Cat - S
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Brick  pomponian
First attempt at any of this writing malarkey. More to follow and would appreciate any feedback along the way.


Cat - E


We find Catherine alone in her flat, simultaneously stroking her long, voluptuous auburn hair and pregnant belly absentmindedly. Her cheekbones betray a content smile on her full lips as her green eyes gaze down from the pert C cup breasts (complete with short but thick nipples), past her bump and firm thighs to finally rest on the drawer next to the sofa’s edge, just beyond her toes.

Anybody who walked into this scene would say that Cat would be a good eight months pregnant, with her girth spreading not just forward but seemingly outwards at all angles. Her previously small waist had expanded to become wider than her hips, giving a profile that she loved to check anytime she passed a mirror. Others noticed too; with many giving her a double take when out shopping, or walking around campus. Not that she flaunted her assets or exposed too much flesh but Cat had always been stylish, and didn’t let her pregnancy stop her from wearing well fitted dresses or skinny jeans, its just that both now, shall we say, highlighted, her situation.

What most wouldn’t know about Cat is how she came to be resting on her sofa, stroking a generous bump. In order to fund her masters degree in Conservation Biology she resorted to becoming a surrogate for some of her parent’s friends who had let their lives go by without realising they wanted children. A generous fee and allowance has meant Cat could concentrate on her studies as her body changed and now that she has submitted her thesis, she has a good month to relax before both the baby comes and her marks come in.

She had never thought she would enjoy her pregnancy. Many of her school friends had gone straight into motherhood and very rarely did any have anything good to say about their experience. It was all morning sickness, aches, pains, stretch marks and lack of attention. Not for Cat. Perhaps it was her background in biology but as soon a slight curve began to form became enthralled. She took pictures each day to see how her shape changed and kept measurements in her diary. Laying on the sofa Cat remembers how innocent it all seemed, blaming her academic mind for the attention she paid her growing body. But now she knows different; now she knows it is because she enjoys it. Seeing and feeling her belly expand is not just part of the territory, it is a turn on for her. And she can’t wait to revel in it for the next four weeks.
Liked by Twitchy (Sep 1, 2015), deux_anges (Aug 24, 2015)

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