Adrienne and Steve - Part 1
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Note - this is my first public posting of any of my written content. Please give me some slack if there is something which you do not like or approve of. Comments, thoughts, suggestions and the like are always welcome. All characters, situations and plot lines are strictly fictitious and based on nothing real. If you notice any spelling or grammatical errors also please let me know as I have not fully revised this story. If you are looking for a sex based story, look elsewhere, for the time being I like the flow of this story to much to turn it into a sexual escapade. Thanks and tell me what you guys think!

CH 1 -

“And Zeroth’s law says that if two systems are each in thermal equilibrium with some third system, they are also in thermal equilibrium with each other. In order for this to be true, all three systems must exist as isolated systems and must be separate from one another.”
A hand raised in the back of the nearly empty lecture hall.
“Yes you, in the green shirt towards the back.” A thick Iranian accent answered the hand raise.
“Dr. Azadeh, the lecture ended ten minutes ago, could you just let us go home?”
The short heavyset Iranian native narrowed his eyes on the student for a few seconds before muttering his response.
“I suppose Zeroth’s law could wait for a few days. Alright, class dismissed. I will see you all again after spring recess. Remember that problems 4-25 and 4-31 are due to my office close of business the Monday of your return. No exceptions!”
With that, Dr. Azadeh, my thermodynamics instructor, tucked his collection of homework and old exams which he had never bothered to grade under his arm and huffed out of the lecture hall.
“Finally, I was getting so close to falling asleep during that lecture, it wasn’t even funny!”
I heard an excited voice behind me. It was my friend Kyle Anderson, who had the wonderful misfortune of taking the same lecture taught by Dr. Azadeh; easily the worst professor in the Mechanical Engineering school on campus as I. Kyle and I, Steve Thornson, had been close friends since meeting each other as young bug-eyed freshman at Montana State University three years prior. I am a junior studying mechanical engineering at Montana’s Billings location. At 5’11” stocky, 220 pounds, short brown hair, blue eyes and some slight acne buildup; I was what most would consider an average looking 21 year old at best. Plus Kyle and I both suffered from the undeniable fact that we were engineering students: perhaps the least successful students as far as women were concerned.
“So are you guys leaving to head home for break tonight, or are Adrienne and you going to spend the night tonight in Billings?” Kyle asked attentively.
“I am actually going to go pick up Adrienne right now and then we are heading back to Glendive. If we get out of here in the next hour or so we should be back to Glendive by ten or so tonight.”
Glendive Montana was my hometown, and I had been excited for weeks because I was finally going to get the opportunity to have my parents meet Adrienne Holder, my girlfriend of a little over a year and half over spring break.
I let out an exaggerated sigh.
“What’s up man, it sounds like that should be a great time, why do you seem so down?” Kyle looked genuinely worried.
“Oh it isn’t a big thing; I’m just worried how my parents will react to meeting her under these circumstances.”
Kyle replied back sharply “I don’t know what you are so worried about, Adrienne is a sweet, adorable, caring girl.”
I sighed again. “I know that much Kyle, I have no doubt they will get along fine. It’s just that, I haven’t told my parents about her…” I paused for a second.
“You mean her pregnancy?” Kyle finished my sentence for me.
“Yes that.” I muttered under my breath.
“Don’t worry dude, I’m sure they will understand, after all it is a pretty awesome thing she is doing for her sister.”
I nodded my head. “I suppose you are right, thanks Kyle.”
With that I momentary cut our conversation short and walked up to my red 2010 Chevy Silverado to unlock the door.
“I’ll see you after break Kyle; remember to finish up that thermo homework by Monday!” I shouted from across the spacious freshly laid asphalt parking lot.
“You too man, don’t worry about your parents to much, I’m sure everything will work our fine!”
He gave me a quick wave before getting into his teal 2011 Subaru Impreza and speeding off. I hopped up into my Silverado and took off as well.
After battling some crazy campus traffic for about 20 minutes, I finally pulled up to Adrienne’s apartment. It was a nice secluded place on the quiet side of town, having large spacious tan buildings furnished with new plastic siding and metal shingles. What seemed like oversized parking stalls and newly planted oak and ash trees lined the front of the entrance, while large groups of thorny pine trees fenced off the back of the complex. I parked in one of the nearby visitor’s parking spaces and got out of my truck. After walking across the lot and up two flights of stairs I came to her apartment door. I starred at the bold black numbers accented with a gold background on the thick Oak door for a few seconds before knocking.
“209.” I read the numbers back to myself.
I knocked twice and waited. After a few seconds I heard a sweet, light, feminine voice replied
“Just a minute, I’m almost ready.”
I knew that was Adrienne, I knew that voice from anywhere. After glancing at my Fossil wristwatch and waiting for a few additional minutes, the door opened. Out walked Adrienne, a beautiful petite 5’4” 21 year old curly haired redhead with brown eyes, pronounced dimples, a small spotting of light brown freckles throughout her face, and a smile that could drive any man mad. Though petite, she had her fair share of curves. A 34C bust, beautifully full thighs, a firm and fit butt, and long smooth legs, she oozed lusciousness from head to toe. Fitted in a red skin tight tank top and a short pair of cutoff jeans, her curves were being shown off in full. The most prominent curve on her body was a large, eight and a half month pregnant belly that stuck straight out, dwarfing her small frame. The thin red fabric stretched around her increasing maternal curves, making her belly seem to expand as you stared at it. And stare at it I did. After using about fifteen seconds to fully take in her full pregnant figure I looked up and stared into her eyes.
“Like what you see?” she said in a flirtatious giggly voice.
“Like it, damn I love it! Adrienne, why didn’t you tell me you had this top? You look amazing in it!”
She gave me a quick half-smile “I knew you would like it. I was saving this top for a special occasion. Here give me your hand.”
With one hand she played with a strand of her thin curly red hair as she pulled my hand with the other and placed it on the massive red orb in front of me. Almost immediately I felt a pair of small kicks through the fabric and against my palm.
“They have been doing that all day.” Adrienne giggled again. “It has been making it really hard to concentrate on things today.”
I pulled my hand away from her belly for a moment.
“Wait did you just say “they”?” I exclaimed!
“Yeah, I went to the doctor today and apparently they missed the second baby during my 20 week ultrasound. I don’t know how but it happened.”
I put my hand over my mouth momentarily to hide my shock.
“Your sister is going to be so happy to hear this news!” I shouted.

CH 2 -

Adrienne’s sister Emily and her husband Ross had been trying to conceive for almost ten years with no success. Doctors say that Emily was prone to ectopic pregnancy, so the pair would likely never be able to conceive normally. After searching for an affordable surrogate for some time, the pair had finally given up hope. At almost 40 years old, Emily was running out of time to have children. That is where Adrienne came in. Adrienne and I had been dating for about six months at the time. In the small kitchen provided in my less than adequate apartment I was cooking a dinner of pork roast with some backed potatoes and carrots. I was in the middle of cutting up a carrot when I stopped for a moment. A small orange piece of carrot fell off of knife and into the garbage can. I could overhear Adrienne on the phone with her sister. I knew it was her sister from the long pauses in the conversation and the fact that Adrienne was only able to give off one to two word responses before being cut off again. Her sister always seemed like that, ever since I met her; she was quite a talker and never let anyone get in a word edgewise. Adrienne seemed upset and her eyes began to tear up.
“Don’t worry sis, I know you and Ross will be able to find a surrogate.”
“That is just like you Adrienne, you have always had false expectations of hope. How do you expect us to find an affordable surrogate on our lousy budget?” Emily snapped back at Adrienne through the phone.
Ross had lost his job as a Customer Sales Representative at Amazon a year prior and the little money that the couple had save up was nearly depleted due to Emily’s lack of formal education. She worked full time as a waitress at a local restaurant to try to fill the voids in their income, but it simply wasn’t enough. The couple had been able to scrape by on their saving for a little over a year, but finding a surrogate was out of the question unless Ross got a better job.
“Emily, listen to me.” Adrienne’s tone switched from sympathetic to serious. “Why don’t I just be the surrogate mother for your child?”
Taken aback by the situation and paying no attention to what I was doing whatsoever, I lost the grip on the knife in my hand and it slipped and cut a large three inch gash in the side of my hand. The blood covered knife bounced off of my knee and into the garbage can.
“Ow... SHIT!” I yelled.
“Umm… Sis, let my call you back, I think Steve hurt himself.” Adrienne quickly hung up the phone and rushed into the kitchen. By this time I was already running some water over my cut and fumbling with some towels to try to slow the bleeding.
“Adrienne, babe, could you grab some gauze pads, antibiotic ointment and surgical tape out of the bathroom, they should be on the top shelf.”
“Alright, I’ll be right back, just keep some pressure on it until I get back”
Upon returning she helped me apply the ointment and the pad to my wound, and then I wrapped it up with some gauze before applying the surgical tape.
“What the hell was that about?” She said, seeing genuinely concerned.
“I overheard you talking to your sister” I said, still gripping my injured hand. “When you said you would be her surrogate, you really surprised me. I was not expecting that.”
“Oh I am sorry Steve, I never even thought about asking your opinion about it. I just know that she and Ross have been trying so hard for so long. I suppose you wouldn’t want my body ruined by pregnancy just yet, would you?”
Now I knew the truth had to come out. I had had a pregnancy fetish for as long as I could remember and I had always tried to hide it from everyone I knew. I was waiting for the right time to tell Adrienne, but now seemed as good of a time as any to come out with it.
“Adrienne, I have to tell you something. Here, sit down.” I took her by the hand and led her over to the maroon loveseat where I sat down, and she sat in my lap. I stroked her long red curly hair and gently kissed her on the lips.
“Adrienne, I love you and I have something very important to tell you. This is something that I have only told my parents and my brother, no one else knows this. Being you are the woman who I call my girlfriend and hopefully one day my wife, I want you to know as well.”
“Steve, what is it dear. You can tell me anything” The look on her face made it seem like I had been diagnosed with some sort of deadly disease.
“Adrienne, your body could never be ruined by pregnancy. If you want to carry your sister’s child, then I support you 100 percent. You see Adrienne, I have a pregnancy fetish. I don’t know when I first figured it out, but it is something I remember having lived with for as long as I can remember.”
She looked at me like a confused puppy that had lost its mother. “Are you being serious, or are you just trying to humor me?”
“I’m dead serious, there is nothing more beautiful than a pregnant woman. I you want to be your sister’s surrogate, than I will support your decision from start to finish. I think that is a wonderfully bold thing for you to do” I sat, looking up into her eyes, waiting for a response.
Tears began rolling down her eyes “Oh, thank you so much Steve! Emily is going to be so happy!”
“I’m sure she will be” I kissed her gently one more time and gently put stroked the side of her face with my hand.
Liked by nbrown27 (Dec 29, 2013)
Also, I plan on continuing this story, but have not thought of an exact way to approach the third and fourth chapters yet. In time, if the feedback is positive, I will post more.
Well I'm looking forward to seeing more. Maybe have her going into labour while visiting Steve's parents might be a good plot twist if you want to take it into consideration.
I had actually considered that, I'll have to see where my "Creative flow" takes it. Thanks for the feedback!
I have finished CH 3 and CH 4 if anyone is interested in me posting those as well. I plan on continuing through CH 5 and CH 6, possibly beyond.
YES!!! Please post
dude666dude Link to Part 2 - Containing CH 3 and CH 4.
I decided to try to leave everything in one post. Apparently the moderators will not let you edit posts if they have been on the site for more than three days, so I can't remove the 2nd part of the story. Anyways, if you are looking for updates and new chapters, they will be posted here. Here are the 3rd, 4th, and 5th chapters. I am currently working on the 6th chapter, but I don't know when I will be finishing it. Just as I note, if you are looking for erotica, this these 5 chapters are not it. These five chapters serve as plot progression. The sixth chapter will likely be partially if not fully about sex. As in the previous chapters, these are not revised, so if there are any errors or spelling/grammar issues, I apologize.

CH 3 – After meeting at Adrienne’s apartment, she and I proceeded to head back to my Silverado to begin our trip to Glendive. As we approached the first set of stairs down from her second floor apartment I stopped on the landing.
“Why did you stop dear?” Adrienne asked me.
“Do you need any help down the stairs Adrienne?” I asked very bashfully.
She laughed and patted her belly. “I’m just pregnant Steve, I’m not handicapped or anything.”
“I know.” I replied quickly. “I just worry about you and care about you. I don’t want anything bad to happen to you.”
“I’ll be fine” Adrienne insisted. “Besides, look at how high they are still sitting. These babies aren’t going anywhere anytime soon.” She turned to the side and pushed her arms outwards against the sides of her belly to show to me how high they were.
I grabbed her hand and began leading her down the stairs. “If I am going too fast or you would like a break just let me know, okay?”
“It’s cute that you care so much Steve, but really, I will be fine.” She said, now following me down the stairs and towards the parking lot. On the landing between the first and second floors, we stopped to let a blonde woman in her mid-thirties pass us.
“Hello ma’am” I said kindly making small talk.
“Oh hello to you both. My you are looking like quite a whale dear” she said in a condescending tone faced in Adrienne’s direction. “Best of luck to you both, a pair of young parents like yourself will need all the help they can get! How many are you having dear, two, three, my, you are much too big to be having one.”
“Excuse me ma’am?” I said in a very angry tone. “Adrienne I will meet you out in the truck, this woman needs a serious talking to.”
“Steve really, it is not big deal, I am sure she meant it in a nice way.”
“No really Adrienne, I need to have a few words with her, this shouldn’t take long.” I gave her a quick peck on the cheek and helped her down the stairs and into the truck before returning to the insulting blonde.
“Excuse me ma’am, where do you come off acting like that? My girlfriend is almost nine months pregnant as a surrogate for her sister and her husband who cannot conceive themselves, and you want to wish us the “best of luck because a pair of young parents like yourself will need all the help they can get.” Do you have any idea how ignorant and idiotic you sound? You really shouldn’t judge everyone based on their physical attributes or the circumstances which they are put in, of which you have no understanding. You have no knowledge as to me or my girlfriends situation, so hopefully in future you can learn to maybe think before you open your damn mouth, or better yet, don’t open your mouth at all! Thanks and have a wonderful night!” I stormed out of the stairwell steaming, slamming the door behind me before she could get in a response. I walked back across the parking lot and met Adrienne in my Silverado. I turned to her from in the driver’s seat and sighed.
“Babe, I am so sorry that happened to you. You are the opposite of any whale which she may claim you to be. You are a beautiful, voluptuous, not to mention sexy woman who is growing two lives inside of her. If that doesn’t make you amazing, I don’t know what does.” I took my hand and pulled up her tank top halfway, exposing the bottom half of her perfect creamy spherical belly, as well as a hint of what was a pair of orange panties. I continued and ran my hand along the underside of her belly and the top of her panty line. She let out a quick squeal of pleasure and then turned back to me.
“I wasn’t expecting that.” She said softly with a clearly aroused smile. “I can see you are feeling a little bit turned on yourself.” She took her hand and rubbed it over my crotch. It was true, ever since Adrienne became pregnant; I became more attracted to her than ever. I couldn’t take it anymore. I leaned over the center council and pulled into a more aggressive kiss. She wrapped her arms around me and we had a mad make-out session like two sex crazed 15 year old kids who had never kissed before. I kissed her passionately while taking one hand over every square inch of her beautiful belly and the other cradling her neck while in-between kisses she would took her tongue and ran it up and down the inside of my neck. After about ten minutes, she pulled away to catch her breath. We were both panting like a couple of dogs left out on a hot summer day with no water or shade.
“Damn” she said in-between her breaths. “That was almost better than sex!”
“Almost” I managed to blurt out in-between my huffs. “Holy hell you are good. You are like a wizard with your tongue.”
“A sexy pregnant wizard?” She laughed and gave me a sly smile.
“You’re a dork.”
“A sexy pregnant dork?” She repeated in the same tone as before with the same sly smile.
“A sexy pregnant dork.” I repeated, and kissed her. “Come on, let’s get out of here before the sun gets too low. Some of these drivers are crazy at night. If we make good time we can get to Glendive by ten.”
I pulled the Silverado out of the lot and into the street. With that, our uncertain journey to my parents for spring break had begun.

CH 4 – The four hour drive between Billings and Glendive went about at uneventful as it could have. Traffic was light for the most part with the exception of some slight congestion and a short section of road construction near Miles City. The drive home however, was the least of my concerns. Thoughts of how my parents would react to Adrienne’s pregnancy flooded through my mind during the entire trip.
Stan Thomson, my father, met Kimberly Webster, my mother, in 1985 at Glendive high school as a senior. The two became what many would call your typical high school sweethearts, and in 1987 after getting a job as a Service Technician for a utility provider in Glendive, he popped the question to my mother. The two were married in 1988 in a small Catholic church on the west side of town. My brother Andrew was born in 1990, I was born in 1991.
Being devowed traditional Christians; the two of them had tried very hard to instill values of celibacy and purity to me. I never really bought it. Their hardcore Christian values had made it even harder for me to disclose my pregnancy fetish to them. When I finally admitted to them that I had an affinity to pregnant women when I turned 16, they practically disbanded me from family. Premarital sex was something that they despised, and the thought of their son wanting to have sex with a woman pregnant with someone else’s child nearly drove my parents wild.
To make matters worse, when Adrienne did become pregnant with Emily and Ross’ children, I never had the chance to explain the situation to my parents as I had gotten a job working for an engineering firm near Billings. With a full load following my summer of work, and some temporary employment over the Christmas holiday, the last time my parents had had a chance to see me was over eight months. Phone service in the mountains also is notoriously poor, and being my parents are purists to the landline, getting a call through longer than four or five minutes was near impossible. Being my parents knew of my pregnancy fetish, after seeing Adrienne in her current ripening state, they would immediately assume that I tricked her into getting pregnant to satisfy my own sexual desires. Although the farthest was from the truth, my parents were the type that were so set into their own beliefs that they often times refused to accept any other. I genuinely hoped that I could pull my parents aside to attempt to explain the situation before they jumped to any conclusion.
Adrienne and I pulled into Glendive slightly after ten PM. Although long set, the smallest glimmers of orange and pink from the sun bounced off of the snow covered whitecaps of the Rocky Mountains. The sky was dark, but not without light. Shades of green and blue bounced off of the skyline of Glendive as the Aurora Borealis gleamed against the horizon. One could not ask for a more beautiful night.
I pulled the Silverado into my parent’s long concrete driveway. The reflection of the headlights bounced back off of the newly installed white vinyl garage door. The door was so clean that you could clearly make out small golden Chevy bowties in the creases on the paneling. I cut the lights.
“It looks like my dad finally got that new garage door installed. Took him long enough, he has been meaning to do it for five years now.”
Adrienne placed her hand on my forearm and gently rubbed it. “Your parents have a nice house, I sure hope they are as nice as their house is.”
“Listen Adrienne, as you already know, my parents are… how you say… crazy Christians. And I haven’t been able to explain your pregnancy to them yet. I hope they are as understanding and accepting normal people would be, but I cannot guarantee anything. I am going to try to talk some sense into them, but don’t be surprised if shit hits the fan.”
She glared at me momentarily “I’m sure everything will be fine. Let’s go inside, it is getting chilly out here.”
“I hope you are right” I said in a disbelieving tone. I pulled the keys out of the ignition, hopped out of the driver’s side of the truck, walked around the front, and opened the passengers door. I put my arm out to help support Adrienne as she exited the truck, but in a quick series of nimble agile movements, she jumped out of the passenger’s seat, off the running boards and onto the concrete pavement before I could offer my assistance.
She smiled at me, “Like I said before Steve, I’m just pregnant, not handicapped.”
I took her arm and we walked across the short cobblestone walk attaching my parents garage to their spacious, white ranch style house. We walked up a few concrete steps and stopped at the large ornate glass door with red and blue textured lines on it. I fumbled for my keys with my free hand while I held Adrienne close around my other. After a few unsuccessful attempts, I found the right key – the petite single cut metallic key with the word “ilco” in small italic letters. I inserted the key into the thick brass keyhole and turned it to the right. Click. The door was unlocked. My heart raced. What will my parents think? Is this really the right time to introduce them to Adrienne? What if they don’t like her? Well there was only one way to find out. I opened the thick glass door and prayed to whatever omnipotent god may live up in the heavens for just a minute amount of understanding and acceptance on the part of my parents.

CH 5 – A flood of light temporarily blinded my vision as the front door swung open and led into my parents moderately sized living room. The room was white with yellow accents, having a polished cherry wood floor and matching cherry accented furniture. The room had a welcoming atmosphere with a pair of matching leather couches faced towards a small wood burning fireplace accented with red chimney bricks. A medium sized TV sat on a table adjacent to the fireplace. Adrienne and I took no more than a few steps into the house before being eagerly greeted by my mother. A mid-sized brunette woman in her early 50’s, her formal attire and kind but straightforward attitude screamed traditional white picket fence American.
“Oh there he is!” She exclaimed. “There is my Steven. How are you?” She gave me a long and tender embrace.
“I’m doing fine mom, and yourself?” I said, still clutching to my mother.
My mother opened her eyes mid embrace and caught a momentary glance at Adrienne, standing behind me. Noticing her visibly pregnant figure, my mother glared at Adrienne momentarily before pulling out of our hug and snapping her head it my direction.
“Steven, who is your friend here? I thought you said you were bringing your girlfriend Adrienne to meet us.”
“Mom this isn’t just a friend, this is Adr…”
Just then, my father walked in the room, cutting me off. A bulky muscular man in his late 40’s, he seemed the polar opposite of my mother.
“There he is.” He put out his hand and gave me a nice firm handshake followed by a pat on the back.
“How’s it going bud?”
After getting a momentary look at Adrienne, he also snapped his head in my direction and gave me a disapproving look. He stepped back behind my mother and put his hand on her shoulder. They both looked furious.
My mother started.
“Steven, who is your friend here?”
My dad cut her off. “And why is she pregnant?”
Before giving me a chance to respond, my parents turned towards each other and shook their heads at each other.
“I knew he had had these desires, but I never thought he would go out and ruin his life like this.” My mother said with tears beading up in her eyes.
Adrienne stood silently behind me, her hand on my shoulder in an attempt to comfort me.
“Mom, dad, could you please let me explain?” I blurted out, trying to grab their attention.
My mother put her head on my father’s shoulder and began sobbing.
“See Steve, look what you have done, bringing this girl home? Now you have upset your mother. I thought you would go out and find yourself a nice Catholic girl, not some tramp to knock up to satisfy your own personal desires.”
With that statement I lost all control. I would let no one, not even my parent’s talk about the woman I love that way.
“HEY!” I screamed at the top of my lungs. “Mom, dad, you just tore the last straw. If you two would let me get one fucking word in edgewise I could maybe explain the situation. This woman standing behind me IS Adrienne. She IS NOT a whore, she IS NOT a slut, and she IS NOT a tramp. She IS a beautiful, intelligent, funny, witty woman, who deserves to be treated with respect! Oh and yes, she is in fact pregnant… but you know what? Those children, yes I said children, she is carrying, are not mine. Adrienne is a surrogate for her sister and her sister’s husband, who cannot conceive naturally. I am so sick of the two of you hanging this fetish over my head like I have some sort of incurable disease and should be put down like a rabid dog.”
I held Adrienne’s hand and put my arm around her back.
“Oh and just to let your know, yes we are having premarital sex. I know how much you two disapprove of that.”
I turned towards Adrienne and moved in to kiss her. She pulled away and stared at me for a few seconds.
“Steve, why don’t we just go? It seems I have caused enough problems with your family, I don’t want to stay here as a burden. We could stay with my parents in Billings.” Tears ran down her face as she began crying. I held her in a tender embrace, as she buried her head in my shoulder and continued to cry.
“shh-shh-shh” I whispered in her ear “You haven’t done anything wrong; this was my mistake for bringing you here. You shouldn't have to deal with this intolerance. I’m sorry I put you through this.”
I turned to my parents, who were looking at Adrienne and I, in dumbfounded at the series of events which had just played out.
“Are the two of you happy?” I glared at my mother first, then my father. “Is what you just saw the actions of a perverted man with a pregnancy fetish and some simple whore? Open your damn eyes. Mom, dad I love you both to death, but if you want to be involved in my life, and Adrienne’s, you need to stop being so unaccepting and self-centered. If you can’t accept that I am attracted to pregnant women, and that Adrienne and I love each other, then please feel free to distance yourselves from me. Write me out of your will. Shake your fist angrily at me. I don’t care! I will love and care for Adrienne whether or not the two of you approve of her. If you really want to let your self-centered religious beliefs separate your son from his parents, then so be it.”
My parents looked at me and then back at each other, then to Adrienne, then back to me. My father spoke up first.
“Steve, we feel terrible for hurting you and your girlfriend like this. We were wrong and jumped to way to many conclusions. We didn't want to hurt you; we were just worried you were going to ruin your life. Can you ever forgive us?”
Adrienne and I looked at each other for a few seconds, and then turned back to my father.
“Don’t ask for my forgiveness dad, ask for her’s.” I stepped back and let Adrienne approach my father.
“Adrienne” my father began. “May I call you Adrienne?”
“Yes you may.” Adrienne mumbled, still whipping away tears from her face.
“Adrienne, on behalf of both Mrs. Thornson and myself, I would like to sincerely apologize for our harsh reactions and unprofessional behavior. Can you find it in your heart to forgive the two of us and let everyone start on a fresh note?”
“Mr. and Mrs. Thornson, the two of you have said some terrible things about your son and I. You really hurt the both of us. And deep down, I don’t want to forgive you. You cannot un-say what you have spoken. But...”
Adrienne paused momentarily and grabbed her belly. I rushed in behind her, worried.
“Are you having a contraction?” Do we need to get you to the hospital?”
She cupped her hand in mine and kissed me on the cheek.
“I’m fine Steve, really. They are just kicking something fierce today. I swear if go more than an hour without eating they won’t stop.”
Rubbing the thin red fabric encompassing her expanded abdomen, she giggled lightly.
“Stop it you two, that’s not nice.”
“You are amazing” I whispered in her ear. We hugged for what seemed like an eternity. Her belly pressed up against my stomach, her outward stretched belly button poking me in the side. I could feel every kick through her shirt, the two babies seemly taking turns kicking at her sides.
“Adrienne.” my mother spoke up. “I have a roast in the oven right now, and we are making rice and mashed potatoes as well. The bed is also made up in our guest bedroom. We would love it if you could stay the night here with us.”
Adrienne rubbed the sides of her belly and poked at her bellybutton. “I’d love that Mrs. Thornson.”
Ok, Steve has gone from nice guy to fucking awesome in my book
Is there going to be any more?

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