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Coming Out
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Hey all,

How did you guys/girls come out to your significant other about this fetish? I feel like I just can't do it with my girlfriend. She has no idea, and I feel like it would just be such a bombshell to drop. I am afraid that she'll judge me... I don't know how to deal with this.
Don't want to sound like a cliché, but if she's "the one", then she'll accept you for whatever you are. If you've been together for some time, then I think there's nothing to worry about - she knows that you're a great guy. Smile

I myself have told quite a few people about it (including my ex) and all of them were quite ok with it and said "you shouldn't be afraid of sharing it". My ex even once encouraged me to share my sexual fantasies, so I did...and she was amazed and said "Oh my God I love that". Once she even did a hand job while we were watching a Pregnant Playpen vid. Even as recent as yesterday - I was in a night club and it turned out that we were partying with two ladies who had kids. So I chatted with them and I was curious about their pregnancies and I confessed about the fetish. They were slightly surprised but they were curious and absolutely fine with it. Smile

Dont worry. Wink And this is my opinion (might be a bit harsh, but still): if she doesn't accept you for who you are, she's not worth your time. Wink

Let us know how it goes, man. Wink Good luck. You'll be fine. Wink
Liked by Akhenaten (Sep 18, 2017)
I've thought about this for a while. I've always tried to avoid thinking of it as "coming out." So this is my PSA for everyone: In your relationship, try to pepper in comments here and there at appropriate times that drop casual hints about it. It can actually work to your advantage. She might think, "Wow, he'll still love me when I'm pregnant," "He'll still think I'm sexy," etc. I've had luck "coming out" in a very straightforward way to women who I wasn't in a relationship with because I didn't give a shit. I've also had success gradually and implicitly coming out to women I'm in a relationship with because I wanted to be a bit more careful. I hate to think of it as some secret bombshell that you have to confess so I treat it like it's nothing. If you think about it less as a bombshell confession coming-out, and more as an everyday gradual thing, you may be able to approach this situation more easily.
Liked by pacan1 (Sep 17, 2017)
(September 17, 2017, 4:52 am)pacan1 And this is my opinion (might be a bit harsh, but still): if she doesn't accept you for who you are, she's not worth your time. Wink


Here's the truth, man. Your fetish is part of you, it's important to you. And it's not bad, wrong, or immoral. It simply is. And any partner you're wanting to be serious with is going to have to accept it in order to accept you. Do you really want to be with someone you've got to hide shit from? (The answer is no, because it won't work long-term. You won't ever fully "be with" that person.)

It helps if you bring up kinks in general, first. Do you know hers? Does she have any? Do you have any others? You can throw the pregnancy fetish in there as just another one in the bucket if you two have been open about this to begin with. I mean, hell, I like boobs -- like really like them, to the point of seeking ANRs -- so this fetish is basically just another on a list. No big deal.

I've told probably more people than I should have, and have really gotten a lot more open about it in recent years, and no one's disowned me for it. They might tease me, but it's all in good fun -- no mean teasing. Just to get a "rise" out of me because they think it's funny and weird.

You should also be prepared for shitty reactions, though. The worst reaction was actually from my first girlfriend (around age 20), who was all weird and religious and told me "you should stop, then." Oh, sure, I'll stop. Thanks for that, hon. We didn't last. I didn't date any more religious women, either, but that's another story. The second-worst reaction I got was from a woman I dated for only 3 months a few years ago (bad relationship, ugh). She took it personally because she was quite thin and didn't want kids, so it came off as an affront to her, as she could not satisfy it for me. I had a very difficult time conveying to her that she didn't have to be involved in something that was really just a weirdness in my own head.

I don't believe in "the one" but look, anyone who's going to be truly compatible with you won't really judge you for this harmless and slightly humorous fetish. Be secure with yourself and do what you gotta do.
Liked by pacan1 (Sep 18, 2017)
I didn't tell my girl for like 2 years. She came home one day and caught me fapping and got upset. Not because I was watching porn...she was upset that I wouldn't tell her what KIND of porn. So I told her. Now she points out super pregnant women on the street to me or sends me pics of bellies she thinks I'll like. Its all gravy.
Liked by pacan1 (Sep 19, 2017)
Don't even remember how I did it. I may have dropped hints for a while, but there was no "You may want to sit down for this" kind of conversation.
with my ex (for unrelated reasons), i ended up just kinda mentioning it while talking to her about sex/fetish stuff. I had been asking her about what she liked and volunteered my fetishes in return.
Yeh would like to echo what the other guys have been saying. Told my current girlfriend, really early into the sexual side of our relationship and for me that came down to feeling like i could implicitly trust her with knowing this, baring in mind she is the only person I have ever told about this fetish, no on else I've ever been in a relationship has known about it previously. If you trust her and feel confident with it then go for it, cos the way I look at is so long as what you're doing doesn't cause harm to another person then what right does anyone have to judge? And yeh at the same time find out what she likes cos that way you'll have a far more gratifying sexual relationship long term if you can have fun and please each other in any which way. We've been going out for over a year now and love role playing with a belly I made out of an old bike helmet and she gets enjoyment out of it cos she knows how much it turns me on seeing her with a huge fake belly (no kids planned for a very long time yet haha).

I would also say it's important to express yourself with your partner but at the same time if she doesn't accept it isn't the be all and end all, look at what;s important to you overall in your relationship and make a decision from there. But would agree that whoever you're with should be willing to at least have a discussion about whats fulfilling for you sexually and most importantly not to judge cos I would argue it's perfectly normal to have a pregnancy fetish so long as it doesn't impact your behavior outside of a consensual relationship or the privacy of your own home.

Hope this helps
Liked by preggobang (Oct 15, 2017), pacan1 (Sep 20, 2017)

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