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Anyone else crazy about midwives/doulas?
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So the saying goes that men are into pregnant women because pregnancy is such vivid evidence that the woman in question is sexually active.

I guess I like midwives/doulas for a similar reason: since she's a midwife, you know that she knows what pregnancy and birth is all about, and she's not afraid to roll up their sleeves and tackle it head on!  (Even if "tackling" it means getting pregnant herself!)  In fact, some of them are obsessed with it.

I have come across some exceptional pregnancy/birth content on the internet that was contributed by (pregnant) midwives.  For example, two of my favorite birth videos of all time: "Celosia's birth" and "Marissa's birth" (Hint: search on YouTube) --- both birthing mothers are themselves midwives.  There's just something poetic about how the most epic birth on YouTube --- the birth of the biggest baby you can imagine actually being posted online, a total, unvarnished milf (~38 is my guess on age) with an enormous belly --- and the unfortunate woman who has to do the pushing turns out to be a midwife!  You know Hera did that on purpose!  "The most difficult births, these I reserve for midwives" must have been scribbled down by a priest or shaman somewhere at some point in human history.  It's just too good.

There are two midwives out there who, from my perspective, are basically like the ying to our pregnancy fetishist yang.  One midwife I found has had 10 pregnancies or something like that, and she can't be more than 45.  (My guess is 40 or under...)  There's a pic of her at 9 months that her organization is using as an advertisement that's just breathtaking (see below).  If we are obsessed with the idea of pregnancy --- hoarding photos, videos, trying to seduce pregnant women---, these women are obsessed with the reality of pregnancy -- working with pregnant women, getting pregnant themselves again and again.  If you ask me, they are the ying to our yang.

Another midwife I found has 8 kids; you can learn more about her at this link: hxxps://  

Sadly, it doesn't say how old she is.  If you know where to look, you can find all these photos of her with a huge belly.  I look at them in awe and I'm just like: "How are you so down for this?"

I love seeing them, pregnant for the umpteenth time, with a huge 40 week belly, but they're totally in shape and basically skinny and you almost know they're trying to do it again.

I just imagine what it would be like getting stranded on an island with one of these radical, free birth midwives.  She's had 6 kids already.  It's just me and her alone on an island.  The first night, we fall asleep under the stars while I ask her what it feels like to have a huge pregnant belly, why she would want to do it again considering how much work it is, etc., completely innocent.  She indulges me in all my questions, happy to educate me and thrilled to talk with someone else who's into this stuff.  Years later, you find us on the island and she's pumped out four or five kids.  We're not even in love; she's not that into me; it's just what we do.  It's what she's into --- not as a fetish, but more like a lifestyle, a calling, a need to be pregnant --- and she has no problem letting me impregnate her --- as long as she's getting pregnant.  It's her preference (even if the sex is her least favorite part...)!  She's married to someone else, but we're alone on an island, and it's perfectly natural, after all!  Even when she's already pregnant, she lets me go down on her just because she knows how "boys" are and, anyway, she's as submissive as you would expect considering...
Liked by Fertility lover (Jul 23, 2021), pregolover10 (Jan 17, 2021), Conatus (Jan 7, 2021), Bigmclargehuge (Jan 5, 2021), Thebige (Jan 5, 2021)
In school to be a midwife! I’m on my 2nd pregnancy at 23!
Liked by Fertility lover (Jul 23, 2021), Joetheclone (Feb 9, 2021), Preggolove94 (Feb 9, 2021), alexnj (Feb 5, 2021), egnever23 (Feb 5, 2021), Bigmclargehuge (Feb 5, 2021), rbx7p9 (Feb 5, 2021)
Midwives/Doulas have been a recent interest for me, I've incorporated them into some of my fantasy situations.
I used to work at a bar with this amazingly hot waitress. She was really into kids and you could tell she was going to be popping the out ASAP. I’m still in touch on Facebook. Last I checked she is now a doula and getting married in the spring. I have great expectations about this. Hopefully there will be post-worthy material
Indie birth is the name of the organization. Great belly mapping video on YouTube. Won’t say her name, but she recently had her 11th. If I were a pregnant chick, I would totally want her as my midwife. Depending on what you are into, their stuff is either meh or outta sight.
Liked by Fertility lover (Jul 24, 2021)
Fertility lover
Doulas are certainly awesome. Women that embrace fertility and especially maternity are just so sexy to me.

I just don't understand people who are obsessed with "virgin" women and "turned off" by fecundity, motherhood and change. I totally get not actually wanting to have a baby for financial, health, or other reasons. But, to be turned off by the idea itself, as so many men and women seem to be, is just weird to me.

My S/O is so embarrassed by the feathery white streach marks she bears from her pregnancy with our daughter, but I love them! Everytime I see them I think about her struggle. How she, from nothing but our passion and her amazing body literally transmuted a person into existence.

I totally get why people would want to make a career from helping women have the most positive, healthy pregnancy experience. Doulas seem much more in touch with this than typical OBGYNs. And, of course, it is way more awesome if a Doula is particularly broody herself.
Liked by Expecting (Jul 24, 2021)
A RP centered on an examination with a pregnant midwife or ob gyn would be interesting
Midwife student here too! Not pregnant yet, but can't wait!!!
Liked by Fertility lover (Jul 24, 2021)

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