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Have you ever had sex with a pregnant woman?
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Im asian too and my girlfriend envies just how much its my thing...and we've had 5 kids together. But long story short, she figured out how to minimize the effort necessary for childbirth. Not bragging, we both learned something as a couple and it brought us closer. From my fetish....The more you know...~~~*
Liked by dooditup (Oct 27, 2022), OliviaCohen (Jul 20, 2021), ilcarpw (Jul 19, 2021)
(July 18, 2021, 10:59 am)ssaiyan07 Im asian too and my girlfriend envies just how much its my thing...and we've had 5 kids together. But long story short, she figured out how to minimize the effort necessary for childbirth. Not bragging, we both learned something as a couple and it brought us closer. From my fetish....The more you know...~~~*
You sound experienced, tell us more please. Also, I'm curious how she gives birth with less effort.
Yes. With three different ones. Two of which were awesome and the act was repeated on several occasions. Once was kinda fucking creepy and weird, but two out of three ain’t bad. The first one, in fact, if I were to die tomorrow, I’d have to say was the peak experience of my life. I could not have written a better scenario which more closely matched my fantasies and which seemingly precipitated out of this air and dropped into my lap.

I do not have kids, by the way., but there’s some roughly 24 year old kid running around out there who I used to be in very close proximity to prior to from the time he was the size of a grape till he was the size of a kid that should have been born a week ago. I didn’t live his mom, but I have thought of her daily for decades. Thank you Jannette!

Fuck but that would be weird to meet him. Not sure how I’d introduce myself, I can think of a lot of ways, but they all seem just a touch inappropriate.

How’s your mom, dude?

The world needs more lonesome adventurous pot smoking 22 year old girls who move to the big city, get knocked up by their boss and figure they better get some while they can, before they start showing, then are down to continue when their chosen target finds out about her condition and not only doesn’t mind, but wants to continue beyond the point she’d figured on stopping. Even better if they live in a trailer park and doesn’t give a shit what the neighbors say. She was a smart girl out to make a good life for herself and the baby she picked up along the way, and I mean no disrespect when I say she came from a socio-economic background where finding yourself single and unexpectedly pregnant at 22 and procuring a friend with benefits was just one of those things.

If I’m reincarnated as a woman, I’d like to be in her situation and find somebody like me. What a fucking lifesaver I’d be. Only way I could have been better for her is if I were wealthy and fell hopelessly in love with her, and we got married when she was 38-39 weeks along. At the reception pregnant chick me would sit on me me’s lap and say “he loves me, daddy. And he doesn’t care that the baby isn’t his, he loves it like it was, and we’re going to have lots more anyway” as her father squirmed uncomfortably in his chair and my fingers went up her white wedding dress and between her legs. She’d start to cum and her dad would ask, “you ok, sugar?” And she’d blush and say “yes, daddy, I’m just having a little contraction.” Then she/I would run if to the ladies room to piercer her nose and her dad and I would sit in awk are silence. He’d clear his throat and say, so… how did you come to love my daughter? And “I’d say, well, what impressed me first was how down to fuck she was even though she was pregnant. Then I came to appreciate how good she was at it, the shape she began to acquire and the extra fun of feeling your grandchild hiccup on the other side of her cervix. It’s brought alll three of us closer, spending some much time in the same place like that.” I hope you aren’t weirded out seeing your little girl all swollen up by some guy’s sperm, because that little one is going to be barefoot and pregnant for the next 20 years. If the kids start getting expensive or loopy, there’s buyers on the black market, or possibly the surrogate thing is sn option. As you can tell, I don’t care if it’s not my seed, so long as I get to do the watering.i” I’m not sure what if anything he’d say at this point, but I’d love to see the look on his face.
She\I would return from the bathroom and we’d slow dance. She’d/I have to turn her back to my front because “I’m getting really big, honey” but I’d put one arm under the swell of her belly and gently lift it, while the other would be firmly and publically planted on her ass or one of her lovely swollen tots. “I can’t wait to meet the baby, hon, she/I’d sigh, but I’m going to miss being pregnant.” “Not for long you won’t. Trust me. Get a good look at your feet once the baby comes. You won’t be seeing much of them till menopause when I leave you for a younger, fertile girl.” “You’re such a kidder! She’d squeal” “yeah- you got me there, I’m totally kidding, eyeing her bridesmaid, The pregnant one. “Sonja’s having a girl, right? We need to keep her and her family close to us, her baby is going to have good genes and we can train her for an exciting role in her future.” But I digress, and how.

I bet she ended up being a good mom. She was a wonderful mom to be. A three hour drive every Friday, and sometimes more often than that is a price a fella like me gladly pays to selflessly provide pelvic release to an expectant young lady of irreproachable character. I should have been compensated by the state for services provided to a low income, working student single soon to be mother, I would have loved to get referrals for more such work, too.My heart used to start pounding as I got near, and there’s a stretch of southeast division here in portland I think of as pregnancy row. I’ve had some cool times in my life, but none cooler, and I’ve told almost no one about this at all, mentioned to my closest friend only once while drunk and presented it more as something I did because I was in my 20s and could fuck anything with tits and a pulse rather than the dream come true it was. I would kill or die to relive some of that. Her body was more or less along the lines of the type of pregnant girl I preferr and she didn’t lactate prior to birth, which was also a big plus for me, as Thats really not my thing. Her tits were, however, nice to start with and objects of surpassing beauty by the end.

The second one was pretty awesome too, not as great or as frequent, but thank you Scapoose Christy! Hope your boyfriend stopped being an ass and that you got your shit together. Glad to step in and provide relief where it was so wrongly denied by the one whose duty it souls have been. to piss him off and have a little fun. I have lower hopes for the way this one ended up, but I’m sure glad she stayed over.

I need to go beat off down memory lane.

I intended this to be 4-5 sentences ling, but if there’s one subject I love it’s pregnancy and pregnancy sex. I don’t care if I have to find a rounded hooker. I’m doing this shit again. So help me.
Liked by TheWatchers343 (Sep 24, 2022), charlesriver (Jul 20, 2021)
During pregnancy, her anatomy becomes engorged and sort of evolves, is best way i can describe during sex its feel crazy down there because of how her body is preparing for childbirth. She suddenly has more control down there and her muscles become stronger. Its this temporary capability is necessary and the primary function to giving birth. When the doctor was telling her to push, she didn't even think it was that but instead she only pushed her tummy. And when she wasn't making much progress after the 3rd push, i asked her in my native language so it wouldn't sound like i was yelling at her, what are you pushing with? She says the baby. You have no control of the baby...push with your pussy! And DING!! Next push, our daughter was born. When all the doctors left the room and it was just me, my girlfriend and our daughter, i asked her. Aren't you glad i helped you get so familiar using that body part. She said, i love you. The rest is history...Hope that helps.
Liked by Expecting (Jul 23, 2021), rbx7p9 (Jul 20, 2021)
Tex. S Tyger
Never had sex with a pregnant girl-, actually, I've never had sex at all. I'd be lucky if I could rub a pregnant belly at this point, but I can dream. :3
Lover of anything round; would love to give a belly rub someday.
There's one out there waiting just for you...try looking at it like this, might make things easier. Instead of aiming for some female that's probably way out of your league or not even gonna give you a glance. Its not settling but more like self-matching. If you think your a loser then go for a loser, if you think your too fat...then start complimenting all the fat chicks you already and especially the ones you don't know. If your a loner, start asking if your sisters got any loner friends or if your mom's friends have any lonely daughters your age. What's the worst they can say, no? That's not too awful, plus they won't say no forever...time is more a factor for them then it is for us guys. Just don't elaborate about your kink, best to play it by ear...for best results.
Yes once. It was on skip the games. It was great dont get me wrong, was just hoping she would join me in the pool after we were done just for chatting but she had to go. Yes i understand she is free to as i only payed for an hour
User 56854
Just had a dream about it, but otherwise that's it
Liked by TheWatchers343 (Mar 30, 2023)
I haven't done it...YET. Hate to bring up a could-have-been story, but I was pretty damn close to getting a preggo woman to fly my way from Texas. Too bad she couldn't work things out as far as finding a babysitter for the days we planned to be together.

Not giving up...hoping to create a golden opportunity much closer to home if it presents itself.
Yes,for multiple times.With both birth and pregnancy fetish,I usually choose single ones,starting with them while they are in their middle pregnancy.I gave them advice how to get kids'healthier',actually bigger,and encouraged them to let me deliver their babies.I got to say,everytime hanging with a large belly,it got me hard and I got huger and have sex much much longer than with non-pregancy.My latest one was a Korean gratuate ,who I was her assistant teacher on medic classes.She got pregnant with her previous boyfriend and he dumped her asa he knew she was pregnant.She was desperate,so I got the chance.We have stayed in this relationship since April,and she is now 42weeks and 2days pregnant.I've persuaded her to birth at home under my guidance alone.The truth is that I've tried to make her pregancy much longer and it did went well.I am trying to made her pregnant to 44,even 45weeks and I hope that the baby will be 11-13lbs.I will write the rest down after I delivered the baby.
Liked by TheWatchers343 (Sep 24, 2022)

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