FreyaStrahug: Fulltime Babysitter
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Author: WinstonWallace


When Mary saw the job posting for ‘Fulltime Babysitter’, she didn’t think it’d be so literal. It seemed almost too good to be true, “Sixty thousand dollars to be the primary caregiver for twin babies for six months,” it said. Mary already had a plethora of experience in caring for newborns, usually for women with high-end careers, and figured she was the perfect candidate. When she arrived to interview for it at the family’s large mansion in the country, however, she learned there was one BIG caveat: The babies weren’t born yet.

“We know it’s a pretty unusual request…” the mother explained as she stroked her large pregnant belly in the foyer of their home, “…but my husband and I are just too busy right now to become parents. I’ve been taking a drug that forestalls labor, but at this point I’m so huge and pregnant that I can barely get my work done.”

She went on to explain that she and her husband were privy to a new medical device that would allow the transfer of a pregnancy from one woman to another. Mary was quite skeptical that such a thing could exist, but was willing to humor them. They said they’d give her $1000 on the spot if she’d be willing just to try it, and she agreed.

The husband brought out a small, glossy white box and set it down on the coffee table between Mary and the mother-to-be, then left the room. The device was of a slick, minimalistic design, with nothing besides a black on/off switch on the top.

“Ok dear, are you ready?” the mother asked. Mary nodded.

After the switch was flipped, Mary heard a faint ringing in her ears, and suddenly her breasts felt sore. She gasped as her belly started to grow as the overdue twins were miraculously transferred from the mother over to her. Her red dress stretched tightly over her round bump, and she was worried it would rip.

“Oh wow… you were actually serious!” Mary said with disbelief, progressing through months of pregnancy in a matter of seconds.

The red fabric grew taut over her swollen belly as the two overgrown babies took up residence. She looked like she had swallowed a watermelon whole by the time it stopped growing, and before long started feel the twins move around inside her.

“This is… a little overwhelming, hehe,” she said facetiously, still concerned about leaving a good impression. “When did you say they were due?”

“Two weeks ago,” said the mother. “Crazy, right? Modern medicine is truly a blessing. We’d have you take the same medication I’ve been on to keep you from going into labor. Just a little pill every morning, no big deal. In six months or so you’ll transfer the babies back over to me so that I can give birth to them. I’m guessing they’ll be so big by then that I’ll have to get a C-section, but you won’t have to worry about that!”

“So… if I’m understanding you correctly, you want me to carry these twins for you, which are already two weeks overdue, for another six months?!”

“Exactly!” the mother said excitedly. “What do you say?”
Liked by 23 members: vestrumtobias (Jul 25, 2022), Kevin silantra (Dec 29, 2021), Mike K (Dec 9, 2021), bigboy23 (Nov 23, 2021), Preggolove94 (Nov 23, 2021), Longevo (Nov 22, 2021), digeridoofan (Nov 21, 2021), Tex. S Tyger (Nov 21, 2021), Joetheclone (Nov 15, 2021), hughman (Jun 22, 2021), dante-vega (May 16, 2021), (Nov 26, 2020), timidman93 (Nov 25, 2020), burdellmgt (Nov 23, 2020), jokerpaso (Nov 15, 2020), Preggolover94 (Nov 12, 2020), OliviaCohen (Nov 12, 2020), preglacluv (Nov 12, 2020), Rainmaker (Nov 12, 2020), bellylover48 (Nov 12, 2020), (Nov 12, 2020), Viper9000 (Nov 12, 2020), rubenger (Nov 12, 2020)
Thanks for sharing. I do like pregnancy transfer stories! Smile

Off to a great start, keep it going!
Can u please writer a part 2 or just more... This was amazing so far
Author: WinstonWallace

Mary sighs heavily after finally managing to stuff herself into her favorite black and white striped hoodie. She laments the fact that it’s probably the last day in a while that she’ll be able to wear it, given how fast she’s been growing recently. She’s especially fond of it because it reminds her of her rebellious “goth” phase in high school, which stands in stark contrast to the wholesome, mild-mannered woman she sees herself as now. Amazingly, it still fit her even after she agreed to become a full-time “babysitter” for a wealthy couple’s unborn but heavily overdue twins. A tight fit, to be sure, but she likes how the stripes warp around the curves of her round, swollen belly.

“Goodness… what have I gotten myself into?” she muses to herself, pondering the many challenges that still lay ahead of her.

It wasn’t easy getting used to being instantly pregnant with extra-large twins, but she took her new job very seriously. She had to endure many weird looks in public as well as awkward conversations with her family and friends to explain her new career, but after the initial shock faded it became the new normal for her.

Just when she was finally getting a handle on it, however, she was offered a second, even more lucrative contract by another couple. The amount of money was staggering, but for good reason. It wasn’t just twins this time, but triplets… or so they claimed. Mary was reluctant to accept it, especially since it would mean she’d be pregnant with five babies total, but they told her that, unlike the twins, the triplets were only a few weeks old. She figured they’d still be fairly small and so it wouldn’t be too much of a challenge to take them with her belly being huge anyway.

It’s only been a week since the second transfer, however, and Mary is already starting to regret her decision. The money was so good that she signed the contract without reading the fine print or even establishing a term limit, which means that she could be stuck like this for a while, and it’s certainly no picnic. The twins aren’t too happy they now have to share womb-space, and they’ve both been kicking almost non-stop in protest. Meanwhile the triplets have been growing steadily, much faster than she thought they would. She’s beginning to suspect that the second couple hadn’t been honest with her, and may have snuck in an extra baby or two.
Liked by 15 members: vestrumtobias (Jul 25, 2022), Preggolove94 (Nov 23, 2021), Lau_ned (Nov 22, 2021), Tex. S Tyger (Nov 21, 2021), Joetheclone (Nov 15, 2021), hughman (Jun 22, 2021), (Nov 26, 2020), Viper9000 (Nov 24, 2020), burdellmgt (Nov 23, 2020), Bigmclargehuge (Nov 21, 2020), jokerpaso (Nov 15, 2020), professorhep (Nov 14, 2020), Preggolover94 (Nov 12, 2020), bellylover48 (Nov 12, 2020), OliviaCohen (Nov 12, 2020)
Freya, you’re so pretty.
This definitely fun so far. Hope it continues
Liked by preglacluv (Dec 1, 2020)
Any updates for the story
Only has 2 parts
Please do some more they are awesome...

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