Looking for a story: Twelve Months Pregnant
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I wrote this story a long time ago under a different name. It's no longer on my computer, and I can't seem to find it anywhere on the internet. It's about a woman pregnant with triplets who takes an experimental drug to make it last a full year. Any chance anybody else happens to have it?
Is this it?

Month 7:
Not gaining enough weight? I’m sorry, that phrase just sounded so strange being applied to me. I guess it’s the 7 months pregnant belly with triplets inside it and the 52 inch waistline. Or maybe it’s weighing in at a whopping 140 lbs (having not weighed much more than 110 before getting knocked up). Maybe it’s the big, swollen d-cup milkers that have replaced the petite b-cup breasts I’ve had since puberty. Or possibly, it’s the fact that the whole package is currently on a frame not much taller than 5 feet. Right now, my belly is about the size of a “normal” pregnant woman’s (as in, carrying one child) who’s about to deliver, and I still have two more months of growing left! So, pardon me if I think it’s a little bizarre hearing my doctor tell me that I’m just not big enough, and might be jeopardizing the health of my babies. At my last visit, he suggested I sign up for an experimental study. There’s a new drug currently being tested that suppresses the body’s natural tendency to give birth for as long as you take the drug, thus allowing the developing baby/babies to have some extra time in the womb before being born. The plan would be for me to carry my triplets for the usual nine months, plus an additional three to ensure that they’re born nice and healthy. This will hopefully prevent some of the birth defects that often accompany pregnancy with multiples, such as low birth weight, undeveloped brain and body functions, and premature delivery. I decided to go along for my children’s sake, and also because frankly, I need the money. The thing is, I live alone (No, the pregnancy definitely wasn’t planned, and I’m not 100% sure who the father is), but I love my babies and I’m happy to be having them. Anyway, without anyone around me, the doctor said it would get pretty tough for me to take care of myself and even move around in the latter months, so he’s struck a deal with the clinic running the study. They’ll do my shopping for me, send up a house keeper periodically, and take care of me until delivery. Getting paid and pampered to sit on my big fat pregnant ass and eat all day? Sounds pretty sweet. I’ve decided that this very special pregnancy is going to be an experience worth remembering, so this will be the diary of the remainder of my pregnancy.
Month 8:
Waist- 55 in, Weight- 152 lbs
12 pounds in one month? Yeah, I’m definitely not gaining enough weight … by livestock standards. I suppose there’s no looking back, though; I’ve officially signed my life over to the research clinic for the next five months, so the lives in my belly are in their hands now. My doctor arranged it so that the housekeepers and personal assistants start coming over immediately, which will be a positive thing. It’ll be nice to have someone else cook and clean for me, though they’ve also included a personal trainer. I’m not quite so excited about that part, but they insisted it will be necessary to keep my muscles from atrophying. It’s pretty tough for me to get around right now, but in a little while it’ll be even worse, and they say I need to stay in shape for my health and the health of my triplets. I still sort of laugh at the idea of “staying in shape,” since at the moment I am in shape: round. I’ve been rubbing lotion on my belly for the past couple months, so stretch marks are minimal for the moment. My belly is a big, round ball, about the size of a beach ball sitting in my lap. My large, heavy breasts are remaining surprisingly firm, and they look even perkier since they have a nice shelf to rest on. I can barely see them when I’m standing, but sitting up on the bed with my legs sticking out, I can see how chubby my toes have gotten. I’ve been wearing slippers or tennis shoes for the most part, and I wouldn’t dare try to balance in heels, but even if I wanted to, I don’t think I could fit my fat little feet into any of the dress shoes I own. I guess it’s partially from the usual swelling, multiplied by the excess weight they’re holding up, but also because I’ve been putting on a bit of padding all over. I’m pretty sure the pills they have me taking are also increasing my appetite, since I just can’t seem to stop eating! As a result, my thighs have gotten noticeably chubbier, my ass has widened out, and as I said, even my fingers and toes look plumper. I brought this to the doctor’s attention, and he assured me that it was just natures way of making my body a more hospitable place for the babies. Oddly enough, I don’t feel ugly. Quite the contrary, I can’t help but think of this whole transformation as incredibly feminine. Very few women get to experience so much life inside them at once, and I feel very fortunate to be able to provide a good home for my three babies. So what if I can’t fit into my old jeans… or my maternity jeans… or compact cars? I’ve got an important job to do: nourish these little kids until they’re ready to come out into the world. As beautiful and feminine as I may feel, however I’ve gotten sort of lazy in terms of maternity clothes. Since I’ll be outgrowing them so fast, it just seems like a waste of money to invest in a whole new wardrobe. I have a couple nice outfits for doctors visits and the rare occasions when I’m forced to leave the house. For the most part, I’m content to lounge around in baggy sweatpants that hang loose on my legs, but barely cover my belly and oversized, baggy t-shirts. I use the term “baggy” loosely, since I don’t think Indonesia has enough fabric to make a garment that falls loose on my ample torso. Oh well, pajamas and pudding snacks for the next four months. Ah, the leisures of labor!
Month 9:
Waist- 65 in, Weight- 165 lbs
Every morning when I wake up, I am confronted by the same reality which for some reason seems never to lose shock value: I’m huge! My waist is three times what it was before I got pregnant! Once I’m awake, getting out of bed is an act which requires considerably more effort than it once did. These days, I find myself needing to rock back and forth and jostle around before I can maneuver my body into a position where I can put my feet on the ground and push my torso up with my arms. I’m thinking of having a rope installed over the bed so I can pull myself up like that, but there’s no telling how much longer getting up will even be an option, which is part of the reason I’m moving around as much as I can right now. My belly, massive as it is, only partially detracts attention from the rest of my body. My breasts are still inflating away, getting ready to produce enough milk for three babies. I’m just wondering who else they plan on feeding. After I wean my triplets, I’m thinking of renting these two massive udders out to a dairy farm to make a few extra bucks. I have several special support bras that will hopefully get me through delivery, but even once I get by big fat breasts stuffed into a harness, they’re still extremely heavy. On a lighter note, the doctor has complimented me, and I’ve noticed myself, that I have taken on a very ruddy complexion. Maybe it’s the ‘pregnant glow,’ maybe it’s high blood pressure, but either way, I don’t think I’ve ever looked so rosy and vibrant! Anyway, I can use every little bit of help I can get with my appearance. My ass just keeps on ballooning out, which is probably a good thing, as it helps me balance standing up. If it weren’t for all that ghetto booty back there, I’d fall over as soon as I stood up; as if it’s not tough enough already. Sitting down, my belly reaches about three quarters of the way to my knees. Sleeping hasn’t been too easy since about a month after I started showing, and now it’s even tougher. I usually work up a sweat just trying to find a comfortable position in bed as my babies do the same inside my belly. I often end up sticking pillows in places where I never knew I could hold a pillow, and tiring myself out until I fall asleep from fatigue, completely tangled up in the sheets. How much bigger will I be in 3 months??? The drugs are officially doing their work right now, so we’ll see where this goes *groan.*
Month 10:
Waist- 73 in, Weight- 180 lbs
The kids are really growing faster now that I’m past my original due date, though I think my daily diet has been helping them along. On an average day, I’ll wake up around 10 or 11 AM, make a quick pit stop at the bathroom, and basically just start binging until it’s time for bed. So far today, I’ve gone through 2 tubs of ice cream, half an apple pie, 2 large pizzas with everything, a box and a half of ring dings, enough Chinese take-out to satiate Manchuria, and I haven’t even had my midnight snack (the other half of that apple pie is looking pretty lonely). Despite the fact that I’m in the bathroom every 15 minutes, the extra calories are definitely sticking. I’m currently decked out in a pair of skin-tight black Capri pants that show off and accentuate every curve of my increasingly voluptuous lower body. Out of habit, I’ll occasionally pull the now futile maternity stretch panel up over the lower curve of my belly, but these days it just slides back down. My XL t-shirts that I would wear around the house during the early days of my pregnancy are currently tight around my expansive chest, and come maybe a third of the way down my belly before running out of fabric, leaving the vast majority of my expansive gut exposed. If I’m not in slippers (and right now, I can’t really tell), I tend to pad about the house barefoot, since the idea of putting on socks or tying shoes has become an intimidating prospect. My maternally deregulated sense of fashion is probably why I was so shocked when I was asked to come and meet some of the fine people who would be investing in the drugs I was now trying. In order to have me looking my very best, the clinic sent over a make-over army to turn me from a big, fat, disgusting ball of babies into a big, fat, beautiful ball of babies. They gave me a facial to hide the fact that I’ve spent the better part of half a year indoors, pulled my hair back and tied it in a tight pony tail, and then did me up in the single largest cocktail dress I’ve ever seen in my life. When they first brought it out, I thought that I was looking at the fabric from which they would cut out my dress. As it turns out, the yards and yards of shimmery gold WERE my dress! Fortunately, it was large enough to fit comfortably, and the gigantic gown showed off the hugeness of the slope of my belly. After being helped into the dress, stockings, and low-heeled dress shoes, I checked myself out in the mirror, and was very impressed with myself. My massive belly protruding from the sleek gown made me look like a snake who had swallowed a pumpkin, but for some reason, I couldn’t help but think of how sexy I felt! The actual meeting was fairly uneventful, as I spend the majority of the time in a daze of either glowing sensuality, bordering on horniness or ravenous hunger as I gluttonously crammed down hores d’ourves. Everyone was impressed with the progress I was showing, some of the men very impressed, as the bulges in their pants were testament to. That was definitely a pick-me-up, confirming what I already knew about myself: I’m hot!
Month 11:
Waist- 80 in, Weight- 207 lbs
It’s official: my weight has more than doubled since the start of my pregnancy, and I think it shows. I can’t really stand up on my own without help, so the hospital gave me a wheel-chair. Even still, I haven’t been using it. I like trying to move around with my big fat belly full of babies. I strain my legs and push my massive bulk up and waddle around the house slowly, usually supporting my cumbersome form on banisters, tables, or whatever I can grab on to. My huge stomach is now about the size of one of those big novelty beach balls they throw around at concerts, and the pain of trying to move my huge body around is unbelievably wonderful. Speaking of which, I’m still doing the exercises that my personal trainer has prescribed. It’s all very low-impact to avoid straining myself; mostly stretching, but I really enjoy the sensations of it all. As for work-out attire, spandex is out of the question, so I put the tape in and plop my massive ass down on the floor in front of the TV in my underwear. I really don’t mind, since the only people ever in the house are the cook, the cleaning woman, and the trainer who’s making me do this. (If a National Geographic reporter should show up and take me for a beached whale, so be it, but I’m not trying to impress anyone right now). I then spend the next hour or so trying my best to stretch along with the “pregnant” woman on the tape. The skinny bitch looks like she’s about 3 weeks pregnant with a piece of gum; no wonder I can’t compete with that. Anyway, all that matters is that I’m moving around, keeping myself fit for delivery, and most importantly, enjoying my developing body. The simple stretches (and the act of raising myself up off the floor afterwards) usually get me so sweaty that I need to shower off. That’s an even more wonderful experience! I just love feeling the water hit my naked body as my huge, pendulous breasts are free of the confines of my specially-made bras, resting atop the massive shelf of my nearly spherical belly. As the water trickles down the ample curve of my girth, and flows over my hot nether regions, it’s rare that I don’t end up pleasuring myself until the hot water runs out. I have virtually no clothing left that actually fits over my belly now. Anything I own dressier than pajamas doesn’t fit, and even my huge t-shirts are getting pretty tight. Not that I mind, I’m 11 months pregnant with triplets! I think I’ve earned the right to strut around my own house in a bra and short-shorts. Working out always makes me hungry, and it’s rare that I won’t have some form of snack food in my hand at any given time. Hell, I’m eating for four!
Month 12:
Waist- 95 in, Weight- 245 lbs
Have you ever seen a 3 month old infant? Do you know how fast a 3 month old child grows? How about 3 of them, sharing a very restricted living space? Well, that’s something I’m intimately aware of at the moment. Every morning, I wake up and I’m noticeably bigger. Getting out of bed would be a real chore if it were possible. Yep, I’m finally bed-ridden until delivery. As you might guess, the inactivity hasn’t exactly slowed down my weight gain, and I’m now getting bigger faster than ever! There’s very little the trainer can have me do at this point, but the clinic is worried that I might be gaining too much. That’s right, the people who put me on this program to gain more weight are now getting worried that I’m putting on too much!! The doctors have instructed my nurses and housekeepers to keep me on a diet, but they can usually be persuaded; when a woman who’s a year pregnant with triplets says bring food, you friggin bring it! Ok, mood swing. Anyway, as ready as I am to get these babies out of me and start doing the normal mom things: nursing, changing diapers, walking, I’m going to miss this great big belly. Towering over me right now and pinning me to the bed, I am absolutely in love with my hugely inflated body. I managed to coax the doctor into getting me a masseuse to help alleviate some of the stress. Feeling his strong, powerful hands gently caress the gravid ball of my womb always sends me into a state of pure bliss. More than a couple times (with the door locked, of course), I noticed him getting hard as he did his work, and gave him permission to give me his “personal massage” (the kind where he uses his tongue). Seeing as it’s been, oh, about a year since I last felt a man doing his thing down there, it is a very welcome experience. I tell him that I’m just a big, helpless, immobile pregnant girl and that he can do whatever he wants, I can’t do anything to resist. That seems to get him really turned on, and though I can’t see much of what he’s doing over the curve of my dome-like belly, I can definitely feel him doing his dirty work on my hot, needy pussy. My orgasms have gotten even more intense since I’ve been pregnant, and I usually have to put in for a change of sheets after the masseuse leaves (with a huge smile on his face). I have loved the entire experience of child-bearing, but soon my confinement will be over, and I’ll be even happier to have my three little babies to hold in my arms.
After an amazing year of pregnancy, my second due date finally arrived. The doctors ruled out a natural birth, since trying to fit a set of three-month old triplets through my birth canal was a risky procedure (you’re telling me!), so they gave me a C-Section. Rather than moving me to the hospital, they brought in all the medical equipment and preformed the delivery in my bedroom. I gave birth to two big, healthy boys, and a beautiful baby girl. Thanks to the clinic, I have more than enough money to take care of my babies for the next few years. As difficult as it was, I’m more than ready to experience the joys of pregnancy again.
Liked by Dalebigdale (Jan 10, 2024), Baelthar (Sep 1, 2022), awakenedhero (Sep 1, 2022), B17geek98 (Sep 1, 2022)
This is it, thanks!

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