Any stories of this kind? (aliens/monsters/etc.)
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User 27138
Are there any stories of pregnancies involving human babies changing into a different creature due to extra terrestrial events or experiments? or pregnancies involving multiple fetuses of different specials e.g. a human and an alien or two. Thought the concept is interesting and would like to know if there is anything out there of the kind.
Liked by Daraen9746 (Feb 16, 2021)
Yes. There are more than a few at Deviant Art.

Aliens Fan Fic
by RudiciusCaesar

The year is 2389A.D. Several months ago a team of astronauts was dispatched to a faraway planet. Place travel is prevalent and many advances in technology have been made from interplanetary exploration. This planet in particular is covered mostly in water with only a few landmasses dotting the surface, far less than our own planet. The planet is hot, humid, and beset by near constant rain. But the planet harbors a strong, oxygen rich atmosphere, a great variety of marine life, lush tropical forests, and a variety of small insect like creatures.
The initial team that was dispatched contained six personnel. They were dispatched to collect specimens and to extensively explore the planet’s few islands. One in particular houses a massive, deep cave system that goes several kilometers into the planet. Rain collects in various pools inside the cave but the system is extremely vast and possesses a few dry spots. It was the hope of the explorers that they would find a different world inside the cave, and perhaps discover iron, or some other metal ore.
The team’s ship converted into a stationary research center that housed them and provided plenty of food for their journey and stay. Using stasis pods, the passengers were able to sleep through most of the journey while the ship navigated its way through space. After arriving, they set up their equipment and began their work. After two months on the planet, they contacted the nearest space station for assistance. They had reported a cave in that, thankfully, didn’t hurt anyone, but damaged a great amount of equipment, necessitating aid.
A team of marines were in the area and the space station redirected them to head down to the planet and assist. Within two days of the accident, a team of four marines made touchdown with the scientific expedition. The leader of the expedition is a very well known, very talented scientist, Cecilia Delacour. Within her team of five scientists included Marshal Williams, Rachel Faust, Andrea Veneto, and Vasily Azarov. All were skilled in chemistry, botany, biology, zoology and more.
More would also be applied to Cecilia, for she was in the last trimester of pregnancy. She was well known for her promiscuity and was unsure who the father was but couldn’t have cared less. She volunteered to lead the expedition while she was already quite pregnant. The use of the stasis pods prolonged her pregnancy and they were to return before she would give birth. The higher ups had no choice but to send her as she was above and beyond the most qualified in her field and she was so enthusiastic about it. They couldn’t refuse her. Thus, the heavily pregnant Cecilia commanded the mission.
The marines that came to aid Cecilia and company were Captain Thomas Reinhart, Lieutenant Amanda Alvarez, and Corporals Nava Rahimi, and Melissa Stefan. Captain Reinhart was a noted veteran space traveler, while Lieutenant Alvarez was noted for her battle hardened, extremely aggressive personality. She was not well liked, even by Captain Reinhart. They came to the aid of our travelers and here is where the story begins, here we reach the present, and from here the story really begins.
After touching down, the marines proceeded into the cave after their initial briefing and greetings. Cecilia was a petite blonde with blue eyes, large glasses, and her hair back in a ponytail. Her actual pregnancy had gone well beyond the 40 weeks but due to stasis, she was temporarily locked. The two months spent on the planet brought her to 35 weeks. She was unconcerned, soon they would be leaving the planet with the data they had and she would return eventually after giving birth. Her belly was understandably quite large. She wore simple, tight fitting black pants that ended below her belly, a tight, light grey t-shirt that struggled to maintain its stitching due to Cecilia’s maternity.
“So this is where the cave in started, destroying a lot of our specimen containers…and many of our little creatures. We also made the mistake of setting up this teeny base camp inside the cave. When the cave in occurred, we lost too much supplies, rations, etc, etc, to stay any longer. We’re lucky you were in the area. We appreciate the assistance.” Cecilia goes on as they walk to the main site of the cave in. They were several hundred feet below the surface; it was dark and lit only by their flashlights and the remnants of their campsite that actually still worked.
“Yeah, we lost too much.” Vasily said. He was a Russian cosmonaut and the medic of the team. A noted surgeon and doctor of internal medicine before his employment in space, he was sent to protect the scientists and God forbid, help the overly zealous Cecilia deliver a child on a foreign planet.
“It’s not a problem at all. We’re happy to lend some assistance.” Captain Reinhart responds. Corporal Nava, Andrea, and Rachel accompanied them while Lieutenant Alvarez remained with Corporal Melissa and Marshal back at the ship.
The small group begins to rummage through the remains of the campsite. That which is salvageable is loaded into large carrying cases and various containers. The heavily pregnant Cecilia kneels down to pry open a busted computer to tear out its data storage pack, which is thankfully intact. As Cecilia sighs a sigh of relief, she lifts her gaze, noticing the new tunnel caused by the cave in. She slowly comes to her feet, placing the storage pack in her carrying case and shuffles towards the busted wall.
“Andrea, Rachel! Come here quick, there’s something in here.” Cecilia shouts back to her subordinates who quickly respond. After passing their findings to Vasily, both girls rush to the side of Cecilia. They each shine their flashlights into the new cavern.
“Hey! Wait, don’t go on ahead without us.” Captain Reinhart says. He and Corporal Nava set their equipment down and race up to the hole in the wall. As they catch up, the shine of the many flashlights illuminates the room. A humid, pasty air resonates from this new area. Cecilia is first to step in, slowly and awkwardly. Andrea and Rachel follow suit while Reinhart and Nava reach for their guns.
“Oh please, I doubt you will need those.” Cecilia says, turning to the soldiers while wiping sweat from her brow. Andrea stays behind while Rachel continues to walk forward.
“Look at the walls here. They…they look skeletal. Like they are literally made of bone.” Rachel says as she gets close, shinning her light along the wall.
“And they’re sticky, black and sticky.” Corporal Nava says after putting her gun away and touching the wall hesitantly.
“Nava, don’t, keep your eyes peeled.” Captain Reinhart says as he calmly pulls her away. Cecilia and Andrea follow Rachel deeper into the winding cave. A soft, sticky haze drifts towards them as they continue their push into the depths. The haze is accompanied by a foul smell, one that reeks of decaying flesh. The group covers their noses and gasp for air.
“N-Nava, go back, tell Vasily we found something and we will be returning. Go, I will get the others.” The captain says as he waves his fellow soldier on towards the campsite. He continues his march, eventually catching up with the others.
“It’s…it’s not that bad once you get used to it, keep going.” Cecilia says after a quick gag. The others nod in acceptance and press forward. Eventually they stop, coming to a large recess in the cave floor. The recess is full of large, oval shaped objects that appear glued to the floor.
“They look like eggs. Don’t they?” Andrea says pointing her flashlight down towards the objects.
“Yes, they do. We should investigate. We haven’t encountered anything like this yet on the planet and we already lost most of what we found in the cave.” Cecilia says as she begins to descend into the recess.
“Wait, halt!” Captain Reinhart says as he finally catches up to the girls. Andrea and Rachel hesitate to follow Cecilia but eventually they slide down the 3 foot recess. The egg-like objects are places in random clusters and are about 2 feet tall. They are covered in the familiar sticky slime that covers the walls. Cecilia stands straight up, only a few steps away from one of the egg-like things. She shines her light on it with her right hand and lifts her shirt with the left. She scratches the side of her pregnant swell while mulling her options over.
“Cecilia, let Rachel and I try to dislodge one. You’re in no condition for that.” Andrea says as she walks in front of her.
“Yeah, we got this, don’t worry.” Rachel replies. The two girls walk over to the nearest egg-shaped object. Andrea barely flinches as she kneels down and tries to lift it.
“Eh, it’s heavy but the glue isn’t great. Rachel, help me lift it.” Andrea says as she tucks on the egg, beginning to uproot it herself. Rachel comes over but stops and shirks back. Andrea falls back on her rear as the top of the vessel splits open at the top. Like a blossoming flower, the fleshy object opens, revealing a writhing mass inside. Rachel turns to her right to see the next closest egg is doing the same.
“Oh they’re hatching! Excellent!” Cecilia says as she shakes her fists in joy.
“Great, they are tons of them, let’s go, we can gather more adequate assistance in removing the specimens.” Reinhart says as he tugs firmly on Cecilia’s arm.
“I…I think…w-we should listen to the Captain.” Rachel says as she slowly backs up, keeping her eyes on the egg.
“Oh please, they can easily be thrown into Cecilia’s container backpack.” Andrea gestures back towards Cecilia. She’s kneeling forward, her head turned, her face a confident smile. She turns back to face the egg only to be floored instantly by the contents.
“Ghhmmmfff!!” Andrea emits a muffled scream for help. She falls on her back and squirms. A scorpion like creature has attached itself to her face, wrapping its long tail around her neck. Cecilia jumps in fright while Captain Reinhart drops to the ground, trying to pry the creature off. As their attention is diverted, Rachel turns back to the other egg. As she does, another scorpion like creature is already airborne, rushing towards her, leaving a trail of goo and fluids behind it.
“Noo-Mmmhhh!” Rachel screams as the creature latches onto her face. It wraps its tail around her neck but Rachel’s hands are holding it at bay.
“Rachel!” Cecilia screams as she rushes to her comrade’s aid. She tugs and tugs, but the creature is unrelenting. It shoots out a slimy proboscis that smacks Rachel in the cheek. Rachel opens her mouth to scream and the creature immediately plunges its proboscis into her mouth, down her throat. The sudden action causes Rachel to faint, finally succumbing to the creature.
“God…we, we have to go!” Cecilia shouts to Reinhart as she drags the unconscious Rachel. Reinhart quickly hoists Andrea over one shoulder while he helps Cecilia hoist Rachel, both of them sharing the burden. They quickly climb out of the recess, backup the path they followed and into the camp.
“What the fuck happened down there?!” Nava screams as she takes Rachel from the exhausted Cecilia.
“N-no time, V-Vasily….get them to the s-ship!” Cecilia commands. Vasily nods and helps Reinhart carry Andrea. After a few minutes of frantic running they make it to their ship and bring the two girls into the infirmary. Vasily and Marshal got the two afflicted women onto the examination tables. Removing their gear, bring them down to nothing but their work pants and tank tops, Vasily began to address the situation. He took their vitals, he tried to remove the creatures with forceps only for them to tighten their grip and cause the girls noticeable discomfort. After a few moments working on Andrea and Rachel, Vasily retired to the break room, where everyone was gathered.
“Vasily, what’s going on? Are they ok?” Cecilia asks with a startled tone.
“They’re definitely not ok, I can’t remove the creatures. I’ve attempted to remove them and they simply wrap their tail around them even more and appear to be strangling them.” Vasily responds.
“So they’re going to suffocate?” Lieutenant Alvarez questions.
“I don’t believe so, the creatures appear to be feeding them oxygen through two air sacks on their sides.” Vasily answers.
“We should attempt to cut the creatures off.” Captain Reinhart suggests.
“No, I don’t think so. If the creatures are willing to strangle Andrea and Rachel at the slightest provocation, I imagine any attempt to cut them off would result in a terrible end.” Cecilia remarks. Vasily and Marshal nod in agreement.
“One more thing to note…the scans did detect a substance inside the Andrea and Rachel. I’m not sure what it is but I think it might be some sort of venom. Perhaps it’s not fatal but I’m not sure, we will have to carefully monitor the situation.” Vasily adds.
“Dammit. We need to get off this stupid planet and back to the nearest station ASAP.” Alvarez says.
“Agreed, we will begin preparations set out as soon as we’re ready.” Captain Reinhart says in agreement. The rest of the crew nod and head off to begin the tasks necessary to depart. Cecilia takes to her room, cataloging as much as she can and putting away the various delicate instruments that remain. Vasily and Marshal continue to monitor Andrea and Rachel while the marines pack up the heavier stuff and prepare both ships for takeoff. This takes several hours and after finalizing the situation, the crew retires for the evening.
Cecilia is the first to rise. She groggily climbs to her feet. Rubbing her pregnant belly as she wanders over to her closet, she tosses off her white sleeping shirt and reaches for a black bra. After fastening the bra on she puts on a pair of skin tight black pants and matching short sleeved, tight shirt. She puts her red hair up in a bun and heads to the infirmary to check on her fellow scientists. When she arrives, she sees both creatures have fallen off from their victims, lying on the floor, cold and stiff, in a mangled formation like a dead spider. Cecilia rushes to wake the others who take the vitals of Andrea and Rachel. Andrea is the first to come to, followed only a few minutes later by Rachel.
“Are you two ok? How do you feel?” Cecilia asks as she sits next to Andrea. Cecilia’s deep, green eyes show her concern for her companions.
“Yes, your vitals are ok.” Vasily says as he checks the charts.
“I’m o-ok, my throat hurts a little and I’m real thirsty.” Rachel says with a raspy voice.
“Yeah, I feel alright, though there’s a tightness in my chest.” Andrea says as she rubs her sternum.
“I kinda feel that way too…” Rachel says looking towards Vasily.
“Well…those creatures…they did inject you with something. We’re not sure but it appears to not have affected you. Perhaps it was meant to weaken you so the creatures could extract nutrients from you or something. Hopefully whatever their mission was failed.” Vasily says as he gestures towards the dead creatures resting on a tray.
“Here’s some water” Cecilia says as she hands both girls cups of water, which they drink. After filling them in on the situation and assuring them they will get them to the nearest space station for full medical treatment, Andrea and Rachel head to their rooms to prepare for takeoff. After finishing preparations the crew gathers in the main lounging room.
“Ok, you will blast off first and we will follow right behind you.” Captain Reinhart says.
“Fine, how long till we reach the nearest station?” Marshal asks.
“About 4 days. Not far at all.” Corporal Melissa responds.
“Good, we can catalog more of our data while you two get some much needed rest.” Cecilia says as she gestures towards Rachel and Andrea with a kind smile. The two nod in response. The crew continues to go over more of the procedures. As this goes on, Andrea’s breathing becomes quick and labored. Everyone continues to go on about their business until Andrea stands up, holding her chest coughing.
“Andrea? You ok?” Vasily says as she walks towards her. Rachel stands up and puts her arms around Andrea’s shoulder.
“You ok? What’s wrong?” Rachel asks in a scared tone.
“M-my guh…my chest…hurts!” Andrea says as she lurches back, pushing Rachel off. Andrea’s back arches as she thrusts her chest out forward, her breasts bouncing ever so slightly. She begins to gag and Vasily grabs her and lays her on the room’s table and attempts to assess the situation but Andrea begins to flail and spasm. Everyone rushes to her side. Cecilia stands next to Vasily, who is being assisted by Marshal in trying to hold Andrea down. Cecilia puts her hands on her mouth and leans forward. The marines try to help as well.
“Ack, help me! Help meeee!!” Andrea screams as she places both her hands on her sternum and flails her head back, her eyes tightly shut. Rachel, who is looking on backs up against the lounge wall. She is sweating profusely.
“Stop moving, stop so I can help!” Vasily yells as he holds down Andrea’s left arm while Marshal holds down the right.
“Andrea stop! Let them help!” Cecilia says as she stands in front of Andrea, by her legs.
“Ahhhh I c-can’t! Ugh!” Andrea screams as she lifts her head, looking at the space between her breasts. Her long blonde hair is a virtual rat’s nest due to her convulsions. Sweat is pouring from her body.
“Gagghh muhh” Andrea gags aloud as she arches her back, thrusting her chest upwards. A cracking sound follows Andrea’s gags. She lays flat back down for a second or two before she rises again, this time a louder cracking sound and a noticeable bump forms in the space between her breasts.
“The fuck is that!?” Cecilia screams as she jumps back. Rachel gasps in horror while the others look on. Marshal and Vasily finally let go of Andrea, who continues to grimace in pain. She curls up into a ball while holding her chest.
“G-guhhh….Ahhhhhh!!!!” Andrea roars aloud as she rolls onto her back. The horrifying sound of bone shattering provides the prelude to the sound of blood splattering against the ceiling and those in attendance. Within the spray of blood, a long, thick phallic like creature crawls forth from Andrea’s chest. The creature’s eyeless face looks around as if it can sense the terrified crowd around it. Andrea lifts her head to look at the creature. Her heart continues to pump blood, which just sprays outwards. She eventually gives in to her injuries. The creature emits a high pitched squeal before darting off.
“D-don’t let it get away!” Cecilia screams. The marines draw their weapons and pursue the alien that burst forth from Andrea’s chest. As they exit the room. Cecilia turns around, looking at Rachel. Rachel looks back with a horrified look. She is breathing hard and holding her chest. Tears are welling up in her eyes. Vasily and Marhsal turn and realize the same as well.
“Nggh!” Rachel growls through gritted teeth. She then coughs as a huge thrust cracks her chest. Blood stains her white tank top as a small mound pushes from in between her breasts. She gags as she slides down the wall. Her rear thuds to the ground. She lays both her hands on the floor and coughs up blood.
“N-no, no…nooo!! Ehhh!!” Rachel says as she clenches her fists against the cold floor of the lounge. Her knees folded upwards, Rachel looks down at her injury. In that moment her chest breaks open and the creature tears through her shirt. Rachel’s blood sprays all over Cecilia, who tumbles back only to be caught by Marshal. Rachel continues to scream as another serpentine alien slithers free of her body. It slides down Rachel’s belly and onto the floor, in front of her crotch. It quickly slithers out the room, leaving a trail of blood. Rachel slumps off to the right, where she expires.
The marines continue their pursuit of Andrea’s spawn. The eventually corner it and open fire. The small creature stands no chance and it is obliterated by the marines’ pistols. However, it sprays a yellowish green fluid that immediately begins to burn through the floor. The marines scramble to contain the acid but it proves too much for them and burns straight down into the engine room, destroying it. The scientist’s ship is now incapacitated. After reporting this news to Cecilia, they realize Rachel has died as well and one more alien is unaccounted for.

Vasily performs an autopsy on Andrea and deduces that the small, scorpion like creatures laid eggs or an embryo inside Andrea and Rachel’s chests. When the life form reached maturity it ruptured from its “mother” and fled the scene. The crew patches up the bodies and puts them in stasis to preserve them for a proper funeral on earth. The crew then takes to the dreadful task of moving as much as they can to the military ship. Everyone is noticeably distraught over the terrible turn of events.
After many hours of hard work, the remaining scientists settle into rooms on the marines’ ship. Cecilia shares a room with Vasily and Marshal due to lack of space. There are only 6 stasis pods on the ship, one for each marine and two spare ones, which are used to house Rachel and Andrea’s body. The marines realize the sudden change in cargo and weight requires refueling and uses their reserves to refill the engine which takes time. After coming to the sensible conclusion that no one is in good enough condition to fly the ship, they decide to sleep off the terrible day and set off in the morning.
Marshal and Vasily are already asleep, along with all the marines. Cecilia however is still awake. She is typing up a report in her computer, detailing the horrors of the day. She can’t help but feel a deep sense of guilt for the death of her colleagues. After all, it was Cecilia’s mission, her impetuous that led to the discovery of the aliens, and thus, the deaths of her friends. After finishing her notes, Cecilia wearily heads to the ship’s shower.
She closes the door behind her and removes her clothing. Cecilia isn’t very tall, about 5’3”. Her skin is very pale and concentrations freckles dot her face and in spots around her body. She lets loose her shoulder length red hair. She stares in the full body mirror in the large, communal shower. She rubs her pregnant belly, tracing the dark pink line in the center of her belly, her finger probes her belly button a bit. She sighs and turns on the closest shower. The room becomes choked with steam. After washing up, Cecilia slides up against the wall and sits on the warm, wet tile floor as the shower continues to pelt her.
“This is all my fault. I should have backed off when I had the chance. Now Rachel and Andrea are dead. This is my fault.” Cecilia muses as she cries a bit. Her legs are straight out in front of her and both her hands rest on her pregnant belly. She closes her eyes for a moment and continues to cry. After a few minutes, she hears the bathroom door open. Cecilia opens her eyes and rises to her feet as fast as she can.
“Um…please, I’m still in here. Leave me be.” Cecilia says but nothing responds. She turns around the stall to look at the door slightly ajar. After looking around, she runs to it, and closes it quickly. As water drips from her naked pregnant body, Cecilia can only feel unnerved. She then turns the corner again to head back to the shower she was at. As she does, Cecilia gasps in horror. Before she can scream she is accosted by a large, black creature. It grabs her by the mouth, muffling her screams. It is tall, extremely tall, and lanky. Its head is oddly phallic shaped. Its skin is a shiny reflective black. A boney exoskeleton, 6 digits on each hand and foot, and a long tail complete this creature’s anatomy.
Cecilia suddenly realizes that this is Rachel’s “child”, fully grown. Cecilia kicks the creature and pounds on it repeatedly. It responds by paring its teeth, which are a disturbing metallic color. It opens its mouth, revealing a long, thrusting tongue with another set of teeth. It lashes it out in front of Cecilia’s face but stops in front of her nose. Cecilia opens her eyes as the creature lays her flat on her back. It runs its many fingered hands on her belly before sniffing Cecilia’s body. Fear freezes Cecilia’s vocal cords. No words, no screams, only fear.
As Cecilia continues to look at the creature, she realizes the creature has brought something with it. On the ceiling, which has claw marks, indicating that the creature leapt to the ceiling to avoid detection, there is an affixed egg. Cecilia gasps and begins to scream but the creature raps its tail around her throat, cutting off her screaming and raising her up to the egg. Cecilia’s eyes race around frantically, she knows what’s coming. She’s afraid, she’s terrified. The egg splits open and fluids splatter on the floor. A moment later, the scorpion like occupant fires out, wrapping its long, boney digits around Cecilia’s face. It rams its proboscis down Cecilia’s throat. The large alien lets go and Cecilia tumbles to the floor, struggling to stay conscious. The alien looms over Cecilia as her sight fades to black. The face hugging parasite continues its work.
Cecilia’s eyes open a few hours later. She is dry. She is still naked but she is in bed. A heavy white blanket is laid across her. Her chest hurts. She sits up and instantly begins to feel around but something is different. There is a stitched up incision on her sternum. She looks around and realizes she’s in the infirmary of their original, immobile ship. She looks around and sees Vasily asleep in the chair next to her.
“V-Vasil…Vasily.” Cecilia whispers. She leans over and taps Vasily who stirs and slowly opens his eyes.
“Oh Cecilia! You’re ok!” Vasily says as she sits up in a startled daze. He lays his hands on her shoulders as he stands. She looks and him in shock as he knocks away the blanket, exposing her pregnant breasts.
“Shit, my bad, here.” Vasily says as he wraps the blanket around Cecilia.
“It’s ok. Tell me what happened, am…I ok? Is the baby…ok?” Cecilia questions.
“Yes, you’re both ok. Melissa found you in the shower in the morning, the creature was still attached to your face but waited till it was unresponsive, pried it from your face, and we surgically removed the creature gestating in your chest. I checked everything, you’re fine. The baby’s vitals are ok.” Vasily answers.
“What did you do with the alien?” Cecilia asks Vasily as she rubs her chest.
“We put it in a container, walked outside, and shot the thing to Hell.” Vasily says as he sits down next to Cecilia. She smiles and closes her eyes.
“Thank you.” Cecilia says as she lies back onto the bed. Vasily places his left hand on Cecilia’s pregnant belly beneath the blanket.
“What are you doing? I hardly think now is the time for such gestures.” Cecilia says in a muffled tone.
“S-sorry, just happened. Won’t do it again.” Vasily says as he pulls his hand back rapidly.
“It’s ok. I don’t mind.” Cecilia says as she lifts her head. Looking beyond her breasts and beyond her belly, her eyes meet Vasily’s. For a moment they both smile at each other. It is only for a moment because Marshal rushes in.
“Vasily! The…Cecilia, you’re ok!?” Marshal says in astonishment.
“Marshal, what is it?” Vasily replies.
“Something is attacking the marines in the other ship!” Marshal shouts.
“T-the adult. The one that came out of Rachel. It’s fully grown now and intelligent enough to bring eggs with it.” Cecilia says with fright.
“Shit, hold on, I’m coming!” Vasily says as he jumps to his feet and runs out the door. Marshal, who is carrying two pistols, hands one to Cecilia and helps her stand. She ties the blanket around herself. Marshal helps her walk out and as they exit, Vasily is running back.
“Wait, the monster is attacking..?” Cecilia says as she walks slowly with Marshal.
“Y-yeah, we need to help them. Marshal, stay with her, slowly make your way to the marines’ ship, I’m heading there now!” Vasily commands as he races off. Marshal nods. Cecilia puts her arm around his shoulder as he props her up. They make their way out of their derelict ship and towards the military craft.
Arriving at the other ship, Cecilia and Marshal hear gunfire, which is quickly silenced by a yell. It’s Reinhart commanding the others to avoid firing on the creature due to the potential damage it can cause to the ship. Cecilia slowly walks with Marshal down the halls. They see Alvarez dash by, quickly followed by Nava, and then by the alien. It’s sleek, lithe body allows it to quickly catch up to Nava, pinning her to the ground. Before it can do anything else, Reinhart and Vasily grab the creature’s tail and toss it aside. Alvarez is joined by Melissa in attempting to force the creature out of the ship. In the melee, the creature spots Vasily, stops for a moment then whips its tail around and impales Vasily through the chest.
“Guh!” Vasily gasps as the alien hoists him high before slamming him to the ground. Cecilia screams and runs towards her mortally wounded comrade. Marshal attempts to Vasily while the marines continue their assault.
“Enough of this bullshit!” Reinhart yells as he draws his long Bowie knife and makes a quick slash at the creature, severing its right hand. Acidic blood sprays the hall of the ship damaging it. Before Reinhart and the others can draw their guns, the creature flees down the hall.
“We can call for backup or repair the ship, we HAVE to kill this thing now!” Reinhart says as he loads his pistol while the other marines grab their assault rifles.
“Vasily, Vasily!” Cecilia screams as she holds the man who saved her life. It is already too late; he died long before she could get him to her arms.
“That thing targeted Vasily. I bet it somehow knew he was a doctor.” Marshal says to Cecilia.
“No…no, that thing is just a wild animal.” Cecilia says as she gently lowers the dead doctor’s body to the floor. Coming to her feet with the aid of Marshal, they race after the marines. Corporal Nava is the first to join up with Cecilia and Marshal.
“We’ve lost sight of the monster. It might be in the air ducts. Captain and Melissa went to the front of the ship while Alvarez went to the back. I was ordered to come get you two.” Nava says.
“We need to get to a save place, possibly lure it out.” Cecilia replies.
“Maybe. Captain, can you hear me?” Nava says into her intercom.
“Yes, I can hear you, did you find them?” Reinhart replies.
“Yes, they’re fine. Should we join you two or go to the Lieutenant?” Nava continues.
“Find the Lieutenant and…wait, shit!” Reinhart is halted in his orders; the sound of gunfire comes through the intercom. Nava immediately sprints towards her leader while Cecilia and Marshal lag behind.
As Reinhart was speaking with Nava, the creature descended from the air ducts, knocking Melissa to the floor. In response Reinhart opened fire to protect his fellow soldier. Crawling along the walls the creature is hit with only a few pistol rounds before it leaps straight for Reinhart, pinning him to the ground. In one single motion it releases its second, pile driver like jar into the valiant captain’s skull, killing him instantly.
“No! Dammit, die!!” Melissa says as she too, opens fire. She only gets a few rounds off before the creature floors her with its tail and secretes acidic spit onto Melissa’s downed rifle, destroying it. Nava runs into the room too late. The alien has grabbed Melissa and pulled her into the air ducts. Nava sees her slain captain on the floor and begins to fire wildly into the air ducts. It is for naught. As the loud sound of her rifle drowns out anything around it, the alien slips down from behind and captures Nava too. By the time Cecilia and Marshal arrive, Alvarez has caught up to the gory scene.
“Reinhart’s dead…the dumb corporals have been taken. No doubt they have met with those nasty parasites.” Alvarez says as she kicks over the nearest table in anger.
“W-without Vasily, we can’t save them. He’s the only one who had the medical skill to remove those things.” Cecilia says in a morbid tone.
“They’re doomed.” Marshal adds.
“Well I’m going after them and that monster. It obviously retreats back into the cave to acquire more eggs!” Alvarez says as she grabs a suit of body armor. Affixing her helmet, breast plate, and reloading her weapons, she exits the ship in a lunatic fury before Cecilia or Marshal can convince her otherwise.
“We need to regroup and call for backup…and I need some real clothes.” Cecilia says to Marshal. After acquiring some clothes, Cecilia and Marshal seal off the ship as best they can and attempt to contact the nearest station. Alas, they are too far out. After putting the late Vasily and Captain Reinhart’s bodies into the remaining stasis pods, the survivors wait patiently for Alvarez’s return.
“She’s been gone a really long time; we should have gone with her.” Marshal says to Cecilia.
“Are you insane!? Look what that creature did! We need will wait a bit longer and then get off this stupid planet.” Cecilia says with a fearful tone.
“Cecilia…it’s been almost a full day of waiting.” Marshal says in response to Cecilia’s policy of abandonment.
“Yeah, see my point. They’re probably already dead.” Cecilia replies.
“You know, you really are heartless sometimes. I won’t just sit here, I’m going.” Marshal says with a disgruntled tone. He grabs one of the remaining assault rifles on the ship, loads it and begins to exit the craft.
“Do you even know how to use that thing!?” Cecilia shouts as he exits the ship and walks onto the planet’s surface.
“Yeah, I used to hunt when I was young.” Marshal yells, his back turned to Cecilia.
“Dammit…just…wait up!” Cecilia yells back as she exits the ship. Cecilia arms herself with a common military pistol. Her shoulder length red hair is undone and she is wearing a single, tight fitting black body suit that hugs her pregnant curves. Her bra and panties leave a clear line indicating where they are but she doesn’t care. This is no time to be concerned about one’s appearance. Joining back up with Marshal, they enter the cave together.
After a few minutes of slowly walking through the cave, the remaining scientists reach the tunnel that led to the egg chamber. As they continue their slow pace, the once foul gas is long gone, dissipated throughout the cave complex. Using only the flashlight on the end of the rifle, they make their way. Marshal and Cecilia have locked their arms for both comfort and protection. A sound begins to emanate from the depths, causing the duo to freeze.
“The Hell is that?” Cecilia asks as she pulls tighter to Marshal in fear.
“That’s a scream.” Marshal points out and indeed it is. A distorted female scream from the depths of the cave rings out. They begin to quicken their pace but maintain their caution approach, well aware of the dangers of an ambush. Eventually they turn down a winding path and the flashlight rests on someone.
“M-Melissa?” Marshal says as he gets closer.
“It’s her…” Cecilia says as she leans down to examine Melissa. Her chest is busted open, just like Andrea and Rachel. She is affixed to the wall by the same sticky substance that holds the eggs in place. Her head is slumped down, her long blonde hair covering the wound. Blood still drips from her. Beneath her lays one of the inert egg parasites.
“That was Melissa we heard earlier.” Cecilia says with a mournful tone.
“Y-yeah it was.” A voice from behind speaks to them. Turning around sharply, they come to see Nava, cocooned to the wall. At her feet rests another one of the parasites. An alien is clearly gestating in her chest.
“Oh God, Nava, we’ll get you down!” Cecilia says as she begins to tug on the sticky resin.
“N-no…forget me. T-the lieutenant, you n-need to…ugh…go after her.” Nava says, grimaces in pain as the parasite begins to squirm inside, rubbing up against her lungs, her heart, and her ribs. She leans her head back and moans, biting her lower lip ever so slightly. Sweat runs down her dark skin as she continues to moan as the alien inside does its work.
“Nava, where did she go?” Marshal asks as he approaches her.
“She..she ah! She went into the egg chamber a while ago. She…s-she was firing at the alien but that was a while ago.” Nava says as the pain continues to spread through her chest.
“We can’t leave you, stop this nonsense, let’s get you down.” Cecilia says as she draws a pocket knife and begins to slice at Nava’s bonds.
“No! Stop! It’s coming. I can feel it, get going. Get the l-lieutenant. Get her…g-get her!!!” Nava says as she begins to gag up blood. Movement can be scene beneath her tight shirt. Her breasts bounce with each push of her extraterrestrial child. Nava continues to gag as she pulls her hands as close to her chest as she can. She lifts up her shift, exposing her breasts. The creature rams against her rib cage, cracking her sternum in a single shot. Nava coughs up blood for a bit then one final push splits her chest wide open. The phallic alien squirms free of Nava’s chest and slams to the floor. Nava continues to hold her shirt up, her naked torso covered in blood.
“Disgusting monster!” Cecilia yells. She punts the fetal parasite into the wall, causing it to splatter against the wall. Its acid blood drips down. Nava moans and drops her hands to her side after witnessing Cecilia dispatch the ex-occupant of her chest.
“We have to get Alvarez and get off this stupid planet. Let’s go!” Cecilia says as she sprints down the cave at full speed. Marshal gasps at the sudden flush of energy in Cecilia. Raising his rifle high, he follows. Continue down the vile, sticky cave, Cecilia’s pregnant body slows her down considerable, allowing Marshal to catch up. Coming to the threshold of the egg chamber, Cecilia stops, puts her hands on her knees, bending forward, panting heavily. She rises a little and rubs her recently operated on chest.
“You ok? Seriously.” Marshal asks as he puts his right hand on Cecilia’s left shoulder.
“Y-yeah, I’m fine. Baby’s fine. Still kicking.” She replies as she stands up straight, putting her hands on the arch of her back and sticking her heavily swollen belly out considerably. As she does Alvarez climbs out of the egg chamber’s basin. She rises to her and staggers towards the scientists. Cecilia runs forward and catches Alvarez.
“G-God dammit! I…I don’t have much time left. We have to kill this thing and blow up the eggs!” Alvarez says as she folds her arms against her breastplate.
“Alvarez…you too? No. We told you not to go ahead!” Cecilia says as she leans back from Alvarez.
“Fuck you. I don’t take orders from you!” Alvarez says as she slaps Cecilia. She tumbles back into Marshal’s arms. Alvarez doubles over in pain for a second but quickly rises.
“Bitch. Fine, whatever.” Cecilia replies to the belligerent Alvarez.
The remaining survivors survey the chamber. Alvarez had succeeded in destroying many of the eggs but it was obvious by now that one hatchling had accosted her. Soon the gestating parasite will emerge and time is of the essence. Alvarez continues to fire on the remaining eggs, Marshal, and Cecilia join in. As they fire on the eggs, splattering goo and mildly acidic fluids, they are oblivious to the wounded alien stalking them along the ceiling. In a single move it wraps its tail around Cecilia’s pregnant waist and lifts her high.
“Ahh! Help! Marshal help!!” Cecilia screams as she drops her handgun and is flung up. The creature turns her around, its eyeless face staring back at Cecilia. She kicks and squirms as best she can but the alien quickly releases its second, jackknife like jaw out but it stops short. The creature reels back just as Alvarez shoots the alien’s remaining left hand, causing it to fall from the ceiling. Cecilia wiggles free of the alien’s grip. Her tight, black body suit is now torn; her naked belly and panties are now exposed.
“Kill this bastard!!” Alvarez says as she again doubles over in pain. Marshal complies and unloads on the alien. Shot after shot shatters the exoskeleton of the alien. Acid splatters against the wall and within moments, the alien that had menaced the entire grew from the second it burst forth from Rachel’s body, is now dead. The carcass continues to kick and flail as its dying nerves fire.
“It’s dead! Oh thank Heaven!” Cecilia says as she throws a rock at the creature’s carcass. Marshal runs over to her and helps lift her back to her feet. As they begin their celebration, Alvarez rises to her feet, coughing terribly.
“Guh…ahggg. G-get going. I will finish this!” Alvarez says as she hugs the sides of her body and leans forward.
“What do you have planned?” Marshal asks.
“There are only a few left and I have enough grenades with me to do-gughh do the job right! Go, go now!” Alvarez says as she tosses off her helmet, grabs two of the grenades and begins to slowly walk down the slope and into the egg chamber. Marshal nods and grabs Cecilia by the hand. They race towards the exit while Alvarez continues her march. As she walks, the creature inside presses its assault. With each step, the alien pushes. With each inch she takes, it gnaws at her insides. She eventually stands over the remaining four eggs.
“T-time to do this!” Alvarez says as she goes to activate the one grenade. Before she can the creature inside rams hard. Her chest cracks, she spits up blood, and drops the one grenade.
“F-fuck…guuuhh!” Alvarez says as she bends over to grab the grenade she dropped but the baby alien inside thrusts forward again. She lurches straight up and blood gushes from the bottom of her breastplate. The creature has already broken free of Alvarez’s chest, now only the breastplate holds it in place. As it writhes around in her body, Alvarez realizes she is out of time and tumbles onto her back. The alien distends her breastplate after a few thrusts.
“One…left…” Alvarez says through gasping breaths as she grabs the last grenade and activates it. As she raises it high the alien bursts clean through her armor and slides out of her body. However, before it can make a speedy escape Alvarez’s grenade goes off. The explosion obliterates her, the parasite she birthed, and the remaining eggs. Cecilia and Marshal pause after hearing the explosion. With a deep sigh they both exit the cave and reach their damaged ships.

Climbing into the damaged but still operational military shuttle, Cecilia and Marshal blast off into space, leaving behind the corpses of Melissa, Nava, and Alvarez. Now that the ship is damaged, the original 4 day journey to the closest space station is a weeklong trip. Cecilia and Marshal settle in. There is plenty of food left to last them for this long, labored journey. Cecilia heads into the ship’s shower; this time there is nothing to interrupt her. After finishing her shower, she retires to Nava and Melissa’s room. After he finished plotting the course, Marshal retired early.
On the third day of their trip, Cecilia wakes. She is exhausted. Her body heavy with pregnancy, isn’t helping. Wearing nothing but her black panties and a military green t-shirt, Cecilia exits her room and joins Marshal in the cockpit. Marshal is drinking a cold cup of coffee while making sure the ship is heading in the proper course. Cecilia sits down in the chair next to him, she curls up, lifting her legs as high as her pregnant belly will allow.
“Not too much longer and we’ll be at the station. Once there we’ll get a new transport, get into stasis and mosey on home.” Marshal says as he turns to Cecilia.
“Yeah, go for a long sleep, get up, go give birth to a baby, sounds great.” Cecilia says with a faint chuckle. She places her left hand on the side of her belly, feeling a slight movement.
“Well, better that then having the baby here in a half destroyed spaceship.” Marshal says.
“Totally. Well…I guess I’m going to go back to bed or get something to eat. I’m worn out.” Cecilia says as she slowly lowers her legs. She hoists her belly forward and allows its weight to propel her up. With a waving gesture to Marshal, she makes her way back into the hallway. Her walking is labored, her body aches. Cecilia makes it to her room, opens the door, and leans up against the table inside.
“What the?” Cecilia says as she wipes sweat from her brow. She then pulls the wheeled chair to her and plops right down. She rubs her belly a bit and tries to slow her breathing. The movement in her belly begins to intensify. Cecilia raises her eyebrows, leans forward and looks down at her belly. The movements grow stronger, noticeably pushing her belly outwards.
“Huh!?” Cecilia says with a gasp as her belly pushes forward some more. She feels a heavy blow against her belly button. She lifts her shirt, exposing her belly, and begins to rub.
“God…no…” Cecilia says before being accosted by a huge fetal thrust. She lets out a huge scream that draws Marshal into the room. As he enters Cecilia jumps to her feet. She bends over in pain as the baby inside flails around madly.
“Cecilia?! What’s going on!?” Marshal says as he grabs Cecilia by the shoulders, she leans up and gasps for more air.
“G-get away from me!” Cecilia says as she pushes back against Marshal and falls onto her bed. She remains still as a repeating pump rises out from her pregnant swell. Cecilia grits her teeth, clenches her fists, curls her toes, and waits. Marshal tries to help her but she kicks him away. The baby continues to push, drawing a dark, deep trickle of blood from Cecilia’s belly button.
“I can’t believe….this…dammit.” She mumbles as she leans up a little, looking at her bleeding belly. Cecilia tenses up for a moment, freezes, and then suddenly a creature bursts out of her pregnant belly. With a scream of terror, Cecilia shakes. Amniotic fluid and blood gush from her wound as a bizarre monster pulls upwards from her wound. Marshal shouts in horror as he comes to his feet. The creature is pale, chubby, but distinctly inhuman. It has an elongated head, dark claws, a short, stunted tail, and small beady eyes. An umbilical cord still connects it to the mortally wounded Cecilia.
“M-Marshal…kill it!” Cecilia screams as she grabs the hybrid abomination, holding it in place. It screeches and wails alongside the moans of its mother. Marshal continues to look on in disbelief. Cecilia’s face is red; she’s shaking from her fatal delivery. Cecilia puts all her remaining effort into strangling the abomination all the while screaming in agony. Cecilia’s strength fades fast; her screams trail off, only to be replaced with the screeching and shrieking of her corrupted child.
Liked by Thedeadsamurai (Feb 10, 2023), Stories (Jul 29, 2020)
User 27138
Nice I'm looking for something that doesn't kill her in the long run and burst out and with some forethought that the creature inside is not hers.

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