Pregnant Teens
Iris - Hispanic Teen, with ongoing pregnancies
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Okay, I've been on a on-again/off-again rage quit with this girl for the past I don't know how many years trying to follow her various pregnancies throughout her social media career (if you can call it that), so brace yourselves. You're in for a long story.

This girl has gotten pregnant a total of 4 times. She has five kids. Her first kid she had at 14, second at 16, third in her early twenties, and the latest one from recently she had twins. Ho-ly hell, not sure if she knew what a contraceptive was, or she was purposely trying to have a bunch of kids, doesn't matter. She looked great in all of her pregnancies.

I first stumbled upon her on youtube. She wasn't pregnant at the time, only sharing her experience of having two kids at a young age, blah blah educational attention-grabbing nonsense. Whatever. So I went in search of more content. Found glorious content from her first two pregnancies on Instagram. Sweet! Archived!

Here's where I start to get pissed off. She started going on about her career and what she wanted to do with her life, and I assume because of some kind of hate she received on social, her accounts went dark. Wiped like they didn't exist. Youtube, facebook, everything. "Ah shit!" I yelled at my screen. Guess if she felt the baby fever later down the line, I was going to miss it.

Fast forward a couple years. Her video pops up in my fake youtube account feed, out of the blue. "Holy shit, she's back!" I once again yell into the void. I patiently watch her return video, she says she's pursuing a criminal justice degree to be a corrections officer or some shit, got a new boyfriend and, oop, surprise she's pregnant again! Adrenaline pumped, I'm at the keyboard once again, following along silently trying to collect as much as I could. But something was different this time around. She was a lot more paranoid this time around, and she went through a social media cleanse of all the people who followed her and weeded out the potential "fake" accounts or people who were showing her negative attention. My account was blocked. "Fuck!" I yelled. At least she was updating her youtube account, so videos were still likely. But her life was busy, with two kids, an abusive boyfriend (who she's still with to this day), and trying to get her degree, content from her was like going after bread crumbs. But she went through her pregnancy to completion, somewhat. She gave birth earlier than expected, but once again the internet trolls came down on her for having kids so young and she dipped from the social network again.


I ghosted her instagram with another account and managed to get what I could before that got taken down as well. Some time passed. I'd forgotten about her and what she was doing since there was other content to collect and thanks to the nature of human procreation, there is never a shortage.

And then, one fateful mid-2019 day, there she was again. On YouTube. Updating the world on what her next plans were. Except this time was different. The news shook me to my core. A second meteor could've struck and I wouldn't have cared. Along with continuing to go for her criminal justice degree, she had another desire to go for. Something she had been wanting to do for some time.

She wanted to be a surrogate.

"Sweet Jesus..." I whispered. I had to replay the video to make sure I heard it correctly. Did she really? Was I going to see this girl get pregnant over and over and over again for the good of others? Fuck yes I was. And so, I gathered my popcorn and soda to get ready for the show of a lifetime.

She goes through the necessary procedures (medications to prepare her body, tests, etc.), and finally the day arrives. She's implanted with the "necessary ingredients." Then the waiting period. And then...the second piece of great news. She is indeed pregnant........with twins.

I stare at my ceiling for a good few minutes. "This isn't real. This can't be real. This is the Matrix. I'm in a simulation." Some time passes. Sadly, she loses one of the babies. She says she's going to continue through with it. Then she loses the second baby. And just like that, hopes and dreams for all parties involved came crashing to a halt. She disappears from her socials once again.

"Well shit..." I say to myself. That's as bad news as bad news gets. I figure that's it for her. She's not trying surrogacy again. She's not trying for another baby again. The era of baby making for her has officially closed.

......then COVID came.

In the midst of the pandemic, I get a notification in my secondary email saying a new video is up. Odd. I thought that account closed long ago. There she was again, with an update on her life. I figure "why not. It doesn't hurt to catch up on how youtubers lives are." Her video goes on and on how the miscarriage affected her emotionally, and the donors didn't want to try with her again. But at the end of the video, she shocked me once again.

She was pregnant again. By the same abusive boyfriend. A fourth time in total. And the cherry on top: with twins. She explained the effects from the surrogacy shots and tests from before caused her body to release more than one egg, and due to previous times she was already pretty fertile.

I couldn't believe my ears. And at the end of the video she showed her belly, and she was already pretty far along in her second trimester, so she was already pretty big. I couldn't believe my eyes. It was like the surrogacy session never happened. But she was just as shotty about releasing content on this pregnancy as she was the last, so I was religiously keeping a close eye on her accounts to get as much as I could.

Week by week goes by, no doubt getting bigger and bigger, but she doesn't post a photo or show her belly. I'm getting anxious. This girl loved talking about her pregnancies before, but when it came to sharing belly photos, she wouldn't. Long story short, by the time she reached a little passed 34 weeks, her socials were deactivated again. December 2020, finally coming to a close, and nothing. Not a peep for a few weeks.

I'd had enough. 2020 screwed me for the last time. I didn't find out until later she posted to YouTube again saying when her instagram went down, she gave birth to the twins, roughly around the 34 week mark. I didn't feel so bad afterwards, but at this point I've gone through so much internet gymnastics just to get content from this girl that I just decided to take a break. If she gets pregnant in the future and decides to post about it, I'll collect what I can. But damn, a few gray hairs is not worth chasing a baby maker over if you're using the internet.

Sorry for the long story, but I had to break it down like this because this girl in particular was a bitch to keep tabs on, and quite frankly I was holding off uploading anything to do with her to prevent the creeps from scaring her off with nasty comments or "send nudes" posts. But since she rarely puts any effort into her social media anymore (and now she has more mouths to feed), I doubt she has any energy left to post anything anymore. 

I'll share her first two pregnancies in this post first, since I can't tell which is which. Will post the rest in the next few posts.
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Liked by 31 members: Ic1 (Feb 7, 2024), Caitlyn (Oct 16, 2022), Kayiter (Jun 19, 2022), preggoissexy24 (Jun 3, 2022), Marck6628 (May 31, 2022), preggolover91 (May 24, 2022), Justhanging (May 16, 2022), Rapeheart (May 15, 2022), Demonsweat666 (May 10, 2022), (May 6, 2022), SPL (May 5, 2022), Joetheclone (May 5, 2022), PreggoNessa (Mar 3, 2022), DarthBulbafett69 (May 22, 2021), bigbellylover6929 (Mar 21, 2021), cumonpics (Feb 1, 2021), HotNiceGirl (Jan 31, 2021), Sommer57 (Jan 30, 2021), Tcorker (Jan 25, 2021), Preggolove94 (Jan 25, 2021), MAXOXI (Jan 25, 2021), tembloroso (Jan 22, 2021), Tralis (Jan 20, 2021), cubfan2200 (Jan 20, 2021), im2good4u7 (Jan 19, 2021), Preglover68+1 (Jan 19, 2021), jokerpaso (Jan 19, 2021), Waraba93 (Jan 19, 2021), Jokingfordays (Jan 19, 2021), Thebige (Jan 18, 2021), Billobib (Jan 18, 2021)
Third pregnancy.
Liked by 30 members: Ic1 (Feb 7, 2024), Kayiter (Jun 19, 2022), cubfan2200 (May 30, 2022), preggolover91 (May 24, 2022), davanti (May 17, 2022), kenstar (May 16, 2022), Rapeheart (May 15, 2022), preggoissexy24 (May 15, 2022), miguelitopistolas (May 14, 2022), Demonsweat666 (May 10, 2022), (May 6, 2022), Joetheclone (May 5, 2022), PreggoNessa (Mar 3, 2022), DarthBulbafett69 (May 22, 2021), bigbellylover6929 (Mar 21, 2021), Bellysmut (Mar 12, 2021), cumonpics (Feb 1, 2021), Sommer57 (Jan 30, 2021), Waraba93 (Jan 26, 2021), Tcorker (Jan 25, 2021), Preggolove94 (Jan 25, 2021), MAXOXI (Jan 25, 2021), tembloroso (Jan 22, 2021), MrM (Jan 20, 2021), im2good4u7 (Jan 19, 2021), Preglover68+1 (Jan 19, 2021), jokerpaso (Jan 19, 2021), Jokingfordays (Jan 19, 2021), Thebige (Jan 18, 2021), Billobib (Jan 18, 2021)
Fourth, Legendary Twin Pregnancy
Liked by 36 members: ohbaby (Sep 14, 2022), jake1056 (Jul 20, 2022), Getyours (Jul 11, 2022), Longevo (Jun 22, 2022), Kayiter (Jun 19, 2022), Artnonymus1264 (May 29, 2022), preggolover91 (May 24, 2022), BigBellyFan7 (May 22, 2022), kenstar (May 16, 2022), preggoissexy24 (May 15, 2022), miguelitopistolas (May 14, 2022), Demonsweat666 (May 10, 2022), (May 6, 2022), crazypregs1 (May 6, 2022), SPL (May 5, 2022), Joetheclone (May 5, 2022), PreggoNessa (Mar 3, 2022), DarthBulbafett69 (May 22, 2021), ehhhhhhhhhhhh (May 8, 2021), bigbellylover6929 (Mar 21, 2021), cumonpics (Feb 1, 2021), Sommer57 (Jan 30, 2021), Tcorker (Jan 25, 2021), Preggolove94 (Jan 25, 2021), MAXOXI (Jan 25, 2021), deux_anges (Jan 24, 2021), tembloroso (Jan 22, 2021), Tralis (Jan 20, 2021), digeridoofan (Jan 20, 2021), MrM (Jan 20, 2021), im2good4u7 (Jan 19, 2021), jokerpaso (Jan 19, 2021), Waraba93 (Jan 19, 2021), Jokingfordays (Jan 19, 2021), Thebige (Jan 18, 2021), Billobib (Jan 18, 2021)
Twins, final...
Liked by 34 members: ohbaby (Sep 14, 2022), jake1056 (Jul 20, 2022), Kayiter (Jun 19, 2022), Artnonymus1264 (May 29, 2022), preggolover91 (May 24, 2022), BigBellyFan7 (May 22, 2022), kenstar (May 16, 2022), dicky (May 16, 2022), preggoissexy24 (May 15, 2022), toto4u (May 14, 2022), Demonsweat666 (May 10, 2022), citus (May 7, 2022), (May 6, 2022), crazypregs1 (May 6, 2022), SPL (May 5, 2022), Joetheclone (May 5, 2022), PreggoNessa (Mar 3, 2022), DarthBulbafett69 (May 22, 2021), bigbellylover6929 (Mar 21, 2021), Sommer57 (Jan 30, 2021), Tcorker (Jan 25, 2021), Preggolove94 (Jan 25, 2021), MAXOXI (Jan 25, 2021), tembloroso (Jan 22, 2021), digeridoofan (Jan 20, 2021), MrM (Jan 20, 2021), Ewri1972 (Jan 20, 2021), im2good4u7 (Jan 19, 2021), supersonic (Jan 19, 2021), Preglover68+1 (Jan 19, 2021), Waraba93 (Jan 19, 2021), Jokingfordays (Jan 19, 2021), Thebige (Jan 18, 2021), Billobib (Jan 18, 2021)
God I hate these Idiots out there that Ruin for everyone who is doing the Right Thing
Liked by toto4u (May 14, 2022), OliviaCohen (May 6, 2022), tomostrife (Jan 19, 2021)
Liked by toto4u (May 14, 2022), Waraba93 (Jan 26, 2021), Yes2 (Jan 24, 2021), Persephone (Jan 20, 2021), Nexus258 (Jan 20, 2021), cook417 (Jan 20, 2021), SCDP69 (Jan 19, 2021)
She is truly a goddess
Liked by toto4u (May 14, 2022)
Beautiful pictures, thank you for sharing. I can see why you put all the effort in to follow her.
Liked by Getyours (Jul 28, 2022), toto4u (May 14, 2022)
Wow, this is amazing
Liked by toto4u (May 14, 2022)

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