulder like a burglar. He held the torch that was their fire, in front of him as the even greater weight made the downhill climb even more cumbersome. Brittany stumbled a few times but was perfectly fine, Alan on the other hand nearly fell down the hill on more than one occasion. He hoped the pain in his belly, which was only worsening, would stop soon. Finally, after the three hour climb, with darkness beginning to fall Alan could see the rocky river bank below. After he reached the bottom and leaned against an old pine to catch his breath, he set off toward the hole he’d only recently escaped.
Alan warned Brittany against going inside at first, remembering his own experience there, and he made sure that he moved several of the smaller, yet still huge stones before she crawled inside. This time, with the hole rather larger, Alan found that he could much more easily get in and out of their new home. They made the cave as hospitable as possible, and Alan even managed to tie together several cedar branches to make something of a door. Between their warm fire and the lack of wind, the small cave was actually fairly cozy. Alan gathered as many more cedar limbs as he could find to cover the cave floor, and stacked several together under the seat cushions they used, to further comfort their bed. Alan was beginning to get concerned about Brittany, several times when she thought he wasn’t looking, he could see her rubbing her belly and wincing as though in pain. He hoped and prayed that she wasn’t in labor, he, ironically, had no idea how to deliver a baby, let alone three, and knew he couldn’t do out in the middle of nowhere.
Alan lay down in their now low larger bed that night, now able to actually lie on his side, and could hear the faint gasping behind him.
“ Brittany? Are you alright?’
“ I’m fine Alan,” she said touching his back lightly, “ really, if anything’s wrong you’ll be the first to know.” Alan managed to drift off to sleep, but what felt like only seconds later he was awakened by a loud thunder crack.
“ Alan!”
“ It’s ok. It’s just a storm,” he tried to sound reassuring while yelling over the now torrential rain. He poked his head outside, and the fierce frigid wind lashed at his face as the rain poured down. Thankfully he’d made sure to gather all the wood he could find inside their cave so they could easily, and warmly last the night. Alan wasn’t in the least worried; they had a sturdy shelter, and for now at least everything seemed to be fine. Finally, around midnight or so they managed to settle onto their make-shift bed and fall asleep.
Just hours after they’d drifted into a peaceful slumber, Alan was awakened but a short, but loud moan.
“ Brittany…?” he asked the cave sleepily. He looked beside him only to barely make out the figure of his enormously pregnant lover rubbing her belly and moaning. He reached out and grabbed her hand startling her.
“ Alan!” she said surprised at having woke him. She’d been praying that he’d remain asleep, but she’d also been praying for days that these pains would stop but they only worsened.
“ Are you….?!” Alan asked anxiously as he tried to sit up. She winced in pain, grabbed her belly and yelped.
“ I think so!” she said grabbing her enormous middle with both hands and gasping for breath. Alan moved as close to her as possible and grabbed her left hand in his right.
“ It’s ok Brittany. You can do this,” he tried to sound reassuring for her sake, despite his own immense fears. Another contraction tore through her body and she raised her enormous belly in the air as she writhed in agony. Alan could see sweat pouring onto her forehead as she labored on for several more hours, the pains becoming so severe that she screamed aloud to the raging winds.
“ ALAN!” Brittany screamed as the sun’s early light began to leak into the cave. She lay propped up on their pillows, almost sitting, Alan kneeling as much as possible between her spread legs. “ I think it’s time! I need to push!” He examined her and saw the thick black hair of her first babies head ready to enter the world.
“ Ok, Brittany, PUSH!” She bore down as hard as she could, pushing herself up on her hands and screaming with the effort. The baby’s head moved forward just slightly, and Alan moved as close as his own huge belly would allow, ready to catch his first child. Brittany rested for mere seconds before another contraction made her belly hard. She pushed again with all she could, the baby moving just more toward its waiting father. Again, again, and again she pushed, nearly exhausted until finally her cries were answered by those of her first baby.
“ It’s a girl!” her father shouted jubilantly, as he wrapped her in one of the towels they’d rescued and set her nearby. Her belly looking slightly deflated, Brittany pushed again as her second baby entered the birth canal, ready to be born. This baby was smaller than the first and came out faster, only another push later and Alan shouted, “ Another girl!” before wrapping and laying her beside her slightly older sister. Now literally drenched with sweat, Brittany actually placed her hands on the sides of her laboring belly and rubbed them down to urge her last baby out. She pushed for over half an hour before the baby’s head became visible. She was exhausted, she had nothing left, and this baby had to be the largest of all, its head looked nearly twice the size of its sisters’. Brittany pushed again, this time raising herself up into a squatting position, and bore down with all she had left. She was relieved beyond words when Alan shouted again, “ It’s a girl! Three beautiful girls!” he said proudly laying them all on their mother’s chest, into her waiting arms. Brittany looked wearily into her lovers bright eyes and kissed him. She looked down at his own huge belly, next to her rather flatter one, rubbed it gently and said, “ Next time, you can do the hard part.”
Three days after the babies were born Alan decided that they had to get home. It didn’t matter how, but it had to be now if not sooner. They were nearly out of food and now had three more mouths to feed, and to make matters worse, Alan had managed to get even bigger, making the process of finding what little food he could even harder. He had begun walking further from their cave on his daily search for food, hoping against hope to find some sign of civilization, but so far he’d had no luck whatsoever. The only thing he’d found within eyesight was more snow covered trees, not even an abandoned boat on the riverbank, those TV survivalists made this look far to easy, but then they weren’t pregnant. Today, he’d walked further down the river than ever before and the ache in his back showed it, he was at least 20 miles from the cave. He walked down the bank simply twiddling a piece of net in his fingers, until he saw something that made him gasp and smile at the same time. Sitting on the rocky bank before him, as if put there by some kind deity, covered only by the bend in the river he normally stopped his daily search at, was a small metal boat, the kind friends would take out on a serene lake for a day of fishing, no motors, powered only by oars.
It wasn’t much but it was transportation, and the kind that was sure to work, since it needed no fuel or electricity. He waddled forward and examined the small boat. It would be tight but he, Brittany, and the babies should be able to fit inside. They could simply float with the river current until they reached a town of some kind. It took the rest of the day, but he managed to waddled hurriedly back to the cave, tell Brittany of his discovery, gather their few things worth taking, and make it to the little boat and set off. Night fell just a few hours after they began their slow float, but Alan remained awaked, mostly because the two of them could not sleep in the bottom of the boat with the babies. Morning cam with no sign of life beyond some birds overhead, so on they floated. Alan slept only a few hours, thanks mostly to the severe pain in his back and the rambunctious babies in his belly. On and on the five of them drifted, for two more days they saw nothing, nothing but water, rocks, and trees. Then, on the fourth day, as they rounded a bend in the wide river, Alan’s loud gasp shook his family awake at what he saw; a small log cabin set a few yards off the bank, and an old truck sitting beside it, whether or not it worked was a whole other issue. He excitedly paddled onto the steep bank and clambered out of the boat.
Alan struggled to reach the top of the bank, his enormous middle greatly impeding him. Finally, he reached flatter ground, gasping for breath and clutching his throbbing belly. He waddled up the broken wooden steps onto the small porch and peered into the dust covered window. All he could see inside was an overturned chair and an old stone fireplace. This cabin ha obviously been deserted for a long time, so he moved now to the pickup sitting beside it. It was at least twenty years old, blue, rusted in several spots, and the windshield was cracked all the way across. He pulled on the driver’s door handle and was surprised when it opened. He looked hopefully into the ignition but wasn’t shocked to find the keys not in it. He waddled back to the house and tried the door. The old metal knob was rusted and hard to turn, but the door wasn’t locked, just stuck, so Alan leaned his considerable bulk against it and pushed. It took a few tries and he had to actually slam himself against the old wooden door but he finally got it open. The smell of dust and an old empty building filled his nose as he peered into the dimly lit house.
He wandered from room to room, searching for anything that might be of help to them. He found a large bed in the bedroom at the back of the cabin, which also had a large fireplace. The old metal stove in the kitchen bore a spider web that stretched to the large sink. Apparently no electricity ran to this place, their were no lights, only oil lamps sitting in each room. No television, but Alan found, joyous at his discovery, an old radio in the living room. He rushed over to it and turned it on, but nothing, its aged batteries, who knew how old, had lost charge long ago. He look outside to see the boat and his family sitting on the bank. Night was falling fast, they could stay here for a night or two, it was far better than that cave, and maybe he could get that truck running.
“ Brittany!” he called to her out the back door. “ Come up here, we’re going to stay here tonight.”
“ Coming!” she yelled back. Alan lumbered down to the boat and helped her carry the babies and supplies into the cabin. Brittany cleaned the bed well enough for them to sleep in it, and Alan managed to build a fire in the hand made hearth. It was cozy enough for them, but as Brittany fed the babies that evening, Alan wandered out to the pickup and tried to work with it. Luckily he’d managed to raise the hood and the engine seemed to be in decent shape. He found that the battery here had plenty of charge, and with a bit of work he thought he might be able to have it running some time tomorrow.
Alan woke early the next morning to his triplets thrashing within his gravid womb. He walked out onto the small porch rubbing his belly, trying to soothe its inhabitants, who seemed determined that he be as uncomfortable as possible. He thought maybe they were trying to encourage him to get out of this infernal forest as soon as possible. Not even bothering with his sweater, his extra bulk keeping him plenty warm, Alan trudged over to the old truck and did what he could with the old wires and parts. Alan yelled in triumph nearly four hours later, when, with sweat pouring down his naked belly, the old truck roared to life, not in perfect shape, but running, hopefully long enough for them to find shelter. The only problem was that Alan was far to large to fit behind the steering wheel now, so Brittany was forced to drive, leaving Alan to care for his three babies, plus the three still fighting inside him. Surprisingly the old truck had over half a tank of fuel in it, so they knew they’d be able to go a far distance without that becoming a problem.
Alan fell asleep after several hours of driving through nothing but tree-lined dirt roads, his three children laying on top of the expanse of his other three. He was awakened by a sharp pain in his back, but only opened his eyes after several minutes passed. The triplets lay sleeping in the seat between them, wrapped in blankets and sucking their thumbs. Alan’s stomach seemed larger than before, but it was most likely due to his being crammed in so small a space.
“ ALAN!” Brittany yelled as he tried to go back to sleep.
“ What?” he asked sleepily, noticing that she was pointing out the window. He looked down the hill before them and saw just a few miles ahead, a small town. They were saved, they could buy some gas there and get home, back to their nice home, and the genie that could help ease Alan’s pregnancy pains. Brittany stopped at the only gas station in the tiny town, filling up the old truck and buying lots of milk, and other food. Looking at a map she picked up, Alan saw that it would be at least another day’s drive back to the town they called home, but he was more than willing. They could have gone to an airport but without his ring, Alan couldn’t risk being seen in public, swollen hugely with triplets. He had no desire to become a science experiment.
Two days later the old truck pulled into the driveway of the large white house. Alan had never been so happy to see home. As he struggled free of the truck’s tiny cab, his belly heaved forcefully. He felt very full, like a water balloon filled to the bursting point. None of his clothes had any hope of fitting, and he felt like he would pop at any moment, the pressure felt horrible. He waddled into the house and had no sooner crossed the threshold when Ania appeared out of nowhere before him.
“ Alan! Brittany!” she screamed, followed by another squeal as she saw the infants in Brittany’s arms. She explained, after they settled in a bit, that after a few days she’d began to worry something was wrong and tried to find them but could not. She then heard of the missing plane on the news and feared the worst. But now, knowing that everyone was alive and more or less well, she examined the babies and determined them to be healthy and perfectly fine.
A month later a horrible moan reached Brittany as she sat in the hot tub, Ania watching the babies, now named Raven, Serenity, and Star. Brittany looked up from her half dozing state to see the massive, naked form of Alan standing ankle deep in the water. He tried to lower himself down into the water, but his now truly gigantic belly prevented him from it.
“ I’m so sick of this!” he said bitterly as he managed to drop his enormous middle into the water. “I just want to have these babies already and have it over with!” She couldn’t help but feel sorry for him. She had been miserable at ten months pregnant, which in itself was far beyond what the babies were meant to be carried, Alan had gone over a year by this point, and his belly showed it, he looked as if he’d swallowed a good sized boulder, and his massive mound probably weighed about the same. He complained of the pressure in his belly, feeling as if he were an over-blown balloon.
“ Ania!” Brittany called struck by a sudden thought. The genie appeared beside the hot tub, looking curious.
“ Yes?” she inquired.
“ Ania could you examine Alan and tell us why he’s still pregnant. I mean shouldn’t he have had the babies some time ago?” she asked as Alan rubbed his belly across from her, looking up at Ania.
Brittany and Ania helped Alan out of the water and up the stairs to his bed where he lay, still naked, with his belly looming over him. Ania placed her hands on top of the massive dome of taught flesh and closed her eyes. Her hands began to glow as she rubbed them all over the massive expanse, causing Alan to writhe with pleasure. After several minutes, Ania removed her hands and began to laugh.
“ What?” Alan said aggressively, he found no humor in his discomfort.
“ It’s really very simple,” Ania said giggling, “ human males cannot give birth, and you apparently have not resumed your original female form in many months. Since the babies cannot be born while inside Alan, they have not been born, should he turn back into Kelly they would probably be born very soon.”
Even Brittany laughed now, it did seem very obvious now that they thought about it. The babies had no way to be born so they simply continued to grow and cause amazing discomfort to their father.
“ But Ania,” Alan began, “ I want to stay in this form, I prefer to be Alan. Can you do something? Can you let me have my babies like this?” He asked cradling his massive stomach with his hands. Ania simply stared at him for a few minutes, it was a strange request that was certain, but the pleading look in his eyes got to her, and she had vowed to remain with him/her and do whatever she was asked. She placed her hand on his belly and it glowed once more. Alan moaned as something in him began to change, a pain between his legs, something was happening there. He could feel something opening, stretching, and asked Brittany to look as he had no hope of seeing down there with his belly in the way. Brittany gasped as she saw an opening, like her own, form between his manhood and his bum, now he could have his babies.
That night Alan stood in the shower, feeling the new addition to his already greatly altered body, and rubbing his belly badly wanting the babies to be born. He reveled in the steaming water soothing his aching back and belly that literally felt as if it were on fire. He turned as the door opened and Brittany walked in. He stared at her naked form with such awe that she began to blush, she looked just as she had before becoming magically pregnant, except that her supple breasts were now even larger and more perfect. She walked up to him and pulled his belly against her own, rubbing the overstretched skin gently.
“ I want these babies born soon, I can’t take this much more,” he said as she looked into his eyes.
“ I may know a way to speed them up,” Brittany responded with a wry grin on her beautiful face. She took him by the wrists and led him out of the shower, out the bathroom door and to their bedroom. She sat him on the end of the bed and told him to lay down. Naturally, he did as he was told.
Alan lay there with his huge belly above him, and before he knew what was happening his lover crawled up the bed toward him and rubbed her soft hands up his legs, toward his manhood. She placed her hands on the sides of his belly and stroked it slowly, quickly arousing the very pregnant man. She slid her legs around his sides, with his belly resting against her chest and abdomen. She very gently pushed his womb forward and settled herself on top of him. She leaned over his belly and with flexibility he didn’t know she had, she leaned down and kissed him passionately. She lay there, draped over his huge belly, and began to vigorously rub the sides of the expanse with her hands, making Alan quake with pleasure. She leaned down and kissed the top of his belly, the feeling made him shiver. As she began to rock back and forth on top of him, Alan lurched up and grabbed her arms, pulling her on top of him. She was amazed at how quickly he could move with so much weight on his front. Ania smiled from the nursery as she watched the babies sleeping and heard the loud moans of pleasure from down the hall.

More of the first story

For a week afterward Alan continued to grow even more massive, and more miserable with his pregnancy. He could no longer sleep, and moving at all was now nearly impossible. And the weather was far warmer than typical, almost as if nature was punishing him for defying its laws. He wandered the house naked and spent as much time as possible in the pool as it kept him cool and eased his discomfort slightly. Today he floated in the pool, his buoyant, but very sore belly keeping him from needing a raft or anything to float on, and was dozing lightly, trying to ignore the fierce pain in his back, when Brittany yelled for him.
“ Alan, come here please.” He clumsily got out of the pool and waddled, sopping wet into the kitchen, where she called from.
“ What?” he asked gasping for breath, as the short trip had cost him far more than it should have. Brittany and Ania were feeding the growing babies, who seemed to enjoy throwing their food more than eating it.
“ I just saw the mailman leave, but I’m busy,” she indicated Serenity flailing in her arms. “ Can you go get the mail please?” He reluctantly agreed. Normally the trip down the driveway to the mailbox was nothing, but in his present state, it might take him an hour to get there and back.
Alan was sweating hard as he reached the mailbox, just outside their large metal gate connected to the high stone walls that kept prying eyes away from their home, but as no one lived anywhere near them it merely offered the look of extra grandeur. He opened the box and pulled out the three envelopes inside and looked at them. Just as he turned to go back to the house he saw Brittany’s blue jeep approaching him.
“ Alan, Ania and I are going to run into town for a few hours to pick up some things for the babies. We‘ll be back this evening.” She smiled as he said “OK.”, then leaned forward and kissed him, gently patting his belly as they pulled away.
“ Junk mail,” he said irritably to himself, as he examined the white envelopes, watching the blue dot in the distance. He’d waddled down here for nothing and the pain in his back felt far worse because of it. Alan had just started back to the house when something made him stop, a sharp pain in his belly. He stopped and rubbed his belly for a moment, wondering what this was. It became worse for a few minutes, then eased off. Could he be in labor he thought, almost hopefully. He began his slow waddle again and this time it was just as he reached the ornate door on the front of the house. Another pain, worse than before racked his immense belly, hardening it and causing him to moan as the babies thrashed inside him. He went inside and laid the mail on the kitchen counter, before slowly making his way upstairs. He reached the top of the stairs and clutched his belly as another pain lanced through him. It had to be a contraction, the pain was awful, he doubled over grabbing his belly and trying not to yell aloud. He slowly waddled to his bedroom, shaken by the pains, hoping these babies wouldn’t come when he was all alone. He sat on the end of his bed and moaned aloud as another pain shot through his belly, hardening it, and feeling like a knife in his spine.
Alan lay on his bed for over an hour, the pains growing worse and worse. He was having these babies, he knew it, finally they were coming, but he would have to have them on his own. He struggled to stand , his belly weighing down on him like a lead ball. Finally, he managed to build enough momentum to bounce to his feet, but as he did another contraction hit. He cried loudly, but gasped as something wet trickled down his leg, embarrassed at first, he realized that his water had broken, these babies were coming now and coming fast. He waddled, bent double, toward the bathroom, his huge belly hanging low between his legs, making it slow going. He reached the tiled floor, but as another contraction hit he gripped the sides of the sink and moaned loudly. The pressure in his belly was getting worse, he could feel the babies moving downward, ready to be born. He stepped into the shower, desperately wanting to clean himself, and the steaming water felt great as the pains continued to shoot through him. He leaned back against the far wall of the cavernous shower, rubbing his aching belly, as another contraction hit, causing him to writhe in pain as he lowered himself onto the thick tile floor. As water ran down his enormous stomach, another contraction hit him, he yelled in pain as the pressure near his bottom reached a pinnacle, the babies were ready to be born.
He had to get up, he couldn’t have these babies in the shower, but how could he get help? It would be hours before Brittany and Ania returned, the drive to town was over an hour in itself, and he couldn’t let anyone see him like this. He made it to the bathroom door before another pain lanced through his belly. He grabbed the doorframe and cried in agony, it felt like his stomach was tearing in two. Barely two minutes later, just as he stepped through his bedroom door, another pain hit, and he could feel something moving near his new opening. He fell down onto his bed and crawled to the head of it, stacked up his pillows and lay down on them as sweat poured from his head. He screamed as another pain hit and the pressure became even worse. Alan could feel one of the baby’s heads beginning to crown and he knew he was on his own, he had to deliver these babies all on his own. As the next contraction tore through him, he pushed against it will all his might, and he could feel the baby moving just a little. He arched his huge belly high above him as his back ached with the contractions, the pains were almost constant now.
“ Help me!” he gasped at the empty house. He couldn’t take much more of this, he pushed down as hard as possible at the next contraction, and again he felt the baby slide just a bit more. His belly convulsed as the pains continued and he kept pushing with all he had. Finally, an hour or so later he reached down and managed to feel the baby’s head protruding from his opening. He grabbed the bed sheets and pushed as hard as he could, and felt the babies shoulders emerging. Agony which he had never known took hold of him as he pushed harder, trying to bring his first born into the world. This went on for a few more minutes before finally, drenched in sweat, his belly convulsing horribly, his yell of pain was answered by his new daughter’s cries. Alan laid his head down on his pillow, gasping for breath as his daughter cried. Thankfully, he’d managed to gather all he needed before the contractions pinned him to the bed. He cut her cord and wrapped her in a soft towel. Just as he lay her beside him on the bed, he grabbed his taught mound as another contraction tore through him. He reached behind him and grabbed the wooden headboard of the bed. He raised his huge belly, shining with the coat of sweat, into the air and pushed down with all his might against the horrible pain, and he could just barely feel the second baby sliding toward open air. He thought he could actually see his huge belly tightening as his muscles worked to bring forth his second child. He sat almost upright as he screamed in agony as his second baby, larger than its sister, moved downward. He felt like his insides were on fire as he continued to push and finally he felt the baby’s head emerge. Alan grabbed his belly and began to stroke the sides, hoping to help ease the baby out, and as he pushed he could feel the soon to be newborn moving down.
Finally, lying in a puddle of his own sweat, he pushed so hard he’d have sworn something tore, he felt the second baby, another girl slide free of his body. He rubbed his deflated belly gently and gasped, “One more…AAAA!!” he screamed to the heavens as another contraction hit. He could do this, he’d already pushed out two of his babies, one more should be easy, but he was tired, very sore, and his body felt like he’d been hit by a train. “ Push, come on just a little more,” he gasped to himself encouragingly through the pain that felt like a blade in his belly. He could feel his last baby sliding downward as he once more reared into the air. As the other two babies cried in answer to their father’s screams of agony, he raised himself into an almost squatting position on the bed, and bore down. Again and again he pushed, for what seemed like hours, but only seconds, when his last baby, a third girl, slid free of his womb. He wrapped her with her sisters, and fell exhausted onto his bed, covered in sweat, but happier than ever.
Ania and Brittany returned nearly two hours later, shocked to find Alan, looking deflated, in the bathroom washing their three new babies. Ania checked them to make sure that everyone was ok, then Brittany led an exhausted Alan upstairs to their less than clean bed, which Ania happily fixed. For nearly a year the family lived happily this way. However, one night as Alan got into bed beside his wife, she looked at him strangely.
“ What’s wrong?” he asked her, waiting to say what he wanted to later. Brittany looked at him for a few minutes, before she laid a hand on her belly and said, “ I miss being pregnant.” Alan looked back, surprise and happiness in his eyes, as he replied, “ Me too.” Brittany smiled at him as she leaned forward and kissed her husband. After they parted he whispered to her, “ We already have six, do we really want to go through that again?” Brittany thought for a minute, she remembered how big they’d both gotten, her giving birth in a cave, how huge Alan’s belly had gotten, and how beautiful their babies were. Finally, she smiled broadly at her lover at shouted, “ ANIA!”

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