Archer fanfic
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The following text was pieced together from a journal found on the dig site of Horizon, the first Mars colony. It reveals the true nature of our founder, Drake. If the public, or god forbid the terrans ever discovered this, it could destroy our society. The journal belonged to a terran named Lana Kane - my research leads me to the conclusion that she was the inspiration for our church's Patron Saint of Mothers. Sketches found in the journal, which seem to be self portraits, best an uncanny resemblance to the paintings and iconography found everywhere. 

Journal entry 1

It's been one month now since ISIS joined the Horizon crew, at first willingly. We really thought we were helping them, well I guess we still are in a way. It's all so terrible - this journal is keeping me sane. You can't imagine what it's like being stuck on a spaceship, and with these people! At first they kept Pam, Cheryl and I together - but shit got weird. Fast. So now we're in isolation. Semi-isolation I guess. Some of the horizon guys visit to give me food throughout the the day. They're ordered to watch me finish everything so they must be putting ferility drugs in the food or drink. It has to be fertility drugs. Drake's talk about a colony on mars, choosing me for my genetics...its completely insane, and there's nothing I can do. At first the guards forced me to eat...I mean I didn't have much choice, I need to eat. I won't ever be able to escape if I'm weak or dead so I have to eat. 

Because I cooperate, the astronauts have become nicer, and made meal times feel like dates. I know that they eat with me so that they can watch and make sure I finish it all, and then hang out and talk to make sure I don't have time to throw up the drugged food...but now that it's my only form of socializing, I hate to it admit it, but I've started to enjoy the attention. They tell me about what's going on outside of my quarters...the ISIS men were being kept together, but shockingly - things started to resemble lord of the flies. They had to move stuff around to free up rooms so that they could keep archer in isolation. But everyone decided it was worth it to keep him from causing any damage. Gillette and Mallory have been put to work learning midwifery with medical textbooks, videos, etc. Everytime they show that they're making progress, they're rewarded with alcohol rations. Cyril has sucked up to drake and became his servant, doing whatever the man asks to avoid being locked up with Archer again. Drake has ordered them not to fuck any of us yet. Not til the fertility drugs have a chance to take effect. Sometimes I'm tempted to tease them, but I I'm going to be stuck with these men for a very long time. 

Journal entry 2 

The day has finally come, and I'm devastated. They monitored our periods. We synced up almost immediately. It didnt take long for them to notice we were late, and the testing began. Positive. I might give birth before we reach mars. What about those drugs...I'm probably having twins. What if I have triplets. I can't believe I have to rely on Gillette and Mallory delivering. They won't let me have any alcohol or sedation rations anymore.

Journal entry 3 

We've been moved to a big tank now, with the gravity reduced for our comfort. We're all 6 months along now, and so big we just cut the midriff out of the uniforms to make room for our bellies. Cheryl and Pam are having twins, those lucky cunts. Drake was ecstatic when they discovered I'm having triplets. I hate how he talks about me like I'm his prize pig. He keeps patting my belly, but far enough that I can't reach around my massive belly or swollen tits to slap him. I spend most of my days sketching and daydreaming. 

Sometimes I wake up and find cyril curled around my belly, hugging it desperately, his face buried in my tits. I'm disgusted by him, but I'm so desperate for intimacy, and it does feel really good...

Journal entry 4

I feel like I'm going to explode any minute now. If I look down - at all - all I see is tits and belly. And sometimes hips and ass. I can't fit into anything anymore. None of us preggos can. Cheryl, Pam and I are stuck floating naked in this chamber until we give birth. Cheryl has a fucking breakdown every time she feels a baby kick, and Pam was enjoying the extra food rations they were giving her until she took advantage and now they're rationing her rations. She loves this little nudity colony though. I hate how much she's enjoying it. My sketches, and my secret visits with cyril, keep me sane.

Him and I make sense right now. Archer is still locked up, and from what I've been told, going insane. Drake and his astronauts took their turns with me, but once I was diagnosed as pregnant Drake made me - as well as cheryl and pam - off limits for everyone. He even stopped too, but he keeps patting our bellies. He jokes around and calls it an inspection.  He also "inspects" our breasts, droning on about milk production the whole time. I try to zone out. But when cyril visits...its a nice escape. We have to wait for Cheryl and Pam to fall asleep, we can't risk them blabbing. We fuck slowly, quietly. There's no positions we can fuck in where we can make eye contact - my belly gets in the way - so we make up for it when cuddling after. When he curls around my belly, he can barely reach the rest of me. These pregnancy hormones have made me so horny though, when he buries his face in my milk-engorged tits and sucks on them it drives me wild. When he runs my belly while thrusting into me, it brings me to the edge of orgasms almost instantly. He whispers in my ear that I'm just as beautiful pregnant as I was before...he told me he loves how pregnancy emphasizes my curves he gropes and fondles me. My belly has become so big and round, his whole torso curves around it when he tries to hug me. I can't even get my arms all the way around it anymore. 

The journal entries seem to stop for a while after this, til we found this one:

Journal entry 5

I can't believe its the one hear anniversary of landing on Mars already. And chery, Pam and I are all pregnant again. And with multiples, again. They're going to make us go back to the low gravity chamber again, once we start to show. At least Archer isn't locked up anymore. Just a slave. Yeah. Drake was serious about that. Because Gillette, Mallory, cheryl, Pam, cyril and I all co-operated, we're being allowed to live in relative freedom here. I mean, where are we going to go? We can't hijack the horizon and escape anymore, it's been dismantled to build the colony. But archer is being forced to do manual labour. It seems like they broke his spirit by holding him in solitary for so long. He tried to kill himself, but they promised him that if he cooperated he would be rewarded with alcohol and breeding privileges. That's what's helping me keep it together now. Knowing that after this pregnancy, I might get to breed with Archer next time. Or even Cyril. Just not Drake again, I hope.
Liked by Twitchy (Feb 24, 2020)

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