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Coronavirus Pandemic - How are you holding up?
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(March 27, 2020, 10:34 pm)IntoPreggos I know this isn't the end of the world, 1% of the world population will catch it and this will end in half a year, but covid19 is a serious disease we need to fight to save lives and stop the spread. Use common sense to prevent a not so mortal, but hard to treat disease: wash hands often, do social distancing when in public, follow lockdown orders, cover your cough and sneeze with your sleeve, and try to not your face with bare hands and fingers ( get the hand sanitizer ready). Be in mind many elderly, immune compromised and unhealthy people are at high risk, then again you realize no human is immune to the new virus.

I think that it's actually projected that 40-70% of the world will catch COVID19 this year. It's ridiculously infectious.
Liked by Akhenaten (Mar 29, 2020)
(March 29, 2020, 1:38 am)Akhenaten Not trying to get other Americans to panic or anything, but I do wish folks would take it seriously...

Seeing how most cities now how some sort of lockdown, businesses are closed, toilet paper and bleach are still empty on the shelves, and most non-essential people are staying at home.......yeah people are taking this serious now. It's not like it was in the beginning of the month where people were passing it off as the "Kung Flu" and acting like Americans would be immune.

The fact that New York City itself is a barren wasteland should be a sign that "hey, maybe people ARE taking it seriously now".
Liked by Akhenaten (Mar 29, 2020)
At first, I was sceptical too but now I realize that Covid-19 is not to be taken lightly and is not going to go away anytime soon. Still, I am not panicking. If I have to go outside I will. I'm still relying on my immune system to protect me. I don't get the flu EVER despite the fact I do not get yearly flu shots. I get colds once every 3 years. The only thing I have learned from this current pandemic is personal hygiene needs to be stepped up. Increased handwashing with the durations being no shorter than 20 seconds. No face touching when out in public. Wear gloves when touching frequently touched public surfaces, i.e. door handles, ATM screens, etc. We are in scary times, my friends. Be safe.
Liked by Akhenaten (Mar 29, 2020)
(March 29, 2020, 2:41 am)Dark0900 I use the coronary worldometer every day, I don't usually pay attention to how many people have it just that 3,200 people have recovered while 2,200 have died. Yikes

That's probably because it takes a lot longer to recover completely from the disease than to die from it. Most cases don't require hospitalization.
As of right now, the worldwide death rate is 4.7% (according to confirmed cases, which is probably wildly inaccurate, let's be honest). That's taking places like Italy into account, where a bunch of seniors caught it and didn't stand a chance. Damn, though.
Look on the bright side: celebrities have to now live like regular folks. More of them need to donate to the crisis instead of posting on social media (we know they have the $). Most celebrities have enough saved to last a few years (given they have cars that cost more than our homes & watches, bracelets, chains & pendants that have enough gold & jewels to feed most of Africa.) I hope most people are not going to retire cus then your a sitting duck.

No one knows how long this will be but some predict until this time next year or even late as fall 2021. This better be a "everyone gets vaccinated" deal cus those who dont should leave or get jail time (& every country might tell them the same.) There was a show called "Green Arrow & The Canaries" & we were supposed to know if it got picked up but given the entertainment industry shut down faster than a machine idk now. Once it starts up again (after everyone is vaccinated & sets are cleaned), then we will get the shows again. If we dont get the show I'm good.

There also could be a spike in crime (I got my arrows & knives for any L7). The old people (unless they work) serve no purpose. They cost just as much to keep up as a baby. Maybe they should all be put in "safe zones" across the country where everything is delivered 2 them. & worst of all: the election night get postponed (how we can go out & vote in rooms if we gotta stay 6ft away?) The 2021 Olympics might have to do without an audience.

Lastly: close ya legs ladies! If u need to have sex, rub urself or imagine ur dad on the body of the guy you want. This is not the time to be having kids (especially when people are making less $). Smokers: keep doing what ya doin (they were useless anyways). I go to my usual Target & then home. I wear the same pjs 6/7 days a week. I go to bed at 5, wake up at 1. I gake my usual 6-8 PM nap. I'll be here long after the virus & others pass
(March 30, 2020, 2:24 am)Thechickenlawyer Lastly: close ya legs ladies! If u need to have sex, rub urself or imagine ur dad on the body of the guy you want.

Great advice, considering the world's supply of condoms is apparently running out.
We’re doing good. Staying home while hubby works and kids doing home school.
Yeah, I have to admit it. I was dead wrong about this virus. The media and the rest of the people here were right. This thing is no joke. Over 100,000 cases now just in the state of New York! My aunt is an RN(registered nurse) and her hospital(in New Jersey) has over 40 patients with it. I'm speechless at this point.
Liked by Gm321 (Mar 24, 2021), Akhenaten (Apr 3, 2020), tomostrife (Apr 3, 2020)
(April 3, 2020, 7:57 pm)orta03 Yeah, I have to admit it.  I was dead wrong about this virus.  The media and the rest of the people here were right.  This thing is no joke.  Over 100,000 cases now just in the state of New York!  My aunt is an RN(registered nurse) and her hospital(in New Jersey) has over 40 patients with it.  I'm speechless at this point.

Thanks for being big enough to say that. Nothing wrong with being wrong, just gotta be able to see the real shit quickly and turn it around. Unfortunately, I think we had way too many people (particularly people in power) who were also like, ah fuck it, and now........

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