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Chad let out another very audible groan as the line moved forward. “Hurry up,” he muttered. The mother with two small children in front of him turned around to look at the young man who was egging her on, but Chad shot back with a glare and made her look forward again. She just wanted some cheap fast food and didn’t want trouble.

He adjusted his baseball cap and crossed his arms as the woman ordered for her kids and put a dollar in a plastic donation bin on the counter. She had barely finished her order when Chad went to the counter, bumping his leg against one of the woman’s kids.

“H-hi, welcome to Chi-” the cashier smiled before Chad cut her off.

“Two chicken sandwiches and a large iced tea,” he said. “And hurry up with it. I don’t have all day to stand around.”

The cashier kept her smile for professional reasons but was obviously faking it. As she rang up Chad’s order, he took out a $10 bill he pulled out of his mom’s wallet the last time he was home.

After he got his change, Chad eyed the donation bin and chuckle, pocketing his money and waited for his food, tapping his feet and sighing loudly.

Once he got his meal, Chad headed outside and walked down the crowded sidewalk, bumping into people and not giving it a second look.

“Move,” he said, rolling his eyes while he unwrapped one of his sandwiches and took a bite. As he chewed, his mouth began to feel dry and he let out a big cough, holding his hand to his chest.

But it didn’t help. Chad continued to cough and wheeze as he felt the sandwich stuck in his windpipe. He tried to take the lid off of his drink but couldn’t get to it fast enough and felt slightly dizzy.

“Here, let me help,” a voice said behind him, smacking Chad on the back. He coughed and spat out the piece of sandwich, wiping his lips.

“Wow, you saved me,” Chad said, looking at the stranger with a curious look as soon as he stood up. It was a tall, young man with dark skin and the oddest clothes. He was wearing a lavender vest with nothing on underneath and thick white cloth wrapped around his legs in place of pants. “Who…are you?”

The stranger put his arm around Chad’s shoulder and started walking him down the sidewalk. “Call me Marg. And I’ve got some good news for you, Chad.”

“How do you know my name?” Chad asked as Marg moved them away from the crowd gathering around the young man who collapsed while he was choking on a chicken sandwich.

“You just had a near-death experience,” Marg smiled, moving one finger across his thin mustache, “and sometimes, that means you get a wish to go along with your trauma. You see, I’m a djini.”

“A genie?” Chad said, looking at Marg with disbelief.

“A djini.”



“I think we’re saying the same thing,” Chad nodded.

“In my case, I can offer you a ‘do-over,’ if you will,” Marg said, motioning to the bustling city in front of them, with all different kinds of men and women walking around. “You can pick anyone here and you will have their lives.”

Chad gulped. “You mean if Peyton Manning walked by and I said I wished for his life, I would become Peyton Manning?”

“That’s it,” Marg grinned. “And, because I’m such a nice guy, I’ll even let you get a trial run.”

“I can test out other people’s lives?” Chad said, a smile starting on his own lips. “This is awesome! I always knew I was lucky, but not like this.”

“Three trial runs for 10 minutes each,” Marg said, holding up three fingers. “Just pick them out and I’ll take it from there.”

Chad put his hands in his pockets and walked around, looking at the people who passed by and tried to decide who would make for a good life. There were lots of businessmen who looked wealthy and successful. Living as one of them would be nice and comfortable, but they were already old-looking and busy.

There were a number of guys who were taller and more muscular than Chad. He had a nice body from playing lacrosse in high school but living as a better-looking man wouldn’t be so bad.

Then Chad saw a woman walk past him and stopped in his track, turning around to watch her. She was a tall, curvy Indian woman with long brown hair, a round juicy ass, and a nice full pair of breasts. Chad chuckled and followed her to the nearby bus stop.

“Someone’s caught your eye?” Marg asked, arms crossed behind his back.

“Yeah,” Chad grinned. “And she hasn’t noticed me following her yet, so I can stare all I want.” He wished he could run his hands across her body, then realized he could do that easily. “Marg, she’s my first trial-run.”

“You got it,” Marg smiled. “Close your eyes.” Chad shut his eyes tightly. “Aaand open them up!”

Chad opened his eyes and saw that he was right in front of a bus. “That wasn’t there a second ago,” he said, before noticing his voice was much higher than before. Looking down, he saw that he was now wearing a bright green shirt, stretched out by a pair of D-cup breasts. “It worked!” he smiled, cupping his new bosom.

“Getting on?” the busdriver said to whoever Chad was now. “Or are you just going to give yourself a mammogram?”

“Fuck off,” Chad sneered with a smile, turning around and walking down the sidewalk, running his hands up and down his new body. This woman had tight abs to go along with her shapely body. As Chad felt the plump butt Marg’s wish had granted him, it was clear that this woman was wearing exercise pants and had just gotten back from the gym. Strangely, Chad began remember all of this woman’s life and schedule like it was his own.

“This is great,” Chad grinned, continuing to strut down the street, puffing out his bosom. In most things, Chad thought with his dick. So when he got the chance to live for 10 minutes as a sexy woman, he jumped at it. He could touch this attractive body wherever he pleased and he found flashing people on the sidewalk flirtatious glances was fun. Chad began to seriously consider using Marg’s wish to permanently turn into a good-looking woman. He’d have endless sexual fun, and besides, how hard could it be to live as a woman?

As Chad continued his walk, he blinked and, after reopening his eyes, found himself back on the corner with Marg beside him. “Well?”

Chad sighed and looked down at himself. 10 minutes went by much faster than he expected. As he looked up, he saw the Indian woman getting onto to bus. “She’s back?”

“I reset everything back as it was,” Marg said. “It wouldn’t have been a good idea for that woman to fondle herself and flirt and then have no idea where she is.”

“I don’t see why but whatever,” Chad shrugged. “It’s your rules.” He enjoyed turning into the curvy woman but now he had to look for some more options. Surely there was someone better.

As Chad walked around, he felt his face get hot and his mouth get dry. Passing by him was a Latina woman with a huge pregnant belly, covered by a tight white t-shirt. She couldn’t have been more than 5-and-a-half feet tall and her breasts were considerably larger than the last woman’s. Same with her ass.

Chad gulped. He’d never told this to anyone, not even his fraternity brothers, but he was always incredibly attracted to pregnant women. And the woman in front of him was a prime example of why.

Marg walked up behind Chad and peered over his shoulder. “Another woman catching your eye, I see. Has living as a woman always been a fantasy of yours?”

Chad blushed even brighter. He’d never thought about it before but after living 10 minutes in another woman’s body, he felt a strong sexual urge to continue living as a sexy woman. Maybe even forever.

“Her,” he said, pointing to the pregnant woman. “I want her to be my second trial run.”

“You got it,” Marg said. “Close your eyes.”

Chad followed Marg’s instructions and immediately looked down after opening his eyes, grinning when he saw the huge belly greeting him, not to mention the woman’s cleavage.

Turning around, Chad managed to admire this new body in a store window’s reflection. He moved his hands to the base of this woman’s belly and rolled up the shirt to show off plenty of smooth, brown belly.

“No stretch marks! Nice,” Chad grinned, rubbing the bare belly that was now his. Inside, he could feel movement from what seemed like two bodies. “Whoa, weird,” he said, patting where he could sense the kicks.

“Nice belly,” a woman smiled, passing by Chad. “It’s good to see an expectant mother not afraid to show her maternal skin.”

“Thank you,” Chad said, surprised by how breathy and sensual this pregnant woman’s voice was. He also made sure to run his hands across her butt and breasts. “Even better than the last one,” he cackled, waddling down the sidewalk. He found when he rubbed this pregnant woman’s belly, a tingling sensation spread up his spine that he enjoyed immensely.

“Looking good,” some men sitting by a storefront said, looking Chad’s new body up and down. He ignored them and continued waddling, wondering if he had time to go into a pregnant yoga or Lamaze class. Then, it dawned on him.

“I don’t need the 10 minutes,” he smiled. “I could become this woman for the rest of my life. Sure, her belly wouldn’t last forever, but she’s still sexy.” As her memories began to join with his, Chad’s smile only grew. “And she’s only in her 20s too so I’d have a long time as her, living in my house with my husb…wait, what?”

“Jennifer!” a man’s voice said, hurrying up behind Chad. “You were just about to come meet me at the park. Where did you get off to?”

“Oh,” Chad said, looking the man over. Her memories told him this was her husband, Joshua. “I guess I got distracted.”

“And why are you showing off all this stomach?” he said, pulling his wife’s shirt back down and patting her belly. “I thought you were too shy for that.” He smiled and started leaning in close to Chad’s face.

“Um…I guess I felt…too hot?” he panicked.

“I’ll say,” Joshua said, leaning in for a kiss. Chad turned and let him kiss Jennifer on the cheek instead. “So, let’s go to the park, huh?”

“Y-yeah,” Chad said, blinking and finding himself back beside Marg. “Perfect timing.”

“Not as much fun as you’d hoped?” Marg said, raising an eyebrow.

Chad sighed and looking around. He’d decided he wanted to live life as woman, and ideally a pregnant woman, but he did not want to have to be with some man, kissing and holding each other and fucking.

As he walked around and started to think about it, the dream of living as a pregnant woman started to seem more remote. Even if he decided to live as Jennifer and left Joshua, there would still be custody battles over her twins and that would be more of a hassle than it’s worth. And if he became a single pregnant woman, the financial burden would far outweigh the temporary fun.

“This sucks,” Chad said, rubbing his temples.

“Chad?” Marg said, startling Chad as he appeared beside him. “There’s more of the city we can try. Why not turn here?”

“Sure, sure,” Chad nodded, following Marg to turn a corner. And then his jaw dropped. “Wait a minute…”

Walking down the street toward him was a same-sex couple of two women. And one of them was pregnant. Her belly wasn’t as big as Jennifer’s, but it was a very nice round size. Plus, she was a beautiful Italian woman with short black hair and gleaming olive skin. Her partner was just as good-looking: a Filipino woman with light brown skin, long, straight brown hair, and sparkling eyes.

“Her, her!” Chad said, pointing to the pregnant woman.

“Got it,” Marg nodded. “You know the drill.”

When Chad opened his eyes again, he was waddling down the street with another woman holding his hands. “Carmen?” the Filipino woman said, placing one hand on the Italian woman’s belly. “Do you feel alright?”

“I feel great,” Chad smiled in response, leaning in and kissing Carmen’s partner on the lips, lashing his tongue around. As they kissed, Carmen’s memories rushed in and he remembered his lover’s name: Nicole.

“Whoa, whoa,” Nicole laughed as they broke their kiss. “You don’t usually kiss in public.” Her eyes narrowed. “I like it, though your technique is slipping. That wasn’t a great kiss.”

“We’ll have plenty of time to practice,” Chad smiled, holding Nicole’s hand against Carmen’s belly. “Now, where are we off to now?”

“You don’t remember?” Nicole said, her look turning confused. “Geez, pregnancy really does mess with your brain. I just got my promotion and we’re going home to celebrate.”

“Of course,” Chad smiled, running one hand down Nicole’s back. “And when you say celebrate…”

“You know what I mean,” Nicole grinned, kissing Chad on the nose. “C’mon, let’s go.”

Chad heaved his heavy, maternal body into Nicole’s car and immediately turned his eyes toward the car’s clock. If his time was limited and Marg was going to undo everything anyway, he might as well have some more fun. “Nicole, take me,” he purred, grabbing her hand and pressed it against his lap. “Now.”

“Now?” Nicole blushed as Chad started kissing her neck and chest.

“Yes, now!” he laughed as Nicole slowly began massaging Carmen’s clitoris while her arm rubbed against her lover’s belly. Chad started to moan, not realizing this was how women felt pleasure.

As he continued sucking Nicole’s face, he suddenly found himself in the middle of the sidewalk again as Nicole and Carmen walked toward him.

“That’s three trial-runs,” Marg said, scratching his cheek and looking up at the clouds, his mind on the weather instead of his wishes. “So, think you know who you want?”

“Yes, the third time was the charm,” Chad grinned widely. Marg nodded and walked over to the two women, pointing his finger at them.

“This is who you want to become?” he asked Chad.

“Yes!” Chad nodded.

“I’m supposed to ask you again, to be fair,” Marg said, jutting his finger at Carmen again. “Is this your final choice?”

“Yes, would you hurry up?” Chad said. “That is who I want to become!”

Marg shrugged and smiled. “Your pick. Close your eyes and-”

“Yeah, yeah, I know!” Chad laughed, closing his eyes tightly. And then, the form of Chad vanished in front of Marg’s eyes.

Marg turned around and headed back to where he first found Chad. A large crowd was still surrounding his dead body as an ambulance was pulling up. Marg took off his vest and reversed it, showing the dark black lining. He reached into his pocket and unfurled a large, black cloak and wrapped it around himself as he knelt down beside Chad’s body and tapped it on the forehead.

“Your journey is over; your journey has just begun,” Marg said as a little ping noise sounded. “I hate that stupid spell. It sounds so corny,” he said, shaking his head as he went off to meet his next client.

Chad opened his eyes again and again but was still perplexed by what he saw. It was nothing but darkness. He tried to move around but felt himself trapped on both sides by wet, squishy walls.

Where am I? Chad wondered. And why can’t I talk? As his eyes began to adjust, he saw that it was not completely dark where he was. There was a low pink light and he could make out his hands, as well as a long cord coming out of his stomach. Oh…oh no.

“He’s quieted down, huh?” Nicole’s voice said.

“Yeah, he’s not kicking but he’s rocking back and forth in there,” Carmen’s voice said. Chad couldn’t see them but he could definitely hear them. Then he felt a calming sensation spread over him which made him shudder.

Outside the womb, Carmen was rubbing her belly as she sat in Nicole’s car, looking between her stomach and her partner lovingly.

“I made sure to get your favorites for dinner,” Nicole said. “And yes, your ‘new’ favorites.”

Carmen blushed and smiled, continuing to rub her belly as she let out a small yelp. “He’s really kicking now.”

Chad was flailing inside Carmen’s womb. Let me out! That damn genie tricked me!

“I’ll help you quiet him down when we get home,” Nicole smiled, kissing Carmen on the cheek as she waited at a red light. “I know one thing that always settles him down.”

Chad eventually got too tired to kick anymore and instead tried to be aware of what was going on. He could feel Carmen start to move, waddling around and making him slosh around inside her belly. When she stopped, he could hear some whispering from Nicole that was too quiet to make out. Then the belly started shaking again. A lot.

Chad was tossed and rocked all around the tiny womb he was occupying as he could hear Carmen begin to cry out loudly. The rocking was exhilarating and soothing at the same time but as Chad began to black out. Instead of gaining old “memories,” his were going away. On top of that, he was incredibly sleepy and he was soon asleep, with everything that made him “Chad” leaving his body.

On the outside, Carmen was panting on the couch as Nicole ran her fingers across her lover’s belly, cuddling close to the big-bellied woman. “Good?”

“You always know just what to do,” Carmen nodded, her face bright red and sweating. “I can’t even figure out how to come while pregnant.”

“We make a good team, in that case,” Nicole smiled, repositioning herself so Carmen lay on top of Nicole, with Nicole’s hands tracing her glowing belly. “Two more months.”

“Ten more weeks,” Carmen said softly. “If I’m lucky.”
Liked by Tralis (Dec 1, 2015)
Victor Bravo
Ah, the irony =D

I assumed when the name of the person he picked wasn't said it would've been the bavy XD

Nice story, though ^_^
While not related to our shared belly fetishes, imagine what you would do with your life if you were re-born with all your knowledge retained...
Victor Bravo
(December 25, 2014, 2:58 pm)laurelindoriath While not related to our shared belly fetishes, imagine what you would do with your life if you were re-born with all your knowledge retained...

You mean like reincarnation?

There are alot of cultures that believe in it actually. Imagine one minute you die in a car accident and the next, you're in someone's womb a few weeks from being born O.O;
Well the ending of this caught me completely off guard and I absolutely loved it. You're a great writer, too. You know how to capture and convey the erotic side of the story.

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